1IA.\KS & HA.TIPTOAr, Pub’s. A: Pro’s. “The Old Worth State Forever.”— Gaston. Single Copies Pive Cents VOL I. SALISBURY, N. C.. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 25, 1866. NUMBER 48 I’lJK Old North State. fDAlLY.] Zicwis Hanes 6l John S. Hampton. PUBLISHERS & PUOPRIRTORS. LEWIS HAKES. Editor. U- R.VTES OF SUB.SCRIPTION. ..C3 TER.nS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Daily One Year, “ .''ix .Months, “ Ouc Month, IMEiscellaneous Advertisements. $8.60 4.60 1.00 [WEEKLY.] VVf.‘kIy jwijief. One Year, . . . | 3.0J •• " Six months, • • 1.60 T«^n ;»pies One Year, . 22.00 “ " Twenty c(tpies. One Year, 40.00 A 'Tos*; en ttie pa^r inUicaUiS the expiration of fill* Mihs(:riii1.H»ii. 1 in* ^.n whii h the *‘Oi.d Xoktii State.” is pri(it*-il is entirclj’ new, Xo pains will be spared to make it a wcdorme visitor to every family. In oriler to do thi- wf Iiave entraRcrl the services of able and aecoraplishi'd literarv o^intributors. RATES OF ADVERTISING. •/> • ou • /> • «:/.» • «‘A* • • iU • tZ, It • • — X i.» * c V* • Cel X , ST . 7 C.« • * V’ * IC *c • r • V' • . = . (I V' • • /. X • V* • u ?r -e-J 3r I M :,t . X • ^ • X *» . * tZr * — c. • c • c • w* • • C* • dC • wi . • • ; * * • I I ; I * ? • c" • C.' • C • • C • C' • C • i.' • c • 3C , ^ i fC i 'C • 2* • " C • C * Cr» • C • C • Tell lines id’«iliil minion type, or about oue inch li-netliwise of the (-011111111, eoiistitiite a Mjiiare. .^liecial Xotk-es, in leailed minion, will he con- t rai led for at the ottiee, at not less than double (he rale of ordinary advertisements. I iisi-rted as rividiuj: matter, with approval oT ■'he editors, til'ty cents per line. .Advertiseiin-nts in.si‘rted irregularly, or at fnter- •, als. 2.') per cent- additional. The rates above printed are lor standing adver- ti emeiits. (>ne or t wo sqnare.s, changeahle at di.seretioii, litj per ci'iit additional. .More than two squares, changeahle at di.scre- t«4i. per .square of ten lines, tiir every change, twcuty-tive cents. Five sjin.-irrs i stimatcd as a quarter oolnmn. and tell squares as a half column. Hills forud- AI rlisiiig. win tiler by the day or year, will be ■c-on.'idered due and collin tahh- on presentation. A BOON TO THE SICK AND The Iiight of the World. DB. AIAGGIEL’S Pills and Salve. These Life-giving remedies are now, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century of pri vate practice the ingredients in these LIFE-GIVING FILLS, Have been used with tlie greatest .success. Their inis-sioners not only to prevent disease, hut to cure.— They search out the various maladies hy which the patient issutfering, and revigoratesthe failing sy.steni. To the aged and intirm a few doses of these valuable pills will prove to lie A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For in every case they add new life and vitality, and Historethe warning energies to their jiristine .state. To the young and middle-aged, they will prove mo.st in valuable. as a ready, sisicific, and sterling medicine. Here is a dre-am realized, that Ponc-de-Leon sought fur three luiiidred 3'eai-s ago, and never found. He looked for a fountain that would restore the old to the vigor and make youth ever AN ETERNAL SPRING / It was left for this day and hour to realize the dream and show iu one glorious fact, the magic that made it air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot staj’ the flight ofyears, but they can force back and hold aloof, diseases that might triumph over the aged and young. Let none hesitate then but seize tlie favorable opportunity that oilers. Whentakenas I *’*" /'(>).’ BILLIOUS DISORDERS Xiitliing can be more productive of cure than these Pill'. Their alwo.«t magic influence is felt at once, and the usu.t1 comcomitants of tliis most distressing disease are removed. The.'C remedies are made from tlie purest VEG ETA BL E COMBO ENDS. They will not harm the mo.st delicate female, andean be given witli good clleet iu de.scribed do.ses to the vouiige.