Mm .... si I I .V PcliNorll).Citalc BALIHDURY, N. 0., NOV. 5, 1808. Ten Ad- nImum-uK ( The Editor of the Watchman and JTortA State find Amkkk an, to snvo thcnuolvoH Irom loss, mid to induce cash Miymrtits for puhl sliing l.-gnl ml vcrtifciiiontt, have adapted the tol lowing acalo for publishing the bmiiio, lu ioaltcr, and invite the attention of Clerks of the Courts, and other inter rated parties to tlio tcrnm proposed. Fpr publish tig usual Legal Notices or Court orders, when the cask ac couipanies the order, the price will be 87. Whou the mmt are sent and published, without prepayment, the chnrge will be $10. Cleiks of Courts who themselves, advance the nmn y, will have the bent tit of the difference. Important To M ijistmtrs, frrks, Sheriffs, ami o'htrs Ml 1 HE ntMcrtigiied have in press, and will 8Hn Istue, a complete and full ANALYSIS OF THE LAWS, un.ler ihr Code ol Ci Til Proceedure. aa passed ly Hie (ivneraJ Assembly, relating to tlie du ties of Judieei of the Pears, SJ- iff, Clerk nf Oouit, and other County (Jffken. tog.iliei Willi the Constitution ol the State, It-: ,f tin- Cnonttea as divided into Judicial Dis l ie , lifetime of holding Cowls in the Siversl Co'MilM-a, ihe namea of the Judges and Solici tors of each C'irmu (the names of the Clerk .l the Superior Com I, lW-:eter of Deeds, Sher iff. County C"iiiiiii-niiier. and Cor oner for each County. This pamplet will als contain the Fi-es allowed by the new law to I he several offleeis, with some of the moat ne cessary Forms of Civil and Criminal I'roees. Tiir woilc will contain about 150 paes, and will Le a in. i.-: valuable boon of reference for county officers. -'. hi by mail to any post office in the State, poa age paid, for 51 per copy. Address, NICHOLS A; GORMAN. 1: . k and Job Fruiters, Bauuea, N. C. ff Tlie undersigned Sre also prepaiinp. un dor the direction of a member ot the Ralei?). Bar- ,1 tiRe of all the Lar. j cOTicrnune County Offieera, niih a Complete Set of Foim ailapten t I he new ordei of thing. T'Ui look, ol some 400 pages, wiil be pubihn ns soon as the tiusl report of the Commis sioners appointed to revise the Code has been upoted by th QenTal mtsembly. The plan smi scope of ;b pioposed book, will be fur ther laid before the public at an early day. NICHOLS A GORMAN, Haleiph, Sept. I. 186. Publishers. I )t moron t's Monthly Magazine Universally acknowledged the Model ParlorMaga- sineol America; aevoteu to unginalMonts t'oome. Sketi-lies, Architecture and Mod . Cottajrea. Uouiiehold Matters, (ieaia ul Tbooht, Personal and Literan (inaip (tiwludina uptcial department on Kaaliiena) Inatructiona on Health. Music, A nruaeinenta. etc., by engravings (full ize)uaefal snd reliable patterns, em broideries, snd a conatsnt sacceasion of artivtie nov eltiea, with other asalW andenteitainin( literature. .No person of rennement. economical nouaawite.or iaay oi laaie esa anora 10 ao wiinoui ine Model Mutitiilv. single copies. 30 cents bsi k numbers, at npecimens, 10 cents.; either mailed nee. Yeatly S3, with a valuable premium; two copiet5i.0: threerop lea. 97.60; tlveoopiea. 19. snd splendid nremiiimr for clubs st 3 each, with the UrM preminmsto each subscriber. A new Wheeler A Wilson Sewinj Machine for subscribers at S3 each. Address, W. JRNXINU8 DBMOKKST, Ne. 473 Breadwar, New York. DemmrstV Monthly and Yaaag xaierles together with the pri'tuinma tor each nov s t, SEED WHEAT! I have a fine lot of SEED WHEAT lot sale. San pies at Sullivan Si (Vs , and at the new store of Henderson Si Crawford SAil'L. REEVES. .Sr., Agt. Oct. 7. 