pir ma: General A tailed otherwise titan by the afably, aad then only by the concurrence 01 nao-uuras 01 an rnr metnttem of each Houae of the General Assembly. No part of tho Conttitation of th Staio iihal) bo jneoded, uul by a Coaneniiun, the del TS"1" wcwi bihui consist ( the same ttumMr ae the nicWbera of the House of ComOMos aad be rhokan by the qualified Tuum wr mem Den ot such lions,-. Ratified in Convention th! taeity-fif: aay ot Juno, Anno Domini, ouo thousand if at bund red and sixty-six. I CDWIN'ffc RYXUV. Prri,h:,t Moori, See'y lf 'omentum m. u. oaucE, Assistant Secretary. DEPABRTMENT OF 6TAEE, Hai-eich, June 26, 166. t I, KOBT. W. BKnT, Secretary ott'.o n and for the Sute of North Carolina, do nereoy oertify that the foregoing is a true opr ot tni- original on file in this offlce. Wrtn under my band the Mrth day ot wo, A. v., 1SUG. R. W. BEST, AN ORDINANCE Submitting to the qualified voters' of the State thesratificaliom or rejection of the Constitution adopted by Hie Convection Section. 1. Be it ordained by the peo ple of North Carolina, in Convention as sembled. That the Constitution of the State, adopted by this convention, be submitted o me governor to the people ou the first laareday ol August next, thirty days uo tice having been given, and that the polls oe opened ty the respective Sheriffs and kept open for three successive dav at the eveial electjoo precincts m each ard every county in the estate, under the same rules and regulations as now exist for the elec tion of members of the General Assembly: That the said Sheriffs be required to com pare and certify the results of the election, on or before the Thursday following, and transmit the same in twenty, days there after to the Governor of the State: Thet 11 persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, may vote For or against the ratification of the same : Those who wish a ratification of the Constitution voting with a printed or written ticket, "Ratification;" those of a contrary opin ion, ''Rejection." It shall be the duty ol the bhenus to make duplicate statements ot the polls in their respective comities worn before the Clerk of the County Court, one copy ofwhich shall be deposited in said Clerk's office, and the other copy transmitted to the Governor of the State at Raleigh. Sec. 2 Be it further drdtir.ed, That when the returns aforesaid shall have been received, the same shall be opened by the Governor, in the presence of the Secretary lOntV of the votes polled shall be in tavor of a ratification of the Constitution, the same shall bo foithwith made known by proclamation ot the. Oovtirnor to the peo ple of the rftate : and thereupon the Gov ernor shall cause to he eucoreed on the Constitution as tnrolkd by order ,of the Convention, or sh.!l annex thereto a cer tificate, under his signature, declaring that the said Constitution has been ratified by the peopl& of North Carolina; and the Sec retary ofState shall countersign the said cenif.eaie, and annex ihcreto the Great Seal of the State, rod the coast t ition so enrolled, with the certificate aforesaid, shall be forever kept among the archives of the SUte, if , the office of the Secretary afore said. Sc. 3. Be it further ordained' ' That th Constitution, thus ratified,, shall take ffect and be in force from and after the proclamation of the ratification thereof: Frovidedn however, That the officers holding office under the State shall severally contin ue to exercise their respective functions, until their places shall be tilled by the Constitution as ratified. Ratified in Convention this 25th day of Jane, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty six. , . EDWIN G. READE, President, Jakes H. Moore, Secretary. t Tl . , i . a . j. dalmkh, as i. oecreiaay. DEPARTMENT OP STATE, Raleigh, N. O, June 26lb. 1866 f I, ROBERT