TEE OLE NORTH STATE. X^iscellaneons. ' uUiic .*^o, 1866. HANES cV’J. S. HAMPTON. PUBLISKEKS & I'POl'RIETOKS. The Confederate Flag. I5r nARRY L. FLASK, OF GALTESTOX. Four stormy yours \vc saw it gleam, A people's ho])e—and then re-furled. Even while its glory was the theme Of half the -world. The beacon that, -with streaming ray, Dazzled a .struggling nation’s sight— Seeming a pillar of cloud by day, Of fire by night. They jeer, who trembled a.s it hung, Comit-like, blazoning the sky— And heroes, such as llomer sung, Followed it—to die. It f(;ll—but stainless as it rose, JIartyred, like Stephen, in the strife ; Passing, like him, girdled with foes, From death to life. Fame’s trophy, sanctified by tears ! Planted, forever, at her portal; Folded, true—what then? Four short years Made it immortal. The Tribune of Monday says five cases of choh-ra have made their appearance in New York, four of which have proved fa tal. IMaryhind papers state that recent rains hav(‘ greatly im])roved the wheat crop in tliat JState, and the prospect is quite en couraging, ’i'he Pre.'ident has directed that the sev eral Executive departments of the Govern ment pay a])propriate honors to the mem ory of Gen. Cass, both at home and abroad. THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE. (Established 1855.) A superb Litemry Companion and sterling old Home Journal, Published every ►Saturday, BY WM. B. SMITH & COMPANY. 58 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Elegantly printed on beautiful white paper, mammoth sheet, with eight large pages. Its corps of Contributors includes nearly all the most distinguished authors of the coun try, and with the combined services of .so ma ny celebrated writers it has achieved a perfect success in presenting an unrivalled array ot talent. Its Romances, Stories, Tales.; Novelettes, Sketches, Criticisms, Re views, Poems, Biographies, Witti cisms, Travels, Adventures, Ac., Ac., Are pure, entertaining and instructive in a de gree rarely attained in periodical literature. In accordance with the name of the paper a special department is devoted to The Field, wherein are given articles, hints and sugges tions on tlio j)ractical management of the Farm, the Garden, the Orchard and the Kitchen. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year, .$5.00 Six Months, 2.50 Clubs of FveOne Y^ear, 20.00 Clubs of Ten “ 40.00 And an extra copy to the })arty getting uj» a club of ten. No club rates to six mouths subscribers. YVM. B. SMITH A CO., Publishers and Proprietors, 58, Fayetteville St., Raleigh,|N. (’. XEW Book^ JUST PUBLISHED. BY 3Iessrs. WM. B. SMITH d’ CO., FIELD AND FIRE.SIDE I’CIil.lSillND IIOU.SE., .58 Favetteville St.. Ralciirli, X. (’. MOSSES'FRoM a KolJJNO S'lDNE. A Vulniiic I)/ Bin iii.'t. BY TENELLA—MAUV I’.AVAKD CI.ATiK. Author d’ “ Reiniiii.-eeiices ofCulia.” ‘-Woed Notes.” ” 'i'raiislatioiis (if • .Mariruerite.’ ” “ lasdv Tarlilile.” etc., eli-. ZTewspaper Pnblications. INTewspaper Publications. THE SENTINEIL PUBLISHED DAILY, SEMI-weEKI.V A WEEKiV RALEIGH, N. C'., WM. E FELL, Proprietor and State Printer. EDlTtW KY WM. E. PELL A SEATON GALES. THE SENTINEL is an iiulci)en(lent newspaper— a warm supporter of the Union and the Constitution, of Andrew Johnson, our iua;rnauimous President and his policy, and devoted esi^ecially to tiie recuiiera- tion and prosijerity of the bouth ainl of North Caro lina. It labors to promote harmony, pood feeling and eiual rights among all the States, but will rebuke IXVBNTORS, MECHANICS, MANUFACTURERS. 1866! 1866! 1866! The best paper in the United States fur Mechanics, Inventors and Machinists, is the Scientific American. li is the largest in size, and has by far the wi dest circulation ol any other paper of its cla.ss ill the country. It i^ published weekly. Each number contains sixteen pages, with numer ous illustrations. The numbers for a year uiake two -s’oluines. 