40:4i:pd WILL sell for cash on the farm formerly owned by Robt. Ellis, deed., 500 bushela (more or leaa) of rent com, on Weduosday, the Jith day ot Aiov. ItSbV. O. G. FOARD, Guardian. Oct. 19. IStlSi 3t-tw For itfat i. .f ALL buildr" lot in the North Ward of i he low of ' .-.iinbury ; also a goid bed and, Inrtiitorc Ari,,iy to the Senior Im- tor ol tins paper. Si'pt. afetn tw-2w CfV-rl XTV- r r, 111 IJ.. .I.. I ucv u tv ntau,-- mi ifUNH jutj Howh u, r Btittitnorn White YVilirJtl. tir hv I!. Ii I.nuro Jbexingtorj, N C , a sample ui which can be kh at thi.s oflice. Oct. io, nm. twtt . VAIV Ai CO., 'UMIS9IOK AND . . - - t-kx : . l if rt it p iv n ill r r r ,1 r it I n ! '')' ' M Da .,-jti S n .:brt Va.J Oalekraivii V: i.i. inn. ."Tl. f-:V-t. CO. ' - UArrUr phal " Lime. I Vulcan l'u Uura. i.u-limonii, Va, il -rwt -Bl----- - r - -KT T poJiumw waimer. st-toi ,m . o, . CMS f ft GnUiiglOn J. f . S1X rnonths.'-.AWesi.S.Cl Ct : si.... v zn ..... .... i .nf T;:l:1y StO tl NORTH WTAER ST .' the i UTUIl 1 I : I . Wlotc Oak Timber, lur.JR-uiob a. Lair I xIUt.m .1 V ,,: T IJU.IIUIT III mri.e l ZIV I ' I ....'.:. k. .1... 1 c Ii 1 'j mi .' - . , atuu .v a-i - ui ue . ;. I ne i )TTlht.r vri-i . ut uir-Laii-J Drtipireu Pa- j ii a uavmg socl. Tui Ler .- mapce, n .. pfas'isf a.Iitres trw, rt;nT- wn'iswiu iiiii-i . k in..mUt.i, j ...1 1 ...... "in .? "'su-:a-fri- ssm ttie-not : Titm. mini MddMH all mmmi4ti.i,'. 1 ' - : a 1.1TM .. v ... k. K .' . : mi i( w.rt: -. - 'i ' - ' ri . r -i- -r tS "i-i , ' r US I'M I III IHBH State ol North Carolina, 10VTAN COUNTV. Superior Court of Imw, fall Term, 1808. Jacob Lingle ml Thornton Butler. OKIUIKAL A1TACUHIM T T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 1 thai Thornton Butler, the defendant, reside! beyond the 1 1 in Hi of lbs Bute, It la ttiereh re ordered by the Court (hat publication be made in me " WatcLtuao and 0U1 North State," for 'ix cooaacuUve weeks, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next Term oi thia Court u bu held for tiie County of Rowan, at the Couit-House io Saliabury, on the 3d Monday iu April next, il .11 and ii, rir to replevy or de mur, other wise be will be proceeded against ss it he had been personally served with piocess, and had tailed to appear aud plead. Witness, A. Judsou Mason, clerk of our said Court at office, the 3d Monday in September, A. D. 18t8, and in tlie ninety -third year of our independence. A.JUDSON MASON, 40:01 Jpr.t.l IQ State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. SuHsrlor Court of I aw, Fall TVrm, 1668. Savina Eddleinao vs. Thornton Butler. OKIOIMAL ATTACaMEBT. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 1 that Thornton Butler, the defendant, reside tteyoad lb Itmire ot the State. It is therefore ordered by tin- Court that publication be made hi lha Watchman and Old North Stale." for -ix consecutive weeks, notilviiiff said defendant to Ikj and appear at the next Tei in of this Com l to be held lor the County ot Rowan, at the durt-House in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in April next, then and there to replevy or de mur, otherwise be will