-^t babe. EOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and all eruptions of the skin, the salve is most inval uable. It does not heal externalh’ alone, but jjene- tiates with the most searching ettects to the very root of tlie evil! DU. PIIaIaS Invariably cure the follow ing Diseases. JJiiwcl Cuinplalnts, (’i.uifhs, , Colds, Chest Dlsease.s, Co-stiveiiess, llyspiqisia, Diarrlioea, Jlroosy, Debility, p’ever and Ague, Female Complaints 1 letidadie, Indigestion, Intinenza, Jnriamation, liiwaid woaknes.s. Liver Complaint, Lowness of Si»irlts, Kingworm, Kheumatism, Salt Kheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases, A:c. XOTICE.—Xone genuine without the engra ved trade-mark around eachpotor ho.x, signed by l)r. .1. .M.vugiei,, 43 Fulton street, Xew York, to counterfeit which is felony. {Lx* Sold hy all rcsjicctable. Dealers in Medicines throughout the United 8tates and Canadas—at25cts jK-r box or jiot. For sale at J. II. Eimiss’ Drug Sttire, Salisbury. X. C. aprd-dl}* SCAI.E OF DEPRECIATION. The following bill passed during the present ses sion : A bill to be entitled An Act to establish a Scale of Depreciation of Confederate Currency. Whereas, By an ordinance of the Convention, )en- titled “Ad ordinance declaring what laws and ordi- nances are in force, and for other purposes,” ratified on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1865, itis duty of the General Assembly to provide a depreciation of the Confederate currency fi time of its first lasue to the end of the war; and it is further therein declared that “all executory contracts, solvable in money, whether under seal or not, made after the depreciation of said currency before the 1st ,day of May, 1866, and yet unfilled, (except official bonds and penal bonds payable to the .State,) .shall be deemed to have been made with the understanding that they were solvable in money of the said curren cy,” subject nevertheless to evidence of a different in tent of the parties to the contract; therefore, “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Xorth Carolin.% and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,” That the following scale of depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted and established asthe measure of value of one gold dollar in Confederate currency, for each month, and the fractional parts of the month of December, 1864. from the 1st day of Xovember 1861, to the 1st day of May, 1865, to wit: “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Currency, the gold dollars being the unit and measure of value, from Nov. 1st 1861, to ifay 1, 1865.” AKiscellaneoas Advertisements. PROSPECTUS OF THE ^HTHEl^ORD STAR . ^ The Undersigned propose to publish, in the tillage of Rutherfordton, a weekly Newspaper called “The Rutherford Star.” ^ fr^i^^ It is our desire to make The Star a wel come visitor to all those who feel an interest in the prosperity and welfare of our country as a whole, and the perpetuity of our institu tions, as handed down to us by our noble an- oesty, a Feder.al Republican Government. Our people have hut lately emerged from a gigantic civil war, waged hy and between ISections of a once glorious Union, and more desolating to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it is to he hoped, than ever will again. While there is life there is hope, and not withstanding the great changes wrought by the late civil war, we shall encourage thepeo- ple to honesty, industry and economy, we shall take special pains to keep them posted with all beneficial improvements of the age, IHercantile Advertisements. 1861. $110 1 15 1862. $1 20 1 30 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 200 260 250 50 00 60 01) 100 00 1863. 1864. 1865 1300 $2100 $50 00 2100 23 (X) 2000 19 00 18 00 21 00 23 00 25 00 26 00 30 00 300 400 500 160 660 900 1400 1400 14 00 15 30 20 00 T1!K V\MUr\TU*\ OfViIE XOHTH '.truliiia 1 *ri-.-liyti-rian will bo resumed iu Fay- 'ttevilli-, ia Wi-Jiu-.'ilay. the “2ud of January li-Xt. t’liuliiii-iitly ii-lying o)i the hearty sujiport vliicli wi- have heretufore received, we filiall ■iiilfavur t'l reiiiler the paper more attractive ***\\» i\» r;AOksaaa 't \\iis ‘V* i Ytfu. paints ii*»r 111 the aci-'Uiiplishment of tiiis juirpose. With till jiassiug away of old things, a lunv qiiril of activity, energy and enterprise, has [lecti iiifuseii into I very department of secular Tiouitht ami husiiie.is. Why should not the L'linrch. also, ji.-irtake of the progressive ad- vanceuieiit ? Wliy should she, of ail the igenciev. brongl.t to bear with such tremeii- iuous force upon the civilization of the pres- 'iit time, he iiielficient. laggard and almost hopeh-'.'