416 pages each. It also contains a full account of all the principal in all unfounded expi-ession.s against the loyalty and in-I ventious and discoveries of the day. ADo, SS^lbiTS;! to the new, and mar- ■ valuaWe illuatratedarticles upon u,oU au.i tnu^ ket departments. ,chineij u.-.ed in \yorkshops manufactories, Full proceedings of the Legislature and all imi)or-'| Steam and mechanical engineering, tVOoleii, tant State papers appear in t.he Sentinel. i cotton, chemical, petroleum, and all other lU Circulation is believed to be equal to any in the , m-inuf^vcturinji and producing interests. ADo, State, if not the largest. Its advertising patronage' t ^ i ^ , -.i- is large and growiiit'. | Firearms, M ar Implements, Drdu.ance, M i The Daily and \V Weekly will appea Official. Typographical. Weekly are now issued—the Semi-, Vessels, Railway, Machinery, Electric, Chem- ar ill a short time. j leal and Mathematical ap]»aratus. Wood and I Lumber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and Wa ter Rumps, Water AVheel Daily Sentinel, in advance, tier year, 00 “ “ ti moiitiis, 5 00 Semi-Weekly, per year, 5 OO “ “ ti months, 2 50 Weekly, “ jier year, 3 00 “ ’ “ G months, 1 50 March 1866-dAw2w THE DAILY EXPRESS, "ETERShURD, VA n.\S EXTF.ltKI) iqion its tilteenth year, in an en- ' larged form, with new type, niider aiis))i es highly j Hattering. It has a large and daily iiiereiising eir- ! eiilatioii, and otters to meri-haiits iiiid nthers desiring , to eommnnicate with the Southern public, advanta : ges .siupassetl bv none. ADVEliTlSlNC IL\Ti:S; (INK Sql AUK $5 00 One month, 10 00 Three months, 24 00 One Year, TWO SQrAKES ^'10 00 One month, 15 00 Three months, .30 00 One Year, I Two weeks. ' Two months, .Six months. ?n 00 1.5 00 40 00 Two weeks. Two months, Si-X months. i^UIk^-'CRIPTIOX i:.\THS : 12 00 IS 00 tiO 00 .'-inirle eopv. 5 etg. One iiionth, 7.5 ets Three miinths, S2, Six months. $.3. ()ne vear, sti. Address F. CRUTUIIITFI.D ACi)., mar 20—diw2\v I'etersbiirg. Va. etc., Household, HorticiUtural and Farm Implements—this lat- I ter department being very full and of great I value to Fanners and Gardeners. I Articles embracing every department of ' Popular Science, which every body can nuder- staud and which every body likes to read, i Also, Re])orts of Scientitic Societies, atluime I and abroad ; Patent Law Decisions and Dis- i ciissiuns, Praidical Recipi'S, etc. It al.so cou- i tains an (liiicial list of all the Patent Claims, la special feature of great value ki inventors I atul owners of Patents. ; The Publishers also act as Agents for pro- ' curing Patents for new inventions. A new volume of the Scientific American commenced January 1. : TER.MS—$3{)er year ; $1 50 for six months. T«‘n copies for one year, $25. Canada sub scriptions 25 cents extra. Sl'EClJIEN C>1*1E.S SENT FREE. Address ^ MUNN 6c CO., No. 37, Park Row, New Y"ork. Prospectus. ^ - . , , ,, , THE PUBLICATION OF THE north One V ol., .k, mo., tine blue, purple and 1 j^resbyteriau will be resumed in Fav- ri' o hrown. Price i etteville, oil Wedue.sday, the 2nd of Jaiiu; ‘ [I-rom the lliiMi: .loi KNAi.. eilitfd liy .\ . 1’. Vi illis.J “ Evince the imagination iiinl powtn- of viv- i “The Sunday School Panner.” A NEW ENTERPRISE! arv ADVZ2RTISSME:0rTS. Nalit^biii'y llraNtx Band, AND ORCHES FRA, WERE RE-ESTAB- lished .January 1866, with W.M. H. Nk.wi:, Musical Director, and El). B. Ne.WE, Ee:iler. 'I'liis will be a permanent and first ehiss Band Ibr North ( ’arolina, if properly issteem- ' ‘Am^ric^aJ’ eil .Mill .siistiiiiied, liy being engaged at ;ill jioiiits in the Stiitc*, on oce;isions where .ster ling mu.sic .-'iioiild he ;i marked I’eatiire. .Mu>Ie eompus(.*d and jirninged for any n*- (piired muiiber of parts fir Brass B:iud, (Irches- tr;il. Parlor or Choral piirjioses, to oi'dor The T’^inhM'signed, Themselves Members of t I the Sabbath School, propose to commence in L’ Cl . *1 . 