be proceeded against as if he had been personally served with process, and had failed to appeal and plead. Wituess, A. Judson Maaou, clerk oi our said Court at office, the 3J Monday it. September, A. D. 1868, and in the ninety-third yeai oi our independence. A. JUDSON MASON, 40:6tjpr.f.f 10 c.s c. THE MORNING STAB V Daily Newspaper, Published at Wilmington, H. C. The Stab contains Latent Telegraphic Reports, Local JS'ews, Gen t ul Intelligence and Complete Reports of the Market a. TERMS ZB7 AD VANCE : ... One Year.. 4, 5 00 Six Months $2 50 Advertising Rates Very able. Read the following NOTICES OF TnB PRESS: "A good paper take it." Wmrrenton Con ner. ''An ably conducted, racy and live news paper." .itilem Pre. "A spiey, spirited Conservative sheet. We commend the papei to the public" Ortens boro Times, "One of the sptightliest Dalies State." jrasAisyfon Conterrative. in the "A sprightly Daily, and well worth the sub scription price" Greentboro' Patriot "If you want a lively, wide-awake naner. subscribe to the Wilmington Star. Concord Preu. "A sprightly and able Conservative paper. One of the raciest and most readable of Our exchanges. lialeigh Sentinel. "One of the very best newspapers that Visits oaraanctum." Martin S. C.) Star. "A lively, pungent Daily. The editor is ev idently an energetic and skilful caterer War renlon Indicator. "If you want a bright, sparkling, lively and t lieao daily paper, we ean commend the A7orn ing Star.Flortnct (SL C). Gazette. "A well conducted, independent Conserva live paper and well deserving of public pat ronage. It is one of the spiciest and most readable papers in the State. Suliabury Old North StaU. "A sparkling, lively and clever sheet. Ma- non u.) Vmemu. ' A first-class Daily, and one of the spiciest papers received by us."Goldboro' New. "Without mistake, one of the best Dailies received at this office, and may be truly desig nated a live newspaper,' containing the news, both political and commercial, in a 'nutshell ". Lancaeter (S. C.) Ledger. "A capital little Daily, and one of our verv best State exchanges." Raleigh Regitter. "A sparkling little 'Twmkler,' worthy ofal cvmmenaati' p. y.- lightning Hashes oi wit, sntne and logic are constantly scorching the, tauereu rags of. .KaOioaliatri." Goldetor' Hough Notes. 1 "Unqestionably ana of the liveliest Dailies in the State, and a worthy recipient of the IttgSjaM increasing patrnagw datty ie"--eeivng. As a bright particular SUr in the rii tuument of the South, we, recommend iis editor, arid wish for him ih1 his little 'Twink ler' unbounded and unftttffomuble auccess." Raleigh North Carolinian. , .( "This b ight constellati. n of (he heavens continues to illumine the political hoiizon.and nobly pertorms its office of guiding Star for ,us. i" "i. iii r rr in utiiin-ii noiunorner. 4-ne 'lie I'i'i'i un wiiirminpn nninnnrr ri,,r abili,y ol ils edi,oriI a'snteeol its success as one c I . . . , . . . : n I ... . is a sufficient tie of tb leailinir mi Is the couutry.r-fenm rojf -4. livelier papr we know of, full of news -y and convenient form and h& .,, A- ...