W. BEST, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Caro. Una, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in this office. Given under my hand the 26th. day of June, A. D., 1866. R, W. BEST, 'Secretary of State Austria General GobltlitJ was nearly broke up. It lost 21 guns and flais. It Is oBciaJly denhd ftiat the Prussian lost lri run, as Mute. I hv a Vieunu dlrs.ti'h. Tin Prussians have uot lost a gun. The Austrian, have retired to a sfrniij; po sition between Jotephstiiil' and Korfluj;' ''rati Their retreat (p said to have been The arm v of the KH- had adam. .1 Key. .ml Gltschln. The Kiug of Prussia visited th army on tbe 3d. a. Tbe London Times says that, horrible as thernagi has liceji. it is tail tl pr.'Iilde t. the pitched battle now unavoidable, iu which 23OJI00 meu will be engaged on either Hide Victor Kiaanuel had sent a telegram to the King of Prussia, congratulating him n tin- victories of his army. The operations bet ween the Italians ami Austriaaa had been cntined to skirmishing. ' The former were preparing fr another uriMnrght and the soldi. a were eager for the fray. The revolt iu Spain had been suppressed. The Great Eastern, with the cable, passed the Isle of Widit on the 1st, en route lor Va Uatia- It 11 Latsr fr m Vurop. N'iw Yoke, July 1G. The N'ova Scotia, from Liverpool, with dates to the 5th, has arrived. Sales of cotton for the week SS.OOObales. Market closed buoyant, with an advance of from J to t pence, owing to the prospect of peace. Breadstuff's very dull. decline in all quali ties, Provision market inactive, but prices toady. A great battle occurred on' the 3rd., near Lmlowa, in which the Prussians gained a complete victory, capturing 1 1,000 prisoners. There was terrible lobs in both armies. Austria sent in a Hag oftrUce and has agreed to a ccftiou of Veuetia and accepted Napoleon as Mediator. Napoleon immediately commu nicated with the belligerents. The Prussian aud Italian reply to the pro position has not yet transpired. There are rumors that Prussia's reply is not favorable- In Loudon, however, peace is regarded as irtually concluded. LATEST t'AKKKT Bl POSTS New York, July 1(1. M Cotton firmer at .'Waite. Gold $1,49!. .Sterling sight II. Special lYoticcs. SALISBURY MILLINEIIY 1J0OK STORE. Tin hj I I i in u ofthe All publication to U- bud. kind ai.il grades of x SCHOOL BOORS. Rellgioaa, Historical,. Bktgraphieal, anJ MiKCtllalMMe v.orks. (Hank Hooks, Note Book Writing phfers, Wall iaper, snade. Ate. , Stationery ami h'-mef Articm, r sU aa low aspatulUu. HlilthlK Sc MARRIHON. BookHellers. e. 8alibnry. N.C. July Vi,'&Lg ?G 6fa. warmTed ' New Arrival. I y Ai)i GOLD & SILVER, ThrluVbeiit cash price paid for old Bilvsr sod Cold Rnlthm. L. V. July I0. ( PAVWA Of). noStww 3m MAGGrIEL'3 FEVER AD AGUE CURE. Dr. J. MAGGIEL'SPever ct.d Ague Tills also cure Chills and Fever. Tiiey are au in fallible tunic for the system in all miasmatic nil should tm fcHPi iu the mctTt-!ie or evenTatmty. ' A box of PILLS will be sent free to any suffering with the above complaints, and no money need be returned bv the patient uutil he feels that he is netting cured by the us of MA'tGItL'S CHILJS and FtVKK PILLS tV Thev are sold by "all Druggists at $200 per box. and a perfect cure is guaranteed H itii roin ono to three boxes,-u tuuNdirections are implicitly followed. , 1 1' .Sold by all Druggists and Dr. J Mao- r.ir.L, 43 Fulton Street, New York, at S H) per box, and to whom all orders should be addressed. tW Caution.j I have noticed with much pain that many Druggists, both at home and abroad, areoft'ering my Billious and Diarrhuai Pills to patients for the cure of Cuilw aud r e- ver, and Ague, fliy Jiiiimus ana I'lnrrtum Pills are infallible for what tliey claim ti be. but nothing more. Do not then be imposed upon. Aly vui ami fever remedies have their name on the boxes, and are entirely dif ferent from any of my other mediciue. I have been at