t I I - 1 . I Nar Aiviktisemkxts.- 1. K Perry- of Islington, N. 0., advertises for Ml at lowest figures, Fi.k's Patent Metal lic Burial Cases. Equitable Life Assurance of New York, 0. W. Maw, Agent, ph -mmonsrillo, N. 0. Celebration by tbo coloied people on the 1st of May. Blackwood's MuaziNK. We bare renewed from the Leouard Sco't Publish lag Company, tbe January, Fehmary and March numbers of thin ccb-brated and pop alar Magaii ne. Its m. i its ate too well known to require any eulogy at our Landj. Tor tana ee Prospectus in another column. ArPoiXTKD. We are pleased to learn that Mr Moses A. Smith baa been ap pointed Mr. Goodloe. Deputy U. 8. Mar shall for this section of tbe State. Wkstkkh Rati.roads. A meeting of tbe Stockholders of ihe Western Railroad Company, in this place on Saturday, 30th March, elected the following officers for tbe present year : C. B. Mallet, President ; Col. H. M. Waugh, of8urry Co., Col. J. T. More- bead, of Greensboro, M. S. Kobius, of Randolph and A. A. McKcthan, of Fay- ettevdlo, Directors on tbe part of ihe Stale, and Archibald McLean, T. S. Lutterloh, H L Myrover, J D Williaina and Win. M L McKay, Directors on the part of the Stockholders. Their action in reference to. the extea sion of the road is contained in the follow ing resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the President mid Di rectors le instructed to proceed to tin- con struction of the road from Kjry pi to a point common to the several proposed litres to Greensboro , High f oint and 1 hoinasvtlle: Provided, the weans can be obtaiued to carry on the work, and that they have the Engineer make an approximate estimate (without actual survey) of the distance, c st of construction and advantages from such common point to Greensboro, High Point and ThoniMsvillc, nnd also from Greensboro, Hirh Point and Thomasville, to a common point hear Sal m, in the di rection of Mt. Airy ; ami that tiny also as certain what amount of aid can be- had by subscription or otherwise on each line, and that so soon aa such information can be ' FROM CHARLESTON. Charleston, April 18. A public examination of the Saxton col ored school, under charge of the Freed men's Bureau, was held tbia afternoon. The audience was overwhelmingly large, mostly colo.ed. Among t lie whites pre sent were Judge MaGralb, Gen's. Sickles, nnd fVotf , and 8tubbt Collector Maakey, District Attorney Corhtu, several Minis ters of the different churches au l the rep resentatives of the press. The trial of the parties indicted for mur der ou account of alleged criminal careless uesa, resulting in the burning the Kings treo jail, with tweuty-two prisoner, some months ago, has been concluded at Kings tree by tbe ucquittal of the accused. CONSERVATIVE MEETING IN PE TERSBURG. Petersburg, April 18. The Conservative meeting, to-night, passed resolutions fujly affirming the equal rights of white and black, und accepting the terms of Congress. The meeting waa very large and enthusiastic. About one halt were negroes. John Lyon was the only speaker. MARKETS AND F1NANCIL. New York, April 18. Cotton easier. Declined one cent. Sales of 1,000 bales at 26. Flour quiet and unchanged. Coin easier. Sales of 87,000 buahels. Mixed Western l,2Sa$132. Pork quiet, $22",?? THM II U X NT C U TT Co S V E X 1 10N C (HSOLIDAI I. N AIM 1 1 1) Kk iiMoxt. April H. Tbe Convention met at 10 o'clock. Tl prevailing feeling, shown in the se-cbs of the colored members, was for eottiaaav tion. Oue or two, who opposed