■f THE OLD NOETH STATE. ' pointing Provisional Govoruorsfortlicpur- .■ .. . -T ~ - '—-?r—r--rrr: pose of restoring the same, he only meant .?!:cs lay Bvening, June 26, 1866. to say that there was no longer any admin istrations of the civil governments in said States, those Avho formerly administered UWIS BAirsS, Editor. tend greatly to weaken ilicm. Tin \ would ' greatly weaken the I‘resident’s party at the North, if they could only slutw.that there was the slightest dis]>osition on the part of any of the Southern j>eople to I the same having forfeited their offices by | abandon him, but it we stand linu and dis- ^ abjuring their allegiance to the Govern- play the proper temper it will tend greatly AJLxiA.3i WOxXXXl.^ i ment of. the United States. These Pro-j to weaken them. We think that the nearest OF RANDOLPH. ! visional Governors, by the aid of the sev- : road to admission lies in a moderate, yet ■ Oral State Conveiitious, have accomplished | firm and unyielding .tiupport of the Presi- FOR GOVKRNOR, Stay Xiaw. i rciurned “Indulged:” Prodded, No ; eciiting any proees.s whalever eoutrarv to OliDi>fA2fCE TO CHAXGE THE Jciiis-^ plaintiff shall be allowed to take the said | tlje provisions of this ordinance, .“hall be DK'TION" OF THE CoUKTs, AND TiiE oiie-teuth without first entering his assent: subject to a penalty of live luindre*! dol- Ri'LES OF Pleading THEREIN. to said return: ji^roWdcd/Mr^/av, That j lar-x, to be recovered by rule of t’ourt, as stficTiON 1. Be it ordaimdhf thv people i assent and return shall not prejudice penalties and fines w ere recovered in 18)(L North Carolina, in Convention aasem- ’ the plaintiff may then have by ' Sec. 22. Be it further ordained. That in other Ued, and it is herd>tf ordained by authority j virtue of .«aid fi fa or venditioni expona.s : all actions brought by any bank or of the same. That the jurisdiction of the 1 That at SpringTemi,|corporationlMivinge.\ercisedbankingpiiv- several Courts of the Stole, and of .Justices Jt‘fb“dant upon jwiyi at; the Peace, except as provided in this the residue of the judgmen gment or decree l./IOXTAL ILBSTOr.ATZOZff .'■ •wou after the meeting of jo:. :i effort was made to that President Jon> i a.s wer^’ nbout to compromi.s t.:c .. .sis ot the iJoward Amendment, and : " nen ne aeciares tnai an me ooumeni j cannot long keep _ ^ . „ ...g,, ; ;r;;iicipatiou of such compromi.se there , States except Texas, ''have been enf/rely i a government like ours, it is utterly impos-[s^ty dMhi ordinance, shall be as in the vear 1860. costs shall liuve indulgence in like Sec. 2. Be it farther ordained, That' wauncr. their object in every State except Texas. ; dent’s plan. Not only do we supi>ort the j the several Superior Courts df I^aw’ at the ' U- Be if farther ordained. That cate of deposit issued by said bank or its ying uue-tifrh | ileges, or by ;iny assignee or endorsee, or officer of said bank or corporation, it sliall and may be lawful for the defendant to set off by plea or on trial any note or certiti- * i* • IT *1 1^1.. Justices of the i branches, or otlwr corporations, whether pal and inter- j the same has been presented for payment the defendant or not, any law or usage to the contrary or to the col- , notwithstanding, but s;iid plea of set off, he shall be al- ! or set off on trial, shall not avail to carry (principal and interest) to | fowed six months to plead, and at the ex- ] costs against the plaintiff, unless there has irs or more. ' piration of .said six months, should he pay ' been a tender of such [viyment before suit u those in the State, and among them ' restored to their functions as States.” j sible to exclude for any length of time of prominence, who desired the Con- ‘‘^o f;ir as all the Southern States are | eleven great political communities from •u to .signify in advance it.s Avilliug- i concenied, except Texa.«, restoration is an -. accept the degr.oling proposition. | accomplished fact. The Sovereign pow'ers ' ' 1 : :d at the time that there Avas anv the Federal govenimcnt over the State I. .d..