1 ! J ' ' - , The Old IVortlr fftait Forever." Gusto. a Mnjlc Copies Fire Cenlt VOL I. SALISBURY; Nr a. SATURDAY EVKNINa, JUNK 30, : 18GG. KUMBliRVl r-r Tin: GLDN0KT1I STATE. itki-ui;i:ki,y. Xewis JZaats fc Jeta ft. XZampton. PTOLISHKM A POOrRIETOBS. . irvu K'jtf, riiw. "ij. dATPI OP BU3SCftIPT10S4 .a 4 - XKUXCltU IM AftrARCB. Trt-Weekly, On. Ysar Ki UoatlM, , Out lioulh. 8.00 I.O0 75 cU rwii-aT) Vm kly paper, One Year, .3- . . 3.00 Mx month. 7 . 1.50 ' Ten cou!m One Year, . M.tt) " " Twcuiy ropiea. One Year. 40. UD A eroes X oa the paper mdioatc the expiration ui Ike subscristwo. TIm type .a which tlx "Old Noith Pt.ts," If pfinteJ ta tatirely sew. No pai,s-i wi'l lj scared to mkl it a welcaaM visitor ta every fnu y. In r-k-r t 4. this we fc. axtei th-t rvicc of sb.e sjJ eoeempli.kro1 literary contributors, SJtlLII. I. I W ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT RATK3 -For all period, taw than one month One Square, Pint insertion II .00 Each Mlweqtient iasertion 60 Coa tract rales for period, of one to four- months. 1 MO. 2 MOB. 8 M08. 4 M(8. lijquare, 3 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 SSqu'ra, 4 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 3 " . 5 00 7 50 10 50 WOO 4 " 6 00 9 00 12 00 15 00 JColm'n 8 00 12 00 10 00 20 00 t " 10 00 1 00 20 00 2 3 00 1 " 15 00 22 50 2 j 00 35 00 Special Contracts will be ma lo w ith those who desire to advert'se for a longer tern than f.iur month. Court Kot!cM and Advertiaenieuta will be Charged attbe am .Irate. Ten lines of olid minion tjpc, or about, onu inch leuglhw'we of the column, conntitute a qnare. Special Kotice. in leaded minion, will be con tracted for at the oJice, at not lv than double Uie rate of ordinary advertisements. Inserted as reading njuttr. with, approval of the editors, fifty ccntx per line. AdvrUfliaeiiU inerttl irregularlx. or at inter- Tain, 25 per cent additional. The ratealibovo printed are for standing advor- ttaemento. One or two sqiarr S, changeable at discretion SO per cent additional. Kore than, two square, changeable at discre tion, per rquarc of. ten lines, fur every change twenty-five CftU . Fire tquoreextunated aa a quarter column, And ten tquare a a half column. Bill for ad- Tertiaing. whether br the day or year, will be coniiderod dua and collectable on pretnliition POETICAL MT EIOTmiR'C VOICE. There's mafic iu the autumn wind, "' Amund the dripping eaves ; Aad where its phyoas stop to yl&y, Among the fallen leaves. There's music iu the river's flow, Along the pebbly ehore, When all the winds have gone to sleep, And boughs swaved nd more. . There's music in the cricket's sorig I hear through evening ehade, And in the low distant herds', Returning from the glade. There's music in the household, tones ; That greet the sad or gay, And in the laugh of innocence A Bejoicing in its plaj. Bnt there's music sweeter far la memory than this The music of my .mother's voice N Now in the land of bliss. A music time taaj never etill I hesi it in my dreams, When 1 the fondness of her face , Onte more upon me beams. I know not what the AogcU hear, In niasioLt iq the skies- But there js not a sgurjd ojLeartli like mother's gentle voice. Hit tndM HM in inv finAtA nw As Nature whispers to my heart, , A Mother! oh, when site departs, Her like is never known ; The records of affection speak . Of only, only one ! L Lrigfctcr willthat rr cord grow Through all the changing years Tbft.oftener to the lip is prcssd The cop or sorro w's tears LWBCS llftwt, citiaen of Anson oounty, op J'liLiy wetk, il . 