U.WES & EiATIPTOIV, Pub’s. & Pro’s. “ The Old IVorth State Forerer •”—Gaston. Single Copies Five Cents VOL 1. SALISBURY, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, JUNE t '-Jz, NUMBER 5(> THK Old North State. [WEEKLY.] Xe«t« Bnnes 4c John S. Hampton. .1. •r—^mtr.ISHER.'i & PROPRIItTORS. LEWIS HAKES, Editur. IT RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. -C3 TKHJIS—CASH IN ADVANCE. •I)a;ily pajier, One Year. « *• .Six Moiitlis, •• One Moiitli, [WEEKLY.] 18.00 4.50 1.00 VYec kly paiicr,-fine Year, • . . $ 3.00 “ " .Six niontlis, • ■ 1.50 “ “ Ten I'ypies One Year, • 22.00 “ “ Twenty enpies, One Year. 40.00 A rrosH / «m tlie pajjer indicates tlie expiration of tlie snl)seription. The lyp! on wiiich the “ Oi.n Noktii Staitk,’’ is Iprintcd is entirely new. No pains will he spared to make it a welcome visitor to ever^’ family. In order ti do this we hare en^axed the services of able and i accomplished literary contributors. RATES OF ADVERTISING. C ; ^ I -c : !I? • ; w y ! • ^ • SI • X 1 X SK t > I r; , X • • X d • T ; 55 ■ * H ** ^ : X * X * T- « • Vj M • * ^ • ^ I y- . c • ^ • y. • c ; C > • c * n , > bE : ^ I ^ • 1 > I * * rw yt • X • v: 1 ? i ' X • X • • X' • X y. • X • • X • *• • y- • • • V V! ;; • • * • • • • • • • • *;/> • •>7 'X ; X , • X • CT' ; s ; ? : • • 1 , , I * tU I ^ • tz • — • • V * * a: 1 • w « - ; ^ ! 1 ♦ * 1 1 c • X • « Tm • V' • iU • it • J 1 * mm. • it • X . , X , X X , Ji* •• • = • X • ^ • • Csw * z • X \ V' • I * * . O . .. ; •mm 1 i ! ; ! O ‘ 1 —' • * • li * - ^ X \ ! ! 1 • it • . _ U • M • » c * w * p • X cv • * * « X. \ * \ % '• § ’•_§ ! 5 ! V' • ^ ; ^ • It • mmm • w » • I — ; F : ; X « ^ . ^ • 1 ^ ! W • ^ ! c 1 3C ! * ! 2 : —.^3 •-I 1 ^ • , ^ , 1 « • *#. • • -1 * » * * • • .! § ! «*“, 1 :r , 'i ; i J x.' ; CL • • It • it ! M ! ^ i 1 o * C • * > • 4m. • X • 1 : * * O * X : : g : ■§ : * • f mm- , Zit • • i • mm • w * w* * ■w * * it • ill * O • 'w ?r tc li s X z w X o X X •^1 5' "Z. • c tii V. 'C- ‘ c c Ten lines of solid minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the mdumii, eonstitute a square. Special Nof iees, in leaded minion, will be coii- tra tcd hirat the oftiee. at not less than double Iho rate of «»rdimiry ailverlisemeiits. Inserted as reading matter, with approval of the editors, filly cents per line. Advertisements inserted irregularly, or at futer- w.als, 2.'* i>er eeiit. ndditiomil. The rates above printed are for standing adver- Ttiseimmts. idle »»r two sejuares, ehangeahle. at diseretion, per eeiit additiomil. More than two squares, eliangenhie at disero- tion. j)er square of ten lines, for every elmnge, twenty-five cents. Five squajpes estimated as .a quarh-r csdninn, .and ten s(|nnres ns a half eolumn. Bills for ad vertising, wliether by the day or year, will be •c«»n.sidered due and eolleetahle on presentation Prospectus. THE PUBLICWU ION GF THE NORTH ’ard.in!i l*v«.til*yteriuu will he resumed in Fay- t adteville, on Wednesday, the ;;iud of January j .next. ('ontideiitly relying on the hearty sup|>ort ' which we have heretofore received, we shall ' .endeavor to remler the paper more attractive j Loth in appearance jtnd iiiatte.r, than it has * .ever been, epariiig m'ither pains nor expense ] in the accomplishment of this purpose. I With the passing away of old things, a new j sj»irit of activity, energy and enterprise, has iheen infused into every department of secular thought and husiiiess. Why should not the A'hiirch, also, partake of the progressive ad- w.'ineeineut ? Why should she, ail the ;£geucies, hrought t(* bear with such tremen- mIuous force ujMtn the civilization of the pres- ,«Mit time, he inelhcient, laggard and almost hopele.ss, ia the working tuit of her own des tiny ? To :irou.se the church to the importance and .necessity of work ; of unceasing, restless, tire- J«*S8 eiiergv in the service of Hex Master and Head ; tliis shall b* our first chiefest aim. In this we n*ed assistance. We are not alone, sulHeient for the.se things. Our brethren must help us iu every way; by coutrihiitions from ;theirowii stores of thought and