. in the working out of her own des tiny I To arouse the church to the imjtortanoe and lecessity of work ; of unceasing, restless, tire- e.-js energy in the service of her Master and Head ; this sliall be our first chiefest aim. In his we iiei-d assistance. We are not alone. oiHicieiU for these tilings. Onr brethren must help u in every way: by contributions from their own stores of thought and study; by iiealous eo-operatiou iu a common cause, tor the benefit of all; by extending our circulation tliroughont all onr border.s, and thus giving US the means and opportunity of performing well the Work to which we have consecrated \11 that we have, and all we hope for on the earth. TEEMS. Snb.«criptlon for one year, S4 OD •* “ six mouth.s, *2 00 Address IL FULI.ER. Editor 0 the X. t; Preshvtorian. THE WEEKLY ^^OLD NORTH STATE” PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C., BY HANES & HAItIPTON, CONTAINS All the Latest News^ REVIEW OF THE ITIARKETS, ETC., ETC., A.MX> PRlM'rsSX* IN X-HK BBS'S' SX"VX,'B. Months .January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Xovember, December, Dec. 1 to lOt'i inclu sive. 35 00 “ 10th to 20th, “ 45 00 1st to 3 let, “ 49 00 And whereas, many grave and difficult disputes may arise between executors, administrators, guar dians and trustees, and their legatees distributees, wards and cessij’sqne trust, in the settlement of their accounts and wusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate cu*rency, .State treasury notes and bank notes, incident 10 and growing out of the late war: and that law suts and expensive litigation maybe obviated. Be itthereforeenacted, That in all such cases, the parties are herely empowered to form a full and per fect statement olthe case on both sides, which case shall be submitttd to the determination of one of the judges of the Supsrior Courts, chosen by the parties, who is hereby aujiorized to consider and determine the same, accordhg to eqnity and good conscience: Provided, howeve*. That no part of this section shall be construed to stop or hinder any person from pro ceeding in the usual course of law, if he shall deem the same necessary. A true copy. J. A. EXGELHARD, Clerk of Senate. THE Saturday gening Post. NEW LIFE, TALENT AND ENERGY. SPLENDID ARRAY OF CONTRIBUTORS. CSSUBPASSEO AND UNECBPASSiBLB. So that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such laws, liotli St:ite and National, as our people a:e directly couceriied in, and shall likewise U'e our iuliuence to e.stablisli a sound circula- tiig currency, so much needed at the present tine. We shall he governed by principles and not men, fur according to our honest conviction, tie present condition of our country is owing t(. the abandonment of principles, we mean ti e abandonment of those fundamental prin- ci)les upon which the Government of the Uni- tel States was reared. We shall favor and encourage the develop- inmt of all our resources. Agricultural, Min- enl Ac., and likewise such internal improve- nents as will most likely be beneficial to the Cvuntry, and especially the extension of the Milmington, Charlottee and Rutherford Rail Riad west. .\s to Politics we are True Conservatives, beieving neither in the Fire Eaters of the Strith, nor the Radicals of the North, but in ■Jifc Constitution, the Union, and the enforce- neit of all Constitutional laws, whether State ;»r Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to the same. The Star will be published every Wednes- 'lay at the following rates, (strictly in ad- v.i’.'fio,) payable iu currency or produce at jiarket prices. One copy 12 months, $2.00 “ “ G “ 1.00 J. B. CARPENTER, R. W. LOGAN. .