i iii ' V tEljcCDI&Xortli.Otole SALIdUURY, S. O., NOV. 0, 1S6S THE ELECTION THE UESULT Will DUtT. This week over portion of (hit rot eonntry lui witnessed more or less of e citetnent. This week in tverj Suie, in every county, in every city ami town ir. tha United Slates hai the people voted for the election of a ehii-l mi i tlu of this niition. Eight year luvc flap- -d tinee all the peopleof die Utiited Sntes united in a national election. And how many scenes of suffering and horror crowd tliemi elves into the recollections of ibosii eight year t At the time of ihe last national I electioQ fora President Cf the ublic the pen jilt- of the two great sec ions he conn try were contending with each i the deadly striti. of civil war. Fraternal hlool had ensanguined every plain, and the bones of the bravest and best of the Ian I lay bleaching on a hundred battle fields. To in in y, at that time, it did not seem .passible that the people of the hostile sec tions could over be brought to unite to gether again in another election for a chief magistrate of too whole" country. ' But man proposes and Gd disposes." Th great event, which to so many men then seemed impossible, has just ta ken place. Its recurrence should be the signal of poace ami harmony to our distracted country, and we trust that, in the good providence of God, such will provo to be the case. Yet, we must con fess, that we cannot see how it is likely to prove to be so. But tb5 wisest of men in mo t fathom the designs of Him, in whose kinds, are the destinies of nations. As yet we have heard the result from but few Stares, hut we have hoard enough to satisfy as that Gen. Grant has been eleeted by a large majority of the electoral vote. And though wo la bored to effect n different result th"te was but a very brief period of the canvass when we expected it would be otherwise. When wo read the platform of the Demo cratic Convention, an 1 considered it in connection with" the nomination of Gen. Blair, wc well nigh gave up all hope, We told our associate then, we feared tint the convention, in its madness and folly, had thrown contemptuously away nil the splendid prospects, which were beginning to arise from the change of public senti ment at the North. Afterward we were led by the tone of thfl Northern Conserva tive press to hpe that we were mistaken that there really was some chance of J lion in Maine, convinced ns that our first impressions were correct. If any thing els - had been wanting to rivet this con viction it would have been furnished bv lervards with the prudence necessary to effect a complete and fiaal defeat. But admit these constitutions were oar filed upon as, for a lime at least, in spile of our opposition, t advised submission with i In. best graea possible, to what vs saw was inevitable, and going lute the Presi dential campaign upon existing and living issues. We culd sec no hope of success but in such a course. There Is no evidence that the recon struction measures ever met wllh the full approbation of Gen Grant. II is well known to have been at o le time strongly in favor of carrying out ih p dioynf Pres ident Johnson. IIj w.u wdl k iowa for man of the hungry Man landers he had grew an me so rapidly that before I was ahoaid his train, and orderiuf dloher. j wrv tji U I was sT W fled nowhere eatw When w reached Umj Bilisbury station a i when engaged in earning. In sob r, re Buss was lu waiiiax. which conveyed as fleeting moments 1 knew and ivilia d ilut JT a. . w mm I m . . m np In the town and to the '-Hoyden Ilo lei," where a really sumptuous dinner was spread before us And not only, dinner, but helore we had finished, several bottles it was ruining me, but so c oiijilel.