study; by zealous co-operation in .1 comim)n c;iiise, for the benefit »d’all; by extemling our circulation thn.ughout all our borders, and thus giving ns tlie means and opportunity of jM'rforming well the wtirk to which we have conswrated all that wo have, ami all we hojm for on the .earth. TERMS. .Sub.scriptiou fur one year, S4 (K) “ “ six months. *d 00 Address B. FULLER. Editor o the N. C )‘i«-sbvterian. BSiscellauieoni Advertiiements. A BOON TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. DR. MA^iIEL’S ^ Pills and Salve. These Life-giving remedies are now, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century of pri vate practice the ingredients in tliese LIFE-GIVING PILLS, Have been used with the greatest success. Tlieir iMissioners not only to prevent disease, but to cure.— Tliey search out the various maladies by which the imtient is suffering, andrevigoratestbe failing system. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable pills will prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For ineveryca.se they add new life and vitality, and restore tlie warning energies to their pristine state. T« tlie young and middle-aged, tliey will prove most in valuable, as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Ponc-de-Leon sought for tliree liundred years ago, and never fonnd. He looked lor a fountain that w’ould restore the old to the vigor aud make youth ever AN> ETERNAL SPRING J It wfis left for this day and hour to realize the dream and show iu one glorious fact, the magic that made it air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot stay tliefliglitofyears, but they can force back and liold aloof, disea.sestliat might triumph over the aged and young. I.et none hesitate then but seize the favorable opportunity that otl'ers. When taken as pre.se ri bed— FOR BILLIOUS DISORDERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than the.se Pills. Their alwost magic intlnence is felt at once, and the usual comconiitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from tlie purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, andean be given with good ell’ect in described doses to the voiiiigest babe. ' FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and all eruptions of the skin, the salve is most inval uable. It does not heal externally alone, but jxme- trates with the most searching efiects to tlie very root of tlie evil! DR. JRAGGIEL’S PILLS Invariably cure the follovtr- ing Diseases. Asthma, Bowel Complaiuts, Coughs, Cokls, Chest Diseases, Costiveuess, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Droo.sy, Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaiuts Headache, Indigestion, liiHueiiza, Intlamation, luwaid weakness. Liver Complaint. Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases, Ace. JY” NOTICE.—None genuine without the eugra ved trade-mark around eacli pot or box, signed byLfr. J. Mauuiki., 43 Fulton street, New York, to counterfeit whicli is felony. * JIj” .Sold l»y nil respectable Dealers in Medicines throiiglioiit the United States aud Canadas—at2octs per box or pot. For sale at J. II. Enuiss’ Drugstore, Sali.sl)ury, N. C. apr'.I-dly THE WEEKLY ‘‘OLD NORTH STATE” PUBLISHED EYEBT FRIDAY, AT lAL- ISBUBT, H. C , BY HANES k HAMPTON, CONTAINS All the Latest News, REVIEW OF THE l*fARKET§, ETC, ETC., AND PBANTED IN THE BEST STTLE. PER.SONS LIVING IN THE COUN TRY WILL RE KEPT POSTEO ALL THE NEWS OF 'ITIE DAY BY isUBSCKIBING TO THE WEEKLY SCALE OF DEPRECIATION. The following bill passed during the present ses sion : A bill to be entitled An Act to establish a Scale of Depreciation of Confederate Currency. Wherkas, By an ordinance of the Convention, en titled “An ordinance declaring what laws and ordi nances are in force, and for other purposes,” ratified OB the 18th dayA>f OctoW^. D. last, >»!