it, were saluted by cries of "copperheads." Au announcement, by Freehand, of Petersburg that if Congress did not give the negroes lauds, they should be taken by violence, waa received with applause- The white members did not seem to relish the confis cation idea, and tried to throw cold water oo it. The comm irtee reported an address to the people of tbe State, aud a series' of re solutuAs. The address first reckes tbe GOODS, comprising all the latest styles of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS &. SHOES, Ruady-Made Clothing, Hats AND Straw Goods, HARDWARE Wood and Willow-Ware. GROCERIES. wrongs done by t he rebels ; bat says tboee 1 j Vtu fy.uts J Dye Stuffs, Sod Navy Kovolver, IHiTUO in. C alinrc. Melt Revolver, Navy 8iae Calibre, Police Revolver, Navv Sue Calibre, New Pocket Revolver, 31-100 In Calibre, Pocket Revolver. (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre, Repeating Pistol, (Elliot pt. No.) 22 & 3a Cartridge, Vest Pocket INstol, No. 82, 30, 32 and 41 Cartridge, Gun Cane, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge. Breech Loading Rifle, (Reals') Mo 32,aud 3tf Cartridge. Revolving Ride, 36 and 44 100 in. Calibre. E. REMINGTON Jr. bON'B, limn, N. T. PRIWCIPAI ACINTB. The whole system of trade Reconstructed ! who fought unwillingly ought to bwfisr given. They declare allegiance to the Republican party, aud the following plat form : Honor and rewards to labor. Homes for the homeless, who are wil- -Sole. Upper. ttrtis ,( 8ku fmg Leather, French f- .I merican Culj Skins, Shoe Find injf$ Tanner's loots, t('C. J lu fa-t thev ki uverythiug. In tli mer- ling to work. Property aud not polls to I eantile Hue that is needed, ami intend to sell bear the burden of taxation. ! f"r n,7- , , , , lie sure aud call at No. I. McNeely ami Ihe property of the State must educate ; Youna'a New Brick Row. lfore purchasing I Moore & Nichols, uj. Read oc Son, 1 Jos. C. Grubb & Co., Poultue v A I rimble, Henry I "I -on & Co , Johnson, Bpencer tc Co , L. M Rumsey St Co., Albert E. 'rune, March 28, 15G7 tf New York Boston Philadelphia Baltimore New Orleans Chicago . St. Louis and Francisco Spring Fashion's Demand. J. W, MMErr CELEBRATED THK SFBSCRinER HAS THE honor to inform his customers and the public geaendlj that he is now dailT receivuia;a onuiplete und carefully selected stock of New Goods! Having purchased his Goods at rery low figures by knowing when and where to buy, he is pre pared 'o otler them st prices eminently adupu-d to the times. Here is a list of leading articles with currant minimum prices anuexed : Calicoes from 12 1-2 to 25 perTd Bleached Domestic, 1 AJv 28 U. per yard, v nblcached Men's Shoes, Ladies' " fofee, Sugar the children of the State Free schools aud universal education. It threatens tbe land monopolist of the elsewhere. SI 1.1.1 AN Ishmy. Aprils ldfA . Ac CO. Al.'. ,lnt Teeeived Jillft van A: Co's State with couriscatioii, if they npprvea the Bradlev's Celebrated Kuipreo Trail, or Du laborers, attempt U, coatr.d their vU. or l S,uialW 1 inolrst t lie school te.n l, is and friends of the freedmen. The resolutions thank the thiity-niiith its legislation ; ple ge tbe L onjrress for Naval Stores flim. Spirits Turpentine ! Convention to ifTd in carryingit out, as the 79580. Rosin t3,8?la10. Money very easy, 6a7. Gold excited by reports of another de cline in cotton, and the rumor that nego tiations have been broken off between Prus sia and Fiance. Cased $ 1,379-1,37 f Liverpool, April 