- as the strange infatuation info afih-ii)rh I re solved over and over agtm lo abstain, fit each ricurriiig lempiaiion, I wnssar of charming woe made ili. fr appearance, ( In fall Lite in I lie army coiiliihoied to acvomp inied with the compli.nenis of the i.n, 1, t,i innnl vice. II ..,, proprietor of the bouse in the boys fumi for some time after th war ceased, 1 sue "My Maryland 1 lie reader may rest eiitled Hi mastering mv passion, ami even assured that the health of Mr. Brown whs drank, and thu all concluded that the I. tel was a good on", if our trealmeiil was an index ol ibe manner la which strangers ' an' usually disused of. I The town of Salisbury is dcliglnfully situiited, in the hem of a splendid wheal . w .mil snnpose III ee in In .r ill ins I id lull ibitants. II hi - i ,. .1.... ..r i i...:l ..-.I .. i. . i II'IIUUVI MM Ulll .l HI , IIIliBllt hiiii , o brick, and wears an auuearanee of lm more a loni timu to'l) a i 'onsnrvjtivH. nii.l ih it I KraWi',lS sectio i of ilf Jvate, and lias a ii i ' noonl iliou w .tiid suppose of some we still believe. II is by no mcaue, w think, a representative of that wing of th Republican party which recognises 8 i ner, Wad and Bailer as its leaders t he had buon, ha never would hare It -1 nominated, for the Republic tn piriy was compelled to mako soma coucossious to the changing sentiment of the country. We do not believe him to be a revengeful man few brave men are. Ho baa gen erally shown considerable firmness of pur pose, and where he has acted upon his own impnlana a disposition to da jnatjc. Ho may possibly regard the obligations r ' it u - fancied that I had so far orovnme desir- " in that direction lhat in future I wiMild es cape the snare, but mv strength of mind and purme was not suflleient, and ever since my life has heeii cm sunt ws.if.tn wiih this my beset n A little over IW. Ite ill . lh I ,-o lhl in slrenglheii my good residuiimis con mciiiig myscll with the t'liun h, and thus draw around m the in mile of her prutec I succeeded uuiil I came lo Haiti 1 came hen, as you are aware, LETTER OK- IltEMltsKM' m.iN- 8QN TO GEN KWl.to The .Vac on Intelbge 'err, of .. t6 h Inst., cAiimin mi I m porta t b tier I nn ('resident Joh isnu In Gen. Th m is l . Ing, Jr., dated the 4 h Itssst., and wrillou at the request of the latter, lie gives a rapid review of the io oi l tl WJ-l-ny of die ciHimry and ihe presf t tlami ug rondi ihut ol Us fi ia ici-s II - sis- iiii thf RstvolsJliotiary wi- r-i th P w of ihe uVi. a hi. h lud . . i .1 . to I .' 0i aj when (he war of gg euiniii -oi . il. The wh" 'ooiufhi iii 'he national ib l't, in HC. : I '.'. fo i 000. Hv wi- ui io igwuMMit, lh n il lit iiul i I' U) years, u . iei Jack-so- ' adni.- ! Mli ni, - i lie il..' ol the Mexioan war, in in .k in X the th hi s permanent burden upon Hi ummJuiIih Jn t ! ibe ixnulo j or In .Iwr thu t ui.sliiiiiiou, with each an I nil o i'agisarantees, shall be saert-dly pr rived ; whether nowras hi 1789 or 1810, provision shalk.be made for ibe payment of our oldigatinistat as early a pt-tiod as piacticalde, that the fruils of ibr labors may be enjoyed by our en is os, rsihcr ihsn ased lo build ap ami sustsi i a roou eyrd monopoly at home and abroad. '1 he rinitml is not lusn lv nbo shall pcea py the priuciilal otti. t s i i the petitilc's )il'i, but wheiiiet tht high behests of lha Federal UouslituihMi shall be observed and iiMintaiueal, iu order that our liberties may pieeerved ; the L of the States n rion d, that our Federal system may bv unimpaired ; fraternal faeling re established, lhat nor ualional strength siness tin .it It look- much like one of nearly bankrupt, and the insidious whis our tin. f v Maryland towns. Ihe eon i ! try stinuiinding it looked more like bom" man any plftco we had yet seen. Cbis ters of wheat stacks stood npon the farm I Hill, ihe debt incurred amouuleil t 0i,- ... i. -WMt . the cxim ndiinre dimiu 000,000, and was about the same, when that NXalioM may be lightened j the warowith the Southern 8'ni. s In-au tj,e pn,c deln once more eningiiish iu 18CU The en I ire cost ol the gna-i i,. I , i . ....... ,.ol ..iu.iouslv affect the ment, forseveniy