1,.;,.,, ..,1 til.. lir...,-t.. , . i the citv of Raleigh, on or about the 1st of ", 1 • 1 1 ,t . ■ * ( ( oiitiileiit V KMViiig on tin* Jieaitv sinniort ii ul description Winch mark tile true poet. Are , . , , • ,. . , • ^, > next Mav, ; 1 . h , , , 7 n h . I which W(‘ hilvf* lu'retof »re rec(*iv(*d, wi* - : cliaracterised Iiv :i graceiul and fiowiiig versi- , ■ i ‘.T'HF siT’’VI'» tlf’IinriT K A-WFI? ” , . . 1 " I c c .-Cl endeavor to rt*ud(‘r the paiier more :ittr.ictive ; IIIL^L.AIIAY ol ID MIL IIAA ALK. heatioii, :i pleasing iikiy of fiiiicv, a beautiful , ” V • • V * i , ' nid tender'-entimeiit ” * ; lioth m ai'pciinuiee and matter, tliiin it has. xViid in the cominenc(*ineut of this little ^ * f Erom the Norfdk Virninian 1 ' f'pariug neither pains imr e.xpeiise work of love, being hoys, ourselves, may we ‘ ’ p in the accoiiqdi.shinent of this purpose. j not a]»])eal to every Sunday .School hoy, and AVith tlie jiassing away of dd things, ain-Av girl in North ('arolina to come up promptly to qiirit of iictivity, energy and ('iiterprisi*, has j aid the undertaking. In ourown State, there in dtdieaey of thought, Wiirinth of I fancy, and vivid reproductions of natiinil ■ h.-auties, Mrs. Ceakk luis shown herself to la THE POi^TAGE EAW. For the oonvenienco of our readers, of whom are uninformed as to the present postal rates, we extract and prepare the following from the existing regulafrons as published in the Uni ted States "Mail: LETTER POSTAGE.—PREPAYMENT. Tlie laAv requires the postage on all letters to be prepaid by sLuiip for stamped envelopes—pay- i meut in money being prohibited. All droj) let- j ters must iilso be prepaid. The only letters on Avhieh piiymeut is not demanded, an* those ad- I dressed to the President, or Vice-President or j members of Congress, tmd letters on otfieiul busi ness to the chiefs of the Executive Departments of the Governmens. the h(*ads of bureaijs, and chief clerks, and others ijivested with the frank ing priGlege. \ RATES. The rates of letter postage is three cents jh'I j hiilfounce, throughout the United States: and i three cents fcir each additional half ounce or frae- i tion thereof. The ten cent I’acilic rate is abol- i ished. j The rate of postage on dnip letters is two cents per hiilf ouuee or fraction thereof, at all otfiee;. ! where Iree delivery by carrier is established, i Where such Iree delivery is not eslabhshed, the rate is one cent. NEWSPAPER POSTAGJJ. The following is the postage on newspapers, when sent from the office of publication, to regu ; lar sub.-icribers: Postage on Daily pajiers to subscribers when prepaid quarterly or yciirly in advance, either at the imiilihg ofiiee or office 'f delivery, per quarter, (three month J,) Ik") cts. .Six times per week, per quarter, :?u *• For TrMVeekly, ** ].5 “ Foi ,^emi-WeeKi\, “ lu “ For AYeekly, “ 5 *• Weekly Newspap(*rs (one copy only) .sent by the publisher to actual suhseribers within the county where printed iind publislu'd, free. (JL'ARTEULY PAYMENTS. Quartindy postage cannot lie paid for less titan three months. Jf a subscription lH*gins at any other time than the eominencenii'nt of an olliei.-il quarter, the post:ige received hy the Post Master, must still he entered in liis account for th:it quar ter. SubserilH'rs tor short terms—exceeding tliree mouths, say four or live nioiitlis—can pay quar terly postage fortheactua! term of tlteir stihserip- tioiis—that is, for ouo quarter and a tliinl. one ! quarter mid two thirds, we. Thelawouly reiiuires j that at least one (luarter’s ])ostage shall he jire-1 paid, and not more than one year’s postage. Anv I term between one'luarter and one year eautl7ere- | foi'e h{‘ prepaid at projiorlioiiate rate's. .Suhseri- i hers can jiay the jiostage fur a fraction of a quar- j ler, id the siuiie rates for a whole (juartt'r, Iw in eluding the fraction with the next whole (pimter, and paying for both iit the same time. PRIVILEGES TO PIT’LISIIKKS. Publishers ol News])iip(*r.s iuid I’eriodieals miw send to eaeli other froiii their respective olliees I’t ‘ ])ulilie!it!oii, free of jiostiigie one eojiy of Ciu-h jmh- | liciitioii, and iiiiiy iilso .send to ciieli aetuiii sub- i