-ta - 'ait wno not on v i.i i . ..t:.. ,i .i .. . .. n r!tii.f,niising ami paragraphing to ncrfe.'tion who also wield sen-oble and piquant o- aa. vou want to invest -J :.,l B : aant r .,.l a aeorf- find (pr 'hi, Sfos'Tor'' tit- One of the beat and . rijfbtliest newsi . in.b e ! we aiid, .L.i-jJu-JitAli: T4) fsir 1-, ' C .iJlli. .11 , ; isditical ctm " ns, and c lake . - , J. .in i..i..iL it i hi iwho are :-, pohUer. ut. a5liot...n. rsr.t Trt d.wTp; J. - - "-'"V- " "'- JOB PKLVMNC, COURT JJLANKS. &.O. &O. &.O. Mil UNDEH8IGNED HAVE THE plcsaur. to inform their trtoaea, sad U publk, Ual they have sited ap eae af the vary best JOB PRINTING OFFICES 7.V y OUT II CAROLINA aad are prepared to axaesto all order wita they may be favored. rblcfc III .-INI mm AND PKorKMIOIfAL COTTON YARN LABELS, teller 5V Oill tjcoits. WEDDING and PAINT PAMPHLETS, ClUCULAIiS, UAKDBILLo, DRUG LABEL COURT BLANKS, and all other kinds of Blanks snd Job Pristis- will be done in a style that can be surpassed by aoas, and eciiallel by (sw In the State. Our terms will be aa low aa the tewest in tae Southern Country. HANK:' fc BRUNKR SSalibury, Jsnnsry 16, 1868. twA THE TRI-WEEKLY OLD NORTH STATE, AND THE WEEKLY tVUdm.N L Old XorlbSlatf. THE WATCHMAN St OLD NORTH STATE Laving been consolidated in tbe bands of tbe underaitned, and tlie BaXKXB having: suspended publication, hereafter there will be bat one paper published in Salisbury, which will be is sued TH- Weekly d WeeUy, under the above names. In conseqaenos of the combination referred to, thia paper will have the Largest Circulation I Of AST piPKb IX Western Ncrth Carolina AND WILL AFFORD THB Best Advertising Medium to be met with iu thst part of tlie State. i The luliiorial Department will blunder the management of Mr. Rakes, late Editor apd Proii.ictor of tbe Old No rib Statb and no pains will e spared to make it equal to any if not the best psper of its clsss in the Ststs. in me pontics or tne psper mere will be ne cliange-rit s ill continue to be a fiim and decided Conservative iournsLb i cluslvely to politics. It will also be devoted to tbe material interests of the State, and to Literary and MtwelTMeflf BeadlJhg. Tlofoestlc Economy, As, Oftering i-uch inducements, we confidently sppeal tothe public for a liberal share of its patronage both by suhseri4inn and advertitemnts. TertfS of Suberiitiun : tri-w-eeblv : ''ne A'ear ,tW TH an W VI K I V 7T7 star vstat oaaata llarurrt u (Mm I the )!,(,, Urftl Prosperity Atoemdtl " Wimttr kms Com I aa a bow m t urn riaa va raaa Moore's Rural New Yorker, i ii i USJtAT town nn i in tm im i I UK It I UAL lathe Leading and LasveaM ireala tiag Newspaper ol Ita CIsm ua the I'uuUurnt. aaps rlorla Value snd Variety ot Oaieala and Beauty o ApprarsBve. II sasbrarea mora Agtlrallaral. Hurt! cultural, rviisotille. kducalioaal Lltrraiy aadAew Matter, IntrrapvnaMl with Knjiravtbfa, than auy otas Jimii ual. - lur il coaiprtaea llcparturiiU devoted to e iurlndlna Agriculture, Choice Literature,' llun it ultiu e, Science and Art, Sheep Uuibandru, Education, Grating, Dairying, Youth's Heading, Rural Architecture, General News, Domestic tlctmsmu, Comnicrce, Markets, With llluatrat-oae. Taka, Essays, Music, Poetry, KebuaM. Kuiamaa. .. Sus. lbs Mural N'ew Voraer ia a Nstioasl Joarasl riiru lating largel; ia the Ksat and Wst, North andNtulh It suiplura I is beat talent la all tVrpartaaeuU. lis erna of Kditurs. Contributors, he., raaiprwck aiaay of the best r'anusra, Ptantera. Wool (irowara. (ira siera, HorticuttarMa, Ac., aad alo Autliora. nael ars, Ac., of aoteand ability. In brlafthe