- T , mmm ii I I l i l 'l ' - : '- . ffc Or Bf HUES BBUXERi VOL III. NO. 125 KCLBCriC MAGAZINE FOUE1GN LITERATURE, ll. rur 4m DenS Monde, HP ilrO.ee iJVr1. ' r,l JU.tr. i j . ImSm Wa fear mtm sma eWraeelsetlona MMk Vr'll-t a-jHH online Uy re at iwsortaat M--t Splendid Premiums for 1968. Rr rr m mWrlWr to tat Eclectic 1BSS. paying Ue.jUful earotao oil paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Site 9 X 11; I IB AND NUT CRACKERS, SiMe 7X8. VvJ.I- -.im rt. or luutMC ul "Win we iu I rex ' it,l UV ITKIIK v.ve, e- . , - ,., -j Wa.binirtun at i". o-, rai if,.t .11 :i from Mrkei. Buadity Uoru- 4, JJ r wi Kr T .abscrtber ano a.y a a, A AA , will n 1 1 tli beiatiful Cbromo. Po-.ltrv L J -Kjr Taraa abjribera aadf !. copy ' WMler't National PicterM Dictionary, tor' i Ml i-t-t'OM .prlca : ol it l-J z 12 1-t. Trrm of tie FsWic : t.TtMtM yer ' W, life op " yri0 Aiire" W. H. UIDWELL, 7tf Rr;m St., New lork. British Peripdicals. TK$ Lndon uarUrly Review, (Con ervnre.) TKi ZiinU 27i, tfcsti'dnifcr Ueinea, (ICvJio-i.) i.VrA Britith Review, (Frer Cbarcli) AND JJJ.kwood't Edinburgh Magazine, ti.. r't,ical ara ably ,oUined by the contri wrilera on Sciwce. Kel.gioo,nd ' aauS .t.ad unrivalled in th. Iaai iui r.,:uala,.aa 19 .- very r?a T I - . a thev fuiu.h ttfi rec.r.1 ol the r.nr .Urtf'tb. S tM.i can p. obtained frou, aTOfWTERMF0H 1868. r.r ..r an uftba Ueviews. 4. Wiper annum. ?r ant t " Keviewa... i-,r ay ti.ru of the BJViewa. Kor nil foura'f tba l,eviw,... . 7.00 ..10.( ..13.00 .. 4.00 Ker Hl.a.-.hwao'l ' M(aiiie...... ... . I ....it ...... ltpvlt'tt'. 7.00 f r iiio.'iuu ...... aVit- Far illaoltwoai aau any iw. mA M liv i va. ....... ji. " ' Fat B:a.:awood andrea of the Rfviax ..y,13W Far Biaiswoad and the four He- viea, CLUBS A 4iwant of twenty per centwlU be allowed to ( lubtr!f fo"r or more Ve'raone. Th,u. tour cople,of bSw, of Ueviaw. will be aent to one rnddfta far $W.80. Tour ropjea ol the loor Be- and Blackwood for 148.110. and so on. . . POSTAGE. .ffl f del.verfi T.;e I'o-tag. to any part .of the IKiiUdtate iXtwo CKKT a nnu.ber. ThU. rate l y appUe, to current -nbacriptiona. I or back num ber. thejHMtage ui'aouble remiuns to New Subscrtbert. Sff ilbiribra to any two of the above period- aala tot IM w'iil be eutltWd to receive, graf.. any aSToKtai Rev iewa for l67 New hubacribew f " Ll"li':: . t. -f the Kour' ttaftowa ;rau. iiikw"i !fHwM tfaV aVtab back nambera at iU tol lewisr redaeed ratta.ril ; r... Tie Hh Britiah from January, toDeeam- I'f Aoril iaM,to lecainber. 1967, Indnaire. 1?A Z lSL Qnarteriy tor tho yean, 1866. 1866 M IM7 a?th. rate Mfn'r M? .fiew alaa.BtackwoodforloWand lS67Jori3, io - Jar oTtbe to year, togetbf lor 4.0. AIther preaimtoSuWlbeni. nordiaconnt U Claba, nr reduced price for bar k MfkJ Pg be allowed, nnleea the money la remitted direct to 2 to Leonard Scott Pub. Co., 10 Fulton, St., N. T. rARMEirs a vide. B. K. MOORE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ii- ... ....Kr B. r,tr itwrn WILMINGTON, N. C 1 1 ' m' Emigrants Cominq LANDS WANTED in Rowan. Pavie Da vidson. Iredell. Catawba. Siaiily, Mecklrn. b..r(j FoieyUm. aic No nils to Ui fiveitll mon'v M laud. Five per cn.missiona i i ii uld Si. .11 l. i viMir I..11.N and iin.j;e'i mi u .. ihe leinaioder will be woitn uouoaa, anu wew llintlV Jersey larti.er ir.ll develops couii- I TJ bellU U UeSCUpltollS Ol 1 JUllJi U. tAXLSo. HaJi,l.ur. N. t. N B. UoW una oll.fr ujiih tal by c""'r""- ."J' , GUILFORD LAND AGENCY 0 NOKTH CAROLINA. IjANDIIOLDKIW who wih u, Ml Agricultural or Afinrra! Isindi, H'rer Power, JJllU, Tbtv Lot, or Ileal Ettnf at any kniU, wJl fiml it to thnr aauUge to placv .hrir property in oir hanrl It al-. Wc hare (Treat aciKtira for ;focuif r cbaarrt for all wch property. For lulormation, adilre, J NO. B. C.nETTER. Grrcnsburo', N. C. Dec. 2. 