18. .Cotton inactive all day. Prices nomi nal Tendency downward. Upland 11. Orleans llg- only means of early admission to the Un ion ; adopt the principles and plalfoitn of tlie National Republican party ; advocate equal rights to all, including the right to hold office ; and ret use to support for of fice any man who does not openly identify himself with the Republican party. obtained, a meeting of the Stockholders be called and the results submitted to them. -Fayetteville Presbyterian. O. P. TbeTi'rty-sixtb anniversa- ependent order of Odd Fellows, will tw eelchrutt'd throiiirhout the enuntrv ak it... Or.tli iiiDt VatI u.alr maFd a (rt tin' peculiar tenets of Odd Fellowship were introduced into this country by Past Grand Wilder, aud the first lodge was instructed are believe, in Baltimore. .Since that time it bos spread all over the, Union, rand to day there are many tltousands of t In best citizens of tbe country who are proud to call themselves member of the order. In this city there are seven lnuulred Odd Fellows, and they, in common with mem bers, of rbfi order elsewbete, arc making prepaiationsfor a grand celebration. There will be a grand parade on the 2tith, after which addresses will be delivered at the Opera House, and the' celebration is to wind np with a grand - supper. In com mon wftn all other institutloirB, this order has .-u-il'ered much by the late war, but there is yet left great vitality and their demonstrations on -the 27th inst will prove iU-r Norfolk Bay Book. Double Suicide. Two young girls, aged respective ly fif teen and sixteen, took poison in a very so cial way together, last Wednesday, in Brooklyn, with a view to suicide. When found tbey were nearly dead,- aud it was thought tbey could not recover. Tbey left the following note : Tienr Mother: I left Hoboken on Sat urday, at 8 o'clock myself and' Rosa We went away, and staid away until Tues day following when we ended our lives. 1 ihe military bill, as the best alternative have never had any comfort siuce I came ,ft f nHnni of fh(. a,.,,.. WJt from the country. I hope to meet . MEETIXG OF COLORED PEOPLE. Mn bile, April 19. A large meeting ef negroes was bcld here last night. There were three thous and present. Inflammatory radical speech es wete made by both black and white speakers, Resolutions were adopted, af filiating with the radical party, and de manding the right to sit on juries, hold office and ride in the cars. They adjourned at a late hour. Most of tbe colored people were armed. A great number of shots were fired in the air, after tbe adjournment. iif 1 1 FOREIGN NEWS. - -'" Paris, April 18. Imprisonment fur debt lnu been abolish ed in Paris. Berlin, April 18. It is reported here that Napoleon is strengthening his forces and the military posts wrr tbe frontier, -placing hie artille ry a war tooting, and purchasing ambulan ces ; and that the French reserves for '68 were called out the first of May. Prussia is also represented to be making active military preparations. . GOLD MARKET. New York, April 19. The gold market opened at Sl,38.1al,- 38, but afterwards fell to $1,374- At noon it stood at $1,38. GOV. BROWN. -' Savattnah, April 18. A mass meejing of the citizens, to-day, was addressed by Ex-fiov. Jos. E Brown, who was the only speaker. He spoke an hour and a half advising submission to D. C, WOKTit, N. O. DANIEL WQRTH & DANIEL, SHIPPING And Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. 0. I DEALERS IN BAGGING, ROPE, 1 f It".; I .