■ madetlte duty of the GftBeralAaseufDly to provide a scale of depreciation of the Confederate currency from the time of its first issue to the end of the war; and it is further therein declared that “all executory contracts, solvable in money, whether nnder seal or not, made after the depreciation of said currency before the 1st day of May, 1865, and yet unfilled, (except official bonds and penal bonds ^yable to the State.) shall be deemed to nave been made with the understanding that they were solvable in money of the said curren cy,” swbject nevertheless to evidence of a different in tent of the parties to the contract; therefore, “Ik it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the asithority of the same," That the foUowing scale of depreciation be and the same is hereby adopted and established as the measure of value ofone gold dollar in Confederate currency, for eacli month, and the fractional parts of the month of December, 1864, frou the 1st day of November 1861, to the 1st day of May, 1865, to wit : “Scale of depreciation of Confederate Currency, the gold dollars being the unit and measure of value, from Nov. 1st 1861, to May 1, 1865.” Months. 1S61. 1862. 1863 1864. 1865 January, — 11 20 1300 $2100 $50 00 February, — 1 30 300 2100 50 00 March, 1 50 400 2300 60 00 April, — 1 50 5 00 2000 100 00 May, — 1 50 150 19 00 — Jane, — 1 50 6a0 18 00 — July, 1 50 900 21 00 — .\ugust. — 1 50 1400 23 00 — September, — 2 00 1400 23 00 — October, — 200 1400 26 00 — November, $\ 10 250 15 30 30 00 — December, 1 15 250 20 00 — — Dec. 1 to lOth inclu- sive. 35 00 “ 10th to 20th, ' u 45 00 1st to 31st, 49 00 And whereas, many grave and difficult disputes may arise between executors, administrators, guar dians and tru.stees, and their legatees distributees, wards and cestuj’sque trust, in tlie settlement of their accounts and trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency, State treasury notes and bank note.s, incident to and growing out of tlie late war; and that law suits and expensive litigation may be obviated, Ik it therefore enacted, That in all such cases, the parties are hereby empowered to form a full and per fect sbitemeut of the case on both sides, which case sliall be submitted to the determination of one of the judges of the Superior Courts, cliosen by the parties, who is hereby authorized to consider and determine the same, according to equity and good conscience; I*rovided, however, That no part of this section shall beconstrued to stop or hinder any person ft-om pro ceeding in the usual course of law, if he shall deem the same necessary. A true copy. J. A. ENGELHARD, Clerk of Senate. THE Saturday l^ening Post. NEW LIFE, TALENT AND ENERGY. 8PLE.NDID ARRAY OF CONTRIBUTORS. CX8CRPAI8BD AMO .OXSCRPASSIBLI. Mrs. Bella Z. Ppencer h^vlnK purchased an Interest In THK SATURDAY EVENING POST, and Mr. Edmund Deacon having retired from the paper, TUE POST passed into the management of a NEW KIKM, who are determ ined to infuse Eresh Life, Talent and Ene'gy into its col umns. The opular novelist, EMMEItSON BENNETT, Author of “ Praiile Flower," "The Refugees,” “Clara Moreland,” Ac.,Ac..has been engaged,at avreatexpense, as a regular contributor, .i.d will WRITE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE POST. Mr. Bennett will begin a continued s'ory in the first number of the new y^-ar. It will he called THE PHANTOM UF THE FOREST; A TALE OF THE BACKWOODS. This story will run through from twelve to fifteen nuina bers, and be a story of the early settlement of Kentu ky, including adven’u es with the Indians in that romantiu region, which was generally called by the pioneers of civ- lllxation *Mhe dark and bloody ground.” The Post Is edited by Mrs. BELLA Z. SPENCER, who will aho contribute a continue i story in the course of the year, entitied GENEVIEVE HOWE Onr columns will be further supplied with original con tributions bv a SPLENDID LT8T OF CONTRIBUTORS All the departmrnt- of the paper will be fill'd. as far at possible, with ORIGINAL MATTER. The old friends of THK PO.ST—some of whom have sto^d by it during the sunshine and storms of forty years—will thus see that we are de ermined tn be UNSURPASSED BY ANY COMPETITOR; and in view of tliese fresn and costly eflTorts and brilliant inducements, wr trust to h') vc their warm exertions in nur liehair. and the LIBERAL SUPPORT OF A GENEROUS PUBLIC. yriscellaneons Advertisements. * PROSPECTUS OF THE bittherford star Tttdersigned propose to publish, in tlie viHW^fctherfordton, a weekly Newspaper RutbPaford Stir.