1867. 7 Thetiriffith Lands FOK saij:. BY virtue of a Jtree of the Probate Coort of ICowhu county, will W solJ at the court-house a.N.r in Salisbury, ou TuMday, tho lOih day of November, tive hundred uud uiuety-fivo arrrti of laud Wlougiug to the estate of R. V. Gritiith, dt-e'd. Said lauds are situated in the Western part of the county, within two miles r the depot at Ilownti .miis. a uu (it.jne8 unlj T WM tirt-fl of theiu. W ara vory valuable. A furlhor daacripUiuJ "fwrgy or comfort, ! was birt'ly iiHe to them i thouglit lo be unnecessary at they b t ljte At ,.npth I yielded to Hi have been advertised before. t erms uuul kutwn on the day of sale. Z. GRIFFITH. Admr. Oet. 1st, 1f?G3. ::' PURE PERUVIAN GUANO A ND all other kin.l, of GUANO, including A tliC different I'HOSlMiATfckj, PLAS TER and LIME, kept constantly on han.l, a very !uw prices., Our farmers will do weii to enll on ii t oii'-c and get their Fertilizers, be lore orderiu an4 buying elsewhere. We will lake Flour or W heat at the mitke price, in exchange. 8PULNG3, HDTCIUSON & Co. Ao. 1, Cowan litk Itow. Salisbury, Aug. 28. 5tw Haag & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. THE undersigned having accepted the agency for the above named wheel, would (Sal, the allcTittoV(1ff"Tt1e Vamtnri. Ae. Ac. to the many advantages they would derive from using it. It ip well adapteilt to all purposes tor which i wheel is used. The small space it occupies, and the velocity, of its motion, are R1 tract ive features. It requires but a small amount of gearing, lee does ,ot affect it. Works as well on horizontal as verticsl shaft. Suit able to any locality. Not affected by back Water. It is simple. eheap"ml durable. Ona f"fMWh0tV can be seen in oporatioa at Foard. Tatum il Co's, Mill ou South Yadkin River. ' I have been in the Mill Wright business for 25 years, and consider this by far the beat whell I have ever yet met with. This wheel costs from $15 to $275, according to size. For further particulars address me at, Je rusalem, Davie Co., N. C K1CIIARD T. KUTT. Sep, 10, 1868. 4tw-36 YARBROUGH HOUSE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. ti ... b.r,.Lt,r In rAtiirnincr his sincere thanks to the traveling pubHe for the liberal patronage extended to mm uuring niscouuev tion with this Hotel, Cakes occasion to assume tbetn that no efibrt or expense will, be spared to retain the present reputation of the Hotel as tmwof the very best ia the South. He is happy to announce inaiineiaiijnine price of supplies enables him to reduce the price to v . . , Three Hollars per Say. ToeStixens coming in to spend a week or mors, he will still make a greater reduction. tie is prepared to furuuL Board without rooms at very low rates. Hehopes to have thepleasure o f welcoming ,h.. VArhroufl.h House bis old customers Know and Believe rpHAT O. B. P0ULSON it COS. DRUG 1 Store be cheapest place to b iy Dnigs atnlJifedicines in Ibis section of North Caroli na. "Try them I at WYATT-3 OLD STAND May 7. tf Salisbury, N. C. A, FRST (X-ASS MILLER wanted, to take tehafge of a First Class if ill, situated ic Davidson eounty. Address - A. C WHARTON, Clammonsvilie. N. C. "The Old XortU Mate Vrewr.