The Old North State Job Printing OFFICE EXECUTES ALL KINDS OF Plain and Fancy Printing, J IN T n K Highest tyle of the Art. NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES. SELECT HATERl VE —A X D— THE BEST WORKMEN, AT THE North State Office. WITH ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETK PRINTING ESTAHLISIIMENTS IN THE SOUTH. WL AVtLL ^•0T B1-: F.Xl ldddd) EITUEli IN Style, DISPATCH worthv'a VerV high place‘among the female been infused into every departinent -:o:- ■mt of secular i are very many .Sabbath .Schools, and from the Ihielosed iii their puhlicatioiis, hills iuid tliiiiiglit and business. AVhy should not tlie i best information we have, the scholarship Jj; | rjC‘eil*ls for the siime, treeot po^tiige. Tliey may irr(>ssiv(‘ nd- ^ Innr.* ;niil iiie.riJDsiiifr. :i7ii] it is from thcTii w* 1 ‘1 '** ^ K -'pect.Ue ])Ul)lieiltioI!>, the NAMELE.s.S—A Novel, BY FANNY MUltDArCII DOWNING. [S(^cond Edition.] One Volnine, IGino. pajier 81.00 Miisie fin- Piano—ii. B. Dodworth.Mos.s, ‘ ^le Vol.,_16ino., fine cloth, purpleand brown. Kent, Bot.-'tord, of New York, warm personal ' Ib’ice .SL,50. frii'iids of .Mr. Xeave, select and solid liiin all the music for Piano that is new, w1h‘u inlriu- .*■11X111}' good, us Well us winning and popular; for beginners, iiiediLiiu player.s ami advanced musicians. Tlihs carefully select and liiglily aiqirovcil music, will sold as ebeaydy bore. The critics have in turn compared the au thor to Hannah More, J/r.s’. Fdyetcurth, Mrs. Braddon, George Fliot and Charles Dickens! ^ [From the Uosinojiolite.] “ The iiitert*st is so admirably kept up that ; it never flags from first to last. The style is as liie 7uixvd avticB* is retiuied in New* York. \ »m»\*'‘U vuv., and viKorona—free from tll« af- The far-fumeil Dodworth Baud instruments ' fi-'C'tations of most female writers.” can he got through Mr. Neave, tested and aji- ! [Iioin the Home Journal.] proved, ■''^ali.sbury, N. C., April 28, 1866. tf THE WEEKLY OLD KOKTH STATE/’ PUBLISHED EVERY FEIDAY, AT SAL ISBURY, N. C., BY HANES II A yi P T O N CONTAINS All the Latest News, REVIEW OE THE TIAKItET.S, ETC , ETC., j ” The ])lot is natunil and developed with I well sustained interest. The characters of ! the story are clearly individualised, and their I varying fortunes are often illustrated with ' pa.-^sagesof thrilling interest.” I [Fi'om thi* Pliihideljihia Daihj Ago.^ j “ It posses.ses much excellence. The jmh- I lishers deserve great jiraise for the manner in , which they have sent tlie book from the press.” LEE’S LAST CAMPAIGN—By Capt. J. C. G. 32mo., paper. Price 25c. A histori cal harrativo of the final and thrilling events of the war in Virginia, commencing with the battles around Petersburg, and following the movements of both armies until Lee’s surren der at .liipomatox Court House; eontainiiig the oflicial correspoiideuce concerning the surrender and the interview between Gen. Lee and (R'li. (Iraut. etc., etc. THE N(dRTH CAROLINA GOLD (’IR- CUI.AR—32mo.. jiaper. Price 10c. Ofim- Cliurch, also, partake of the pnjgressive ad- ■ large and increasing, and it is from tlicm we vaiicemeiit ? Why should she, of ail the j look for that ]iatroTiage which is nece.'sary to ag(.*ucies, brought to hear with such treineii-j improve and ke(*p fioathig, tills native stan- duoiis force* upon tlie civilization of the pres- i dard which we ])ropose for their ])(*nefit. It i*nt tiim*, bi* inellicieiit, laggard and aliuo.it , is not for pecuniary gain that the “B.vnnf.u,” lioiieh-ss, in the working out of her own des- j is established ; it has for its aim higher ub- tiny ? 1 ject.s, and if we succeed in our enterprise, it 'I'o arouse* tin* (diiirch to tin* importance and ' will he to us in after life a source of great sat- iiecessity of work ; of unceasing, rcstlcs.s, tin*- j isfaction to know that, in our boyhood days, l(*ss energy ill the .service of her .Master and i we gave a helping hand to Sunday .Schools, : Head ; this shall in* our first clrelbst aim. In i the preparatory ' Sdiools for jilaces of high \ tills we ne('d assi,staiic(‘. l\’(* ;ire not alom*, i tru.st and position, in the work of our Hea\eu- j sutlicieut for tliese iliings. Our bictlireii must' b' father. 