?2 . . 7 Ufa V nm& A l)rUVNorll) Stole BAMSHl'BY, N. 0., A 170. 4, 1868. FOR HU&IDENT; , ' HORATIO SEY OV XKW VOU K. FOR TICK PRESIDENT: GBJV. FRM P. liUIR, of Missouri. I UMV J V ill liOW UNMI.N ! . THK FiUCT10N OK THE M t M v. a UMV ami NAVY ; THE ABO LITION VV THE KUKKI'M K.VS HI UK VI. 4 all I'oxrrn-AL rxsTRt'NKVTA i.rriKH PE8IUNCD To KJOCl'HE NEOBO SUPREMA CY Democratic Platfoem. IT 18 KOT A MERE PARTY TRIUMPH WE KK. WE ARK TBVlKti TO 8 A YE OUR COUNTRY FROM TBK DANGERS WHICH 0 VKB1IAMO (T. Cor. m.vk 'n Amuehh. Til ESTATE CONVENTION. Tho Wilmington Journal bays that New Hanover will send up a large delegation to Raleigh on the 13th, and invites the Charluttee and Salic-, bnry Globs to meet them there on that occasion. Wo have no douht that Jfcwnti will bo well represented il?wBoiivcntioii, ani if their means wooRT justify it we have no doubt tbt ourclab would heartily respond by making an excursion to "the city Oaks'' to meet their Conservative iiud Democratic brethren of the East, nod w o hope that many of its mem bors w i.l attend as it is. THE WELTING OF THE CLUB HI LAST NIGHT. Tho meeting of (lie, Salisbury Sey monr and Blair Club last night was the largest. W most enthusiastic which bus yet takent place. The Dis trtct comt being in session a. large number of people from th country were in attendance and tho large Hall" was well liiled. Gov. Vance bring in town was pretaeJ into ser itHjpHniiiitni ons fiends here and enierfffned the audience- for nearly an hour in one of his churac teristie speeches, abounding with wit, humonr, unccdoto. and argument, t liieh was enthusiasticaly applauded. After Gov. Vanco had concluded - - Ilon-Ihoe. S. Ashe arose in response. to loud calls from all parts of tho Hall and made a forcible aud arv gumeutative speech which was like- wiae loudly applauded. During th meeting a bon-fire was blaz'ng in the street just opposite the Hall. We have heard as yet of no clubs being formed in other parts of the county, but we are assured that there soon will be clubs formed in every precinct. Our friends in other parts of the. State need have no Teamlor" Old Ho wan she will do '. her duty nobly as she did in the late Election. INTERNAL REVENUE. We publish to-day, as a matter. of gen era! intereal to many of onr readers, spe cial regulations 69 and 60 of the Com missioner of Internal Revenue. They will give some idea of tfee manner m which the industrial Interests of tbe country are being paralyzed by the legislation of the present Radical Congress and' wliat we may expect if we continue that party in P?wer- . .' .;' We gather the following exhibit from Assessor II elper's books, which shows the..amount.of Internal Revenue Assess ments' made in this District from the 12ih of October 1865, to the 30th of Jnne 1868, and the cost of making them. Wdwkamount a.8seseed, 802,557,48 Assessors salary and commissions, $6,420,67 Assistant .assessors' PT, 16,732,62 , Clerk hire, office rent, ' postage, advertising', si -express -and station. .. etji 6,310,19"' 29,463,48 From thia ex hihit it appears that tho assjMmcnt of this large snm in this im porUn t 1)m tricV was made at a cost of on- 1 3 per coot., a much smaller coat than thai of nauy of the Districts. Ju.