-. IJsj'i, l'lustsr, (Jnnt) Hair, (ieuuine I Vni v i j 1 1 1 1 .: aiMft 1 1 om Cmh aiuai 1 1 a gt-u ts . Sait. IW and .'U kindsof t'oal. Ac :jr Uao5' " l'J'1 " MIH-T Plionptiatc of LiUM. Ae.-nLi lurthe t'liilaiWlpki So them Mail SU-am-tbiiiiiiiF. Both the address and resolutioua wemvMrwyv'"' el h adopted unanimously A resolution favorhig confiscation was after a sharp debate, referred. A resolujfron, endorsing President John son was hooted down. A mass meeting is now being held on itufur JaasaSmi: it i ckf l. ireeklv Mcamsiup line ir 4;- fhi Bacvn' 15 to 25 $1.00 to $3.50 1.00 to 4.00 :io rts per Ql 15 to 18 " 15 to 18 " THEY WILL NOT BEND OR BREAK, lik the sniffle springs, but will ever PRE SERVE TIIKIK PERFECT AND BEAUr TIFt'L SHAPE, where threeor four ordina ry akifts are thrown aside as useless. They coinMne elastieitv. comfort, dnrability and economy. VH that Zllcgancc of Shape, which has made the "Duplex Elliptic " the STANDARD SKIRT y.,.m 'en. Patent Mica Rwflhig. Tte New York Mica Kooffiiijr Company, (Es-J tilbtHbeit 1,1 are nianutaeninu.!; unner i.euers I'a'ttltlw bot article of I cuiusitiii niottiiiiji ovet offrrert t th pnMiel It i auaatea to every style of Koof, steep or flat,, and can be readily OF THE St fbr tve.iing the Capitol square. n.,.1. tr. ....... r .u r :..i4 J i... .... ihmii lliillDtS oi I in l.rj;iM;uir, to-ll.l,, : fl''ii"i ws,,aui . L passed tbe bill cousolidatme ibe Norfolk i -JmX ' 'n'i'tSi aud Petersburg, tho Southside and the 'i-TaWI. ,fn ieii TiwlieiuliIini.V' i fM Virginia and Tennwec Ratfroads hrW one f Kmh 4. p in 4U, Mmi? to roa to be called the Atlantic, Mississippi nw Ba toumke and Ohio Railroad. - irable F.re and II ah r-Prmf Covermg, jpiM mbjbjjm ssssssBBi ssssssm s We itsrtkslsrlr necuiiond ita uau upon Buildings, Stores. Chun-Jus, Factories, Ma- chine-Shops. Sfcanibwit Dicks, dc. NEW Slnrinn GnnH! f ica S.oofflng Faint, hear our pric- l-j-e -inoinx pjin.hfta-. Our j'otwta have lieoii w i ll d noted and we feel uouti tttriit. lliat have the l;i of Goods that are ueuded and at the right pilees. OUR STOCK COX6ISTS OF Vnr mutiny. Tin. Iron, or Shincle Koofs. It r. .mis a ImhIv poual to three coats of Ordinary WE IIAT13 HR EIVED CFli (100 OS FOR j Xo roof atrut auder it. aud old leaky Spriuff and tSuinnusr Trade, whieh we offer j fo,if; mav ! made peruianently water pfKf and at as uw prices an the same -class ol tiools can durdde hy i: use. hi-honjrht for lifting inarkf, and w invite the j The P.dnt rojwes no mixing , bl is ready to attention of bnyers to sxainine our Good aud ! t. aniJied -wtti tbe ofimiary paint brush. Price $1.00 pc "lollua. which will cover two hundred square fyKU l-o iiinmit iernrer of BLACK LUSTIlh VARNISH, Tarred Felt and luffing Pitch. Discount to the Tnde. Circulars and Price Uat furnished. Kijrhts for counties sold at low rates. Addres THE MICA ROOFFING CO. 194 Broadtcay, X. Y. Frank 'Humphreys, fit Itoyal street, X O.. See field, A illiams d t o., Augusta, da., isauiwin h. Woods. Moutfrtunerjr, Ala., Thomas S. I'oates, Italeiffh, N. .tA. Tucker. Kiehmend, Va , Henrv WUson. Petersburg. Va., Agents. April 0. l-o. tw tf mm Dry Goods, m boots JKiTi shoe Jiks, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS & STRAW GOODS, iiiitlte World. ts-yb i Bi ad ley's Invisible, for uHi nnUey s Linprass Jl rail, Dress. 