1 hi.R. us U. cv.ii-y w:,y; by c.mtril.ati.ms fnne., Hs name sufiieiently indicates the object ‘ tlUMl* own *t' 111« »n nti«l I'X I itw ociitoriivl eoinliiet. 1 zeuious ('()-ojK*r;i 1 i■ »!i iii :i uoiiiiiittu tor! iicccsJ'itji for tlio itMiuiik tiuit it niros. in doth (nisos tfic jiosimitc ro i)(' prujHiiil, ! the benefit ofall ; bv exteudiiig mir circulation ; ^'’ill not be_d(>uominational, Imt alike open to | cither at the mailing or delivery office. date wlien the subscription expires, to he writcii or iiriiited. j SMAI.r. I’AI’KUS. I Ri'ligious, Educational and .\gricultural News- i pujicrs of small .size, is.sued less lrc(|ucntly tlian j once a we(*k, may he sent in jiackages to due ad i dress at the rate ofoue cent for each package not j exceeding four ounces in W(*ight. and an addition- ; al cliarge of one eent is made for each addilional i L( ) Hx^, four ounces or fraction thereol', the postage to he paid quarterly or ye.iirly, in advance. NBWS ni'.AI.KRS. -G R— FAlU.MvSS OF TF.UMS. WE I'lllM (l.\ SililllT MITK'E, Ni'avs dealers may send newspapi^rs and jieVi odieals to regular suhserihers at tin* quarti'rly I rates, in the same nuinner as pulilishers, aiuimay 'rii.M-.. J rcc.-ivi, thorn tVoni j)iiI)Jishers at siihsoriliors rates, in liotfi cases the rAMPlILE’I'S, a PO.STER.^, throughout all our burdei's. and tliiis giving ; m11 the Sabbath Schools ot this .State foi eoii- us the means and ojiporrunity of iu rfonuing ' tributions, in which there is no .spice i4f secta- well the work to which wc liavc ciuisecrated . nanism. all tlnit wo havi'. and all we luuie for on tin* ' The “Bannfu” Tvill he jssm*d monthly on ' ; handsome typ*, eleiir white pap*r and will TERMS. i contain fourteen columns reading mattei', quar- Subscriptiou for om* yi'ar, 84 6b i (t* B u s i n e S B si.x mouths, 2 Oil Address B. FULLER. Editor o the N. C Presl)yt(*riau. PROSPECTUS OF THE EUTHERFORD STAR 'riie Undersigned propose to publish, in the villag** of Rutherfordton. a weekly Newsjiaper to be called “The Rutherford Star.” It is our desire to make Tlnj Star a wel come visitor to all those who feel an interest in the prosjierity and welfare of our country We trust siifiicjent eneourageiuent may he otlereil to justify the undertaking. TEK.M.S—IN ADVANCE ; 1 co])y twelve months. 30 2 “ “ “ .50 5 “ “ “ 100 10 “ “ “ 2(K) 20 “ “ “ 3 50 Any person sending us a club of 20 for three dollars and a half will receive one cojiy gratis. W. J. EDWARDS, Z. T. BROUGHTON, nolGdtf Publishers. The Coi^iiiopolite. VISrriNG CARDS, AND PRINTED IN TIIE BEST STA'LE. lion*;, as handed down to us by our noble an- i AN THE FIRST OF JANUARY 5VE WILL er 9 ounces and not over 12 ounces, 0 cents; over ‘esty, a Federal Rojmblicau (Rm'rmnent. | conmienee the publictitiou, in the city of Hal j 2 ounces, and not overlfl ounecs, 8 cents. PERSONS LIVING IN TRY WILL PE KEPT POSIED IN Al.L THE NEWS OF THE DAY BY sUBSi’KlBI.NG TO THE WEEKLY portance to many—of iiit»‘rest to all. (’on- as a whole, and the perpetuity ot our institu- j tains rate of depreciation of I'pnfedcrate I'ur- | tion , reiicv. during the war, coiiiiiared with (bdd ; D'esty. a Federal Republic: ^ - ^rT^T ' New'Usurv Law of North ('arolina ; tluctua-' ()ur iieople have but lately emerg(.*d from a j ‘d /'niuiithly literary Magazine. _Th(.‘re TUB ( OLX- ,i„„s „f ii, N..W Y,..k to 1),1 giBamia civil war, waged l,y and Mw.,,,.! y,™'vl,* aniffhc lif "lie . .scctioiiH ,.l a .mec .glmauiis L ima,, and more , |,„a Icit a large porfiin el the neeiilC of the desolating to our paiticulai section, than any-' e-omitry with noliterary representative, i thing that has ever happ(*ned on this coiitiu-, The Uosiuopolite will be devob'd to literature. POSTAGE 0.