15ch- inst, eonuaitted suicide by hMtiiig himself in the hosA, , IV onetiiae.Mr l(oru has been tnjjgejUo be wonewhaa nsettled in mind, la4e4)eee otlae loss of much property war w jlhftmait ol ue.warv TUB POSTAGE KV. ' For the conrenlrnoo of our readcrt, many ol wnom BUlnloniira u to Ui pn'eril poNta! raWn, we extrai-t and wnara the fullowfaic from tLe exibtiug rpgnlatiuiM aa publiahod I14 Lb L'ni- UHi Bute Main ( trrTK pnaTAOK.rrPRSraTMKirr. Tho law re drew f he ptrta.fo on all letteri to De prepaid by utanip for atauiited envelope tT roe lit in BKmey being proniliited. AU drop, let, Ureui9iA also ho prepaid.- Ttra only lettcra on which payment a uot dtouauded; are tlx toe ail 'dreiwed to the lrosident, or V ke-lYeKldent or lueiiilxTnof Oungrexx, and Intteni on olticiul buxl netuito thtM'hitiU oftlie Exwutive lVpiirtuicutx or the tiovornineii. the head, ot linreatiH, and chief clerks, abd others inve.tcd with the frauJk- uig pnvuego. I A T I S. The rate of lottor postage in three cents pet 1. nil' 01 nee, throughout the Ut.itcd KtateHi and three eent. lor each a.lditioual hull' ounce or frac tion thereof. The ten dent l'ucitlo rate in abol iJied. 1 - ! The rate of pontage on dn.p letters fs two cent per h:ill 6uuce or ba : tiuti thereof, at all nuVes where free delivery by earner i-t ewnblished. Where tikh free dt lively U not established, the rute it one cent . KKW8PAPEB POST AO E. The following i. the postage on newspapers, when Kejt Iroui tho oliice of publication, k mgu lur hu!nTiler. : Pontnge on Daily papers to gubivribeni wl en prepaid quai.u'ly or yuirly in advs:icu. either nt the "liiuiliug oilice . or oltieo f delivery, per quarter, (three uionl'j ',) Six time per week, per quarter, For Tri-Weekly. ' 3 K01 Semi-'VeeaJi, " , For We. klr, " 35 eta. 30 " 15" 10 " 5 ' Weekly Newspapers (one eorr onlv) ent bv the publisher to actual suhtM-nlwi within the connty where prii!tel and p:(blihil, free. Qt'AKTKULV PAYHKNT. Quarterly potag cannot be paid for less than three monthx. If a subscription begins at anv oiher tiine than tho commencement of a.) o'tk-ia! quarter, the posliigft re(rreiltiy the IWil.i.ster, uiiiwt still ue entered in his account for that muir- ter. fsubscrilierx (or .short terms exce"u:: g Uiree month, nay tour or tivo mouths can j-.iy qunj-. teriy postiige fiwt 10 .dual Urui of their mibscrin- tiou that in, for j 1 qU:ir.er and a third, oue quarter and two thirds, Ac. TMawonly require, that at least one quarter's postage hIiuII be pre puid, and not more than one rear's postage. Any ittrui oeiween one quarter onu one year can there fore be, prepaid at proportionate rates. Subscri ber can puy the postage lor a traction of a quar ter, at me same rates lor a wnoio q-uirter, by it. eluding the frat-tion sritk the 'at whole quarter, ami paying lor 0010 at me same limo. PBIVILKOEJ TO PUPLISHKIU. Publishers of Newspapers una Periodicals may send to each other (rum their rcspm-tive onices ol publication, free of" jmstagp one copy ol eaoh pab Iicat.on, and may also aeud to each a'tuul sub sen her, inclosed" in their publications, bills and receipts lor tae aui, live of txwtae. Thev uiav also -;;tte 011 their respective publications, tho uuic uen uio suuM.Tipaon expires. 