-Gaton SALISBURY, N. 0.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1808. 40 Years Before tho Public. 2 - - i- iQ p fir - 7T W . . THfi SOUTHEHN HEPATIC PILLi. T. it eld, long lifown and uvll trird rtmedy or all UH dimms, tauud fcy a DISEASED LIVER. KST It.... I ihe f()Howinir Cerlificatr from I , . D J persons of the highest respectability .jJ LIVER COMPLAINT. Rev. Dr. 0. F. Dkkmj, (Aug. 2M. 18C2.) says : ' I have derived orraf btntjH Irom these Fills, and have known many families and in dividuals who have found them very beoeficial, and V have also known fdtgiicittn in excellent tlandiug to rerontnumd tlitnx to their patient. For alt diseases arising fiom disorders of the liver, I believe they are the best medicine of fered lo the public. ' Riv. John W. Pottib. Snow 11,11, N. C , (January 5, 18:.) says: "For twelve yeai I was a great sufferer. My liver was diseaed I lost my Besh and tren;ih, and niy fkiu seemed changed in its color by the hile with which my system was overcharged. I became sui joct to frequenl and violent atlat k of bil ious cbolic, evury attaek leaving me weaker than its predecessor. The physicians had been 1111 , . J. .. . . . I - J able to l atch me up a little, but my hea,tk.wa . . , , . i. . . . in a deidorable stat. l i, an laKci; oairm im Without hout a little. At length I yielded to the elr- . - j mt pt'rsuaston of n friend snd commenced iukin the HEPATIC PILLS, with nocor.n- ,l..ne in tiiem. Ihev acted liho. a tiiaim u .I'll. From t!it Hi- 1 have ititiiiQ.eJ. I hae t . :. , i . i .. "fl - porsereied" in tin ir use, uiii.l now, by Toi!l lilessii'g, w well nd heufty. I'bad a nepio man who, ms 1 belli vc. wu- i-avcd Irotu lcu:h by a ii e ol tlu-e Pills. My Doctor's bill Was anntialiv Irom $H to ftWO. twt 1 barreba r:o ii'e ir a physician since. 1 rjsit rotfitlettlly reeoniiiit ud tl m s s superior family uicdieiiie S. P. Wai.i.a. e. Esq., hesedelit of thy Wii. mhigtoc A' VV, hloti Rail Road, (Aug. .-0, l.'-O'Ji sa; s: ' It has been said that Dyspepsia is oui national disease. However tins may be, ii caused nu? long aud severe suflVring. Provi dentially a Iriend fumjslied me wiibaTew lwx es of the ' Hepatic Pills,' and I he use of them has perfected a cure. In my family they have been used frequently wiiliysminent snocess Among my acquaintances many cases ortina ting from diseased liver, have been relieveil ami cured by them. I regard them mi invaluable medicine, and take pleasure iu forwarding this voluntary tribute. A. W. I). Taylor, Esq., Petersburg, Ya , (Jan. 12, 18f9.) says : " In theSpring ol I808, 'I wis SfRKkecT w1fF17yH.psta , SuoiT "it e!l: tent thata'l my food of every deW'ription dis agreed with mc, I triu sworVn so I ha.l to loosen my cloth, s, and night alter tiiht I could get no sleep, 1 tried one or two physicians, and took gootl. deal of. medicine, but fuuird no relief." I mirehasd on: box ot ffic South ern Hepatic Pills, and the first dose. I took 1 felt relieved, and Conil&uea mini 1 iooa ine whole box. I am rioW en'irev w. l!. at d ejil iieartkly, and never have bn attacked tfne I con salely recommend thcte Pills to llie Dys peptio and the community at huge." They tan be s:iit. to any point in the United States bv Mail or .Express. . PRICK Fiironbox. 85 cei'tn. D". 9.iy rIf Tr,M tmOn (iron, ! Thrw ar,-. Sill five ;r... .0. l'!i i.