\ TUANSlE.Vr .MATTER—ROOKS AND CIIUTLAKS. Books, not over 4 ounces in M'l'ight, to one ad dress, J cents; nvcr 4 ounces, and not over s ounces, 8 cents; ovi'r 8 ounc(;s, and not over 12 uunc(*s, I'J cents; over 12 ounces, and not over l(i ounces, 1() cents. Circulars, not exceeding tliree in number, to one address, 2 (-('iits ; over three, and not over six 4 cents ; over six, and not over nine, b cents ; over 9 and not exceeding twi'lve, 8 cents. -MI.SCKLLANEOUS. On miseellaneous luailahie matter emhraeing all iiaiuphlets, oeeasioiial puhlicatioiis, Irausieii ncM'spapers, liaiid-hills and posters, l)o(,)k inuiiu scripts and proof-sheets, whctlicr eoma-ted or not maps and prints, engravings, sheet iiuisie, blanks flexible patterns, samples aiuDaniple eanls, pho tographic paper, letter eiiveloiies, jiostal eiivelopi's or Avrappers, cards, paper {Wn or ornamental, photographic reprcseiitutioiis of ditlerciit types, ' .seeds, cuttings,bulbs,roots, and scions, tlie iiost- ' . 7"'FrT-i-p -r.j- . age to be prepaid hy stamps, is on one package to \ * U'-R HLAD.S, one address not over 4 ounces in weight, 2 cents: over 4 ounces, and not over 8 ouiiees, 4 cents, ov- HAXDBILI.S C a. r WEDDING CARILS. DRUGGIST’S LABELS. DRAY ’i’K’KE/l’vS rn t i OLD NORTH STATE. I b(>r, 1865 ; a list of all the Nc'wsjiapers jmb- j lished in North Carolina April I, 18(kJ, Ac. I 512^“ Sent jiostpaid, upon receipt of price, i WM. B. SMITH A CU., j 58 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. j Catalogues sent oii application. ent, and it is to he hoped, than ever will again. | art, review's, scientific reading, and we shall miin- ! While there is life there is hope, and not- | her among its eoiitributors some of the first liter- I with.tanding the great changes wrought by j‘W'’^Dhe South, with others from the North, TER.US -CASH IN ADV.iNCE The York Times. ONE YEAR, SIX MONTHS, $.3 00 1 50 ■ the late civil war, we shall encourage tliepoo-1 iMid from London au(l , i pie to houestv, iiidustrvAiiid economy, we! -HI matter not onginul Mill be carefully seEet 0, ^ 1. * ’ J ed from the iieivest aiul best ot the English, I sliall take spLU'Uil^iiains^b) ke(*p thein^ po.sted | pij-ench and German Publications; and its Editors rank K,,large,,.c„i of ike Daiuj, i:':;tg'iw;';l;;yl,;;:;n;r'«on;K!;:„Sui|j'lix / n'> 7/ T' ; stores, prosperity and hap))iiiess. 1 As its name imports, we have oslablis' and W eckig 1 irncs. | We shall from time to time imhli.ih such i the Cosmopolite upon no seidioiial basis. LEW 1.8 HAXE.S. \ JOHN IIA.MITON, S HANES & HAMPTON. ! xfic LaugTst uiul ClK'apcst Paper Publishers & Proprietors ; I in the rniteil Staks, march 3U- fJlIIE NEW YORK TIME.S ‘slabiishod We laws, both State and National, as our jieojde Giope to make it the order of general literature are directly concenu’d ill, and .shall likewise '’ 3Md will be iminllueneed by any party or use our iiitiueiice to establish a sound circula- j to subsen- 1 1 7 . .1 J l)«rs in anv part ol the couutiy upon receipt ol ting currency, so .inucli needed at the present j j x i B"**-*' SUBSCIPTION: HAS BEEN !■:> 1 larged to the size of the London Tiou's. j Each number euntains eight coliiniiis eaeli—or fixtv-six eolmhii king it the largest newspaper in the United State.' The Times wUl contain rogiilarlv or YuTfSi I'aroHsin. j TREASURY DERARTMEN'l'. ' Raleigh, ^larch .‘H, iSGii. \ To Holders of Akorth-CaroTtnii Bonds. BY .\('T CtF THE GENERAL ASSEM- Idy of North-Caroiim*. ratified .Mar. 10, I8d!). 1 am diivetcd to pri'pare and sell for not lf.s tlur.i jiar bonds of the .'■'tate runiihig thirty- four years. M'ith C'oupoiis bearing six jirr eent. iutere.'t. jiayaiile semi-a.inually. ot'tljedenom. inatiou of 8100, .8500. and 81.000, princijial and int(*rest untax'abie, for the jnirpose of pay- ! iiig coupons now due and to become due In * 18iId. ;iiiid bonds dm* and to fall due in I8ut). | Everything possible will hi* done to make the By anfliority vested in tin* Bnblie Treasurer, 1 Tlmks the most valitahle and interesting Family designate Nlw Yoi'l; as the place* of pavmeiit. j •'''cwspaper in the t nited States. Its price will i’arties entitled, desirous of etfeetiiig th(*ex'- * in spite ol the laet that its AYe shall be governed by priuci})les and not i men, for according to onr honest conviction, the present condition of our country is owing Si7igle C'opic.s for Due Year, .