considerable expense to have a label engraved dillicult tocouuterfeU. aud it ia bolted that the consumer will narrowly scrutiuizt. what he purchases, purporting to be mine. J. MAliulLL. M. V., dwlyno34 43 Fulton St., New York Concord Female COLLEGE. THE next Session will commence on the first Monday of September, and will close on die "1st of December. The expense of Tui tion and Hoard with washing included, will be from tJOto 4(100. Partial' advance pay ments will be expected. All needful indul gence, however, w Withe,. .given our patrons. LetTrrr pood and punctual parent' Resitafe to .end his daughter because he c:;nnot raise the money to pay in advance. Each pnpll will furnish hec-walifMs and towels, and also a pair of sheets nd pillowcase. Extra char ges M ill he made for Music, French, Latin aud Drawing. Address, J. M. M. CALDWELL. Sta'.esville, N . C July 10. '66. no7otf Mrs. J. C. CARNCROS Has removed to Huis' building nearly oppt site i he Market, on Maiu Street, where she is constantly rueeiviug from the Northern Cities he newc t and hainlsomesl styles of l.tnev Goods, for Ladieo' and Geiitlemeu. Call and examine her fine assortment. Salisbury, May 18. 'tM. dtfno43 In th Midst ofUfe we are la Death. TirOEFORE ISSUE VOIR LIFE IN TUB NortH Carolina Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY, WHERE THE WELL KXOWX CHARACTER f the Maaagro lis gaarsatee uf the ckaracter oftbe rvmny. Insure at Home. JCeep. the money at home. TkU CumpaWr iaaiiie Um Uvea of all healthy per oos from 14 to BO tsn of age- secaHaptbe amount inared to the wifcsnJ children, against the cii.'an of aU ctsditora. J. K. BURKB, Ap at i SaliNt.ury . Ot, " As Aeeulents wilt happen in the best of Families," MARKET REPORTS. SALISBURY, JULY 17, 1866. CORRECTED DAILY BY BPBAGUB BRS. LATEST NEWS. LcU a4 lateral ting treat Ear.. Iaprtaat usesss t of Us Fnusiaa -ittfe Tdm Jisj ts, ?ac Aroerwa baa amyedt-w-ftb i to the 4th. Cottoa market quirt and u achanged. Sales lot the two day previous to sailing, 18,000 Bacon, pet pound, C'oBee, per pound, Corn, per bash, ol 66 lbs., " Heal, bash; 46 Copper in, per pound, l amlies, TsllOW, " Adamantine, Cotton, per pound. Yarn, per bunch 2 Eg, per dozt n, . . .'. Feathers, per potind. 18 to 22 ... auto 40 1.40 'to l.bi) lioOUt-l.oU 10 to 15 20 to 25" 26 to SO 30 to 25 Klour, risn, 2. 3. Fro It, dried, apple pealed. . .""" nnp'ldv , " " Peaches, pealed, . m m -alpfaled, . Leather, npper, per pound, sole, Iron, bar, " ' castings, 5 Kail, cat, " I 00 s a Molasses, orgbam. per gal ....... ... wj iHWi ............ l.WJU l.iW 1 OBKfit m HUasV iPork. 10 to 2. 10 to to uu IS to e to 3 to 14 to 6 to Wto 45 to Otfto i 10 to 35 to sors OiHce. United States Internal ftertwne , 6th District, N. Carolina. Salisbcry, July 5th, 18GG. Notice is Hereby Given iu accordance with the provisions of Section 19th of Act if Jiiiie 30, 1SG4, as amended March 1865, that I, H. H. Helper, Assessor Sixth District ol North Carolina, will sit at my office, ou the corfter of Long and Inniss Streets, in the City of Salisbury, on the 14th day ol July next; at the Court lionso in Mocksville, Davie Couuty, on the 16th; at th6 Court House in Statesville, Iredell County, oti the ISllu at the Court House in Taylorsville, Alexander County, on the 19th: nt the Court House, at Newton, Ca tawba County, on the 21st; at the Court Hou e at Concord, Cabarrus County, on the 20th; at the office: of Assistant Asses sor, F. W. A'hrcna, Charlotte, Mecklen burg County, on the 21st; at the Court Houe in Monroe, Union County, on the 23rd; at the Court House. in Dallis, Gas ton County, on the 25th ; ot tho Court House in Lincolnton, Lincoln County, on the 26th i at the Court House t. Ya'd- kinvillc, Yadkin County on the 23id, and at Wilkesboro', Wilkes County, on tbe Ii, between the hours of 9 A. M., and 4 P. M., of the several days named above, to hear and determine appeals relative to any erroneous or excessive valuations, as sessments or enumerations by the assessor or assistant asscsson returned in the annu al list. Notice is further given that no appeal will be allowed to.any party after he snail have been duly assessed ' and the annual list containing the assessment has becu transmitted to the Collector of the Di- Southern Accident Insurance OOMP AN Y. The Pioneer Company of the South. Authorised Capital, 1. 