10 ue whiten or pruiteu. SMALL PAPERS. Religious, Educational and Ag-icultural News papers 01 euiull ue, uued less frequently than once a. woes, may oe sent-m packagi s to ons ad dress at the rate of one cent for each packairenot exceeu::ig lour oanceiin weight, and an addition al churga of one cent is made for each additional lour ounces or traction thereof, the postage to be paiu quarterly or yeany, m auvnnco. KKWS UKALKBS. News dealers may send newspapers and peri odiculs to regular subnbers at the quarterly nne.v iu me same mauoer as puousners, and may also receive them from publishers at subsi-ribers rates. In both cases tlie postage to be prepaid. cuuur tu, uie uiaiuug or ueiivery omco. POSTAGI OH TKAXSTE5T MATTKB SOOKS ASD N C1BCLARS. 1 Books, not over 4 ounces in weight, to one ad dress, 3 cents; over 4 ouncM, and not over ounces, 8 cer tsi over 8 ounces, and not over 19 ounces, J2 c :its ; over 12 ounces, and not over 160UECU, 11 cents. 0 2k ; laroulars, hot excerdmg three $n number, Us one aatrreiw",. v cents ; ever tlire, 4nl not over six 4 cents : over six, and uot over nine. 6 Cents : over Q rtl nAtarMoilnAlMJ.. W T.TW'li s MISX-HLLA5BCS. On miscellaneous luailuDie matter smbraoinc ait pampuiets, occa,-iinai pnuncutions, tronsiea newspapers, hand-bills and posters, book niauu scripts and proof-sheets', whether corrected or not mans and piiuts.enirfavinsr, sheet music, blanks flexible puLUirns, samples and sample, cards, pho. tographic paper, lottsr envelnues, potal envelopes or wrappers, cards, pa jer Wm or ornamental, photographic reprcJentations jf different types, seods, cuttings, b-.il lis, roots, and scions, the post age to be prepaid by stomps, is on one package to one address jiot over 4 ounces in weight, V cents; over 4 ounces, and not over 8 ounces, 4 cents, ov er 9 ounces and not over 12 ounoes, 6 cents ; over ii ounoes, and not over 10 ounces, 8 cents. HOW TO B8 WBAPPKO. All mail matter not sent at letterVates of nost ae. einuracina books, book manuHcriiiLs. nrnu sheets, and other printed .matter, and all other mail matter, except teeds, miut bo so WTanped or enveloped with open sides or ends as to enable the postni&iter.to examine the package without do- matt toe ratKt witu letter potog. AO-communication, whether in writing or in print, can be sent eBgramg;W otoer -atatter not inintody except upou the separaW iuaUr, at the csuUished rates. CLCBS, WlarmtnrckaTwr-ef iwwsBsfefr orrtridtealsl are receiveu at any p,i ou.ee uirecuxl to one ad dress and the names of the club of subflcriliers to which they belong, with the por-iage lor a quar ter iu advance shall be handed to trie postma-'ter, he shall daliver the same to their respective own ers. Wat tuis does not apply to weekly newspa pers, which circulate free ?ifi "the county where printed and published. "rv-a- PRE-PATMENT OT TBAHSirTT MATTE. All transient matter most be prepaid by stamps. Cut if it comes to the office of delivery without pro-paymetit, ur short paid, the an paid postage nm -l oe eeuecteo on dolivery at doutur us pre pail rate. ) Great neglect exists in the strict qnarterry pre payment of postagr on printed loaUrr wnt to pop ular Subechbera, . auck- papnr should be de livered nnicssit is either prepaid at the mailing office, or at Lha deli very otfioe, for at leaat a quar ter. If not so prppaid, portmartT mn coiiert postayeosi eachobpy si--maies4 aistiwi UJ they fail they will be charged with the fill postagj, due, and iu clear case removed fromotlioe lur nea' locx.