$ 4 00 Ten “ “ “ :«'00 Liberal deductions will be maile to book na-res of S(*ve!i couuiry is owing Dinorai aeuuctions I777 S 177 •iiilliiHi. i the abandonment of principles, Age mean i .'iefinrs and newsdealers. Address I the abandouineiit of those fumlamental priu-1 R^iON & CO- i cii)k*s upon which the Government of the Uni-! Bhltiiiiore. ifd. I ted States was reared The Wide World- now TO EE w iiAreEi). All mailmatter not sent at lett(*r rates of post age, embracing liooks, book iminuseripts, proof sheets, and other printed matter, and aff oilier mail matter, except seeds, must be so wrapped or enveloped uvith o])eu .sides or ends as toenahle the postmaster to exiiuiiue the jiaekage without de stroying the wrapper; otherwise siieb packages must be rated with letter postage. Ko eomnuini- catiou, whether in writing or in print, can be sent with any seeds, roots, cuttings or scions, imijis, eiigraGngs or other matter not printed, excejit upon the separate matter, at the estaljfished rates. CLFRS. Where paekage.s of newsjiapers or periodicals are received at any post olliee directed to one ad dress and tlie names of the club of .suli.-s-ribers to which they belong, with the jiostage for a quar ter in advance shall be handed to the postmaster, he.shalldeliverthesaine to their re.spi'ctive own ers. But this does not appl\' to weekly iiewsjju- pers, -which circulate fi-ee in the count;- where printed and pulilished. PRK-FAYMFNT OF TP.AN.SIRNT MATTF.R. All transient matter must be prepaid by .stamps. But if it comes to the office of delivery -without pre-payment, or short paid, the unjiiiid postage must lie collected on delivery at double the pre paid rate. Gr(‘at iK'gleet exists in the strict quarterly pro- Iiavinent of po.-itagi* on iiriiited matter sent to r'g- ular suhsiTihers. No such jiaper should be (h.-- livered unless it is either pre-paid at the maihiig IHLL.S GE J.ADIXG, (TRCULARS, BLANKS, ALL KIXIUS OF B.AZLZS.OAD WORH. change authoriz(*d in said Act, will please eom- uctorof the securities ;vhieh tliey ;vish to he funded, in order that I may know tin* number and di iiomination of the bonds which ;vill be re([uii-ed. .After the engraver shall furnish the hlank.s, the bonds ;vill lie ]irepared for issue with little delay. Under advice of the Attorney General, (’oii- jiuiis of bonds issued since, but under acts {lassed before May 29tli, J861, will be fnmled under tin* act of March 10th, 18()(). provided their identity is e.-tablished, hy being cut from the bonds in my jiresence. a provision neci's- pary on account of the similarity to other Uou- i)Oiis, issued .since Mav 20th, I86J. KE.MFiU BATTLE. xiol3dI;r. Public Treasurer. I T’tf?? Congressional Jiepnrts ; Hrporfs oA j AVe shall favor ami encourage the clevelop- j the JA'gi.Iautre ; Messages and ! iu‘*nt of all our re.-iources, Agricultural, Min- AN exteiitaining, in.structive and spicy 1 Jhcututnfs ; Deports ,/ Courts ///(?* t'lal Ac., and likewi.;:e such internal improve-! FAMILY NEAYSPAPER. i Ibihlie Mertinrm • Vurnorno Xpir i mciits as will most likely be beneficial to the ' , - - , j J... j. ' ’if ^ ^ ' (’ountrv, and espeeiallv the e.xtensioii of the ' It is the design of the Publishers to make ; office, or at the delivery othce, tor at least a quar- 1 1 all ; Jo, eg,n and 1 o,nest,c C,,rrespo,l- ; t’harlott.:*e and Rutherford Pdl I acceptable to all classes of . ter. If not so prepaid, postmasters must collect dence ; Aeirs tt'om all pa,is oj the uoiJd, . ii ! ivaders. Its cdumns will contain (Original postage mi each copy as on transient m^ter. If PoUtkul aad i;,„a:,l KmorlaO ; Lit | b ,.. l...|i,K.., ,ve an, Tr™ CkmsarvaUv,.. ."