-t thiak nf Ul Eight buudrad and two thousand fire hundred sod fifty r v. n dollars collected from a District while it people were deprived of representation in Congress. Sueh has been radicalism in the past, what Can We elpect of it in the future. RATIFICATION MEETING IN ROWAN. Pursuant to previous notice a very large and respeclable portion of the Democrats and Conservatives of Rowan aascmblcd in mass meeting at the Town Hall in Salisbury on Sat erday the 1st inst. On motion ol Mnj, James E. Kerr, the meeting was organized by the appointment of James B. (iibs n, Esq., as President, Maj. K, F. Hull and John X. Graham, Esq., as Vice Presidents and Dr J. II. Frnloy as Secretary. The Picsi dout theu called upon Wm. II. Daily, Em., to explain alija of. aw meeting, which he proceeded to do Me anrf eloquent f-pcccli which gave universal satisfaction? On motion a committee of twelve, consisting of tho followiifg gentle men. J. M. McCotkle, Wm. II. Bai ley, Luko Blackmer, Kerr Crejge, Juhn S. Henderson, Tillman Cranford, W. II. Fraley, Jeremiah Barringer, Henry Barringer, Dr. J. a. Fraley, Dr. Mil j A. J. Rose in an and John C. Miller, was appoint-d to draft re solutions for tho Cuiisidcraiiou of the meeting. After an absenco of a few min utes the committee returned and re ported, through its chairman, J. M. McCorkle, Esq , jhe following pre amble and resolutions : Wherkas, Tho Democratic and Conser vative musses of Kowan county have as sembled in Convention for the purpose of expresMiiir their sentiments upon the issues presented for tho decision of the people iu the coining; eompaigu ; therefore, Resolreil, Tliat iu the opproaching Presi dsntial canvass the question of civil uud constitutional liberty on the one hand and military force and absolute despotism on tho other is to bo met and decided. ! -lr, I. That, we heartily endorse the platform of principle adopted by .the Na tional Democratic Convention at its late ses sion iu the city of New York. Resolved, That in Horatio Seymour we reeoguize tho eminent statesman who looks to tho Constitution and the laws as tho bul work of liberty and the sole guaranty of the Union : as one who bus at least in .view the inaintRinance of 4he Constitution, aud who poswswej thti charities and nmeuities of Christian gentleuia a ; and in Ciuraf! V P. Blair, we recognize the experienced leg- is later aud gallant soldier ; aud both shafM vt reive, onr hearty and nndtrmwl support ' Resolved, That we anproVe (if the call for a State Convention to be held iwltuleigh on the 3th uitt., aud that the Chiarman of this metiting be requested to appoint tifty dele gates to represent Rowan county iu said Convention. Resolved. That the Cliairufan of this 'iineet ingbe also requested to appoint twenty five delegate to represent Kownn County iwa District Convcnthm to be held at Statesville on the day of for the purpose of nominating an elector for President and Vice-President, and a Candidate for Congress for this District. Resolved, That our venerable and distin iruished fellow citizen and 'Representative iu Congress the Hon. Nathaniel Hoyden for his devotion to Constitutional principles, his untiring and succcssfull labors in securing the removal of the political disabilities of aH the officers elect in this Cotiaressional Dis trict, and for his able and patriotic speechc,-in ooDosition to that most mischievous military hill , the undisguised tendency of which was Ihe conversion or the Soutjieru states into a ilitary