two years. Imm tlb- i'li of March, 1789, to theSOih of hiue isi.l, had onlv been 1 1 .700.000.000. wh i- 0 J ' and the cultivation ol the land was cer tainly much better than any we had yet came across. This lown was noted dur ing the war as a depot for Federal prison ers, aud thousands of "Yanks" that had !)"i it captured were brought hither for safe keeping. Besides ihe N. C. U. It. which sweeps by the town she has a road riliinin tTunuefu life Western part of rbr - of. iiringu of hope lITat I might retrieve my IiioIci.ii li.in ., Li iii w Ii i - oil i ii a In im un.il a. I.si. nuable h ..hst I .. mpia- I l!V?P".n! f "H" K??"T' ' I r.ii niJ L- , Lw. muTTZZ : of July I8C1, to .he 30ih of .1 In; neyj h.d. I Inirniwed and borrowed w teara of 'cfvll war, wefe 83.300 00, agiiii, wi ill thinking and honing that B.I 000 ! The President slates lha! I lie public debt, at the close of the we, nil .ii.it d to 82,000,000,000, but. in February, 18G6, 1 it exceeded 9J 800 00O.0OO Forom tlm 30ih of June. 'Tis lhat that I t- I cuirivti llie loss -late, as far as 'Morfnrttnn, which will be ' wnictrne owes to his conntry as being ( ,.Iu.(ldM il(to Teuissee. Upon the full i menl, ami tin- hitler, burning remorse that greater than those wlncli lio owes to ins i development ol this splendid agricultural is Mowing ov. r me in such a flood that my :virtv. and make a moderate if not i H s '-vativo Pr-sident. No mtn ev.r h 1 1 i finer opportunity to distinguish Iimi- II by becoming ' Tha Great P.iclficat tr" of bis country than that which now presents its-It to Gen. Grant. L t us hopo th it he will arise to the dig lity and importance of the nocasion, and prove himself to be a wis ! and able statesman as well as an able count inder. If he will d i this heeanuot ful to rally to his support all th: really and truly conservative mun of all parties. This would leave tho hostile factious which compose tho ex treat- of either of tho present parties oat in tho cold. Bat whether Gen. Grant will pursue sttc:h a co irs ; or not r -in tins to h seen. We sincerely hopn tint he will. The co lutry dem tnds repose, and it waa bc- oausewe tboug!it tint th of Gov. Seymour would give repose to the country that we supported him. Such were tho motives that influenced many thousand of Conservatives who united with flic D 'm critic party in support of its ticket, but who would nevertheless nail that repose section wiih population, capital and enter prise, result will bo accomplished tin: will wak- up a new empire. Those who I have not visited Western North Carolina. i do net real is what a splendid farming con. it i y sh is ilt-s uied yet to be. OL U LABOR. We alluded last week In tho presence in our town of three citisens of west.rn New York, who cam" to Virginia fnr the purpose of purcli'isiug lauds. I'hey rc mained here bevrsl days nml looked at some of rhe farms in ibis and other neigh borhood. They did not buy, and from what we hear, we suppose the price ask ed for laud in this part of the -tale "are j somewhat higher than they expected to find. After looking inui. id ami booking some of tha offers made them, ihey left for other parts of the State, and will pnsh ' tlj.ir ex inil i itlon lm th r. sireiix ol good tori u ne would enable me to succeed. But why go farther? 'Tis the same old story. L-d on hy a blind I I . f l I II I I 1 , . II lll.ll I ll ill ...ll I I... jli. -or'li I.. ........... i ... . . ...... m ...... ., in. r.i. iij.il. ... i . i . , . ,- M..,l I I .1 i i....ir L '. 