Mother of the Year crowned at annual event BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE Mary Voss, middle, was awarded Mother of the Year at Anita “Boss Lady” Dean-Arnette’s annual Mother’s Day celebration. For the past 20 years, Anita “Boss Lady” Dean- Arnette of The Light (1340 AM and 103.5 FM), a lo cal Christian radio station, has invited listeners to send in letters to nominate their mothers for the title of “Mother of the Year.” From humble beginnings in a conference room, the event has grown to become a much-anticipated annual tradition in the area. Dean-Arnette said when she decided to host the first event in 2000, she only received five submis sions and they held a small luncheon for the contes tants in a conference room at the station. Now, Dean- Arnette receives hundreds of letters every year and more than 200 people usually attend the event, which is held the week be fore Mother’s Day week- end. After they had to can cel the event last year due to the pandemic, Dean-Ar nette said she started plan ning for this year’s event only about a month ago, but she was determined to make it happen. “We’re so excited to be back,” Dean-Arnette said. “We weren’t sure if we were going to be able to have it, but as soon as we got the word, we got to work and started putting it together. It’s a blessing after COVID-19 and ev erybody being shut in for so long, it feels good to be able to get out and cel ebrate Momma.” Due to the governor’s gathering restrictions, only 100 people were allowed to attend the luncheon held at the Enterprise Center on Thursday, May 6, but the event was just as joyful as ever. Before lunch was served, attendees enjoyed musical selections, a dance performance, and encour aging words from several speakers. After lunch was served, it was time to find out who would take home ^ra^diM,a Mess, Thauks For All You've ^o^e. a^d Are still ^olug We lost our ialoial to career Nov. &, 2.01.2.. she was, ouly 26> yrs. old. At the tli^e I was 4 years oid a^d wuy brother was 2 years oid. 1 re^ev^ber puy n/tom. belug slok, Lu aud out of the hospital, bu.t 1 dldu't reaiize that her sickness was slowly taklug her away ^ro^ us. Thawte ^od for uty ^rauduca Missy (Mary Voss). Wheu uty w.ow. passed away, Lt was a terrible day for ns. My grauduca took, us Lu her arv^s a^d said yo^r luoiu wou't be here, we cried, both of us cried ourselves to sleep. After the fuueral uty graudiua took ns to her honse aud we've been, there ever sluce, she adopted ns. My c\rav^dw^a is dedicated to steerlug ns Lu the right direction, she rearrauged her lifestyle to care -for ns. she's very protective of ns. she feeds, clothes, etc. § doctors appolutiueuts, takes ns aud keeps records aud she doesu't coutplalu. she gives ns uu- coudltloual love, she tells ns to pray every ulght. she does everythlug for ns that ucy utout wonld do. We are glad vuy ^raudiua Mary chose to keep ns. We Love her aud we're thd^fefuL -for all she has do^e a^d Ls still doling -for us. Love yon, ^rauduta Tayllah aud T>errlou the crown of Mother of the Year. Submissions for this year’s contest were cen tered around the theme, “Mom ... Thank You For All You’ve Done.” Boss Lady said the panel of judges who are responsible for choosing the winner had a hard time because there were so many heart ¬ warming submissions. “These letters were just wonderful,” Dean-Arnette continued. “We read about so many challenges and so many things these moth ers and grandmothers have gone through and their sto ries are just awesome and I thank everybody for taking time out to write these let ters.” First place was award ed to Mary Voss. In addi tion to the crown, flowers, and several other prizes, Voss also received a $500 gift card. Voss’s letter was submitted by her grand- children. After receiving her crown, Voss was all smiles when she spoke with The Chronicle. “The letter was submit ted by my grandchildren and I didn’t know until the last minute ... I’m just so excited I can’t believe I actually won,” Voss said. “This really means a lot.” Second place was awarded to Belinda Rob inson and third place was awarded to Josephine Fra zier. The Light (1340 AM and 103.5 FM) is the Pied mont’s top-ranked urban gospel music station. Mid day Praise with Boss Lady is on air Monday-Friday from noon to 3 p.m. For more information, visit