camp, and the arming of neighbor Bfiraiust neitrhbor is entitled to the gratitude oft the people of his District as well as of all truV North Carolinians. . Resolved, That we recommend the forma tion of Seymour'and Blair ' Ctubs inovery precinct in ttowan Uounty. Wb' resolutions wore 'admeata'd: hy M:r. McC'Qr'trc iti a very alte and teingfSpBech, in wliiclt ka fully ex posed tin1 extravagance, corrnpfioji afid usurpations of the Radical party. Luke Black oicr, Esq , and Dr. T. W. Keene, ao epoko briefly, but wtili great force in favor of the resolutions. F. E. Suobor, Esq , declined to ads d rets the iheetlng in consequence of his feeble fit'al ill. . The question was then put upon the pafrauge of tlio resolutions when they wera iinduimouely adapted, In un punnec of -the 4th resolution the President appointed nppoin ted J the following delegates to represent the petiiocrals und. Qneervalives of Kowan in the State Conventidn to be held nt Raleigh .11 tlin 1 '( 1, fc". y.. 1U.1I IIJBI. TO RALEIOH. 1? V ohn Murphy. J. M. MeCorkle, Wm. H. Bailey, m. A. llouck. eorge Honck. lion. Lewis Ilaues, S. H.vde, Kerr Craige, J. 8. Henderson, , S. Fraley; D.Johnston, L. Blackmer, R Culbertison, Jas. E. Kerr, DrTJ7W.Hall. K; Hi Cowans A. f.iVRe. Dr. J. A. Caldwell, Di O. P. Houstou. Mai. w. M. Bobbins Jacob Goodman . ir.. J. Barringer J. F. Clodfelter. J. Milletr Dr J. K. Kraley. J. P. Marlin. J. A. Ki nd i n i. m. Hejirr Barringer, Est) ThtH. Martin. W. Tro. il.'U Tr tt. Jo. liandafMS, W. H Atwell. Wa. Lnekey M- I- Holmes, John V. t Irliiliiitlg. )r MAJ Ionian H.-v. I. M Hhayer, Wm I'rawf.od. l "fl' lUrul.arut. James -JJrown, S . Kntler. N. P. Hall. J, K . Uraham, Dr. F.JJ. Lueky. Mat. JsaatBUueU J. JUMcCouoaughey, (1ki. Huts. Mt-oro Itarger, Geo. Pinkston, Dr. M. L. CbuDU. K. A. Caldw.lt. And in pursuance of tho (Mi roto! lution the following gentlemen woro, appointed delegate to tho District Cuuveniion at Statesville. OKLOATtS TO BTATMYU-ia. Dr. A. C. Hendersoni John Graham, Dr. M. A. Locke, Calvin Bld, T. 0, Watson. Abram UnU, Capt W C Congbenonr Oei.. Lyerly, J TW. S. Beeves, U. ury Miller, W. It. Fraley, J- K. Ornluun, P. E. Slmber. Dr. O. P. Houatoa. Jas. K. Kerr, M. A. Witherspooo. N. V. Hall, K. J. Holmes, M - L. Hollies, K. Mauney. Wm. Wanton, Stephen V. Cowan, J. P. (tiMMlmau, J. W. McKeasie, C. 8. Drown, ' Man iu Jones, T. M. Orawdi J. J. limner, .Solomon Klutta, I. C ti j! .l xiiw proceeuwiga oi me iiieuijng were ordered to be published in the Old North State with a request that tho Democratic and Conservative pa pers of tho State copy tho tautt. On niolion tho meeting fneii ad journed. Jas. B. Gibson, President. LFK'ot., Vic.Prc.lden,. J. It. Fkaucv, Seo'y. 1' i.i i a i. ko. 59. Instruction? to suppress the unauthor ised production of Alcoholic- 1 Spirit and Vapors. TlKAgimT DEfrABTMFNT, 1 Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, July 25, 1868. ) Tho provisions of section four of the ffte act of July'S0, 18C8, are as follows : ' v.. 4. -Aih'U it Jarllia-awcicd, 1 hut distilled spirits, spirits, alcohol, and alco holic spiriM, within the true intent and meaning oi tins act, is that substance known a ethyl alcohol, hyibated oiide o ethyl, or spirit of vvini', which is coin- 1 oToi 1 v produced by tho fermentation of vm ,i i , , grain, srami, uioiasscs, or sugar, inclu ding all dilutions and mixtures of thie imbalance; and rbo tax shall attach to this substance as eoon a it is in existence as such, whether it bo subsequently sep arated as pure or impure spirits, or be im mediately, or at any subsequent time, transferred into any other substance, eith er in i he process of original production or by any FuLscqiicnt process ; and no inash fit f-'- 1inll!nlirni JsW Chat. McKeiuie, J. A. Hawkins, Henry Nfiller, BoOt. Smith, K. Mauuey. 