Uural is ably edited, profuarly illiiatrstad, aestly printed 1'iacUcal leututc. UaatU-Uurai. luUucUve aad BaSMtaiaiag. Wherever located. In Country. Village or City, YO0 W ANT Till. IM'KAL ' TOP K KAMILT AND FBIEEDB WANT IT ! Kur i! . i . allied to the want of all, NfiSsaSf !' ' not a moi.lhly. bat a large and Heautilul W'eekly, and that Vol. XIX U to be malerlallj ealarged. Ii - Kaawdaa a number aad sea If. neat to your Io paper, the UeasLia not the one for vour money. ha. Ii iiiiini.i t iMitanm ciil.i doulilr quarto patea. priatad In sstra style. Clear Type.tiood Paper, aad Letter lllnalratloBS than any other Journal of its Claas; A Title Page. Index. Ao. .at close ol volume. TBB.MH Only M a Vear: to eluba of ton. S3 50 per copy. Vol. MX begino Jan. 4. is h Now la the time to inbaertbe. Ureal oavrs to Clnb sgente. Sperimena. Show-Rilla Premium Lista Ac. aentfroe; or the 13 numbers of thia Quarter ( M. to Jan.) en trial, lor only rilty t enia' 'ditreas D P. T MtHiKE. Dac IS- KotUester, N. T. HKLIKVINO that the interests of tlie Far mers and Planters of this aection demand tbe publication of a periodical to be devoted to the ailraneeuieul ol Agneulture in tne two t uroii- uaa, we have d teruuned to eta'iliati aueb a uerii'dieal under the title of THE CAROLINA 1'AKMLU, aud will iMUi the tn-i uumter aa aoou aa a auMh'ient number of subsenbers are otitaaued to pay a reasonable snare of tbe ex Deuae ef uublieatioii. Tbe Fanner will be issued monthly at $2 per atinnm. In advance ; will contain not lea thnn thirt -two large double-'olunin pages of read ing matter, bound in handsome covers ; and in typographical execution will not be surpassed by any Agricultural Monthly in the country. ' Iteing determined to do whatever energy will aecomiiliith iu making tlie Farmer worthy the Hiiuoort of the intelligent Planter and Fanner of North Carolina mid South Carolina; and de siring to introduce it into every county in those States, we wih ti employ active Agents at every Post office; to whom tbe most liberal In ducements will be offered. Addroa all communications to U M. H BERNARD, je27 w:tw:t Wilmington, N. C. AdKM S V A M I 1 1 FOB THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. By H0X ILEX AS DEB H. STEPHEHS. A Book for all Sections, and ParttCs. This great work presents the only com plete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the War ret published, and gives those in terior lights and shadows of tbe great, con flict only known to thoso high officers who w ... ' - I watched the nood-til of revolution from its. fouutain springs,' and which were so acces sible to Mr. Stephens from his position aa second officer of the Confederacy To a public that has been surfeited with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUC TIONS, we promise a change of fare agree able and salutary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War Uaa AT LAST found a historian it will receive that moderate, candid aud im partisl treatment which truth and justice so urgently demand. The intense desire every There mauifest ed to obtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased coiiunision. inaae 11 ine ueev fuocei ijn mn bcKk ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pa. reports 72 sub scribers in three days One in Memphis, Tenn. 106 subscribers in J five days. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a ft.Il description of the work, with Press no tices of advance sheets, dec, Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 26 South Seventh St. P ,iladelphia, Pa. AOENT8 WANTED FOB T.t E GRA Y JACKETS. And how they Lived, Fought and Died for Dixie. 1MMTU Incidents and Sketches of Life " w tlie Confederacy, oofiipriidiig fi'arra- tivea of Personal Adventure, Army LMe", aval Adventure, llome -Lite, Partisan Uanng, Lifem the Cninu. Field and HoKUitn .toirethOr With tlie Songs,' Ballads, Anecdotes and Humorous Inci- errr? i rne"War forSoUtheHTindapeiKlence. There is a certain portion of the War that will never iro into the regular histories, nor be em- bodiek in roniam-e or poetry, which is a very real pari of it, and will , if preserved convey to succeeding generations a better idea of tbe spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or care f'n I narrative of events, and this part may be called the gossip, the fun. the pathos 01 the war. This illustrates the character of the lead ers, me ntuaer ot tne sotaiersuie aevouon 01 : women, thebraveiy of meu. tlie pluck of our icroes, the romance and baraabipi of the scr vice 1'he Val;jnt nnd Hrave Hearted, the Pietur ei-aae and Dramatic. t!.e Witty and Marvvloii the Tender and id tbe whole Panor ama of ihe Far me here fbrulrDgly portrajedia TtTl 1 1 rtVTTaBlie ?. TiT ''oTiee'TTiMori ul UllTtTTo mantle, reiidern g it tne mo-1, iBmpie, umuue, .rilli int and lea.lable book Uiat U war lm called forth,, - ' ' 1 -ii ent as ell as Msti net-ton may he foviidii' every page.-as irrajihic detail, brilliant . -ml ii'itli. nlie rortlnry., arc sjmuuu.MMcr; :fn in tkijritrAef Ut'ertti.V art, ite mix tern s, a full description of the work. Address, Country Merchants, I'ain mm, Farmers. And Otliers. CONSIGN Y0UK Aithss, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, Cheese, fygs, Hour and Meal, 17w, (Won, Furt and thins, Dried and Green Fruits, -Grain, Wool, Gas, Poultry, Natal Starts, Hops, Ginseng, feathers, Hemp, Protisions, iU; laid, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, tie., he , See., TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, (jeneral CommiBsion Merchant. al 444 s 446 WahingtOA St. NEW YOKK CI1Y. And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro dnee od Oroeeries tne uiot complete price our rent pubiiabed in tbe l'uii -drtea. . . end for a Price Correct Marking ItjtSS and Cards Futmhcu i n . Laberal ailvM..-,-- sneaie we shta. Established, May Ut, PlfPt BwawV riftvf fftrsK Riff"1 H 1 11 1 mf ' 1 March A I"IH. t lj University of Virginia. M HK 45th Saaab u . I I ..a iuathiitiou will 1 b giu on tlie 11 day of Oct. 1868 and on the Thursday More lie 4th of July 18b. Tbe organisation the institution is very complete, einb afiug ex etiaive and thorough eour-es of instruction In Literature ami Science and in the professions of Law. Medicine and Engineering. Estimated expenses exclusive ut boots, olothiug and poeket money of the Aedde sue student .'kid : of the I. an ntudent :tt.,jt aud of the Medical student .'C." For particulars send for C'ataloTne to Wra Wertenbaker, See. or 8. MAUPIN, Chairman of the Faculty. P. 0. Univeraity of Virginia. juiy au w t w at i REMEMBER THE DEAD. BU1V MARBLE YARD SALISBURY, N. C. Corner of Main and Conni-U Stream Jtaar UV. Court Hah. , THK unlersiiined continue to rurnisl. Monnaiests, Tombs. Head and K... t Stones, Ac. to all be desire thsaa. at priees to snit tlie times. He deties comia-titfoa. tie ret - tlisnks for past laverN and hopes to merit a contiiiuam e ol them JOHN ft. BTTT8. July 17. 