-.ion Avhatevcr upon Avhich to h.ise' i governments are derived from the Consti- ucL a:i opinion, and strohgly exprt^S^ Itiition, and axe precisely the same worn that our belief that the President would adhere | they were before the war. The idea of to his plan a« long as there remained the their just participation in the ^‘^^inistra-; j,,. tion of the government without producing revolution and blood.sh'ed, and* to this length the Northern people will iwt‘r per mit theix rcpreseilllliiv^ Sec. 3. Ue t7/rtr/7?cr That alU of the residue, he shall ' brought : Provided, That should tin* de writs in debt, covenant, assumpsit or ac-! allowed six more to plead, and at the j fendant require the debt to be scaled ac count shall be retuniabk* to Spring Term * expiration of said six months plaintiff shall cording to the scale of depreciation of said and be serA’cd at least thirtv daws [t^nn- have judgment and execution for the resi- j notes or certificates of deposit sluiU m»t be days included] before the n'turu day.— | I poii demands (principal and inter- j u set off in any manner. Within the first three dnv.s of the return ; than 860 aud more than 825, ! rfec. 23. Be it further term, should the defendant pay to the ormtojCoU! the debt or denu ordained. That the defeiMant shall be allowed twelve , •• An Act to change the jurisdiction of the lourt to his us- «me-tenth j mouths instead of six, on each payment: ; Courts and the rules and pleading,” ntti- __ mantl^ (prineipal and in- ! Provided, That the plaintiff shall file bis j fied the lltb day ot September, 1?61 ; an of our assertion we beg leave to introduce terest( and all co.sts to that time, he shall tdaiin in writing, and if the defeiid.int, on act entitled '• An Act to restoi»* the Courts ..li^'iic.'t hope for its success—that he conquest of a State as a right under the 1 the opinion of one of the Avisest and best ol ! he alloAved until next Spring Term to ,shall deny the same, or present a and tor other purposes,” ratified the 1 Ith poAver to suppress insurrection is not onlv | Kn^-lish statesmen given in a .similar case. T'T'" Geceml.er. 1863; also act entUled “An ... ... . 1 T. L . • 1 1 . -1 i . the di'f(Midant nav to the nlaintiff or into trv the s.une. I pou judgment tlie deten- act to eliange the iiinsdietion td the L onri.s .- omd : yer abandon it untd it was mam- , an ab.surdity. but it i.s a legal impossibdi- : I,, the year 1825 the Catholic association ije,‘one-fifth If the n'sidiie of i daiit shall be allowed a stay of execution and tho rules of pleading therein.” ratili.-d ? Miat further persistence in it Avould on-I ty. North Carolina, then, has the same Lip.ir;it( d for eimincipatioii Avith poAverfiil j ^j. demand and cost, he .shall be ^ six or twelve months, as the case may the 10th of .^lairh, A. JO.,. 1866. and all ‘.□age those Avhom he meant to serve, right to be repre.soiited in the Congress of, ellect. “The Tories,” savs .Mc^'anlew i iilloA\h*d until the succeeding Spring Term iRmn P'‘ying one-fifrli. and afterwanl.s ' laws in conlliet Avith thi.s ordinance, be ami hat that time had not arrived, and the United States that anv of the Northern i •• .^.^(.,1 after their kind. Instead of re-j *'•> Spring ’I'eriii the hetore jndgmi nt: Provided, the same are liorehv rejtcaled, • would arrive if the ConservatiA-es of States have AAdienever sh^ pre.sents her.^elf, i,,oving the grievance, they tried, to .nr ,e.si-| That all justices’ judgments for 860 or : Sec. 21. />V if farthrr ordained. That hadf s of opinion. North and South, as she has done, in the person of Ioa al .>en-^ down agitation, and brought m a up-' That the plaiiitifi; if required.'shall with the Avarrant ..r other papers, to repeal, alter or modifv this ordinance w. li-’ only remain true to tlie country aud ators and Representative.s. 