\pril 18th, ’G6. d tf. NEW FIRM 1> SAEISBl RY! J.W. 6r.w&So. JTA’YE Just received and opened at No. 2, Mur- phy’s Granite building, new and Splendid Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell for cath or barter, oiilv, as follows, A large and beautiful assortment of’ LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A large assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youth's and Boy’s Goods, Ladies Summer TYrappings, Ladies’ Misses, and Children’s Trimmed Hats, new .shapes, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Honuets, Ribbons, GET THE BEST d'C. i PERS(3N’S LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL RE KEPT POSTED IN i ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY ^UBS('KllHl\G TO THE WEEKLY k k OLD NORTH STATE. TERinS—CASH IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, . - - $3 00 : SIX MONTHS, - - - 1 50 HAKES * HAMPTOK. Publishers & Proprietors LEWIS HAXES. > JOUX S. IIAMPTOX, S raareh 30- Mrs. Bella Z. Hpencer havlnir purchased an Interest In THE .SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund Deacon having retired from the paper, THE POST passed into the management of a NEW FIRM, who are determ ined to infuse Fresh Life, Talent and Energy into its cnl- umns. The r opular novelist, EMMERSON BENNETT, Author of “ Prairie Flower,” “The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland,” £c.,&c.,has been engaged,at agreat expense, as a regular contributor, ai.d will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begin a continued story in the first number of the new year. It will be called THE PHANTOM OP THE FOREST; A TALE OP THE BACKWOODS. This story will run through from twelve to fifteen nom> bers, and be a story of the early settlement of Kentu ky, including adventures with the Indians in that romantic region, which was generally called by the pioneers of civ ilization “the dark and bloody (jround.” The Post is edited by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPENCER, who will also contribute a continueJ story in the course of the year, entitled GENEVIEVE HOWE. Our columns will be further supplied with original con tributions by a SPLENDID LIST OP C0NTRTBUT0R3. AH the department^ of the paper will be filled, as far as pos.slble. with ORIGINAL MATTER. The old friends of THE POST—some of whom have stood by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de'ermlned to be UNSURPASSED BY ANY COMPETITOR; and In view of these fresh and costly efforts and brilliant inducements, we trust to have their warm exertions in our hefialf, and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OP A GENEROUS PUBLIC. A SEWING BIACHIN’^PREiTIIUM:. We will give one • f WHEELKK k WILSON’S Celebraed SEWING MACHINES—the regular price of whloh is Fiftj'-five Do lars—on the following terms. 1. Twenty copies, one year, and the Machine, $70.00 2. Thirty copies, one year, and Machine, S5.00 8. Forty copies, one year, and Machine, 100.00 TERins—Cash In Advance. One copy, one year, f 2 .50 Two copies, one year, 4.00 P.'ur copies, one year, 8 00 S copies. 1 year and one to ge’ter up of club, I6.1K) 20 copiei, 1 year, and one to getter-up of c ub, 86.01) ^ The tor a Club may be gent to different post-offi ce*. Siubscrlbev* In BHtleh North America must remit twenty c« nta In addition to the annual subacriptioDy aa we have to preray the U. S. poscage on their paper-. Remittances should he made in Post Office Orders when possible. If not, in United States notes—or Draf's, pay- ableto our order, which a'e preferable to the notes, pis'" Specimen numbers of I'HE POST sent gratis. Address HENRY PETER' ON * ro., No. 891‘ Walnut St. Philadelphia. .1 TllOROLGH FAMILY 1IED1C1.\E! Gloves, iios.ov., Gem.' and Ijoy? shoe.s of evi-rv De.scr- ■ eii Gem.', Boys and Giiildrcns iF-tr-., of every variety for .■^uininer v-e. ■ Croeke’A' and Gla.sswere- M'uod and 'willu'.v v;;re. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. _ They are prepared to fill all orders, of Physi cians, for Drugs and Medicines, at the shorte.st notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Go>l.>, U.ivinfi Iic-u imr- cnased since the late heavy decline i f jiiiccs in the Hortheni Cities, will be .sold as L(,*A\’ as they can possibly be bought in this market. P. R. Maitin. invites his old friends of Davie County especially, to give him a call when visiting this market. J.1Y. GR.AT, P. K. MAIJTIX, J. McGUIKE. Salisbury, N. C., April 2, ’66. tf-nol. The Wide World, IXVP:XT0R.S, MI-X’H.YNICS, M.\XUF.V'TrRKR8. 1866! 1866! 1866! Tlie be.st p.aper iu the United Statr-s for Mechanics, Inventors and Machinists, is the Scientific American. li is ^le largt'St in si^e, ;t.ui h;i.s by far the wi- j dest circulation of any other paper of its class ^ in the country. It is published weekly. Each number ci>nt;iins sixteen pages, M'itli uniner- ous illustrations. The numbers for ;i year make two volumes. 