1" f J'dy 18G5, to th. -" --' " '"' 3n . '.. . .J .1 .. .1... . .1.. sun, ll I" estiiuaifii iihii to- nui inr government, Inr fourjears, in a time of j ' ojcc, JTtlQis Tit-tu fr.iTOO.WW.UUO, T an niuoiiul nearly us greni n was expiuid ed from the foundation of the govwtt.sx'iil fof the first seveuiy-lwo years, in July, 1861. After this Miianiing np, thu President life ami e 1 1 1 1 , the prosperiiy aud morals of the ii4'.ii. B d i f ih'-ii for the redress of the U ,.i i . i ui the correction of tha mini n.i o n er which lha country is now labori.ig, we must look to tbe Amer ican people, and ilmi in litem is our hope, I am, very tiuly. vnr trieud, ANORKW JOHNSOJt Gcx.Thouas Ewivo. dream of the agony 1 am feeling this mo- b be u . ... . .. i . ; i . , . . '.If i 'III H iv M lllt'Ff UflM ll'ini'll fv B8l8v admimstralion , w frnrk f;,.rt,,,v TIh.v Hi4 rlie fiek' labor now employed in this State, made up in most pirt of ein incip ifed ne groes, is cliear and more reliable, than the labor employed sdiere they came friim. If ifi's statement be true, it is fact for our people in pimder over. Soma allowance must be made, of course, for these eentle- ith none the less jny because men want nt experinee with the negm. the result of the State elections in I'. nn sylvama Ohi and Indiana. Smee that time we have considered the contest al most solely in it bearings upon the inter esls of the people of North Carolina. Yes, the great Deuncratie and ConSerr.a live party has been defeated, ami tho mor tification of its defeat is greatly intensifi ed by the reflection that it was the result of its own folly that its leaders were so elated with the prospect of sue cess which appeared within view as to rentier them incapable of acting with wis dotu, moderation and discretion. Indeed, we are afraid that thoy did tot even act with the highest patriotism that they at tempted to appropriate to the purposes of party what should have been appropriated to the good of the country Bat enough of this. G; Grant has been elected the next President of the United States, and it is with him that we now have to deal. His election ensures tho present triumph of the Congression a1 policy of reconstruction in all the Southern States. To th.it policy no man ifiould have been more opposed than we" - were. - We regarded it as unconstitution al, tin wise, aud destructive of the best in terests -of the country. We did every thiag in- our power w-fhwartft-'and-'prcvent its success n .finally carried out. We wisheito check t,he, progress of the revo lution, while it wU yet oossihle to do so, by graeefully conceding a iialif5ed suf fragw to the colored "people." When we failed ih that wto la(red to unite all the moderate and cousnrrativ men , f b i JUL it comes from another source who would Inil itas joyfully coming from Gen. Grant as they would coming from Gov. Seyuioii nrrrarc to give Tjfcn. liMit a fair tint they will not act iu a ciptious aud tiult iinding spirit towards him. He may, even if disposed to do tha very best he can, commit some blunders. Nothing else can be expected. Bat he should be judged by his general course after a fair trial. And wo hopo tb it the Southern people, at least, will give him such a trial, and that they will do nothing calculated to provoke harshness from him. If he shows a disposition to consult tln ir good and act for their best interests, it will be their duty, if not their pleasure, to sustain him, and wo hopo they will do so. 3neb, at least, is the course which we e v pect to take while maintaining our inde pendence of all national party organizations. NORTH CAROLINA. Mr. Daniel Dcchcrt, of the Hagcrstown ( .Md.) Mail, in company with a number of Mary landers, recently made n visit to the South for the purpose of vie wing the coun try. We append below his description of tbis immediate section of our State with which he seems to have been greatly pleased. We are glad to learn from the Mail that Mr. Dechert, with a largo par ty of gentlemen, expects to make another visit to this part of the State soon: From Haorhstown to Columbia. S. C In our last issue we left thetread- i i-ii ff . t ; a iii mr tin ir u mteii kn iwieugo or ins 'character. It in iy be, however, that af- I ur all, when llie iii-jrioi's go out a worse ... .i . i el us ol laliorins win . ..... in i .. . i trial : biiij; tune to