'J'he great j paivntly sliarp and stringent, hut in truth i hlr his debt or demand in Avritiiig. and if Justice to Spring 'rerin, 1867, (.f until the third .Monday of November, ‘of., another, and forgetting old party j mass of her citizens, Ave admit, had been, , bitterly impotent, for restraining the right j-tin* defendant shall make oath that the 1 ’i‘*tiet‘thereof shall I 1868, and this ordiiianeo shall take eftVci s form a ne-.v Constitutional I'nion | tochiiicaly at least, guilty iif treason, hut , ,jf petition.” • « - -- . . . , , .. ^ i . . > . . ; • upon the basis of the President’s they }:ave accepted th‘jinffiered clemency i j^^rd Holland , 1 11 b , ' of the. cxcoutiv,. an,! hav,. .!n.s t,«.„ rostor- i l.avo .liatinguiahed l.in. for ' thoSaid.amha.li only 'mv'Thc hi- ' on iiudsmi-ntTfmm VlKjTjnut^'bcbrr iib ! ISGd. ed to all tlif'ir lormer rights ot citizenship. , all time to come as one of the noblest iViciuls ! staluieiit required, of Avhar he admits to cording t(» section 7 of this i>rdin:ince. 1 hey liaA’e t.iken the amnesty oaili in good j.,qjo'ioiis; lihei’tA". From that ' he due, aud tlie Court shall order a jurv, at Sec. 12. He it farther ordained, 1 h; it. tor restraiiung the rjglit gtlie delendant shall make oath that the 1‘^“Pt'nor l ourr, aiui notiet'tnereoi snail i ami tins onliiianeo snail taKc enecl .\gainst this law the late '.whole or any p;irt thereof is not justlv due | given the defendant at lea.-t tAveiity ; and be in force from ami. after its ratific.i- * mitered a i)rute«t Avlikh claim, all of wliich , before Court: and in the Sui.erior , ti.m. ^ ‘ . j shall be partieularlv set forth bA' affidavit, ' ^ ^mne proceedings sliall be had as ^ Adopted by tlie Cunvenunioii. June 21, J uat we AAcre not mistaken in saying there Avas no foundation for the opiu- ihat the J’resident^Avould except the ' >\ ard Amendment, Is now made maui- st by his brief message to Congress, at rely sustains our position, and declares i ; t all the Southern States, except 'I'exas, ' nave been entirely restored to all their J actions as States, in conformity Avith the i that the same or .sf.ine snhsequeut term, to ti'A" Avrits ot .^cire Jaeias to subject bail, is- the matters iii dispute hetAveen the i.arti(*s, ! the Superior or fVninty Courts “ M e are Avell aware that tin* privileges of ;,nd at the next Spring-’Perm the defendant upon judgments in actions of debt, cf.vc- j I‘ ^ It'" t^hall he alloAved time to jilead ohIa' upon uaiit, assnnq.sit or account, sh.ill he return- ri.f.mtctriift ' thespint and letter ot our iioiMilar institutions, i - *, i . c • m' iw.-- c .i l„,„strou.k.r-auatl,,-v:nbl,l.-mMl..r,.,,l,.rO''0-"'^^^ ol o.R-hfth of the resulm-ot o,! lo .-.pno- I,ot onor Avliicli has never been dystroA'cet. faith, and are now :is loyal as the people ; pj-otvst Ave make the folloAviiig extracts of ary other State. Whence, then, all this ci.iuior .'ihoiit “reconslruction” '! “Wi* AA'C publish to-day. This mes.sagt: do not,” says Mr. SeAvard, d'lie (jiif.^titju i.s not one of reconstruction, and the di.ssatisfnction consequent thereiip hut of our visits under a itntion daugen.us to tluMranquility of the country, and i same : /VoivWcJ,Th the ‘ i ultimatelv subversive ot the authority ot tlie 1 detenuant tail to puA' the first or aiiA' sub- Avhich has m ver been destroyed—under a .****. jj; therefore, thele- i sequent instalment,'then and in that ease ”'lii3 sentence cornjui.ses the Avhole case | many others among tin; ablest jurists and nut shell. 'Piie govi rument of the i .statesmen of the Republican party be. true, ted States .and the Northern people de- ! it at least raises, a question of doubt as to : 1 the right of sceessioii to the Southern j Avlicthcr the Congress in the .abscnca of les. Tf th.'it right did not exi.st—as we j the Senators and Representatives of the | iieve it did not—then tlie ordiuaiicPe ofSouthern Stati'S possessed the right of| V jssion pa.“setl by the Southern St. tvs j projiosing amendments to the Federal Con • mere nullities, and said .States Avere \ .stitution. But Avaiving all doubts on this 1 ‘X A. A. . AMF.SSAGF FROM THE, FRFSl- DFNT ON 'I'lIF RECONS'rUUC- 'I'lON QUESTION. ^Vashillgron. .luiie 22.