- - . , I f ' WKITUtO OS KKWSPAPEBS. To Inolose or eonoeai a letter, or other thin; (except bill and runMpu for subscription) iu, orb write or print anything, after It publication v any-. aewspaeK surhbjt, magazine, or oiher nnnUnl mutter, is illeiral and snbiectatuch n-iuU-d A.OJ wwii or coiuuiuiurniiun, w uciorr oy pnu. in g, mark a or signs, upon the cover or wrapper m a ncwspnpt r, pamphlet, magaaine or other than the uatno and address or the persoos to whom it is to Ik sent, and the nau when subscription expires, w0jjevthjynHiseoJ XUiUrosid Advertisement. N. C. R. R. Company. ENG. KVPTI OFPICR, Compasv Shops, June 7th, 18C6. CIIAi(JK OF TIME. On and after June 10th, lfcCC, Trains rm as al fairs : OOINO WHS?. MAIL f KAI.W Ieave Goldsboro' 1230 p. M. Kuleigh,' 3 45 " Hillsboro' j 5 28 " " Greensboro' 7 40 " " Salisbury 10 10 Arrive at Clailotte 1235 a in FKEK.HT A.l ACCOilMODATlON. Leave GoldslH.ro' 12 IK) p. M- " R.ileigh 4 50 A. M Hillsboro',... 8 27 " " tireelisboro , I W P. M- " Salisbury 5 30 " Arrive at Charlotte, 0 00 OOXHO B IT, M AIL TRAIN. Leave'Qharlotte ....II 15 P. M, " SaUbury, 1 26 A. M. " Grensbiro', ' 4 10 " " Uillbboro',: , 6 31 " Ruleith 8 30. " Arrive at Goldshoro', ........... 1 1 20 " VTREiniTT'ATrLACCOMiioDATlOJf. Leave Chnrlotte, ' Salisbury .,. " Greet.sboro - Hillsboro', " Raloiirh.i ... ..4 30 a, 3 ,.8 55 " ..1 10 p. 1 ..5 25 . . 45 Arrive at Gold.sboro', . . .i 15 A. M- Mall Train eonrie t UmUt & Gaston Trains f-r the NorHi. t Golds- boro', with Wil:ni:igtou and Wuldo; an.1 At- huitic & N (.'. J'r.i 10. Accoinniod.tii hi T.v.iu iuus daily, j Sundays excepted.) couiiifting with W ilmington Weldou Trains. There is no Sunday Train gvl:,S North .froin Weldon to Ports noutii ; paMteiig-rs arrlvi::g at WelJon on that day ran g mui.ediiKely through ria Petersburg and f.'i ;r n.i.o!. K. VlLl'.S. June, 9. 'GG-dtf Eng. d Supt. NOTICE to the MERCHANTS AXD CARRIERS OP XORTil A.0 SOUTH CAROLIXA The Seaboard and Roanokr RAILROAD, Is now in thorongh operation, A ND F0RM3 BY ITS C0NNKCTI0NS WITH the Rultiyhaml UaMo Rttiul, the K'etlerh XorULCaroliH HuUrwul, and the Ckarlotit and Colombia Iiaiiroatutad .J. . 4 .- Cheapest, Quickest A Most Direct Through Freihf Xiu? from all places In North Carolina and Westcnvj bouth Carouua to PORTSMOUTH, , XOIltVLK, BALTIMORE,, PHILADELPHIA, , HEW YORK, AXD B0ST02T. j - ..... To take advantage of this great through line. be careful to consign your Freight to ear of Kail road Agent, Portsmouth, and' direct your eorres p.ihdehtslo'irew York and PUiladelphiato do the same, and from Baltimore be careful to have rour lreigu sent oy OLD BAY LINE STEAMERS -WHICH ARB TO B - - ONLY STEAMERS -BY WHICH IIA VE BEEN MALE. Tal Mce, that to tb"iu .f.M msijtt yuirr cTTigui airwuy hi iu uosunauon, as all charges and Government duties are paid by the Kail koi Agent at rortsmootb, and forwarrlod to be collected at the d.