7 Wests, Bradley, & Cary, Exclusive uianufActurers and sole owners of the patent. Warehouse and oinVe, 97 Chambers, and 79 aud f-i H ade street, Mew York. Be particvarao nte tbat Skirts offered -is Duplex 4iave the red ink stamiv. viz: "J. W. HRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL 8PHINGS" upon the waistband also notice that each hoop will admit a PIN being run through the, centre of each HOOP, thereby proving that they are Duplex, or dou ble springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their superior grace, flexibility and durability rr For sale bv BROWN (c CO. No. 5, Main StV, 'Salisbury, N. C. CF" If you want Ridley's Skirts goto BROWN & CO., Jan. 1!), 4m-wtw No. 5 Main St. Worth Carolina, i Court of Picas ArQnartet , s, .-iiohs. teb lemi, 1S07 Attncliruent levied on land. , srou in heaven. Farewell, dear mother and aistars, forevermore. Kias little Kitty for me. not forgetting Patty and Jenny and the little bahv. We both died'on thesame WASMINUTON NEWS. Washinc-tox, Apr1118. Several days ago, Senator Jobuson of- ,Av and both in the same Wav. My heart fen d a resolution, in ..Executive, eejsjon; L i t .. iK. i.. Mr aA Mm Mai. . i : j - - -- - - i - f' n ID va ... I " " " - : " ft ' -" -" - ' ........ w . , . , iii lOO ClOOm- C.,M hetwppn till, hpllivornnta in Vf,. ico, and. looking to an honorable adjust "Ready-made CLOTHIXG, Jewelry Store ! L M IiAVIS TAKES tins method of iuform-4 ! inslifc-li.eusHaiel 'e itlii-penerallv. that be has f Ju oi"Hd . b -.!e!r u;iu Urn hudding i Oppoile (Jhi"ord d Brak , on Main St., j (FORMERLY SflOBERfe LAWOTFICE.) i berr the m o Bt;a eve-.- taiu eil in strrh p.T:iWHlmientsL tVitteli ( i.x-ks J iva:"l Mui - il instrument re And a Large Assortment of vt mi aa-sutita, , t:ni.lguaraulrtlu every iu.-Um e. BRi p. JTHJV hy. Mx suiter's residence is 1 field street, above Fonrth street. 1. - . , i . DL-rn ml D v V J bye goodbye ! good bye drew the resolution. ,Udltir.oi.aMit , . jaMORngf1 BWM 9 PvS.-tiond We a?r niw.irH toMthar. always loved r ane anuher beretotore we die together. H, . n He haw l.isiaterp a tieir C. aevei before iiitro- A K II W A A L. du 1U ,hfl k' aMh j . Cuckoo Clock, GtrOGGtriOB r,tl ini1 ix a imnwibJe-io Uetjib it- be m:rtiJil siiier tilai bUe pablie for tlie and I i -t-"T!:,je beretoluie UWtil upon tl e li m uf L. CtOcksrV i 1 "- '"'Br-1 ly 'tri('' isterity oihI v'acl J ' tiaremituig stteoaiu to lm- qcm to merit a caiitiuu- m tbe :inv 't liftnaerr. fwa A VINSON ("OI XTY Earubrd and "Adderton HamiltMii J. McOuire, It apiieanuir to t tic sati."fnrtion of the Oonrt that Hamilton J. MoOnlre the detendant in th"to rae ia a nmi-resnieni oiiihkmiiio. ii is uicreiiire oruereu oy the coart that publientionbc made fir aix weekmnthe Old North State." nottl'viiiE the said -Hamilton J. Mftinire. to tie and appear at the next term of thin Court to be held tor the county of Haviihon. at the Court House In texilMrtotl on the second Monday in May next, then and there to plead, answer or demur, otherwise jiidcmcnt final will be entered apainst him and the land levied on sold to satisfy the plaintia's judgment nnd I'oSts, Witness I. K. Perrymati. Clerk of said ConY-tat Of fice fn Lexington, the second Monday in KeJ-A. I). lSo7. I. K. PEKRY M A X, ("lark March 16. . (Pr fee f 10) ww -STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA, I Rowan Cuknxy. ) ItoterfMurtuiv, - - i . . . . (Jnpinai Attat-liment "Levied oa-..Personal Property. vs. . The National Fx presa aud Transjxir tatiou t'ouianv. It aeariner to the satisfaction of the Court j and other articles nt similar fignrea. DRY GOODS : Otlicos, Ginghams, Lawns, CasslmeTs, Apron