—J”lie Fresideut sent into Congress to-day the tullowing *.',1 i -iiu.i Willi 1-1 wi; wnvi ii. IX ... IV .... - mi'ssage in relation to the reemi^truction tleAVuiVimiaiice ("f arVextensive grimaicr. | admitted amount, and whatever the jury Courts, and .sliould the tenth, fitth and half ;im(‘ndinent to the Constitution ; (I the di-ssatisfaction consequent thereiiiK.n, j him indebted over ;ind above the ‘d’ tlie judgments )je paid from Spring 'rerm . 7h the Senate and lIoa.e nf Repre^inta- tj .‘>[iring 'rerm, time to plead shall lie al- tires :— lowed, according to section 3 ot this ordi- 1 siihinit to ('oiigrt'ss- a rep'.>i't of tlif nance. ^ Secrctar\’ of State, to Avhoui. was n terred iiist. nre the Avill large cn:c/isioH.s'cannot sub- sit or account issued to Fall ’rerm of the die.s tor the eollection of Town, C'ounty. or ' ,,f .'^tate h.id. on the !6tli itist.int, trans- i.st together; that the constitution must ile- Superior Courts, shall he returned by the ; •^tote Revenue. I mitted to tlie (Jovernor.s of thescver.il troy them, or they Avill destroy the constitu-j Sherift’s to .Spring ’Term, 1867, and all ac- j Uk Be it further ordained. '1 h.it ' States certified cnpii's of the joint re.“du- rion.” , I tions of debt, covenant, assumpsit or ac- ' ^his ordinance shall not apply to ](roceed- tion jiassed on the 13th inst;uit propo,ing Not onlv wore tlie.se the words of wisdom, count, noAV pending iu the Superior Clourt, i 'ugs by attachment, unh'ss the deteiidant j an amendment to tlie Constitution, but thev were the word.s of luxqihecv also.' continued to Spring ’J’erni, and if' rejilevy and give bail, and then .‘ind in that | Even in ordinary times any question of tr,;vi: the defendant has entered his ple.is, he c ise the proceedings sh.ill he subject to the ! amondin" the Consti’utiou must he justh 1 no \A iiig minis.CIS, L»r.i\ .ina e xiiming, aa'o , . , , , ^ , • • i’ .i • i- ’i- i i - , 1-1 xi i. 1 1- • : phall be alloAved to AvithdraAv the same, and I pi’ovi.sioiis ot this ordinance as it commen- regarded as ot paramount importance.— believe, l»fing beaten on tlie ( alliolic einanci- , i i a. e .• > i* xi • i- ; ...vd tw- x.-.-o w.. ..4 ! ti ■ • . x i • 1, , • J take the benefits ot section .> ol this ordi- ' ced I>a A\iit oi A\ari.int. 1 his importance at the present time is cn- pation «[Ue.stiou wore conip.dlcd to resign, ai: wore suceoeiled l>y tin.. l,)iiko of ^V’ollingtop nance. Skc. O. Hr it fitrthrr enricfrd, 'Pti.-it dor- portaiice at tlie presei Sec. 11. J>e it Jarther ordained, ’J hat j haiiced by* tin- fact that tin- joint ro.soluti.'ni •where the netioii i.s by r.r on heli.-ilf* of” in- ; wji.s not .-iiil.mitfed h\- tJ4»- fn-,* Ifoii.-i.-.-x t> c being—during the juevalence of this •. ••—practically out rd the Union. But «•> '. the fiiilure of this force, .and its sur- to that of the United .States (toa*- • Jilt, the integrity of tlie Union Avas v ' restored, and the State.s lately in '.i.iee to the Government became ajrain It r in the Union de facto et de. jure. loAved to exorcise a right under the Con stitution Avhich is as clearly theirs as any right can be, Avhich is, in fact, inherent in the very nature of our government, and of verilled iu the short space of u little oA'cr a i itfarfJa,^.. , , P , , T, ,, X. iflcrksot the soA'eral County Courts shall y.-ar the ..f l.,ml H..ll;,.,d's pml'c- transfer all actions of debt,'covcDam, as- tion. that I'tce Constitulwiis and larffe cx-1 sumpsit or account no..' fK-ndinp; in tlicir respcctiA'e Courts, to the Spring ’Term, elusions cauuot siih.si.st together; that the con stitution must destroy them or thev will de which they cannot be depriA-ed for .any strov the Constitution.” great length of time without subverting the | As it Avas in England, so it will be here, (rovernment itself. Mill the people of in n .short time the constitution Avill destroy North Carolina ever consent to purchase a thi.s exclusion, or it Avill destroy the constitu tion, aud Ave do not believe that the constitu tion Avill be destroyed, ’fhe Radicals Avill i 1867, of the Superior Courts, and the said Spring ’Term shall be deemed the return term thereof and the said actions shall stand as if originally instituted in that Court. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, ’That the Clerks of the soA'cral Countv^ Courts, if ' requested so to do by the plaintiffs, sixty the jnovisions of this ordinance shall not , their functions :is .8tal» s. in ( i.nfunnitv he oonstnied to extend to anv debts ur de- Avith the nrtranized law of the land, and mauds contracted, or penal ties incurred, j have appe:ircd :it tlie National I'apitol by since the first day j»f ^lay, A. 1)., 1865, or .Senators and Representatives, who liavi* Avliich may be hereafter be contracted or i applied for and have bi'vn relused admis- incurred, but that the remedies for the re- i sion to the vacant seats ; nor ’ have the coA’ery of the same shall he in all respects j sovereign peojile of the Aiation been afford- similar to the remedies for the recovery i ed an opportunity of expri'ssiMg their of debts Avhicli Avere in force iu the year . vieAvs upon upon the imptirtant (juestiou 1860. , which the anieddment involve.^, (iruve iSec. 18. Be it further ordained, 'Ehat doubts, therefine, naturallv and iu.-tlv to Avhether the action of Ctiiigres.s innoiiA’ Avith the sentiments of the ey forfeited none of their lights as right to Avhieh they are clearly entitled, • r-rhellion. Ours is not a goA'ernment i and Avhich i.s Avithheld from them by a turn Aviii be destroyea. T he ttadicals "bl j the Spring ’Terms, 1867, of * diiy creditor, attempti-d to be defrauded as arise as •, .ely Federal, iu Avhich the hiAvs of Con- I usurping m.ujority in Congress, by accept- j the contest that far—they could | ^he Superior Courts, shalTtransmit to said i set forth iu Sec. 1, chap. 50. Re*vised Code i is in h;i s operate upon the States. It is a I in.q at their hands .anv .amendment to the j if they Avould. We believe that the eon j Spring Terms certified copies of the jiidg-! n^fiy, Avithont obtaining judgment at laAv, I people, and Avhethcr State Legislature.s !, .vcniraoni—.. I'. d.-ral lU-pub-1 ('oiislitiitiou, cvc.. tl.Migl. it sl.o.il,l be lar i ^ ments in actions of ilebt, covenants, as- i file bis bill in Equity. a,i.l said (Jm.rt is clcete.l with..,,, r.-f,to .siicli an iss,„, . anon a iia'.ionai iiasis, 'i'In- uitiiiiatc . le.ss ol.iectional.le tiia.i tile ilowani amend-■ greater ‘ ; ‘ 1 1- 1 .11 ’ th.'iu e\'pr. an ereigntA' resides with the peoiile, Avho . meat ; A» e do not believe tlicA* aviII. 1 exclusiou. L ..•v‘ gr.anti'd certain sovereign jioAvers to j But Avh.at shall avc do is a questionfre- ' conr.se render i (iencrul t-JoA ernment, and iMve resorA'- | qnently asked. AVc ansAver, preserve our j dent .Johnso.v aud our Northern friends, fur a rtam otliers to tlie State governments. ; temper, and oppose a constant but digni- ! upon them Ave must chiefly rely for deliverance, le exercise of the jioAvers granted, , tied opjiosition to the Radical propositions, j b'V.. ".ovcrnmmits are (‘qu.illy . ac!. being supreme Aviihiu its proper phi re. ’The Iuavs of the United .'States lovernmcnt operate, not upon the State.'S, From the National Intelligencer. Tlie abandonment of the projected con- the said judgments to be entered on the minute dockets, provid.id the same Averc Let us Avait Avith a m.inly patience for a j returning sense of right and justice in the : i i t t i --- minds of our Northern Brethren. If i ^t I dormant when transmitted from the , , Ml 1 1 i ^he failure of the London Consolidated County Courts, and on such entries being Southern peotile will do this, if thev will -,, , . , i \i • i • i » i n i x i p • jy T . .1 . 1 1 *. 1 X ! 13‘ink, serve to revive tlic subsiding puiiic ! Siiid juuguieiits siicill be tiikoii serA’cd at least thirty days before said , right to proceed at the same time at hiAv ; resolution proposing the amendment, or as iSiiperior Courts. At tlie Spring ’Terms i surety, before jiaying the debt ot to the ment.' ot the article Avhich it suh- aforesaid, the Courts shall on motion order i his principal thus attempting to defraud niit.s through tlie I^xecutive depifrtmeut to ;t apon the citizens of the I nited .States, ■ refrain from doing anything calculated to i . Ins creditors, m.ay institute proceedings in tlie Legislature.s of the States, 1 deem it equity, in like manner, to the end that lie ■ jirojier to obserA'c tliat the steps taken by' may obtain relief. | the Secretary of .State, as detailed in the Sec. 10. Be it Jartlwr ordained, 'That accompanying report, are To he considered every executor or administrator shall file, as purely ministerial, and iu no sense dune uAve .