come; hi hands inns: clear the forests nnd till the rarih; he must be the chief depenuVuoe in nil agricultural pursuits, ami it is our interest and duty to make the most of him. That negro labor is cheaper than the white labor of the North, we have no doubt. But we have always supposed tint it was less reliable. Nobody loves to work ; M'e all labor from necessity ; or desire of gain ; or from some other motive than a ia"ri love ol the liine. No one loveV work lor iiself. Such are the hub its, education and desire's of the negro thai he only works to supply present ne cessity ; and that necessity he sometime prefers to supply in a less honorable and less irksome way, viz : by pilfering. W e hear daily complaints from the farmers iu the surrounding country, that their corn fields and guldens are pillaged, their stock killed, &c, and there can be uo doubt lhat such depredations are wholly the con sequences of indulging in idleness Refu sing to work, tho creatures have no alter native left but to steal or s arve, and as between these, it is not doubtful how they will choose. Yet they are not all so. Many of the negroes are good hiboiers ; the others may become such. It is difficult, to get a man to woik constant! v and closely who is not working for himself. Human na ture w (he same under a white or a black skin. 'J 'he negroes are hen-; we must try to prevail upon them all to go to work ; pay tfiein for their labor and kenp them employed. - Ihmville llegister. very heart-strings ure smipniug iihi me. So m, very soon, the last will broken. " Oh, my dear, dear friend, never, never touch a card, not even for amusement. I commenced fnr amusement. 1 lost 81, 050 1 at a Taro bank. I leave a letter to In in which I hope yon will deliver, asking him to return one-half to my family, who ire left destitute. I desire that you will take charge of my remains and convey lUvm to Fiuoasib, aud have ilu ui interred iu ihe Methodist churchyard ; also, take charge (' my trunk, etc. I have a suit of clothes and one pair of pants at Ohein's on Pratt Street. Burgh knows where they are. My watch and chain arc at a pawnbroker's on Gay street; yon will find ticket iu my memorandum book. Had I simply lost this money without de ceiving any one, 1 would not mind it. It was the first dishonest act of my life. I cannot survive disgrace. I can never more respect mvself. 1 have been unfor tunate i.i business, and som-llnies could t nut n. iv when I oiu'ht. but I could h1w.iV I - r j 5 . look a min in the face until now. NEW AD YEli Tlis EM h N. TS. 3o,ooawottTiLQg aiiQim (bus Ion il.lv proceeds "In making this cnmp.u ison, we should remember 'hat during th- long interval between 1781) and 1801 the Government was frequently required to make expendi- f .,-h juirr sssnsnabts .asm oil at ra ( tuns of an cx.ranrdiiiary cb-racl. r. Lirge i 'J sum were iiaul to Inula. i a annuities, and for the purchase of their hinds and expensive wars were waged against pow eiful title1. 1 .'mfstntr was .rcqntrrd frHU France at a cost Of fifteen millions of dol lars ; Florida, io consideration of five mil lions, was ceded to us by Spain ; Califor nia became a part of nnr possessions on payment to Mexico of fifteen millions: while for ten millions our G iverusueul ee cured from Texas the territory of New Mexico. During these periods of our his tory we were also engaged in wars wiih Great Britain and Mexico the first waged against one of the inoVt powerful nations of the world, the other made additi nially expensive bv the prosecution of military operation i.i the enemy's teirilory. The startling tacts, lh. is concisely st i My biuii.y will b lot destitute. IU . an Inquiry as to the cause f.f they are - inn.nt.t, and God has promteH4 ;. . - 1 r , ,,. t . ciue lor the widow and orphan. It 1 i(ll,,.,)t(.dm ((, ,,ecou.ry. During could have had any hope that some kind fa. rfrfl mainl.nanc, f . Fwj. friend woa d have listened lo tuj ' tale of ' , (Jl mlt WM tlu. oll , , shame and then helped me out af It until ! ,1155 our people, and lhat I 11.01 b kiVii irrtiw. f,i u ni L- uurl t. ii.I him . . . .. . " . 