000.000. !nurr tfalnkt all arcldrnts to life and limb. (!ir- inc t! " lioMrran annnal i. .:: v for tlie nil anion nt in-.uril in eae f death, and ciinnenatlon-at tlie raU- uf 5.00ik.t w.-k lurear', si.uuo if -irMbled. &'ot exceeding T.ioJy-Stx weds. Short Time Polfcic 'for Traveller,) may he had fmm one day to one year and from S500 to $10,000. Call at the Rook Store before taklntr a trip snd cure ticket of J. K. BURKE. ftc'ntfiofliserB Accident inj. Co June2S. 18C6.-t2m JL. GOODS, WE HAVE J CST ItECSI V ED A KEW 8D PLT OP Ladies' & Gentlemen's Wear. flOKHIHTIKU OF Fancy and Mourning Prints, Bleached. and Brotcn Muslins, Omghum$, asM Joe onets. Silk Basque, Loot Mantles, aud Prints, Sum mcrfihatcls, do, Mosem beques, Lenot, Black Silks. Hood Skirts. Boots. Shoes. &c. A LAROE AM KXCKLUCXT A8SJOHTMEXT or Beady-Made Clolkintr, mooyaizas, a eas&wa W also ! haul many Uooda that re wish to sell off in order to make fontn for our Fall Stock, and will do to at griatly reduced prices. BKADSIIAW, UKUW.N ft CO. June 9, ItXiG. 0O-dtf Just Received At the Store of I, rho Urrwit irorj fti(Hftt Paper in the Uuitod tatt'S. TBI lar NEW YOKK TIMES IT.1 lartcuiioth.' of (he Utmle EX EX- Eucii aoabvr qUlo siflht of seven column mb or JitjrU golumn,in all-iut-kkls? it Urn lariat !. -Mi.'rh tho I uiUxl suits. T.e 7Mo i:u.u:4iunfiruUr1v Full Cwngresshnal. Jtru ts ; Pcywris of the legislature ; Message and Ptdmjsr Documents Reports i nu ts and Public Meetings ; Enrvpcn Suit in Full j Foreign aud lMuneutk Corrtspo, demce ; Neus from alt parts of Hie noeld. Political and General Editorials ; J At eraty News, Selections and Miscellany. Bvervlhhif possible will bo done to uiak. lh Ti mr." tbe most taluabln anti uiteR'Stina; I'amilr Xewapaper in the United StaaV Its price wiU, reuiai'i uuchaiiirnd. In iuite of the fart that It -ire and ronteiit have Iteen jucrrasil oue-fourU T ie fbUnsHnjr are tbe prlee of tba several ed;- li payable ui au i aes in ad ranee. The. prices are invariable. Cut ratsfcare dis eantfuui'd. AVe have no tiaveltiu: Aaent. Ko- mit la Ubocks or Eoit Office Stnwv Orders if pos-;.-!.-. Address H. J.vBAVilOl A CO. aprf-dlm Tliua Offlc, .New York j, m i ii. tnct. A.l TT J- 4- per Dound, Potatoes, Irish, per b tubal, -. . . . Floor flat and on shillrag lower. V heat three pence lower aid dull. Corn declined six pence. Turpentim duil. Consols 8rH86 5-20651. Lord Derby haaformed the new Ministry. He I f remier, lltsraeli Chancellor of Uie Treaaary anil l4r ia the House, and Lord Stanly Forabj Seretary. Tb lViM bad carried Gitsehin by tot a obatnaate defence, and a jupe bon u affteUd between Um amy of tbe Elba, uaat Pria Frederick Chirk end the amy am nmner tne vrown rnnc. ,000 prisoner wre captured at Gitcbi. " Sugr, Brown, per pound, Clarified, "' Crushed Pulverized Sa't coast, par sack, - Liverpool, " Table, Tobacco, Leaf, per poand, " Jl.niifav'.ured, " fiBBokinsj, .....wV' Cold, Silver. J... said, must be made in writing and specify the particular cause, matter or thin?, u L Xpeeting which a decision is requested, and must state the ground or principle of error complamdea or. H. II. HELPER As8CBTOr-&ixUi District M. C Julv 5,'60P -VK2W. UBS" to to 40 to to IK to 20 to alto as o.oo t o.oo 4.00tot.00 6.60 to 6. Oo trot oo not a tetx t.o 1.40 to 1.46 i.aeu) i." .. Ua war a J mie OT FATETTEf ICLE, N. C, L The oft th u. wjtusab, c. a. aaapaaa, m. . Dr8. Whitehead it taderson, TTave aasociated thcmaatrei In the P2U.OT20B oraDiozra and offer their professional "SPrv ices to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Oft . Next door to Owen, SqfieM a Co t. Store. April 90, 1805. R091E, DUXKLE J0HSM & CO,, 370 BI,AWT nmm WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - . Huts , Cape. Straw Goods. F0RS, PARASOLS, ice. Jnlj 14 -08. nn7 tf DWELLING HOL'.SK To rent by the month, or the remainder of the year. Apply to llLACKVVOoD dc Co. may 28-dim or VI- A. SMITH. $00 A nOXTB!