-stinAtioii of the Freight, XV U. UU1U, A 6 KIT. apt 13flG-13m PortsmouUi. Va. Office N. C. R. E. Coinpany,- Company Shops, June 12, 1S66- . The Seventeenth annual meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolrrja lUil Road Company will beheld in the town of Iillsbor, on IhursUay the 12th day of July next. 1 . Btockbelders who cannot attend in per son will pleaae send their proxies. Bs44tsW' Aattarf; . ' j ... ;-- ; - . - Conrt AdTortismenH. Equity Sales' of Land. IT)Y AN ORDER OF THE COURT OF jj Jj Enity of Kownu county, J will offer 1 - ' - - 1 1. r..n ' . r 1 . IUT MH UI VUUWII1 4 IHU UI Mill 230 Acres, '4 ",e 'a ol - a 4-'ult wrw, ailj-Mil-Hid the land of P. Nl Heilig, Mary Ueilig, a.ij others. This Is undoubtedly one of the most desirable and highly Improved plauta lions )fi the eouuty, te b'lilJings are of the very Ust decri)itiou, large, coininodious, well finishes, and new, 'having been erected during the was: such property as this is rarely otter ed for silo. t 110 Acres, Ih 'Ion ling to th estate of the late Sarah Ileilig, known as the Lcutz place, adjoining thw laudalif Jacob Reudleinau and others. SI Acres, Ri'longig to the same estate known as the IWringt-ro.ucc, adjoiiiiug the lauds of G. M. Itiirnhardt uud others. The above mvutioued lauds are iJ in a high stale of cultivation. Persons dedroiis of swing these hinds ran do so by calling on P. N. Ileilig, orG. M. iiarn hardt. 1 The saletf all those tracts of laud will take i.hwe j Saturday the 14th day of July next, at II 4 clock, a. in., at the lloinestcdd tract. Teriis of wile : Twelo inoutiis credit -.1..... . ..- . with iiitorej-iafu r six iuoutlis,tlie jmrcliasers giving notidi with two or more irpiiroved sure ties the coijs of sale to he paid by the pur chaser of thelloinestead, and credited on Lis bond as simhI as the sale is continued. LUKE BLACKMER. C. & M. E. Jf 4, liiiX (Pr. fee 15 d2t utiw -fr State of North Carolina, i ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Equity, Spring Term, 18G6. Equity Sal.jof the richest GOLD MINE in North Carolina. Samuel Wootlnifl' and Henry It. Beach to the use ' uf Julius 11. lirockcliuan, - vs. The Gold Hill Mining Company, By virtue of a Decree of the Court of JpqQity 01 lkowon Louuty, juado 111 the above named cause at thiB Term, I will bUiirli mitU lMUmhV"Al UlU Cwiuia.1Lm 4uot iu iUlulwry 00 Satimuy the I81I1 day of A rgust next, At 1 1 o clock, A;-., RH iIie lurul nod coin I table estute and interest of tin; Gold. IlilJ Mining Company, in nil real rmd personul estiite conveyed to Isaac II.-.Mouth, by M L. Iloliin s, an I o'ln ra. My 1Hm:I te;in:)2 da July Utii', 16and.r'gwtr-red in Book 40, png.' 432 of iltr-gisti r's Oliice of U )Wau County ; and jn that conveyed to the riCMU'etit aiii Directors ot the Gold 11,11 JliiimgCoinpnuy,by Edward B. Kice, fcy D'sdAttHi ScpK mber 2!:h, 1SC3, ita.i t gistcretl in BK)k 40, page 88 ol UieUcgi fctcr's Ofiice of Rowan County, wherein flic same may lie found particularly set fbrth and described. AIo, any and all A gal and cquitulle estate and interest of iut i;oinf any, ot or 111 any rent or per sonal estuw situutcd at pr near Gold Hill, y Rowan Connty. Tcms of sale,- Cashr aid this tit i3 retained to await the furth directron of the Court. . ! LUKE BLACKMER: C. M. E. June 146G. prfecl25 n)64rw&W tds 106 ACRES, Belontrintr to the heirs of Daniel Fisher, ad jpiuiug tiieTauds of John L. Rusher, Xlicliaei ahuiiing ahd others. A very desirable little plantation with good improvements. Sale toTStt'e'TituerTrn t ,e werat?es 6n Fri- ay the 13th of July next, at 11 o'clock, aim. Tenns of sale : -Twelve lrlonths credit with interest after six luontltK, the pureliaser giving bond with (wo or more approved sureties, the Costs or sale to be paid by the purchaser and credited on his bond as somi as thesnle is coa firmed, LUKE BLACKMER, C.ifc M. E. June 4, 1 rfOO. d Pr. f.