8upheu I ."ill, onofsrlTTorTraj; shall LeTe I fSllfT V "MA RRI'VI'S TIr madQ or teruienteu m any uiinoiiig or on v buildniir or on .in y premihi-e oilo r than ft diatiliory Jul v authorized according to law ; and no such mash, wort, or wash so mnde and fermen ted shall ho sold or removed from anv dis tillery before being distilled ; and no per son other than uu authorised distiller shall, by distilmtiuu, or by any other process, separate the alcoholic spirits from any fer mented UWlh, wort, or wash; aud no per son shall use spirits or nlcohol, or any vapor of alcoholic spirits, in manufactur ing vinegar or any other article, or in any process of manufacture whatever, unless the spirits or alcohol so used shall have been produced in an uuthorized distillery and the tax thcreirh paid. Anv person who shall violate any of the proviaicins ofweatjier, opper, per pound, this section shall be fined, for every of fence, not less than five hundred dolhtrs no mna 4 1 1 i n i : , . t ' , 1 1 1 n i . 1 ,.'! .. , . J nws ui'.'it. iiitii it ui'Mi-i.tiMi uuiiaroa Ulrll imprisoned for not less than six mouths nor more than two years : Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to fermented liquors. The object of this section was evident ly to enable the I:.:ornal Revenue office to suppress all manner of distillation of spirits not expressly authorized bv law. and to collect tho tax on all alcoholic spirits manufactureiL- ' The laws oxistinff prior td this act were found to he ineffi cient, and all efforts to seenre a uniform enforcement of them wore frustrated hy a disagreement among the courts in differ ent sections of the country as to the pro per construction of such laws. The mean lug af this section, however, cannot he a matter ot doubt. U nder it, no article into which alcoholre spirits. or alcoholic vapor, enter us'an ingredient can be lawfully manufactured, except such spirits or ukji hoi have bfeen produced in an authorised distillory afed havopaid the tax. ' Tho largest ehws of cares affr-cted hv thia section ishatdf the manufacturers of vinegar by various processes oldistllhuidn. Many of these maiiufactuiets have heen hoiiostly eiigngnd iu the business of ma king vinegar with no intention to defraud the revenue; while many others, Hinder tbe pretence of making vinegar alone nave oeen eommutiug oagrant ar.d .inten tional frauds, lietween tutsse two classed "Congress has made no discrimination, 'and the provisions of this 'section were intend ed to close all such manufactories. In order that equal and uniform justice may be done to all persons engaged in this business, Assessors and Collectors will at once take steps to advise those in their respective districts of the terms of the law, and tbe purpose of tbe Department to require full compliance with its nrovis- '"s ; and if any fjirrlrji nn, ,or attempts to carry on. the business nrohihitd br this section, after being