*’- It ^ur desire to make The Shir a wel come dsitor to all those who feel an interest in thenrosperity and welfare of our country as a w3ble, and the perpetuity of our institu tions, as'handed down to us hy our noble an- cesty, i Federal Republican Government. Our people have but lately emerged from a gigante, civil w*ar, waged hy and between Sectioss of a onco glorious Uniou, aud more desolaiag to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, aid it is to he hoped, than ever will again. While there is life there is hope, and uot- withstanding the great changes wrought hy the late civil war, we shall encourage the peo ple to honesty, industry aud economy, we shall Uke special pains to keep them posted with all beneficial improvements of the agis so tha: they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such laws, l)oth State and National, as our petiple are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use ovr influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. We shall be governed hy principles and not men, for according to our honest couvictiim, the present condition of our country is owing to the abandonment of principles, we mean the ahandonineut of those fundamental prin ciples upon which the Government of the Uni ted States was reared. We shall favor and encourage the develop ment of all our resources. Agricultural, Min eral &c., and likewise such internal improve ments as will most likely he beneficial to the Country, and especially the extension of the Wilmington, Charlottee and Rutherford Rail Road west. As to Politics we are True Conservatives, believing neither in the Fire Eaters of the South, nor the Radicals of the North, hut iu the ConstitutioH, the Union, and the enforce ment of all Constitutional laws, whether State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience to the same. The Star will he published every Wednes day at the following rates, (strictly in ad vance,) payable iu currency or produce at market prices. Cue copy 12 months, $2.00 “ “ 0 “ LOO J. B. CARPENTER, R. Vi. LOGAN. April IStli, ’GO. d tf. IMXercantilc Advertisements, NEW FIRM IX SALISBURY: J.W.Gray&Co. H A.v:e Jaa(9^v«d and opened'nf No. 3, Mu^-J H is thejlargest iu size, aud has by far the wi- phy’s Grar-ite building, a new aijd Splendid’' ‘dest circul.ation of any other paper of it>^ class.^ Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, which they will sell for cath or barter, only, as follows, A large and beautiful .‘ujsortuient of LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing the newe.rt and leading styles of the sea.sc)n. A large assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Buy’s Goods, Ladies Summer “^Yrapping-s. Ladies’ Misses, aud Childrea's Trimmed Hats, new shapes, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, HiMip Skirts, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Balmoral .'"hoes, aud Gaiters, Bonnets, iiibbons. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., Ac. Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Gents, Boys and Childrens Hats, of every variety for summer wear, Crockery and Glassware, Wood aud willow ware. GET THE BEST INVESTORS, MECH.VNICS, MANTV.M'fUl’.filiS 1866! X866! . 1866! The best paper iu the United Stat* s fur Mechanics, Inventors aud Machinists, is the Scientific American. Also, Drugs A SEWING MrACHIN''PREmiJH. We will Viv. on- f WHEELKK k WIL."ON’8 Cetebree'l SEWING MACHINE’—the reftuUr price of which te Fifty-five Du Ur't—on th- 'ollowinR terms . 1. Twenty cupiee, one year, and the Machine, S. Thirty cop'ea one year, and Machine, ."5.00 8. Forty copiei, one year, and Machine, lOU.OO TKRHS—Ca»1i !■ Advance. One copy, one year, $2 50 Two copies, one year, 4.00 F ur copies, one year, 8 00 b copies 1 year and one to ge’ter up of club, Ifi.tK) 20 cop e*, I year, and one to cetter-up of c ub, 35.