‘Allegiance to and c.'au com- inflame the Northern people against us. I iu England. ’The financial effect of actual I , aud held to ! Courts and be judgments of the Superior ^ on oatii, at the termiiiatioii ot tAvo years i whatever cominitting the Executive to an AA'rits of fieri fa(:ia.s and vendi- ! from the time ot his qualification, ti lull approval or a recommendation of the AAtu on the continent aaus a subject of spec-, (Joui exponas may iss:ue, as proA ided in I statement of his reeeijits and.disbursements ^ amendment to the .State Legislatures or to ulation iu England. ’That it Avill cause a j section 10 of this ordinance, folloAving the ; Rbd the condition of the assets, particular-i the people. (In the eontraiy, a proper continued drain ot gold from London is i Avrits transmitted from the County Courts ^ Ip appreciation of the letter and spirit of the shoAA'n by the fact tnat the suspension of j and preserA'ing the liens, .as if issued by | disbursed, and on motion the ( ourt may Constitution, as Avell as of the interest.-i of Con.stitution—without such gro.ss violation ; specie payments in Itoly has already draAvn 1 the same Court. ' ; alloAv further time to settle the estate, from , the national order, harmony and union. r.e 4l.v> «'.....l....^.x..4..I nff ornM tn K'r.»ii/xf. xx-x4lx .xa4..:.x i o !>.. 14 f.—4/.^- —^''incd That ■ vear to A'car, not excei'diiig three years : i .'iml flue dell'en'nee for an enJighiened return all i Provided, ’Th.at on each motion to exteml lie judgment, may at tliis lime suggest a i exponas ; the time, a supplemental statement shall he doubt Avhether iiny amendment to the judo-ment! hk'd : Provided; ’That any creditor or next Constitution ought to be proposed by Con- ployed in the countries Avhich ! in actions of debt, covenant, assumpsit or of kin may oppose said motion, aud if the gress and passed upon the legislature.s of , t treason against it. 'These laws arc i they are hound to triumph sooner or later. . 'euted by tlie General (.Tovernineiit Avith- ^ The Radicals cannot ahvays keep us out .r the co-eporatiou and assi,«tanee of the j of Congress Avithout such A'iolatious of the ate Governments. It has it.s oavu courts, ^ .:s o w n judges, manshals, as.s4*ssors, tax-, of the fuiul.'iniental principles of our gov- to France. So Avith Austria and j Sec. 8. Be it farther orda ev il'.v’ters, and ail other olKeers lU'cessarA' ernmetit tis A\'ill endanger libertA', not onlA' other belligcient poAAcis, when thcAAar j the Sheriff in each county shall I i'K-l.ropvr a.lmi,.U!,-.Uiu!l of il.s fin.;. ' in thv SoutUeru Staton but throughout tl.e X hrio” oT?1™*" , , U 1 X- ' , 1 . nx, X- , , ' he suspended, and gold aviII uccumu- j i.ssued trom the County Court on jud X tiesi oltioeis may be taken trom any part aaIioIc nation. 1 he Northern people are j late uuemploA'ed in the countries av’’ 1 tee I niteil .Mat s, so that m the execu- far too iutelligcnt not to see this, and Avhcu ' will he engaged in . war; gold and silver i account to the next term of said Court ! statement is not full and fair, file interrog- ; the States fur final decision, until after in Ncav 1 ork xiboA-e sixty, upon the receipt: Sec. 9. Be it farther ordained, ’That no , fore qualified, shall be alloAvcd until the i Aecompaiiying tlie im-ssage i»f the Prt-.'