Cheeka, Linen, Linen Drill, DeLain, Handk'cia, 15 lea. Domestic, Unbleached Dom. Cambric, Indies' Uoes, Flaunel, Bed Ticking, Men's " Shins, IIoop Skirts, and Tilters, -Shawls, Hats & Caps, LADIES' HATS, LADIES' CAPS, BOYS' HATS, SHAKERS, CAPS, MEN'S HATS, 31ENS u NOTIONS, Comhs and Brushes, Pins, Buttons, Thread, Needles Thimbles, Snuff Boxes-Poeket-Books, Pencils, Tape, Pipes, Cologne, Fans, Hair-Oil, Suspenders, Tooth Brushes, Fish, Hooks, Hooks and Eyes, Ladies' Netts, Neck lies, Pldying Cards, ftmum Lactic' Elastics, Envelopes, Carpet Bags, Perfumery, Foolscap and Letter Paper, JL ai lJ?apet, all kinds o Perfumery SHOES, FOB Ladies, all kinds ; Children, all kinds ; Mens, all kinds. . CROCKERY, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishes, Waah Bowls and Pitchers, Chambers, Steak Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Soap Stands, Suirar Dishes, Molasses Cans, Bowls, Salt Stands. Pickle Dishes. Goblets, Tumbler, Jags, Jars & Milk Crocks. WOODEN WARS, Painted Water Buckets, Cedar Water Buckets, (brass hoops.) Wash Tubs, Trays. Brooms, Keclers, Brush, Half bushel Measures, Peck Measures. Matches, Cloth Pins, Brushes, all kinds, Wash Boards. . Mails, axes, long-handled shovels, spades, bay forks, German scythe blades, trace chains, hues, locks of all kinds, knives aud forks, scissors, horse brushes, shoe brushes, butts, hiinres-al' numbers), screws (all siaes) coOee potts of all kinds, TIN WARE, blacking, bed cords, plow lines., wire dish coven, cof fee mills, rat trans, tiles of all kindvaU kinds of shoe tools, wash basins, cotton cards, curry combs and to bacco cutters, GROCERIES SCfiiH. (WFEE. MOT.AS?ES,s that the defendants in this case reside Wvotid' ! l,0, peppwv candles' (mould) best sugar .TEST NES. 'OL'te CAROLINA AFFAIRS. Coi.rm i , April 18. vernor estimates that one hun- ns T . . . i .,, ,kirtv Amvi anertd fn renort fn (ten. Pone, enrntnanit. ,l.t it U (..MtiUi Mtl.i:ti..a. to .. . u tail mar UDfratan. vu l&m icu ujnv iu . - i r ' - - w . . . ........ . , - v v, ".. - . ntatlWr . . . nu: i i ffi , ! WMJa b. ah. tVXXrtl. N.-per-o l mnnemeot. emnomif tT ' Jfe prrat, and several atatni . ingw imr aviawc, , - '.t jr-t'I.. V V7.-7 TZ . .' " V. 1 r lady of tast.-. can aiiord todo w. . .awn of voters Will oe cum- iu vuun, uia u.11 " "'' ' " " "- --uri rrrur iu , i mulv. wit 1 Talnn e rsons retx" 1 .. SO Vi The Senate, immtdi.-itel y after reading the journal, virent into Executive session. Subsequently, a resolution was adopted to extend the session to Saturday next. (Jen. Cake, to-d .y. was confirmed as collector for the port of Philadelphia, Two compauus-rff the fifth U. S. caval- a. .1. novu x co. Salisbury. April 3, lHi7. tw U State of Worth Carolina, MoNTUOMKRY COITNTT. . t 1 IK r.gt'iTV t . j. en ran ana ttM.r. vs Heirs at of Touey Mnunie Itition for sale of land fr Partition--.. It anpearinif to the sati.-fartion ,.f th the limits of this State, it is, thnrefore, ordered 'brtlie- tin-t that puhlication be made iu The : fWit, itrth Slate, for ix consecutive weeks, no tifying said defeudants to be- aud apjiear at the next term of this cmrt. tohlM torthe eonu- ty uf Kiovav, ( tbe cm rt-hotise in BalisbtlfT lua tbn.m. .Monday in- 3JUt.V- nnJitr tlmo ud I there ti plead, answer or demur, otherwise ! iudirinent tinul will le entered" nsraiust Hn-m, and the irerty levied on to satisfy the phun- ! - tins MiiL'i.nenf and ee-ts. . Wit tie jis7 DTa iRah W ulsori. clerk of our af -W j-mid . :u-ttLuUutu-m.iiloun.444'-ustot Mtm IDiAjme. oniversally ai-knotr el?ed the day iu r ebruary. A. I.. pti7. and in the nine- Model P.irhVr Mayazitse of Ameriea-; devoted to ty-tirst year of our Independence. orismal atnries.pMems.skrtebifs, an-hitectareand OnAilAtt.AVooi8oX, Clerk. hmmipi ronares. nou-v-noiu m;irTer-. gems 01 Marrli I. Iti7. rr lee !