(N) The papers for a Club may be sent to different posi-otfi- I ces. eF- 8ubserihe'’» In British North America must remit twenty crnts In addition to the annual subscription, as we have to preray the U. S. posia^re on their pap. r . Bein!ttance.a should he made in Post Office Orders when possible. If not, in .Unltel State notes—or Draf s, pay able to our ot»ler, wtreh a'e prefe-ahlr to the notes. Specimen numbers of THE POST sent gratis. Address HENRY PETER ON k O-. No. 891* Walnut St. Phiiade'phia. ?g TJI o o « CS eO o Eh Xfl o •iH ;h C/ o «tH o ZH O o ;h O , Medicines, Paints, and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. They are prepared to fill .all orders, of Physi cians, for Dmgs aud Medicines, at the .riiortest notice. The Drug department will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may like wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Guods, having been pur chased sinee the late heavy decline of prices in the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOW as thev in the country. It is jmhlished weekly. Each number contains sixteen pages, with numer ous illustrations. The numbers fur a yt*ar make two volumes. 41G pages each. It also contains a full account of all the principal in ventions ami disciweries of the day. .-Msu, valuable illustrated articles upon tools .ami ma- cliinery used iu workshops manufactories, steam and mechanical euiriiieeriug, woolen, cotton, chemical, petroleum, aud all other manufacturing ami producing ink'restti. AIh., Firearms. War Imjilemeiits, Ordiutnee. War Vessels, Railway, M.achiuery, Electric, Uhem- ical and Mathematuaal apj*siratus, Woi^l .ami Lumber Ma/*hinery, Hydraulics, Oil aud Wa ter Pumps, Water Wheels, etc., lloiiseholi. Horticultural aud Farm Implements—this lat ter department being i*ery full ami of great value to Fanners and Gardeners. Articles embraeiiig every department of Popular Seieiiee. which every body can under stand and which every body likes to read. Also, Kepm tsof .'"eieutific .Si>eieties, at home and abroad ; Patent Law 1 >ecisions and Dis cussions, Practical Rt'cijies. etc. It also con tains an oflicial list of all the Patent Claims, a special feature of great v.alue to inventors and owners of Patents. The Publishers also act as Agents fitr pro curing Patents for new iiiveutimis. A new volume of the Seientific American commenced January 1. TERMS—.s.'lpcryear ; $1 .^Oforsix month>, 'I’en copies for one year, $2.>. Canada sub scriptions 25 cents extra. SRECIMEN CiH'IES SENT FREE. Address MUNN A CO., No. 37, Park Row, New York. ‘*The Sunday School Banner.” A NEW ENTERPRISE! The Undersigned, Themselves Members of the Sabbath School. pro{>o.-;i* to comniouce iu the city of Raleigh, ou or alntut the 1st of next May, “THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BANNER.’’ And in the commencemeiiT of this little can possiblv be bought in this market. i i /• i i , P. R. MiUtin. invites his old friends of Dane ! "»r.'^'*lves. may wu Countv e.speciallv, to give him a call when visiting ; appeal to every Sunday School bov. and this market. ' i iu North Carolina to come up on this market. ,T. W. GRAY, P. R. MARTIN, ,1. AlcGClRE. Salisbury, N. ('., Aprils,'GG. tf-iiol. i ( OLD NORTH STATE. terms—C.4SH IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, ... S3 00 tslX MONTHS, , _ . 1 50 HAKES k EAXPTOK. Fablisheri k Proprietor! LEWI.^^ JOHN 8 HA NFS. , HAMPTON, inarch 30— W B DICKS. WITH BRANSON k , FARR.4R, would r-PjMictfully inf-'rm hii old friends aud p.atrons of Salisbury and vicinity, that he is again engaged iu the Kook-binding busi ness in Raleigh. N. C., where he is anxious to re ceive their former patronage. All work sent to him will lie attended to with promptness, and satisfaction guaranteed. He is prepared to do binding in all its brandies and in various styles. Persons wisliing to-supply themselves with Rooks and .'Stationery of all kinds, can be supplied by ad dressing Messrs. Branson A Farrar Bookseller, i’ublisUuFc- and Binders, Raleigh, N. l-dtf A TB9K01G11FAHILY