- ot the hate intelligence, was not war-1 Avrits of fi fa or venditioni exponas on jud«--i Countv Court next after the first of ,lanu-fident id tlie report of the Secretary ol ranted by any prospect ot a continued de-: ments in actions of debt, covenant^ a«-• ary, 1867, to file his statement. ! State tinnouneing that lie had. in conturni- mjind for it abroad. It AAas the result of i m x „ 7 . sumpsit or account shall hereafter issue from the County Courts, nor shall said i'.i.'tity its action iu the late Aiar—.every j don to their fate the reA'olutionarA' leaders ti::.':! ot a State, lie being also a cit;‘/‘en who are noAV misleading them and abusing the United Stales—may iMuninit irea- their confidence, aud rally to the support -n, hut a State c.iniioi. I he Slate t. on- of the Con.stitution and the Union. I hey | .speculation, and merely cre.ates a contest . litutioiis are as much a part ot the Fed- Avjll not long remain idle spectators of in- j betAveeu the longs aud the shorts. AVhen i ll system as the Federal t.'oiistitutioa ' justice and oppression. ’They Avill not j shall become actually flagrant, ■ It^ and the former can no more hi . eyed by the rebellion of any portion people ot the L nited States than can injustice uf “taxaliou without re-presenta-1 they ever were during the most doubtful i ceed according to the regular course of the j sixty-one, barring action.s or suits, or pre- the seAxral States, together with u certili- ■* I suming the s.ati.sfaction or ahandonincnt of j cate and circular letter. not be counted : And provided ' • ' That nothing contained iu this or- Parties from the Nortii are to put up five • d. -, lung 1,,-nnit anv laruv i,union of thv pt-uple ^ sul'sWv. 'or tlio re- .. I . , T . , d . i ahtVAvill not in.stifv the-apprehcnsiuii. Be- on oi oi the I nited states to be subjected to the • ,ia,.g^ consols are now at as low a rate as 1 can injustice ot “taxation Aviihout representa-1 they cA'er AA’ere during the most doubtful .e latter. ’The Avar closed, tlu ii, leaA’ing lion,” iviuemberjug,a*theA'do,thatitAvasto j disastrous crisis of the Avar in the Cri-' Court, Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, ’That ity AS'ith the proceeding whicli had been all acts and parts of acts, suspending the ' adopted by him, in 18ti5, in regard to these Avrits on such judgments issue from or to operations of the statutes of limitation in propo.sed and .after-, ards adopted Gongres- the fall ’Terms of the Superior (Jourts, ex- i the Revised Code, are hereby repiaihal, ex-1 sioiial axmmdinents to the Constitutou ol cept in cases Avhere defendant fails to com- , eept as herein provided : IhoA ided, 'That j the United .States coneeming the proliilii- ply with the provisions of this ordinance, j the time ehapsed since the first day of Sep-' tion of slavery, transmitted certified copies und it is directed that plaintiff may pro-' temher, one thousand eight hundred and ' of the joint resolution to th(' Govenioi> ot iu the acts hereby repealed, i hundred neat dwelling houses at Newjiort construed as to prevent judg- News. NeA\ port News was for a long time .. ‘ Tj . • ^ • , xxxvxxx.^ XXV..XX becoming dormant. , an important point during military opera- . lyed by it as contended by some. AVlieu i^ourhern people AA ould greatly encourage ' if the gold i Term, 1S67, Avithont permission of L'ourt, ! See. 21. d farther enacted, That i tions on the Peninsula. President issued his proclamation de- *die R.adicals, and Avoiild be of infinite ecr- ^ niaiutained our bonds Avill un- | and should the defendant AA'ithin the first ' auA’ Sheriff’, Clerk, or other officer, failing \ . rin- Ihr.t the war had (hm-rived ih-e State-^ 'rice to them in the aimroachin- eleotion i mtmmuch as currency is | three days pay one-tenth of the judgment, to execute any of the provisions of this or- ! M^heat wa.s being harvested in Elizabeth ® 1- 11 • M ^ 1 ' -II ir • I and Without profitable cm-i or decree and costs, then the Avrit shall be ' dinancp, Avhen the execution thereof de-; county last Monday. The crop will he short. rebcUion oi all civil gOA'e:;)iijeijt, an-:. ;ip. •; yhjiv' ^taaefastnese m our oppositioo will ployment at this season of tho year. ' credited one-tenth, issued and iminediatelv volves on him. or issuing, nceiving. or ex-1 hut betf-r than wa-* uuticii>at;.l.