41l) pages each. It also contains a full account of all the principttl in ventions and discoveries of the day. Also, valuable illustrated articles uptm tools and ma chinery used in workshops niannfactori**s, steam and meclianical engiueerinti, woolen, Cotton, chemical. petrob'Utn. and all other manufacturing and producing interests. Also, Firearms, AVar Iinpleineuts, Ordnance, AA ar A'essels. ILiilway, Machinery, Electric, Chem ical and Mathematica! apparatus, AA’ood and Lumber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and AA ti ter Pumps, AVater AVheels, etc.. Household, Horticultural and Farm Inipleiiients—this lat ter department being very full and of great value to I’anners and Gardeners. Articles embracing every department of I’ojmlar Science, which every body can uuder- stand and which every body likes to read. Also, lu'portsof Scientific Societies, at home ! and tibroad : I-’atent Law Decisions and Dis- i Cl..;i s. Pr aetica 1 Recijies. titc. It also cou 'ai;.' ;i: i.lli. :.-d !is ld’ all the Patent Claims, . , - 1 “ il f.-,- turi- f great value to inventors aici ow !n*:‘s •f P;i leli's. i i 'llii .-•Isi . act :>s Agents for pro- i c'TLig !’;lt.- Its f-.r in-w inventions. 1 Am. w V.i luii:e of ti •* 8cie:ntific American 1 c- mi’i;.. ; i-i'd Januu :y i. j TKK .M8- -•■r-.i [ a r yea r ; 1 .uO for six months. ‘ ’) n c,, pi.-s I Hill ■ ye.ir, Canada sub- ' ‘. 15: ex ti.-i. .-Sr'a IMl'N C'O'lU.'t .'•',l.:'.’T FREE. Addr I*ss .MrXN A CO., Xo. 37, Park 1 !o\v. New York. “The Sunday School Banner.” A NEAV ENTER] .‘RISE! The Undersigned, Themse Ives Menihers of the Sabbath Schoid. propose to commence iu the city of Raleigh, on or ul K>ut the 1st ef next AI ay, “TIIV. WV1>51>A^ tsoiie>05j »ANNEK.” And in the commencement of this little work of love, being hoys, oufsi^lrves, may wt> not a]tpe;il to every Sunday ScluXil hoy, anj girl in North Carolina to come nj) promptly tb aid the undertaking. In our own State, there are very many Sahb;ith Schools, ani from the best informal ion we have, the .scholarshi]) is large and increasing, and it is from them we look for that patronage which is nec»issary to improve and keep fio:iting, this native stan dard which we ju'opose for their benefit. It is not for jiecuuiary gain that the “Banner,” i.s estahl i.shed ; it has for its aim higher ob jects, ami if M'e succeed in onr enterprise, it will he to us in after life a source of great sat- ‘QreatOaks fromliftle acorns Grow. I Air H DICKS, WITH BR.4NS0N k iV , F.4RlC.iK. would r-iipecifuliy inform his old friends and patrons of .'Salisbury and vicinitj’, that he is apaiu eugaped in the Book-binding busi ness in Raleigh. X. C.. tvhere lie is anxious to rc ceive their former patronage. All work sent to him will be attended to with pronqitue.s.s. and satisfactiou guaranteed. He is pR'pared to do biuding iu all its branches aiui in various styles. Persons wishing to supply themselves -with Books I and .Stationery ol all kinds, ran be supplieil by ;>d- I dre.ssiiig Me.ssrs. Branson A Farrar, Booksellers, • Publishers aud Binders. Raleigh, X. C,. 1-dif The worst diseases known to the human race spring from c.avses so small as to al most defy detection. The volumes of scien tific lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove aud elaborate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest pimple on the skin is a tell- t:ile and iudictUor of disease. It may fiide and die away from the surface of the body, but it will reach the vitjils, perhaps, at last, aud death be the result and final close. Alaggiel’s Billions, Dyspeptic and Diarrlwa Pills cure where all others fail. AA’hile for Bums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, Maggiel’s Salve is infallible. Sold by J- Maggiel, 43 Ful ton street, New Y’ork, and gll Druggists* at 25 cents per box. no2 dly. Y a d k i n_C o 11 e g e, N ear the yadkin river-nine MILES FROM LEXINGTON, N. C. This Institution, under its charteras a College, Avas ttvived on the 15th of January 1866, and supplied, by a resolution of the Trustees, with a corps of experien ced Teachers ; so that now, with its cheap boarding airanjjenieiits, it offers to male pupils every educa tional facility, from the prfniary department to a full college course, upon more favorabie terms jierhaps, than any academv or collece in the .State. Bf.ATTAVILIiA FE.