IIEDICIAE! ‘Great Oaks from little acorns Orow.' The worat diseases known to the human race spring fiwju cavses so small as to al most defy detection. The volumes of scien titic lore that fill the tables and shelves of the modicaH fraternity only go to prove aud elaborate iSiese facts. Then guard yourselves while you mav. The smallest pimple on the skin is a te.il- tale and indicator of disease. Jt may fade and die away from the surface of the hod v, but it will rciieh the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result aud final close, Maggiel’s Billions, Dyspeptic and Dianhea Pills cure where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the Kkiu, Maggiel’s Salve is infallible. Sold by J. Maggirl, 43 Ful ton street, New York, aud all Drugo-ists* at 25 cents per box. Ygdkin College, N ear the yadkin riyer-nine MILES FROM LEXINGTON, N. C. This Institution, under its charter as a College, was revived on the I5th of January 1866, and supplied, by a resolution of the Trustees, with a coqis of experien ced Teachers ; so that now, with its cheap boarding arrangements, it ofi'ers to male pupils every educa tional f^ility, from the primary department to a full college course, ujiGn more favorable terms perhaps, than auy academv or college in the State. BKAI’I'A YIL'EA FEIHAEE SKHINARY, Three l*^i’ters ol a mile from Yadkin College, and entire'^ separate from it. now offera. in its boarding arrangenients in the family of the Rev. G. W. Uege. and in ‘ts scientific and literary departments, unusual attractions to young ladies who desire to acquire a tinislicd education, embracing music, and other fem inine accomplishments. por brief circulars giving particailars in relation to pitlierlhe College or the Seminanv, addre.ss the KEY. G. W. HEGE. A. M., OB J. .M. XKNVSGN. A'adkiii College, via Lexington. X. C. March 30,1S66. l-d*wli« 'i-HE DAILY EXPRESS, fetebsbhbo. ya Uy;; ENTERED upon its fifteenth year, in an en larged form, with new type, under auspi es highly flattering* It has a large and daily increasing cir- culatinu* and ofi’ers to merchants and others desiring to coHiuiunicate with the Southeni public, advanta ffes surpassed l>v none. ^ ADVERTISIYG RATES: ONE .SQUABE Two ve^ks. Oft One month. S6 00 Two months, ift 00 Three montlis, )5 00 Six months, 24 00 One A'ear, 40 00 TWO SQCABES Two weeks. $10 Oo Une month, $12 00 Two moutlis, 15 00 Three month!, 18 00 Six months, .30 00 One Year, 60 00 SUBSCBIPnON RATES: Single copy* 6 eta. One month, 76 eta. Three montha, $2, Six month!, $3, One year, 16, Address A. F. CBHfCHFIELD A CX>., mar 39—daw2w P^rsbwg, Va. The lYide World- AN ENTEUTAIXINi;, INSTRUCTIVE AND SPICY FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is till* design of the Publishers tm make the Wide World acceptable to all classes of readers. Its columns will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers ia .-Ym- erica. Also. .Vniusiiig and Dangerous Ad ventures. Translations. Historical Remini scences, Skftcli.'.s of all kimls. Poetry, Wit, H'mior, ere.. te., i- .-nbining a vast amount of information-'ti th-iiis-pids of subjects that | are of interest iu->iit ;o;-! ainuseinent to the; general reader. K-lit- ria!'and News, touch ' ing all tlie lea-iiiig auil iinportant occurrences j of the day. wiil m it.s eoluimis. \ Terms of PubYcai'-. n ii: -Vdvaiice. 83.00 Per .-Va;: 'ill!. Single oopii .'-ji.. ;. ! e had of all newsdeal ers. I'rice Se\i :i leUi-S ly All communications intended for tlie columns of the M'ide World, or containing Subscriptions, should be addressed J. IL BRIGHAM «5c FERNALl), Publishers of the Wide World, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. up proiiijitly to aid the undertaking:. Tn >uru\vu State, there are very many Sahbath Schei.ls. ami I'r-.m tin- best information we have, the schulaiship is large and increasiiii:. and it is frem tiiem we hxik for that patroiiaire which is mn'cssary to improve and keep lioatinc, this native stan dard which we jm-pose fiir their heiiefit. It is not for pecuniary gain tliat tin* “B.unnkk,’’ is established ; it has for its aim hiclnT .li- jects, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it will be to us in after life a source of gi»-ul .;(t- isfiiotion to know that, in our hoyhood dav>. we gave a helping hand to Sunday Schools, the preparatory Schools for places of hiirh trust and position, iu the work of our H- aveii* !y Father. Its name sufficli'ntly im1ie:it.'