-AtiJSK'Pj wanted for ir euJttely uetr articles, juu cart. Addre. (. T. GAREV. Citv bmldo ,i. Biddefori Jls. .t may-'dAwSui PKC KM. AM ATI ON To the Vcople of SForth Carolina. In obedience ( an Ordinance of the State Convention, ratified the iioth, day of June 1906, entitled "An Ordinance submitting to th qualified voter of tbe -State the ratitica tion or rejection of the Constitution adopted by thelotiventi.ii." 1, Joxathax Worth. Governor of North Caroliua, hereby aiv no tice that ou Thi'rsoy. the scuonii day .f AiTOt'ST next, polls will b toieneil by the ., r .1. r, . : 1 t. . .nennsoi me it'jiei in e iuiiie, auo tepi open for three, successive days, at the several election preciucts in eaca aud every County in the State, under the same rules aud regulations as now exit or the election of members of the General Assembly ; at which election all par sons qualified to vote for members of the Gen eral Assembly, may vote for or against the ratification of the same those who w ish a rati fication ofthe Constitution. voting, with a writ ten or printed ticket, " Ratification, "- those, of a contrary opinion, votiug, with a written or printed ticket, "Rejection-." .Sher iffs will observe the provisions of the Ordin ance as to the duties thereby imposed; In witness whereof His hxeellen- Worth, Governor of hereto set his band t.M caused the great seal ofthe State to be aill -red. Done at the City of Raleigh, this the 1st. day of July. A. D. 1866. JONATHAN WORTH. By the Governor:,, Wm. H. Baoiet. Private Secretary. July 6 td. . no74 mce as tome amies mer ( ) In witness wl L. S. cy, Jonathan ( ) said State, has Aj- sTf. VARUS of beautiful new i II I styl Prints, also a few beau T tlfel patterns of ladies' dress goods. We have n hand a handsome , seleetion of most every ascription of Ladies' Press Goods. White Goods, Linen, Ribbons, Laeas, Hosi ery, Dress Trimmings, Hat. Bonnots, Ac, dec. For Ge.itlemens wear, we have a large assortment of Cassimcres, Juiaen Uoods aad Ready Made Clothing. F jl assortment ofShoes, ot evi ry description Hardware, Gnceries and Crockery. All o (which we offer at as reasonable ad vances as any homo can sell them. A. J. Mock & Co. Salisbury. N. C. May IS. Vrf. dtf n'o43 PATENT MEDICINES. A B00X T0 THE SICK The Light cf the World DB. MAGGIEL'S Pills and Salve. These Life-irivin; remedies arc now, eiven cnb'ie'j to the world. For over a quarter of a cenrary ot pr.- vat practice tlie iagrediente in these LIFE-GIVING PILLS, Hare been used wit1! the greatest sn Their miasiuners not only to prevent rfiataae, but to cure. 1 taev MBrch out tne various maladMH hv- which Uie patient i.suOenng'. andrevigtsin.tb railing svsteni. lo the Hd and iutirra a few ausea of these va.uable pills wilt prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For in every case they add new life and vitality, ind resMretb warning enercie to their pristiae state. To th young aud middle-aged, they will prove moat in viluubie. as a ready, specific, aud sterling' medicine." "ereraaoreim realtiea, t:i ronc-de-lon soucht or three hundred year ago, and never l .nn.i. He looked for fountain that would restore the old to the vigor aud make youth ever AN ETERNAL SPRING I It was left for this day and hoar to realise the dream and show iu one fiction fact, the magi, that audi air. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Concord Female College. It is due to the founders of this Institution and to all who have contributed to its erection, that they should be informed of its eoi di ion and prTjsneets. Tiiis cannofbe done more de finitely, fully or authoritatively than by Yb irihting. ndntions'Wjmtry' adeipted by "the Board ot Trustees, and read by their President n Cuiinni'iicemerit Diiy. befarc tl 1wk au 4gir. ' irsycmnted in tne Preshy.erian cluifch. , Iktoleed, That the Ufd of Trnstees feel it to he a high privilege as well as a gratefal and plcasaut duty to express their cutire satisfac tion with the late examination of the pupils of "Concord Female College, jaeyoira, express tneir cormai approoa tion uf the energy, success and prosperity with ivaich the Institution has been conducted un dVr the p-ruJiar and "trying cireumsfauces of our country. TffttTrWeiwW TMfWcF cbeerrulTT re iuMkntt, with hrafle andpx- f lefienc,! Faculty to the liberal ratronace of " I' l.. I " J -I ! au eiitiguimiw Buu cunsiiao pooiie Tilt mm istfttl frill aaiamence ou tho Aral Monday of September. For information see advertisement, and adJresa, , j J. II. M, CALDWELL, Statesville, N. C. Jaly la-erJ. no75tf Si ft Of) Per Yer! we want agents r f everywhere to sell our improved 20 Setriaf Heebines. Three new kinds. ader and upper feed. Sent on trial. War- ranted rive years. Above salary or force lUimissions iiaid. The onVmarhines sold In United States for lea than 40, which are Ml imrnsfi (. Uwsx. Wheeler at Wilson. Erorrr d Bain . Stngtr d1 Co., and B-icataW. mu other eaeap maebmes arc infringement "d the smer or user are liable to arrest, one fnd imprisonment. Illustrated circulars sent O moaeronr, Mara, or I nicago. Ilk aay 2d dAw 6m r.V" Cannot stay theflichtofycara, hot tbevcau force back and hold l of. d'.beasestbat analit t. auuph over the aged end young. Let none hesitate then bat aeizs the mvoran e opportamty that offer. When t prescribed FOR BILLI0US DISORDERS N-th ng c' be more productive of ears than these Pill. Tleir ilwost magic influence is felt at once, and the usual comcomitants of tbia most distreskini disease ass removed. These remedies re iiude. from .tlie purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will uot harm the most delicate female, andcaa be ciren with good y fleet ia described doses to tb youiiK'eta bane. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS and aHenrpEnns of tbe skin, the aalve is moat inval nable. It does not heal externally alone, bat cene nates with the most searching eBecU to tne very root 01 inecni! DR. MACrCrlEL'S PILLS Invariably cture the follow ing Diseases. Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, " Cheat Qta. Droosv, DebUity. Fever and Age. Female CoaplalnU t Headache. Indig, stioa. Jb&unutM Ianaaaation. tewwd Liver Complaint, Lownoss ett Spirit. r. - sunsrworn, Rheumatism. UaltKhe-jm. kcWa, ' Skiu Dise, a. t3 yOTtCE. N'n llht the esurn red trade-mark intNal.Wt siswed by IT. J. HaMiU.4IFllotreeV-w iotk.U whlckkfeionr. Old sr an iirnmii iieaier. ia I Ik ii igUnl tar tniteran aad Canaaat f rtr Ul put. V For mk at i. H Eamas' Drag rUor. Salinrr KU BOOKS, ' -JU8T PUBLISHED. BY Messrs. WM. B. SMITH d CO., FIELD AND FIRICSIDR rt BI.lSIIINU IIOL'SE., SS Fayetteville St.. RaleigrK ft. C. MOSStS FKOM A ROLLING STONE. A Volume of Poems. BY TENELLA HAKV BAVARD CLARK. Author of " Reiniiifsceuces of Cuba." "Wood Notes." " Translations of ' Marguerite.' " " Lady Tartutfe," etc.. eU. One Vol., It; mo., line cloth, blue, purple and brown. I'riro fl.Ot). From the Hoa JcorvAi eiitedBy N. P. Wlllh.) " Evince the imsginaUM aud power of viv id deaerlption which mark the true pot. Are characterised by a graceful and Ho wing versi fication, a pleasing play of foncy, a beautiful and tender sentitnout." From the Nirfi.lk Virginian. Iu delicacy of thought, warratb . of fancy, and vivid reproductions of natural beauties, Mrs. (i.ahk has shown hrrself to be worthy a very high place among tbe feinal poets of America.'' XAMELErfsl-A Novel. BV FAJtJfT MLRDAl'UH DOWNING. (Second Edition. One Volume, Itimo. paper. 