1 v " - I' - i'i'i ii io in v w'liien lltiuld iilw.is cliai .ici erte J ' ; j . v our iiiinnci.il orM-raiiinis was overi'M'Ken iu --i .i r:', ewT i afahV inriist-s, ' ir, !: f..,T ' 1 ' But who would trust mealier a confession Iimi I hail deceived other? Oh, what! All mr-frllir2 TaTTgn"wl.w'i.:..f I ;.. f --.--. I'll1! X e i ir ill . . . your chaige o be forwarded lo their des- I , """"! WHr' c,l" ' ' " tinatioA. Inform ilia house I ni livM!g flfu;r il M haw b nughi ... a trioui. With of my end If von telegraph to Fin. ! T CH,,cl'"""". '" I" ph', b ivmg castle, do so to James H. II. Figgn If beewn cc;isi utai d to a lavish expend!- you cjiii share the mi y (sixteen dollars) . 01 . I",l, ,c """"T f"r H" '.l' t so f t . . r V- s..,s ll.i.i., .... at I a? f . I Hie m chm,.aid give to ray -ImWw 'WJ. free tusiituii. ,,,, h jM- bert Lee, but do not do so uul I'SS I'llltVo lilt -lit. Your unhappy and rained friend, HVM. BfiCKLY MOCK & BROWN. W HOLES ALK k. RETAIL MERCHANTS tfalibury, IV. C, ARK X'W IN RKCKii'T of Us Urges! snd nml rninpl U SUk IhI liomln thjr hsvs er offcrrd in th i ; !! lit ii rM,d l,ave ' ' tl.nl wsst g.vA msr hinliss. Ilir stoc nmsnas el a.i i. f. Hies It u in llie ittHft tri. t itt iiir ui tnin; I- so d in tlim Bii.tl.fl. Tbtir lH O.KlbH I'. 1. 1 r: mf.it csunotbe sosllut In this Towa.orsrc lion of ths Ruts. A rail llnsof rioth. t'sSs msrrs. Jeans Msttinetn. Bss Mad 1-loUuaa. 1'itcU I'o mesUos. tsheflintc. Linens, Klsnnrl. BlankeU. Lln - V- shswU, Cloaks. Hosiery, liliives. tnd Ysnkrs N'otion. A Isrjre stock of Boots k Hkoss, sll d r pt;ons. Hats, Csrues, tola Lenibsr, Uroccriss, Jtf. ' . 1 All iressk li)iiinrss:nias rxs miration of onr tnotl sml met. Tra i.rost Qvsatity. Vsrictf. Vnper w Qnslity and low prices of oar Usods will sliof for themsslvei r.d it irivos n jr.fat piessnre to disp'syonr i.oods to sll who favor as witks call. Wa cannot omit to express oar profound (rat iin.le for ths very large and liberal pstroasas be stowed on as lerstofoie snd tlisll most est i.et;y en'eirorto prove oaro.ve worthy, not only of p favors lint of their roiilinnsors In the fntnre. f itrHtT in prices and HssSS jnst deslin. snd poli'a ami repectoil attenon lo all, issnttbiny, ti it.i.ii-o. them. r"'nr Terms srs atr'rtlr CAFH or BARTFR. 1 1 klnls of I'otintir Produce bonsltt st 1 is-l'rst .i r.rt nrire. Msrv-bsnU are especially Invited to an examination of our Stock. uov5 lm Pliotogmh Gallery ! ! LARGE FIIOTOGUAPIIS Carirs do Vignettes, nd nil oilier Stles of Pictures Cheap at KENNEDY'S, tilled whiskey must pay doulde tax Kvarts, the Secretary and Rollins fail to agree. t .11 i a I s s i , my Imh- W fJff. ,!'grl' ",. ,,M " ,,ree ft8Wfe.-s t do so u.,1. ss eouve. """7 rH'"'1 lttM"M" """ "P" nn-siv cli iraeti-r. L irL'i sums ' m.,,. ey eentiiiue to be tmted from them and j Vor. Main nnd Fisher Streets, .-.-.'o.K-i.'ii ii, imrit'ss iiiiii extravng.uu ap- lkl-iillii.i..li...A 1.... ' If.' . r. Mnm in i mi - i.jieiuuiures are (It iii. unit i for purposes, the accouinlieh ment of whu.lt rt'tjuin's a large etauding On the question whether doubled dis- MA RlilED ; November 1st, by the Rev. V. Kim. ball, James T Julian and Lucind.i Hi. souheimer, both of this conntj. At the residence of ths bride's father. in Stanly county, Oct 29th, by Rev. Dr. !tedt. Rev. D. R. Bruton, Presldt nt of Thomas ville Female College, to Miss Jeunio V. Mauney, daughter of Mr. Val tatiue Mauney. In this county, Oct 29:h. bv the Rev. drn. B Wefmore, Mr, Felix G. Benson to Miss Ala A. Tarrh. On the 2d iiiftt,. at the residence of X I' FrH-land,,Esq.f in Iredell county, by fe4V , it lieve the people from millions llfv. George B. Vetmore,Ur. Richard W. ' 'd' "iterest now annuully drawn from their Hls, to Miss MoIIie