« the ol-i--. • whieli Ls to control it.-^ editor!, i •■■•i hici. Ti is necessity Imwever fo; ;!!•■ :•■. I will not be denoniiiiationa.. ! t j ..o. all tin* Sabhalh S«*liuols of ;i "-i.i’. j’-ir ■ ' trilKjitiuus, ill which tiurie lu -pni- i-fi- - rianisin. Tile “Bannf.u’’ will 1m' is.- 1 nioiitlily handsoiin-type, clear white ]iap r ami wil’i contain fourtcencidumiis reading matter, quar to length. W e trust sutficieiit etn*ouragemeiit oft'ered to justify the uinh*rta],inir. TEKM.S—IN ADVA-Ne]' ; 1 eopy twelve mouth.- n IV be >lina, i Mh:XT, V ;i, ISGG. ) estate or IVortli Carolina, TREASURY DEPARTMF Raleigh, March 3 To Holders of Coupons oj Isorth-Curolhui j dollars and a half will receiveone copy gratis. Bonds. I 2 “ '• '• .->(» .5 “ " •• 1 (HI 10 " “ “ “(Ml 20 “ “ “ :L'>0 s\iiy person sending us a club of 2G for t!:r‘o nolGJtf W. J. EDWARDS. Z. T. BIBJUGHTON, Publitliers. The i\ew Y'ork TimeN. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM- bly of North-Caroliua, ratified Mar. 10, 18GG, I am directed to prepare and sell for not less than par bonds of the State running thirty- four years, with Coupons bearing six per cent, interest, payable semi-a.iuually. ofthedenoin. ' of the Dully, Seoil-WLeUy ination of illOO, $.'}00, and 81-000, principal I and interest untaxable, for the purpose of i)ay- und H eekly Tiuies. ing coupons now due and to become due in 1 . 18t)6, and bonds diae and to fall due iu ISGG. LaigOSt RIKI ClieapCSt raBCI* By authority vested m the Public 1 reasurer. II designate New York as the place of payment. Parties entitled, desirous of effecting the ex change authorized in said Act, will please com- ■ municate to me at once the amount and char- ^HE NE^ 5 ORK TIMES H.\S BEEN LN- acterof the securities which they wish to be! funded, in order that I may know the number and denomination of the bonds which will he required. After the engraver shall furnish the blanks, the bonds will he prepared for issue iu the United States. larged t-- the size of the London ' Each numher contains eight page- tsf .-even eoluiiins each—or tixty-six columns in all—inn- kinv it the largest newspaper iu the l.’nited .Stales, 'ihe Tiinis will contain regularly; with little delay. Under advice of the Attorney General. Cou- ptins of bonds issued since, but under acts passed before May 20th, 18G1, will be funded uiider the acjt of March 10th. 18GG. provided their identity is established, by being cut from the bonds in niy presence, a provision neces sary on acc.ount of the similarity to other Cou- I>ons, issued since Mav 20th, IcGl* KE-NIP P. BATTLE. nol3dlw. Public Treasurer. Of all kinds neatly executed at the Old NORTH STATE OFFICP:. JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITTOL’SLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE* Fidl Conyrcssi'uial Reports; RrjM/s itj the Lei/islatut'c ; Dlessftyca and J^uiiic ])o(‘amenfs ; Reports of Couefs und Ibihlh: Mettinys ; Eurnpiun Neirs t)> EuU ; Foreign aud Domestic Correspofi deuce , News from all parts of the wort ft-, i Political and (iencral Editorials ; Lit I crary Neirs, Selections and Miscellany. • Lvervtliing possible will b.* done to make the I Times the most valnabh* and iiiu-restiug f'’aiml.\ I Newspaper in the United States. Its price wDl 1 remain unchanged, in .spite ol the tact that its I .size and contents have been increased oiio-l'ourth. The following are the prices ol the sev*H:.ii eih- ' tions. p.iyable in all eases in advuuee. j These prices are invarialde. (.’lub rates are dis I coiitiuueil. We have no travelling .\La-nr-. Kc- iiiil ill u'h*eks or I’o-t uifie* Aloiicv (.irders it pos- Isililc. .\(Jdre.ss H. *1. H.lYMD.M) J it). ^‘1 Ini Times Otliee. New York