( wtiw r , -.,.. m . uci-M'um i,tii .11,11111: ' ! speoi . . v . - - uies aiiamauiinei Konp, separs, louacco, U 11 cap, snuff', msckeml. bacon, flour, starch, Indigo, appla vinejtar, lard, concentrated lye, rice, cheese, . special departments On Tasbions.) in-fructions J g'JATE OF NORTH CAUCLIXA, 1 wrcfli Tnmi 'c T on health, vusnastkt, ejuetnaiexar es, music da f. J TtJIJilHf 1 (JU ILUlVLo JU anratesieiit; etc.. aU tajr the bert iuiorite. and ; , iiowil toUMT. J TION: WIIVE8, (all kindly Whiskej, niaudiea, ONFEGrfONlRIES, Baiains. sardines, piekleycsndien (assortrd)oraafW lemon, tigs, canon. pieN, re4 singer, peaches sad ' pine apples, nvstcra k-anr iun. jelly (aaaottod). kan-eri or au Rirnts. rsvnp uf ail mini. AND, III "XDREDH OF OTHEB MEN' rn.firselv and artis'ieatrv illustrated with costlv e eiu rintra (lull ize). uelu' nU reiiHiile patterns In Fqv James II. JL"ai. cs. Ri de Pti'mn and ' ty t'omo'snd examine my Stock as of the people of South Carr ry, which have been stationed here, are I . i . ., .. n. 1 . . . . ... - . . ... . ... 1 r. . , . . -j . , .. lit j II . . . .. .1 : . court. tna the neirs at law nt I erry Monroe ' emu. 'ieTV, jewelry, ana eousuar iHMOSMane .1 n. i-ormtn. 1. aiMttre rttnwliineut K ouo u .11 c v ou noiuiu(j. and A. J. tWhraiw, are nu-rvidut dVfen- tU Doveitie-, with other isoful aod euter- fi.na In n. 17. sufficient number of ( of the prisoner. wbo are ouali- ' Tbe prosecuting Attorney annupnccd Bat few have ' tbat be was not yet ready. "Ho tiaae waa It will probably occur ate jfivad for tbe trial, in Jane. al honsewife tbout the Mod- bork eam nuuied free. nreinium. tun cme., . I Iroy, mi Uie butt Monday in r.brtfary uext. 13 oO; three n.piea. 4950; fire copies 18. and ! then and there to plead, auswor or deennr to I spleixlid premiums tkar dnhs at $3 taea wth the the facts set forth in the f-ti),n. or theane i fir-t pretmnaist." jch nbTiWr. will W.hMrd 01 wart and ioaVmMl r e.... ; Iddre. W. JKNMK.., ff!a10BiT. 1 1-- ' . . Ti . -a - I i , -W. J - 1 U . Vmore-t"s VoVUily and l' In lies ini - ih l'..'n- ft I 1 vine made oath da nu f Hlske a he market ptiu tnn f I v.v Uuaibjttb ii Jaul- art- uon re.d'-nti- f Ibis -Mte. fWs'Krv herel It.nke , , . , . g. , PHt-nstiand Xnn I . P,tti, lu .nr at tb nil takctl In eveJunfte tor fioo.1. COUNTRY PRODUCE Highest ajlowetl f.,r Sjm cie and Bank. .' - T . - r -r- - - fesvo render.-d acaie.at thetn. G W. MONTGOMERY. C M- C fob 14. (ptfe.10) wtiw ar, Aew ork 1 ''iff. Wiuere to ftethrr. 44, ua the aramtnoi- for each. - r - - ' . -taaat 1 . rerrn rn rr 1 yirt 01 rono fa HMrai t)M Ttt-5','1riS'1 '"Uf h ' Xnt Try me If.-.- pnnhasinf Hae Mt'Tf f-tVfifteHm !tMnrf to V kre:!- IWT. then . . ; , , , . . .S , Fflim!k 1 . atoad. taVaaa shntmr t.. the 'where m- Mo, I confident of my ahilttt a fla'ntiff.U 11 mth. a t f-r Iwar.n ind i,lraie in.r -Oil .. d fir rJr'Vrj L- JJ!nF- ! nr K...i,kfrtt.t i I JU ri' I i iWV4 vw jamm fiv Ti 8T BKCKIVK1) a M of k. nmn-e Oil at 75 fJT Frankfrtttrw 'Hd Stand, Main nearly- opiKisrte Mansion House. T - - esnts n itfoa at the Droa store of tt W. H. Howerton. ' Apul 13 la&wf &wf Man h 16, rwM W. C itvLL&: 5j V , 'V i' 1..