Scroggs. army, perversion of the Constitution, and BHujagaimu or ates to negro domination. With a military establishment, costing in time of peace not Jess than one hundred millions annually, and a debt, the interest upon winch draws from the Treasury, i-acb year, one hundred and fifty millions ol dollars for these two items of expendj. tore alone retrenchment has become an absnlute necessity, or bankruptcy must soon overtake ns, and involve the count rv. in its paralysing nnd disastrous results. If, however, a wise economy be adopted, the taxes may soon bo materially reduced, not merely for the benefit' ol : few, hut iu the interest of all. A revenue would Vet remain sufficient for the administration of the Government, as well as lor such a je- J .j .e .k .. ia: jt. t "wt " nir pnniii! aeoi as wnuiii, in a Opposite Mnrphfs Row, Oft. 31 fwlm SALISBURY, & C. resources The idea that the THE LETTER OF A SUICIDE. From the Butiirhore 0itte1ti! SALISBURY MARKKA NOVEMBER 4, 18(?8. SALEM ALMANACS! Fanner's Ftonter's Almanac 1869. FOR SALE BY J. M. KNOX & CO., Salisbury. N. C. Oct. 89, fef ' Dr. w . F Bason, Salisbury, n. o. . IFPICIS on the corner of Inniss and Church ' Streets, near the Mansion House Commanications thn'iu)rb the Post Office at this ptaee, or mherwis , sttond to the first op portunity. ' r-- N. B. Pniduee wanted. Cy Those iudeiited will please call and settle once. oct SJ9-tf Stale, in a movement td.dft Ue,atreme radicals for thi? convention and Irara-j a eqpstitution which wobfd 'have Wen tolr- ahltju- Fading in that, we united with the great body of the conservatives, to de feat the ratification of the Constitution pre sented by the convention; under which we ate now living. Ve have TBBronly regret which wo feel is, that we did not posies sufficient influence to unite aU jdje white ja m af tha &uthrrn States in opposition to lha Oonstituti-mvpresent-' edlorltheir ritiScatio i, .n 1 to imlaeo th" leaders of lha. Dc-mocwt party tu act of. Beckly eniumitted suicide at the Mali by House, in this city. He was a riniive of Virginia, and had been held fn high es teem as an upright and holiest' man. lie left upon his table several letters, one of which was addressed to. an Ultimate friend, causes which This we had been passing as very fine and im proving in atmearance. When We. reiie.h- edj Lexington, the county seat of David son county, tho general aspect of the coun try iu its cultivation and improved condi- ...... roeisiaea more that nt our own aild in it he n-cotmt.-d the cause untie .uartm Becklcy," who is a shrewd ; had iinnelleil him to take his lift I uuexceptionamte ami that it would richly reward the efforts of honest led well .Ii. , i v..- . ii.iniiii iiiwcMiun ue8 Bnine aistance tiom tbe road, hut j we could see sufficient of it to judge from I us looks that it was a town of no mean ! pretentions and ihrift .i.t.l.J .. : . - ' f av. .tl' '.I ! ' I'r'iotiL'ui m tn, gave it us his I. riei has bun platrd nt win disimsal.' onimnii tlml iliu ...l:... .i.i . -i I ... . .. . . . ' . r 7" V" .1 ' me son was vc puhlisli it lhat it may serve as a es Baco RKroRTKt) ny Bi sou All a oo.. osqckbs, run. w our jrHeyM(W4e N.-Gv pwa, .. VVeerkeof the country Ttimnch whiefi rtt t.. .....::fiJ D..t:.r ... h r..t.t;. -t-ru..per.buiib,.iJiitiUia., . - - )Hr pound, Meal. bush. 46 Copperas, per pound, Caudles, Tallow, ", .7 ... AdamahtiDS, Cotton, per pound, , " Yarn, per buuoli, t-KKH, per doztQ. Ke illors, per pound, t, V.ont, per sack. H'UIr, Mackeral, " i. U IH to 25 to 4. lvlU to 1.2U fit la t liAnAma 10 HI I ''III' , permanent should be nt all times dlscoun- L at lenanct d, as myoiying taan" " j to oij w, .vl Btmmnt of an atnount in interest everv sixteen vears emial to the . . - - - "v . 