so advised, they 111 institute proceedsnirs nnder iia oei.j jirUTIBlUJIS. A. KOLUNS,. Commissioner 1 ; SB arariAL To 60. (Ammtnittg Jtonthly Inpsmarits of Dealers in 7VAiw, Snuff and Ciors- f TasatraT DAaTHT, titfice u Infernal Rem, WaaMngto.,, July 86, 184V Boatioo 76 ot lhatArt of J uly SO. 1M, requires every dealer hi auutaetured to baoao having on hand moie than twenty pounds, and every dialer in snuff having on hand tnoejthan ten pounds, to make and deposit immedieJaUr with the Afsist aui Assessor of die fWff r diviainu an in ventory, taken under oath, setting forth the amount of soch tokgs and snuff re ipectiyyly, and to msJHntd deposit a like invcottk with tho Attestant Assessor on the lirst o mu.1i uiunth th- n .ttur, as prsM vldcd by V . After the first day or January 1M9, It smoking, line rukchewing tvbaejp, or mufl', and after tbu Aral day of J9 lb- 69, all cAtr manufactured tobacco of ev ery iecrrption is to bn akedaad deemed to'bave been m.uiuf.icturcd after lbs pas agbf the net, aud is required to bo put np In packages and stamped as provided by law. Section 94 reqoirce averv dealer in ci- cars, ot Km i lorei igu or domes tie tnanu- TOtture, Dartnjr on n.itut more man nvo I kll( al too passaga of ibis acU . : : " the Assistant Assessor of the proper di vision, a true in vent my of all cigars iu his poascssiou, arid to make uu i file a like inventory on the first day of euch month notil the lot oi April, I H&y. at wUUk4ato alt cbjprs of every description are to be dccmd to have been manufactured after the passage of this act, and are required to le stamped accordingly. Blank forms for inventories (No. 75) will be forworded iu a short time, and as sessors will, as soou aa the blanks are re ceived, require their assistants to proceed at ouco to notify all dealers, and call upon them for the inventories required by law, and then-after inventories must bo return ed on the first day of each month. These inventories mnst bo immediately forwurd ed by the Assistant Assessors to tho As sessor, who is required to transmit ab atraets of ibe same to tho Commissioner of Internal Revenue. E. A. R0LLTNS Commissioner. OBITUARY. Died, nt his reMdenee in Rowan County, . nn . t . I T . J on the .v ultimo, .iohw si. ivokani k, arou 70 years. Since 18:12 he had been a ruling Elder in Back Creek Presbyterian Church, aud no christian ever more fait i. fully dis charged the duties which hie station aeWKy ed upon him. Asa friend he was true and faithful, as a man npricht and honorable, as a cl.rUthiu, uunfli-etedly pious. He burn his last illness, wtiieli was' prolonged for nine months, wi th' great fortitude and perfect re signation to the will of his Divine Master. He leave a largo circle of friends and rela tives to mourn his loss, but they sorrow uot as those who have-no nope. N. 0. Pesbyt riith. please copy. I v AUGUST 4, 1868. fKroRTKD sr BiNflUAM co., oaocras. flaron, per pound 18 to 21) i 'iti". iKM-ii.iii.il, r. ... 85 to St Corn, per biuli, of&o llm , l.X, : , J,8H Meal, bu.li. 4fi " .......... 1.3i to t, 3d Copperas, -u iJ 10 to v Candles, 'fWow, ' !Allo 3U Adamant lite,. t. 2 to 00 Cotton, per pound 16 to Iti Yarn, per buncli 2.00 to 8.00 Iirirs, tier doztii, Vi to 16 40 to 50 6.00 to 5. 60 V36.00 80 to 88 to to J, 00 to 0o Kuit titers, per pound, 'tour, per sack F.isli, Maekeral, ' . 1 2 " . 