^ALE SEMINARY, Three quarters of a mile from Yadkin College, and entirely separate from it. now otters, in its boarding arrangements in the family of the Rev. (■'. W. Hege, and in its scientifle and literary departments, unusual attiactions to young ladies wlio desire to acquire a linishtd edu-ea'tion. embracing music, and other fem inine accomplishments. For brief circulars giving particulars in relation to either the College or the Seminarv. address the REV. G. W. HECE, A. M., OR J. M. XEWhStiX. A'adkin College, via Le.xington. X. C. March 30, 1866. 1-diwlm THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA has EXTEREl) niwn its flfteenth year, in an en larged form, with new tyiie. under auspi es highly flattering. It h.as a large and daily increasing cir culation, and nfl'ers to merchants aud others desiring to communicate with the .Southern public, advauta ges surpa.ssed bv none. ADYERTISIXG RATE.S: ONE SQl'ARE Two Weeks, 00 One month. $6 no Two months, 10 OO Three months, )5 00 Six months, 24 00 Gne Year, 40 00 TWO SQUARES Two Weeks. $l0rtM) One month. $1'2 00 Two months, loOO Three montlis, 18 (X) .Six months, •‘5b One A’ear, 60 00 SUBSCRIPTIOX RATES : .Single copy. 5 cts. One mouth, 75 cts. Thi-ee months, $2. Six month.-, $3. One vear, $6. Address A. E. CRUTCHEIELD .Voo.. AN ENTERTAINING, INSTRUCTIVE AND SPICY FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is tlie design of the Publishers to inakt*, . . . the Wide World acceptable to all classes of i^^luetion to know that, in our bnylimHl day.s, readers. Its columns will contain Origfinal we gav«* a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the pre]iar:itory Schools for jilaces of liish trust :inil position, in the work of our Htavea- ly Father. Its name sufficiently indicates the object which isto control its editorial conduct. Th»*ro is necessity however for tlie remark that it tvill not he denominational, hut alike open to Jill till* Sahliath Scliools of this State for con- trihntions, in which there is no spice of secla- rianisni. Y'lie “Banker” will he issued monthly on handsome type, cl»‘ar white paper ami will cont;iin foui leeu columns reading matter, quar to leijgtli. We trust sufficient enconracemeut may be ofi'ered to justify the undertaking. TERMS—IN ADVANCE : 1 copy twelve months, ,3f) 2 “ “ “ .'■,(> 5 “ “ “ 1 00 10 “ “ “ 200 20 “ “ “ .3,50 Any person sending ns a clnh of *20 for three dollars and a half will receive one copy ijratis. W. J. EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUGHTON, nolGdtf Publishers. Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Also, Amusiug aud Dangerous Ad ventures, Translations, Historical Remini scences, Sketches of all kinds. Poetry, M’it, Humor, etc., etc., combining a va.^t amount of information on thousands of subjects that are of interest profit and amusement to the general reader. Editorials and News, touch ing all the leading aud important occurrences of the day, tvill be found iu its columns. Terms of Publication iu Advance. $3.UU Per Annum. Singje copies may be had of all newsdeal ers, price Seven cents. All communicjitious intended for tin* columns of the Wide World, or containing Subscriptions, should be addressed J. H. BRIGHAM A FERNALD, Publishers of the Wide World, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. State of IVortli Carolina, TREASURY DEPART3IENT, Raleigh, March 31, ISGG. To Holders of Couimis of North-Carolina Bonds. BY ACT OP THE GENERAL ASSEM- bly of North-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10,18G0, I am directed to prepare .tikI .sell for not less than par bunds of tlie State rnuning thirty- four years, -with Coupons bearing- .six jier cent, interest, payable seini-annually, of tbedenojii. ination of $100, S5(X), and .$1,000, principjil ^ m t 4. i cn j -r, and interest uutaxahle, for the purpose of jiay- ARC Ltll'IICSt tllKl LilC(ip0St PspCr ing coupons now due and to ])ecome due in The IXew York Times. Enlaryemcnt of the Daily, Scnii-WccMy and IJ'ecHy Times. Address mar 29__d4w9w Petersburg, \'a. 18GG, and bonds due and to fall due iu 180G. By authority vested in the Public Treasurer, I designate New York as the jdace of jiayment. 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