OPINION The Chronicle i Ernest H. Pitt Publisher Emeritus 1974-2015 617 N. Liberty Street .cvf 4f^ 336-722-8624 * j www.wschronicle.com "v?"!/ "?ily Elaine Pitt Business Manager Donna Rogers Managing Editor WaLI D. Pitt Digital Manager Our Mission 7 The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community. Imagine who could lead U.S. best in another 911 tragedy It was the year 2000, a presidential election year. The campaigning was bitter, but the outcome was even more so. Remember the hanging chads and how the U.S. Supreme Court chose George W. Bush as president over A1 Gore? Then remember that about nine months after Bush was sworn in as president, the 911 tragedy hap pened on Sept. 11,2001. Bush was having photo opportunities in Florida when the attacks came. Many accuse Bush of fleeing across the country as New York City and the Pentagon were attacked and at least one plane was headed to attack another target, possibly the White House, but was stopped. But Bush eventually emerged to take charge from a safe place. He said the United States would fight back, and we did, although the target was wrong. Iraq was attacked, although that country was not directly tied to the 911 attacks. This coming Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the 911 tragedy. We are in another election year with bitter campaigning. The Democrat, Hillary Clinton, and the Republican, Donald Trump, are in a tight race. We have weeks before the Nov. 8 election. What will the outcome be? Will the U.S. Supreme Court choose our presi dent again? Oh, wait: There are only eight justices working this time. The court split 4 to 4 in voting on a stay of the 4th Circuit Court's ruling against North Carolina's massive 2013 voting law, which means the 4th Circuit Court's ruling striking down the law stands. With the Republicans' refusal to work with President Obama to name a new justice to replace Antonin Scalia, there is no ninth justice on the bench, as there was in 2000. So, the Electoral College's vote probably will decide our next president. . Imagine what would happen if the new president is confronted with a 911-type tragedy months after taking office. Who would you want that president to be? Who could make the quick decisions to make us safe? Who could marshal the military to fight the enemy? Who could be able to work with Congress to get the funding needed to help people, families and businesses recover let alone get the money to bolster the military in the fight against the enemy? Who could give us hope, mourn with us and embolden us to keep going? Donald Trump has shown that he could not make America great again in a time of trouble. He says he knows more than the generals in our military. But how can that be true when he has never fought in a war and in fact dodged fighting in a war? How can he show the temperament and compassion needed to guide the United States in troubling times when dur ing his campaign he changes what he says at the drop of a tweet? What would he do as president when he can't tweet like he can as a private citizen? What would he do with the religious and ethnic minorities? Would he put them in some kind of camps and say that he has to find out why the United States was attacked, so until he does, he will have to put all minorities away? Hillary Clinton has said she would be president for everyone, the people who vote for her and those who don't. She has been in the Situation Room and worked with the military and Congress and has already mourned with us in troubled times. We hope there will not be another 911 -type attack on the United States. But if there were, we believe Hillary Clinton would be the kind of president the United States should have. |our name, address, phone number and email iddress. Please keep letters to 350 words or ess. If you are writing a guest column, please nclude a photo of yourself, your name, iddress, phone number and email address. J ?lease keep guest columns to 550 words or 1 ess. Letters and columns can also be mailed ir dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 617 N. Jberty St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our vebsite, www.wschronicle.com. We reserve the right to edit any item submit ted for _ clarity or brevity and ^ determine when and f II V whether material will I be used. Invl ? ^ We welcome your k comments at our Also, go to our ^acebook page to comment. We are at facebook.com/WSChronicle. Send us a tweet on Twitter. We are at twitter.com/WS_Chronicle.