3 fruit, dried, apples pealed ' nap'ld " " Pearlies, peu4t, ...... jo to .5. to 63 to 33 to IS 6 75 IB 1 1 i j.i ........... sole, Iron, bar, " " castings, " N'aita, out, " Molasses, sdrlinm. yr af " Weid India, " 8 to .-" to .oi in to Be 60- to 1.00 to 60 to 10 to 76 to 60 to tb to 18 to 32 to 00 .'-II 78 13 100 00 N 90 K rvrup, r Onions, perbnsbrl, ....... I'ork, per pound, .jae Potatoes, Irish, per bushel, " Hweet. " . t... .. Pupir, Uivwn. per pound " tlarifiod. " , frushed Pfjvcrize I Bale, const, fir sack, ........ T'n ttverpool, " ....... " Table, Tobacqo, Leaf, per ponnd 0.00 to 0.00 3:00to.00 6.60 to 6.00 00 to . . manulacturcu, .30 to 1.60 t iSmokiiii'. ....... "fn. -.Mr-rnn" 40to!.oo NE W A D VWTlSEJl&Mm WESTERN N0.CA. RAILROAD, Office Secretary twA f reaffirm;. statesville, July 29th, 1308. THE Annuel Mlillfcw flf tbe Stockholders of the Western N. 3T -Kay road Company, will be held in Statesville, on Thursday, the 27th day of August, 18G8 i R. F, SIMONTON, airg-4-td .Secretary and Treasurer. -h IS. II I, COMMISSION AND Af er.u for M. DitIs S Sod' ( Vlrcinta Chrwinir f okl Liberly iCO. ,..rli ftichmoi Va..) Celebrated Ar"l for Utter Bro'n. FiinerphortBmte nf I.tme, Agents Ar Vulcaa Iran Works, Richmond, V. Wilmington, N. C. Jki- K. HILL janeS7;W.tw:lr NO 82 NORTH WATER ST JOB PRI VH VU ISs4y KoscriUd at this' Ytffce. JSFsimi hi' i" nt ' ' i un i in p ii StK V. V BBki enz'j""ir.rwwirton '"W NKltA jkm. 40 Yobfh Btforo the Public. J TftE SOUTHERN 4 III irvijic PILLS, That U, baw awe an J urtR tritd rwasay for all ItJiiiut dmoHt, ettateJ Ay . DISEASED LIVER. f-f" Head the foUowiuf Certified U from MM of ttie WRtiett retpretaWtiyjBf L1VKH COMPLAINT. . Rsv. Da. C. V. ln., (A up. 2-. W.) . . '1 l ave AniviHl gremt benefit from tlw Pillt, Vhd Jmve p many Umilie!. ami in dlvidimU uMpToiind them very belfefieial. and I bava alao iniown ;Ayii'if in ewra ttandiny U recummeithem to their patient. For all diseases un ol xbe aar. 1 UrU lere I (J.uuaryJL JfR.1.) say r ".for twelve years I was a gHat nfler r. My livr was disea-wrt. I lost iny Oedi and strength, aud my skin seemed ohantfrd in iti color by die bile with which mytem was ovcrchareed. I became i tubjoct to ln-iei.i Hii.l vim, mii aim. k ol hil- ious cuolic, every aitai-k leaving me makn thou its predecessor. The physietans had been ablu to i nit ii me'up a little, but my health was iu a deplorable state. I had taken patent me dicines until I was tired ol litem Without eueigy oWoinlort, I was barely able to o a bout a litlk. At length I yielded to the ear nest persuasion of a friend and commenced taking the HEPATIC PILL8. with no confi dence in thenl. They acted like charm on me. From that hoHr Thave improved. 1 have persevered In their use, until now, by God's blessing, am well and hearty. I bad a negro man, who, as I believe, was r-aved I mm death by a dps of tliese Pills. My Doctor's bill was annually from $100 to $200, but I hava had no usr for a physician since. I can confidently recommend them as a superior family medicine They can bo sent to any point in the United States by Mail or Kx press. PKIOB Vor onr boi, ito cntt. tfc. S.!M)r-Hair Grow In-One Oruu, I8 Torre 0ro.f, il FlT flron, ii. Thrruh mu.l rlthrr tt'oiii.oy tliv nrrtrr lor Ihr Mull dm or It will b u C. U. I. Or thculil b SMS o. w. sats,- Ko. US, Sovra Caluooi Stiiit, OlLTIMOU 11 Ol, ilwra Ukji U1 W prMupllj attt-ri'lttl lo. r.ir tans Mntirlan r.tll on mil ruprelaWe nrninrlfU verjrwlirro. ad on nil Uir Drufi In m . JOHN II. KSXIS8. Drugfiat, S,iiri..l AgeuU li:rlwlr LAND SALE. ls obedience to an older of the lens and (j'lartei- Sessions fur P;ivil- son county, nt May Term. 1808, wc will sell affblic iuetion, on the picmhesAfca. 