4. i villi w . i . . n ... . original sum. 1 he gradual Iiqpdation of j .te tnsfttntwn. wttt be re-opened on the the public debt would hy degrees release . ... u,al y ' pieni)er, BdgeworffilfiakSeiiiiHa 1 .33 to i3M Bio large capital .invested in I ire securities The saiV ex. son and a warning n the living, and as a partial vindication of the memory of tin t B.tliTIMOBB, 8ept. 15, 186S. mean Mn Tlrnr hrirtid Tliia Si ilw l.mi limn N I ll-.IJ In t I -I it . K the he ni ni . . I , , r' or,r mmress you, lor even before Here we .eon 7 Ib"k",f,,, i'T - vou teeeire this I will be dead. tl re we seen samples of .,s tine wheat ; r wiU l.e - li..f n. I ; the causes whicti have led me to the com mission hf this act. In my early youth my mot her died and my father hiving mtteh hnsinesB llmt eslltl nin from h'iin I Was Mil own into the coinp.in v of'fhe vi cittus. or lather, having no one to res trsiu roe, fell into vicious habits, the roost fatal of which was play in- rards. TJie babit- nmi ihnrm-t urVi ' wn mi v'-l.r Engineer Green, uiiderif iniit.'., il could not fully appreciate the fine country tbroush which we were passing, without 1 1 I i I 111 IF anm.. r: .a . i ' . . . . i v-'e. us (.ujurun, in the kind ness nt h is heart sent i-l-n. , m .. t. Brown, Proprietor of thm tiA Hotel,- Salishury, notjfymp tbit gtJ1,Je i ii Frntt, dTied, apples pealed, ;........ ulip'ld, " " Poaches, pssle!, .......... " " " uripealetl neather tipper per pousd, . wn sole, " iron, bsr, - , " .K'isss. " N'uiln, cut, Volassea. orcrirTri. per pal nesimina, . Syrup. IHiions, -perbunhel. .......... fOrh. uf no il ml. t to Ul 20 lo 30 '.'" to IMJ 2 1 !o 'Ji 2.00 to 2.01) 10 to 12 40 to 60 4.25 tn 4.60 21.00 20 to 22 to full corn? of Teaeheis. pnse lor a session of 20 .t. r t..:.: inc.. seening reniu- ,vith .-. Washing and contingent fee wiJ en nt-liiemiu. unit I.I .'!: .i . . . ."' f" ,CTT. "Ill r'X . ' ' "'li?!'"1 "a wcutsseHberllOoVi ' il... iiaiiiin in-..!!. wt i s? ! 1 a J - oi.$110, 7 to 00 to 16 to 9 to 00 16 10 of the Government, which, seeking remu neration in other sources j atiu to Hit weuiui ni llie uanon, np'an or jiiiBjt paid in advance; oT $116 50 or which it is now so great a drain. Thf $-21 5HT or $126 50. if paid' half in advance, immense debt, it permitted to become pel i hoarder will furnish her own lijrhts and maiientaud Increasing, mutt eveittnalll I 'f'wf,",! nii ','0 " " shts am cavs. be fathered in the bauds of the few. iii.JI T'TT. "x'r -TK be made for an- tnatde them to exoi t udnngnroiia and nis otatoes, Irish, per bushel. . n-eet. irarRroirn. perpoand, . i -tanned. " 'rnhed PulvefiW-d . lt. rnMt. per sank. . " Livrfnol, ; ittlilo. trolling power in the affairs ol the gnveri ment. Ihe debtors would become tl servants of the leaders the creditors thi !" '?Tftriisspi of iheDTOpla. It is tm one Ixia 8 to IV ' t'ntt wre have given freedom to three mil o to .0 in no ot slaves , it witt-thcn be our sham w that by tlnir own toleration of usurpatio no to 00 anu prouigucy, piriy roiiois n wrup 1.00 to 1.20 iuve enslaved theinselves, and exchange ' in i io slavebaJdrra fur newy taskuiasiers iu th 60 . shape of liond-hnlders and 16 MX-ailierersi Jrhrm, Leaf, per poattd, " .Maniifafttnn..l. , ,Wklac. 40 td 00 to 14 to ia to ' o swi sjiall smtereede tlie unieme o.ou'"i.f) land Tthei her iii time of peace the ennui 6.ro to 6.00 . try shall be cou trotted by multitude Hence tlu vital isue whether 'Cougres 20 and its arbitrary assumptions of amhnriiij l.j. ap " ' ntimii siiucrci'BU UK s.niiieiiie nw ii in . . t yfytnT, fi rfffij 00 to 00 fw .IU.. tid a t i ml in ni-mv. thi Mll Kill , - 0 J I 1 40 to ,00 one almo-t af nnnjToua s the ether, anJ a oU. e lent and iiioueru Lamiuajres. Music, Drswioff and Ull raltUlUgir ciroolars address; J. il. il. C.V LD vv Ki.r. fSUu Ll GreeaEbpj.HL.NwO Fresh Arrivals at fra. 9 G-ramte Eow, yiCTOR WALLICK is now receiving a .V larife and well sclecteil stock o( Drv GiHxU - -a Fancy Nfirirthfl, Jtfudy-Made Cbthing, Groceries, (Stc- Slc. VT The ladies especially in ri ted to (pve him

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