-e $5) J" - 42f-w6w A House and Lot in the Town Oi H.ALism uv, Belonging to the heirs of Catherine Bolin, adjoining the lands of Louisa louder, A. Hen derson and others. ..The sale of this property .will take place at the Court House, in Salisbu ry, on Saturday the 7th day of July next at 11 o'clock, a 111, T-mns of sale : Twelve months credit, with interest after six months, the purchaser giving bond with two or more approved sureties, the eoets of snle .to be paid by the purchaser and credited ou his bocti as Soon as the sale is confirmed.. June 4, lsi... . (Pr fce 5) d2t w5w 4- lfaditftOTttg to the estatu nl'.lAfoh TrontrTmni- ln three tracts, near Gold Hill, adjoining the lands of John I'owlas, E Mauuey. David culp ad uthersr lyiMg 4u rlvowsa aud. cabaru. Sounties. These lands I ave rich gold mines upon them and are very valuable. I will tell them in separate tracts or altogether, to suit purchaser. The sal will take place at the enort house in Salisbury, on Saturday the 7th day f July next, at II o'clock, a in. Terms of sale 1 Twelve mouths credit, with interest aftvr six mouths, the puroliaserk giviug bond with twoi-or more aiipitn-ed sureties, the costs of sale to be paid by the purchaser and credit ed on his bond as soon aa the sale is confirm ed. - LUCE BLACKJfEB, C k 1TE. June 4, 18G0. (pr fee 70) d2tr-w5r 17 1st ease's my absence at' any of the above aalea, Mosoa litowm will be rreseat to cry th sales and purchasers will girt bonds tecum. . ., - - - Cantt Advertisement!. , STATE OF NORTH CAROI JNA. ( BURKE UOUNTV. U. C. OnieL ) ' t. y . i Original Attachment. mvid liarrev. 1 - h It apppearing to the Court, tltat the defend ant is an Jnhj h it UiWif lt".lW"V B'ftfah.VJl ordered.Tlj.ii n ' ubn-uou Lv ini,ii. ift the Old .i ua .. - ' a... 1 S.. a .11- North Hutte. a newsnauer itu9liaMNiat Sails bury, for six weeks, for the said tlofeudant to appear at the nevt term of the Court of Pleas ami Quarter Seasions, to be held lor the Coun ty of Burke, at Morganton, on the 1st Man diiy of Jiilv uexti and plcail, or judgment by default will be extended, and other proeied ings had acoording to law- Witness. E. . DORSEY." Clerk of said Court at office,, this 3d day of May, 1800. may 0, wut. t. . ltUttfr-i , tlk State of Nokh Carolina, liOWAN COCNTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, A.'D. 1SC6. Elizabeth Brinele r. Lawrence A. Briiir- le, John liringlc aud Liviuiallringle, TeTiTiox for Dower. Jt appcariiig to the satisfaction of tiic Court that Luvinia BriiiRle, oin- of the de fendants in this case, U a non-resident of this State, it is thert fode, ordered by the Court that publication he made for six con serve weeks iuTuKpLD North State, notifying said deiciuhuit of the filing of this petition and that unless she apiN-ars at the next term of this Cfcurc to be lieltl for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 1st; Monday in August next, and pleads, auswrs or demurs, the same will be heard ex fiarte and judgment rendered pro y?otfes80 ui to her. itness, Olwrtiah i oodson, Clerk of our said Court, at (Mitt? the 1st Moii "day iu May, A. D. 180U, and in tho 1 90th year of our Independence. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. June 16,'CG. . - QtfeiSi0 64 Cw State of North Carolina, Supcior Court of Law, Spring Term, A. D. 18GG. The Atlantic Bank of New York t. Si meon Frankford. ATTACHMENT. I' It sppesrlnesfo t!i rnitlM'urtinn of tlie Conrt thatthe dvteudant, eiiuieon f ntiiktofd. isa nvn-residontol the .-UU-. it Is. tlieh n-. onlered ami adjudged that publi cation be made for six suocesivi) weeks in "The Old North State." ootifvintr him to be aud apiar before U-eJudpe of mir Superior Conrt of Lr, at the nxt Court to be It-id for the t'oun'v of Rowan, at the CoQrt House in Su'islxirv on the 13ih Moniiay after the 4th i'0.1 Jav iu Aniriist next then and there to plead orre- pievy and show canse, if any hetias. why t!ie plaintitf iiniud not nave judgment arsinst him, aim tne iiouse and Lot levied npon be so'd to saljifytiie rue. Witnea. (ibadiah Voolson, lleouiv Clerk and ex- officio, acting Clerk of our said Court at Oliice, the l'Jth Monday after the last Mouilay In 1 eliruary, A. v. 1866, and iu thetWth yr of our independence. UilAUlAU suuuwa, iiepnty sndart nir Clerk. June 18, '6. IITfeeSHTnoeBBw. North Carolina, , Davidson County. Courtjrof Pleas aud Quarter Sessions, V May Term, ISG6. - John W. Payne Adm'r., De bonnis non j vs. Asa Jones, aud wife Elizabeth, , and others. - -Petition to sell land to pay debts. It appearing to the satifilCaction of the 1 Court that G. C. Payne, B. A. Payne, Martha Pavne. Mary 'Payne and Erasmus p., AJ..vi. C 1,5:., V- miAo yona me limits 01 1111s outie. jxi n merer w m a 1 s il CSa a I T a " stl I fore ordered by the Court, that ptiblication be made for six weeks in the "Old Jforth Statesr-newepaper pnblisbed- iit Salis bury. N. C. notifying said absent defend- auts-to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to bo held for ' the County of Davidson, atthe fjonrt House, in Xjexington, on tne. secona wohusy ia Ansmst next,ahen and there to plead, an swer or demur to Uuvpetition. or tho same ... . , 1 1 1 j will be taten pro-couiesso ana nearae Darte. as to therhi.' Witness I. K. Perryman, Clerk of said Conrt at office in Lexinirion. the second I. KtTEltlCYMAN, . STITFOFiVOIiTirtJAItOLIXA; DAVIDSON COUXTT. n r. tit., ef Junk MnUr anS eiherb kr. Mil t. -.. Curt I M rf Milrr. H.B'JT U.. - - l - . 1L. ar V-ftlr CO-III, rrr.-. fV . . . . .... BAM sjy Ml w-rs. M.m I 7-1 11 t u.lv, oa ' s S . Mo 1 1. a- . k- 1- rnr in. . " r - . -. . ... kuw ca- m. 'I r f J fctTt r , . -- 1 OMpr.w-r.rUw nltUmtVU Ml b. wZmt a r- rr O-rt f mm Onjrl a. -S Tf Ofloela "V T ' 'j f-Vr l!iA t KrrEXJtTMAIi,0 C t. jTi4.Wasa w , - sir BLANKS' ar aS'Undi t&VtfexctH!ei at. tM GUI Conrt Adyertlsetaeotn. 232 ACRES, " Belonging to the heirs of Hugh F. He Knight, situated on the Waters of bill's creek, adjoining the lauds of William At well, ami others,' with good improvements, being a de sirable and valuable plantation. The sale will -eaJniLi iseai'l i' rrtriit- Aiayot J uly uext at II o'oloCK, a. m.'