81.00 One Vol., . .!...,.. hne cloth, purple and nrown. Price 'lhe critics have in turn compared the an- ' thor to Hannah More, Mrs. Edgeumfh, Mrs: Braddun, George Etiot and Charles Dickens ! From the Cosmopolite. " The interest is so admirably kept up that if never lags from first to last. The style is simple, pure and vigorous--live from the at iectations of most feuiale writers." From the Home Journal. " The plot is aataral and developed with well sustained- interest. The character of , the story are clearly individualised, ar.i! their varyiag fortunes are often illnt:aVsd with pasiiigesof thrilling ihtnrest." iFroni the PhiUdsrtphia DaUy Age. pne mttca exoallanee. Tu pub lishers deserve great praise for the manner in which they have sent the book from th press." THE NORTH CAROLINA GOLD CIR CULAR Smo., paper. Price 10c. Ofim- tiortanctt to many of interest to all. Con tains rate of depreciation of Cpnfederat Cur rency, duriuir the war, compared with Gold : New Usnry Law of North Carolina ; fluctua tions of Greenbacks in New York to Decem ber, Ititio ; a list of all the Newspapers pub lished in North Carolina April L 18d6, Ac. Ur 5ent postpaid, upon receipt ot price. WM. B. SMITH dc CO., 58 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Catalogues sent on application.- PROSPECTUS OF THE EUTHERFOED STAR , The Undersigned propose to publish, in tho village of Rutlierfordton, a weekly Newspaper to be called "The Rutherford Star." It i.- our desire to make The Star a wel come visitor to aU those who feel an interest in the prosperity and welfare of our country as a whole, and the perpetuity of our institu tions, as handed down to us by our noble an eeety, a Federal Republican ( ovemment. ' Our people ha v.; but lately emerged from a gigantic civil war, waged by and between Sections of a oaoe glorious Union, and more desolating to our particular section, than any thing that has ever happened on this contin ent, and it is to be hoped, than ever will again. While there is life there is hope, and riot withstanding the great changes wrought by the late civil war, we shall encourage the peo ple to honesty, industry and economy, we shall take special pain to keep them posted with all beneficial improvement of tho" af , so that they may once more enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We ahull from time to 1 time publish such laws, both State and National, as onr people are directly concerned in, and shall likewise use onr influence to establish a sound circula ting currency, so much needed at the present time. W e shall be governed by principle;! and not men, for accardinir to our honest conviction. the present condition of our country is owing to .the abandonment of . iirincioles. we man the abandonment of those. fiimUii.i.mtal prin ciples upon which the Uoverumcnt of tne Uni ted -States, was reared. e pniiT feWo? "and envuraatk"iT'Hi Triwnt'i.f .ill 7:li resources. Aanca oral Arc, and !:r use soch internal improv- ments as wu! t u likely be beuerieial to to Cwntfyy sid Especially the eitettsiwn of Uw Wilmington. Chariottee and Rutherford Rail Road west. A to Polities we are True Caimi nil believing neither in th Fir Eater of ta Soih, tor the Radicals of tbe No: dt. but in the Constitution, the Union, and the etrforr menf of all ConstitutkSaal law, whsthaw State or Federal, and a ready and willing obedience an ub wnmm. Tbe Star will bo pablishad rrery Wedne day at the foUoainjt rate. (uncthr ia ad vance.) payable in currency or prodooa at saarket prices. One copy 2 months, .0r) 4i - go t B. CASPENTER, R. W. LOO AS. April IStb, 'rH A tf. The Weakly Old North State Published erery Friday at S3, per annum. " J .V