/.'''-'Wf beln*vmg neither in the Fire Eaters of the ; erica. Also, Aimi.sing ainl^ Dangerous Ad- i iiui' liiidiccils of tilt? ^orth* but iii i vt^uturos, ritiiij?litioiis, Historictil Et^niiiii- | wT’iTivd o\ nfw^pvpkkA. the c.iiistiimh.ii. the Union, an,I the enforce- i Sketches of ail kinds. Poetry, Wit. | .j, iuncaal a letter or other tliini; ineiit of all U..nstitntio„.al laws, wl,ether State ' oon.hi.mig a va.st amojint ; rceeiHs for sal,seri,,tion) in, ortS or 1-ederal, and a ready and willing obedience ' intonnatiou on. thousands of subjects that | write or print anythimr, after its pulilieatimi upon to the same. i are of interest ]*i'oht and amusement to the ' The 8tar will he published every AYedin'.s- ■ iri^Meral reader. Editorials and News, touch- day at the following rates, (strictlv jjj 1 iug all the leading and important oceufreuces vance.) piayable iu currency or prijduce at i found in its columns, market prices. ’’’ crarg Xcies, Seleetions and ALisceUanii. Txic tilt* ItcNt INKS, PAPER AND CARDS. ( > Call and a6e Specimen.B —A N D— LEARN’ THE TRICES —A T T II E— Old North State Office, April 2d, 1866. l-d6cwlm .V size and emileiits Imve been increased oiie-foiinl* , .’7 7 Tin* following are the prices of the scvei-al cd.- mumeate to me at oiieo the amount and char- i payable iiiai! cases in advance. THE KEY-STONE. AION'I'IIEA' M.\.80.\I(’ .M.VGAZINE 58 Fayi'ttevilli- St., Raloigli, N. (’. EDITED P.Y MMLLIAAI H. .SMITH. .Suhscriptiou, j anv newspaper, pamphlet, inagiizine, or other I , i. , , ' printed inatter,1s illegal uml suhjeets .such printi-d ; ' ^ - ^oiiin,.,Lced .I a,mar,, 1, l.'^Gtl Th(‘se jirioes are in; aria'.ile. ('luh rates are dis eoiitimied. W e l-uive no triivi'lling J gents. Re mit iul'heeks or PostOilice Moiiev Orders if p,)s- sible. ^ Address H. J. RAA'AIOND & GO. hprfl-dliii Times Office, Ne;v York M. WUlTKllKAl), M. I). C. A. HENDERSON, M. D. Drs. Wliiti^liead ti- Henderson. j gave associated themselves in the a a m Maid m and ofi'er their jirofessional services to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Oflice Xerf diX}r to Oiren, Sofeld it Co's. Store. Al'ril *20, 1866. iy One copy 12 mouths, 6 April 18th, ’66. 82.00 J. B. CARPENTElL^^ R. AY. LOGAN. dtf. Terms of Publication in Advance. 83.00 Per Annum. matter, and the entire package of whieh it is a part, to letter postage. Any ;v(.;rd or coniinunieatimi, ;vhether hy print ing, marks or signs, upon tlie cover or wrapper oi HWELLING HOUSE To rent by the month, or the remainder of * year. Apply to BLAC’KAYOOD A C’o. lay -JS-dlm or M. A. SMITH the may The Weekly Old North State Puhlished every Friday ai §3, per anmm. Single copies may he had ofall ne;vsdeal- | « g . the name and address ot tlie persons to;; lioin It Is ers, price feeveu Merits. 1 i . . . . All communications intended for the j columns uf the AA’ide AYorld, or containing i Subscri])tions, should K* addressed 1 J. H. BRiGHAAI A FERNALD, j Publishers of the AA’ide AV'orld, 28 State Street, Boston, Mass, j JOB PRINTING neatly AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. to lie sent, and the date when suhscriptiou expires, subject the package to letter postage. FOR RENTT A good Dwelling House iu one of the best neighborhoods of the City, for par ticulars apply to L. H. BEARD. June 4, ’06. d2w uo56 : Elegantly priut(-.l uj...u verv heavy yvhito I Jiaper. and neatly stitched aud triniiued in ; aeaiitiful envers. 1 he Keg-Stone is endorsed ainl recoinmeiiil- : ed to the Fraternity at large by tin- Grand ■ Lodge ot North Uarolina, ami keenly feeliu,- j the weight ot this high coiiijiliinent, the jiro- I jjrietors will sjiare neither money nor exertio to make the juiblicatioii a most Welcome visi tor aud compauiou with all good aud true Masoii.s—theio wives, sisters, mothers daughters, to whom the same greeting, ITT Sjieciineu numbers sent to any part ot country ujion ajijilicatiun. theAV.M.'n. SMl'l'lI A CO., Publishers, .58, Fayetteville 8t., Raleigh, N.’c and couie