1868. 96m SCHOOL N0T1CE rilflK Second Session of my School will open JL at 11 iekorv (irove Academy on the '2nd of November next. This school fs loca'ed one mile from Third Creek Church and two and halt miles from R. wan Mills Depot. Go d board, ing can be procured in very respectable fauii- iii'M. at. sin or xio nor uiotitti. l or nirt n r tit ulars address the urineinal at Kowan Jlills. Refers U) Kev. W. Wood, I. A llavls, Kq., and .las. E. Kerr. A. w. OWKN. net. V. IHW. tr LEATHER! LEATHER ! ! W JE. "WIE U5DERSI0ND bar,, sjwa ii. jeil ourselves in the Tanning Busi ness, at W. b. Watson s (do Sinriil, 5 tml - West of Salisbury, on the L;nc mion road, an ' are ready to Tan GOOD HIDES, KIP AND OTHER SKINS. ON SUA RES. We willex- change good Leather lor good Hides. a? 7 A Hi W V WATSON. Sept 25, '08 lm J. M. LOWRANCE CARD 10 TAB PUBLIC. DR. SAML. A. BE LI, Hi AS located on Ennisa street, between Main St Lee. Office formerly occupied by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, and offers his profess stonal services to the citizens of the July 25, 18GS. w-tw.3m Notice of J. W. Bitting ACCOUNTS on my books thfit have been presented and still unpaid and emir promises have been kept, oeer tlte left ; u exception to acctuuts above reftareiL to. if not paid in 15 days frouTthe publication of this notice, will be placed iu the bands of au officer for collection . Oct. 10, 2w J. W. BITTING. PLAIN TRUTH! Ti HOSE indebteil lo me are herein notified Io call anu set lie by file 15th inst., or their so- cotinis will be placed in the bands of Vt m. H. Bailey, Esq., for collection. mra in iwrneii. JOHN H. ENNISS, Driitfjri't. 1 twtf-370 July i 186. LOOK e Kn-Klux-Klan is About I T AM READY to exchange Leather for good 1 tildes. Bip and Hall Slrma Lime, Hops, Barley, Corn, Rye, Oats, and couqtry produce, generally. " 1 wtll also lan good Hides, Km and other Skins, for one-half. I return my sincere thanks to .a generous punuc lor meir nueiai patronage 111 my uiuer ent businesses, in this county, for .the last twen ty years. . Mrfses L. Brown's old stand, coruer of Lee ii- t - - ... t j : and Liberty Street. iiinTiM Diciin'ivr ' V .. I . 1 I 1 - . Ill il ' I. 11. Salisbury, N. C May 19, 1868. wly . , LftiM) For Bale. rMIE SUBSCRIBER will sell to the highest bi'ider on the iirenus.-s. n sirtiuriJay. the 17ih day of. October next, a valnsl le tiact ol Land, Jyiig.ori R dy Creek, i; Davidson Co. containing 193 acrs. Of this 'fact about 70 v res isin woods,' 20 acios pKnl bottm land, 10 aciya in ma,l.ay H f iWttat at Und er;ed by- th jsjg J..epb ffemt dft;'d., and 4e4ryMfceipHtt"rJT made known on dav of al-. 1 'msydulsSMuaS Th For Life Insurance Only. PI EDM 0N2 UAL ESTATE l.SI IACE COVPAHT Or VIRGINIA Of VIKlis, AUTHORJZCD CAPITA! ONE BULLION DOLLARS OFFICERS. W. C. CARR1N0TON, President. J. J H0PKIN8, Secretarg. 