4lh day of Augnat next, at 12 o'ulouk. m., ou a crtdu of six month's two Valuable. lT.rac.ls vf Land .1 belonging to the estate of Win. Owen, deed. Ono tract of Rot) acresypil'iaU-d in. the Junwy SeUU-'umnt, a.u.biai.t;il for its liuOhmgL misw, lytfog on ihe Yadkin BirMPpaifMi' -'flwacres both finely improved a'ld well wa tered, jt'rsons desiring' valuable rent estate shuuhl attehd. At tho same time ond place a qnaitlity of Grain. A. J. UW IiiN, I . . . EN, ) J. II. SMITH. ( I'i.ii i - Lexington, R C , June 23, 18C8. " 2ow:3t Edgeworth Female Seminary '"PHIS Institution will be re-opened on the J first day of September, With a full corps-of Teachers. The entire ex pense for a session of 20 weeks, "Of Tuition, with Board, Washing and contingent fee, will be according to tbe dass: either $105, oi $110, or $11G if paid in advance ; or $116.50, or $121 5 or $12&50, il paid half in advance. Moderate extra charges will be made for an- Tj cient and modern Languages, Muslo, Drawing, ana un raiuting. ror circulars aaoress. J. M. M. CALDWELL, July 9. (6t) Greensboro' N. C. EmigrantsComiirg LANDS WANTED, in Rowan, Davie, Da -vjdatm,4rekll, Catawl-Stanly, llecklrti' burg, Forsythe, No title to be given til mouey is paid. Five per eent. couiiuissions charged ou.ajl sales. Soil half your lands and the rcmaindt'r Vyill be worth double, and rbc?e thrifty Jersey fafme'ra will develope onr-eotin-try; Send us descriptions of property, with pnofestSc.- Iiiqiiii'iea prdmptly itltftt'L" mm S n. enniss, K . Salisbrrrv, N. 0., Agent fur Van gjrclela' New Jersey Lund Agency N. B. Gold Mines and -other mineral pi o- perties sold by special contract. " BER THE DEAD. BUIS' SALISBURY, N, C. Main and Council Street, the OuUrt-Donse. rilH E undersigned crtSBnoea tofurnish Honumcnts, -- To in ins I load and l'oot Stones. Ac. to nil Ibo desirs them, at bribes to Mit the tinier. Ke denen eoui K tmon. lie, reinrra uianrs wr nast mrors, and holies to merit n eontinuance of them. ' ... .u'kttvT II nTTIQ c .'I'li , n. puis, JalyTT, 1868. fl6m T f T" i rraKci tt -vf tfivryinio I WIUVKUMVJ TjytgUUHi THE 45th Session of this institution will begin ou the 1 si-lay of Oct 1868 and on the Thursday before the 4th of July 18bD. The organization of the institution is very complete, embracing .extensive ami thorough courses of instruction in Literature and Science and in tho profcaaious of Law, Medicine and Engineering.' ' Estimated expenses xclusive of 1mki1s, mic btudt-ut .'W : of the Law 6tudcut3C5t. ana ot the Meatcaf Undent ;5loJt. For particulars send for Catalozm to Win. prertenbaker, See. or S."MAl!FIN, ,nairnian ot the Kaeu tv. REMEM -:flMAB V,? War f Only 30 w-tw-3t 4Tor Life Insurance Only. PIEPM0N1Q REAL ESTATE IXSIUMEfOMPlM nix i a. t ms tPITAI DOLLARS. on n i.ns W. 0. I'ARItlM .'1 1 )N ITesidmt. J. J. HOKlNAr Strretarg. v . ii. rr.iiiit n , m, 11. Med. This liberal and miv nf Koulhevu rs to iu polity holders annually ot via aitii..