.Trmi' ot sale ix months credit, the, purcli. ing boud with two or more approved sureties, the exeitxtf tale to be paid by the purchaser' purchaser' agd crelited ou his bond as soon as the sale is coufinued, LTJZE ULACKMER. 0. A If. July4,'18UJ. '(Pr fee $5) d2t w5w Mercantile Advertisements.! iEWFIU31 IN SALISBURY! J. W. GRAY. & CO. t.t TIAVE Just received and opened at No. 9, Vur 'u phy's Granite biulding, a new and Splendid Stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, iich they will sell for cath or barter, only, lows, A large and beautiful assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, , embracing the newest and leading styles of the season. A large assortment of Gentlemen's, - Youth's and Iloys Goods, Ladies Summer Wrappings. ."" ' " Ladies' Missel, and Childroa's Trimmed Hats, now shapes. Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Hoop Skirts, Ladies, Mioses and Childrens, Balmoral Shoes, and Gaiters, Bonnets, Ribbons, j Gloves, Hosiery, (to., Aa , Gents and Boys Shoes of every Description, Genu, Boys and Childrens Hats, of . every variety Air suinmer wear, Crockery and Glassware, Wood ana -wiiUm 4 - Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, . and Dye Stuffs, of all kinds. . They are prepared to fill all orders, of Fhysi ciana, for Drng and Mpdicines. at the shortest notice. The lirtig deartnieut will be under the charge of a regular Physician. They also have a branch of their business at County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named articles, may ffke wise be obtained on the same terms. The above stock of Goods, basing been pur chased since the late heavy decline ofprices In the Northern Cities, will be sold as LOW as they can possibly be bought in this market P. R. Maitin. invites his old friends of Darie County especially, to give him a call when rhuting uus mariict. J. W. GRAY, : P. R. JJAKTIN, r J.McGUIRE. Salisbury, N. C, April a, '66. tf-nol- B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., Coniiiiixyioii iVletehants U A L E I G 11, IV. C. SELL on Commission Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, llAvin. Fhmr. Lard. Dried Fruits. Whisker. Brandv. and all kinds of country produce. They also keep constantly on hand for sole, Plows, Bow; Axes, Shovels, gpades, 'Corn Shot lers, nndall kinds of Agricultural Implements, Hardware, Tin Ware, and Groceries of every de scriigion, . " ! ' ... Thev resoectfullv solicit consiennjehts from Farmers and others, in the western part of the Stote, and pledge themselves to give weir pes ed to them ( inu t 'ia , sua v uvio . consignment entrust- Boa to refer to MeCubbiu Foster A- Co Salis bury, Tod. R- Caldwell, Pres't , S. C. R. R. Mor gauton.J. A. Roebro, Statesville. . 1 -i - apru i.m . .- . v - aoi w. ;, t THE WEEKLY (tQJJ) ' ' K0ETH BTATHs rVStUZZO XYISY 7K1DAY, AT IXt-' IJBTJBT, H C, IT niitm 1 ninfTSi, CONT4IN3 . 1 . :U Ull BBVIRW OP TUB KVkKETS, KTO , ETC., AND FBIJITED III TBI VKTS STTXB, V . .:, PERSON'S LIVING IN THE C0UN- , TiiY-WlLlr.W: KCPT POSTED lt-,--ALL fHE NEWS OF TILS " DJLHYiOIRiCRIBINa ":, - TO TUB WEEKLY "OLbVNORTH STATE. TIRJIS-OASa H APTAKCB.J1. -'. ONE YEABv .s - 08-" SQL MONTHS ' , ,x A k ... mitwEiimiv rasaisasrs m neMietsc, ..." 5- rW.- -, Lrww mimW WUM UAuro CiVW" '4 ,.7 :"'::'.HVri7

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