0. H. 1'EKRUW, M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal and solvent Southern Com pea y pays to ita policy holders annually 87, Per Cent, of its Profits. It nroroaeto aid its natrons bv tmkine notes lor oue nail of tlie premium i. It allows U patrons U pay all cash if desired It invitee its patrons to attend its annual set tlements and see their rights protected. It aliowi ita patrons to change their policies from one place to another. Ita Policy holders are not restricted as to tra vel or residence. it otters de following certificate a- tolls sol veucy : , Nat.! CorjtT florst. Va Mn . i. jr.. ix'. i The undersigned, officer of the n uUy ui Nelson, and State of Tfrtitna tare il Jecomii 1 ." n- a -e utpa ny.,H!e TiaSobrKt ...I f 'laTrtufaiieecoai ' pi... , ' ol this county; and beside. lb merit ot Itsao.reney, its rates and terms for LHelnsurf ance are sued aa to command it to pablld pat ronage. Its 8U,ckho!ders, Directorn and Officers are men of high iutegii'y. and patrons can rely on an houorable, efficient managemt at of ita aiTaira. None of us have stock or personal interest in t! i conipany, and simply give this as disinter eated testimony to tbe mentsof a good lnstitn tion. C,xo 8. STivhua, Clerk Circuit Oanrt Jonx F. H ix, 8briff ,V"ii.a. Hill, Surveyor. - ff. Lotiro, Clerk CVr.nly Court, ii A. i. gi un. A Co., Agents, Sa "bury I . w- w w U, air ui the agency lor good . . ... r Tire com prill It I-. Traveling agents wanted. Apply to CA FT. JAKES F. JOHNSON, Special Agent, Charlotte, N 0. Jan. 7.1HOU wAtwlr The Arlingluu Kitul fife Jnsnranre Company OP VIRGINIA. ArtVirgini't and -Southern Institution Its Fn '. irr Icefi in fhs South. It has 'M' 4h unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond sag contingency. . Tbe Company has cspitsl and assets, . agalast its Hal'. oil that will favorably wjth spy I. its luaurance Compel. n the continent, which is the true teat of responsibility. It affairs are cautiously adminiatered by selected LH rectors, otreaponiiibility snd business rapacity. It ba tstablished its claim to Southern Pstroasg e. OFtlCERS i FKEBIDBSTT, JOHN E. EDWARDS, tick rstsinxsT, Wat. B. Isaacs, SBOBBTABT, J. Hartsooi MKMCAL FXAMINKK, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D. LKOIL AnviSBB, OSHBBAI. ASBBT. H.C.CAMKtL, JMO. H. CLS.IBOBNB. i DIRECTORS: John Enders, Henry K. Ellvaaa, Wiilism K. Taylor. Asa I SllTl! roer. Samuel S. ottrell. H. E. C. BsKkerrlll. ieho loo!ey. Samuel C. Tardy. liarles T. Wortham, George Jacobs, J. W. Allison, George 8. Palmer, H. D. Chocklsy, H. C. Cabell, D. J . Hartaook, John C. Williana, B'illiam 0. Taylor, A. P. AMI. Wp. B. Isaacs, George L. Bidros4, Sauuel il. Price. William Willis. Jr.. Ed. A. Sin i tli, Thos. J. Evans, James A. 8-ott, B.M Ousries, W. H. Tyler, J.E. Edwsrds, A. Y.Stokes, J. R. Morton, R.H. Dibrell, William H. Palmer, LWIS C. HANES. AV. Jaul7 twJcwtf Lixikgtos, - JiV C Connecticut Mutual Ufa got Hartrord Conn. STATEMENT, TO0. 81, 1867. A CCUMULA TED A SSETS $17 670,288,88. INCOME FOK 186T, $7,726,516,53. .-Va tFOR PREMIUMS $6,332,804,05, FOR INTEREST, ,393,711,58 LOSSES PAID IN 1867, 168,75818, -MVlDENJDS PAID IN 1867. fnterest rece.r d more than pars lossee frividends averag oyer Mi per cent. All pidi'-ieVnon-mrfeitableforastated amount .A, ur.n.i ' ieeff-ctedinall forma deatrod. SAML. OOCGLAS WAIT. St "AaTiti" RaJaiarb. N INSURANCE COMPANY L. Braisbaw. Afit7Sa!iaVnrr K f -OcL lrt I.W. ' PImr ,r- JbMqLwa Hrf nji.eo a.,. 1. 1 4. A. i-A - Jsai'.lfj 1 i- Kiebm w4t -i AgerM. t sr wm