(!':i. OHEMliafc It pmnosesto aid Itsjuatroiii by taking rmtea fur one half of lite pstHHbM. I i 1 1 M It allow yt patr.nistAay nil cash if rle-rrr.l K m1teslpaininaJfctend Its amraof ser- ttstaauu ami see tUeiriigfaU urv.tr. t. a it miwi its biUmnf t. . li.u.go aittids; from onenlaee to amtper. 1 1 I'ottcv holders are not restrieti-d aa to tra-ti-I ntresSsWu e. Km Colbt II . i at. TAmi March IHOT J in uiu!, i -u iiuti, ouioeis ot itaa rraiily of ',rrlMtair.-t V itHi'H. takr plrwrirr a isiWMasasiaaliani I juliaitia umiuuk- . "T1h PWuHMlt Ituni EluU lus4iraai'(Uui panr, or Oils rytsflgv; and liealde the merit of nsMVfeucy, it. ra anJ t. :ua fur Life luulr Slice are nueh an to vouinieml iu to public pal rmiaira. ( Its Stockholder)!, Directorh aud Officer are men ol kink ilitejrrll . aud luklrona nu iwlv on mi f hiiuumtdv'.TIfliTi'iit mnriagiTJit'Trt of iu afralr .None ol us Inive Kt.H nrperwmal Interest hi thia eouiuauy, and aiiudy sjivu this aa dt-mter eated Umtimuuy to the maritsof a good fnatiUi flon. Gko. 8. Stkvrss, Clerk fiwait fouit, Jonv F. Htx, tHiiriff Wm. A. HiLt.SuTTpj or. S. 11. Loviso, ncrktTonnty Conrt. 0 A. Itingbani A t o.. Agents. Salisbury Wo also bars the ogom y fur JJOihI Plra CsSmr- parnW. Traveling agents wanted. Apply to C'A IT. J A M fc.H W Jolt NSON. Special Aireut, ( hai lotle, N. C. Jan. 7. witwly The Arlington SfnlBal '. I I"!' (iJi 'I J' ll f iff Jnsiiraarf (Coatpnij OF VIRGIN A Virginia and Southern Institution Its Funds arc kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success, lis fortunes are eslttblibhed beyond auy contingency. The euipauy lius capital and nsseta, agaiin-t iu liahihtj il, at ul ;oo!o..ti' tin hi lily Witt any Lite ii.suruiiee Coiupasy oa l e ooukiaaat, wli.vli ir. the true U-rt of rjipiiv.liil1ty.- J& lt anklrs am l aiitioasly adinini-laieil by selected I'iri'rtors. t resKiisiinltt)' ami Itnine epaoy . OFJ-Ii UlSj John i;. Eiw4nxs, . viea ranuKKKt, Wj. b. Isaacs, D.J.U MKDICAL KXAMINKlr, "W CITARLBS II. ''"BMITII" M. I) una al Anvisea, OKNKaai. aoaav; H. C. CABKLL, JjfO. II. CJ.A1UUKKK UIKECTOKS: John raiders, Hemy K. BE Willium V. Taylor, Sauinel .H. Cottrcll, John Jooley, t;iiarles T. Worthain, WUUna wniw,Jr., I'M. A. Smith. Thos. J. I.i ii h, James A . ' ntt. It. M Qnarlea, W. It. Tyler, J. E. KdwardaV A. Y.Stoksi J. B. Morton, . It. II. Dibrell, Aaa mi viler. II. E. ('. BasIerTillr, LlaskeivilU raniueit . laruy, , 'ieorife Jacoba, J. W. Allisou, i.eorpe S. 1'almer, A. I). Chock ley, H.O. Cabell l. J. Hartoook. John fkj Williama, William O. Taylor, A. f. AMI, Wm. B. laanea, T (inorge L. Bidaood, Baiiuel 41. lrioe. William II. l'alwer, Jl'' LEWIS 0. HANES. AoV Jan 17 tw&wtf Lexikgtost, N. C 1 ' i. -1 H 1, 1 1 Connecticut Mutual Jdfe INSURANCE COMPANY Of Ilai'lford, Conn. STATEMENT, DEC. 81, 1867. ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17 670,288,88. JNCOME FOK 1807. H i FOll PREMIUMS $6,33304,95, FOR INTER ES 5 8 ., i .i'l -ito(H WJIssSl " LOSSES PAID IN 1867,, m , $168,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1887. $ 6 4 8 , 0JL 5 , 0 0 --, : Interest recoived more than pavs lossa lHiienb( awrajsre- over SO threap. ; A 11 p. dicies imn-AirfeitsMe for a stated amount AKenrancc'can be eflecte4in all forms desired. 8 A ML. POUGLA8 WATR General Agent, ' Rah'ih, N. C. awnSiHai lAl4sj Bnidahaw. Ageat, Salistory. y.V. - mar a-srcumi . i JB. S r

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