-li imir-l either ooniiiii the nnVr for thtrli- cln or1t will be uut CO. tl. Or Vr. hcul.I b ..Mie t4 w . W. DKKMS, Hp. S6, hociu Oauiocs ?tkt, i;..i.r..i i.n Ud., where ihey will he promrtly ailendel lo. rtir tli e Mlidne cull on hII rripeclahle Orujntiitf everywhere. nd on all Hie Di ugjiintn In Suirauar. JOHN H. ENNISS, Druggul, Spuial Agent fOrwttwIy 1 Warsaw to Fajettf f il!e. I ...ir,. U'.ruw fur Kuv. tt ville d.iilv. ov- ccpt sjuadiiy. Through Tiaketa trofn -Wti 4 mintrtou to Fayetteville, $6. Through Tick ets from AVeldon, via Warsaw, to tayet;e ville, $10. Through Tickets, from Uolds boro'. via Warsaw, to Fayetteville, $6. Charlotte o Wadcsboro. Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for Wades- . . . . v. boro', Tuesday, Thursday and Statnrday. Leave Wadesboro' Sunday, W edtmsdn v ,1 Tfiday, after f&y arrival of the WifinTug ton, Charlotte Ac Rutherford Stage. VU, ikviliA In t'iffsherA' is w si ' v - - w m w fjm. " j wsww-sj w Leave Morrisville for Pi t taboro' Moitjay , T etiurBunjf uw tiuHi icwii u urit na r. Clcmmon' Accommodainu Line. Between SALEM said HIGH POINT N.C., fare On Dollar. E. T. CI. EMMONS. Contractor. July, 7. 1868. fw-tw-Lnj Db. r. p. bessenV, d. d. s., W I -aJB- sept22:tf S ai.isdi kt. K. C tiii: OLD NOKTH STATE. ITlU-WKKKLYw tJ-HATHS OK bL'USi UU'l lOK- -Zl TUMVCaW l! A O VAN t It. tkl.W'Sekly, One Year W hi Moutlim . aOu fvS Ob Year 1 3 ' f5Se Topy Oae Tear, . v .... , i... , .,,,,). kl.t tl.i t ii ualiOi. I the uU-nptMn. . The tjiK!n wblch the "Old Nostbi Htats. Is rinSrJ t entirely new. No pains will l-J parv.l to make it a aeiconw viaitor lofur) family, lu rdi to do this wj tor SBjmwj thejen kern ol ,5.?ii. aolBijiTr.II fitrarir ceuTribuwii: Advcrtifling Eaters TRAXMKKT BATK8 For all period Iom than one month One N(Har. Klnrt iBMrton J ;.-li s.ilniuent ini-lt:iili . ,W 1 . t- ..r ... f .... i.nntl.1. Luutrati raieMor pan " " i u. i a i, I 4 mo. v I SQCASX, S ., V n. 4 sgt'AKEs, Qria. col. II il f COL. IS 0!) I SMK 7.60 in no 10 M 13 m 20 00 9MX) 3PW) it. '" H(, lOOtl 97 00 33tf() 49 00 i;oo 21 00 2100 21 W) H.HO 40 00 62 M 21.U0 200 Kill) 2H00 8K0 45 00 Ml 00 27.O0 3400 II 700 3S-W 44 00 Ml mi 70,00 3 in. COL. osi cnu 30,000 WORTH OF GOODS ! MOCK&BROWN, WHOLE-ALE & RETAIL MERCHANTS KaliNbtiry, C, AUK XOtS' IN' RKCKII'T of t"ie Isrirest nl moft nnpteteSto. k ol (ioodn they hve ever oiler. ! in tin, aisrVet ; and their pooda have been bought ut Mich piii-e as to rnslilc thrill to sell at rales that ejniiot tail i Indui-e ready sale to all who aaat H..xl menl.-indise. IIhH-' t ck ron sts of All ,,rl,l, ,i l,we-l iii' 10 the In-l iiial.l Ol i;n.ls mid m t us nrarket. Tte.r MlF.-S UIMIIW I'.wirlllient raiiimt Is' e.();:illi'.: in this Towi ors-c- 1 ... . .. .. i .. t I ..... ..r i -.. hm I'lMiimiK, ' 1 ' . I'. -!, C . IN. V." stt..t:n Hes'ly-Made ttatllmg. PlinU I'O T. j:... ii,,,.. 1-1. !,. I UnLarfa. I. in mettle, M,o-t."i l.tucna, l-'lanne'.. I Uu. t, l.in- Sh ll. ( Kr.Mi I V. dlnws. SIKl A-ul'r'sh. i.Vt:.loawro..g, knowingly o promote Uau, tijt, .-,.e Leailr, Uroceiies. parly inlcicbt or to Ballfify personal ! 1 VolnillH . rtt.iUH, I Alt we Rfe tn incur" n:i is an iam:ii5on mmr woods and Prieew. The Ureat OwantHy. Variety, -mierler Uaaiity sail lowmleeaof an l-Kd '!! uliow for theniu'lvr. and itjrives na t "..t plea" lo iliepl.iyowr taAi In !l wtlfc',r no wilh ' " S, Wo raniHil omit t 1 expO'V inrpiaLtidirrat. itmle fr ti e very lar?e and lllVr.il j tli.msie U rftvweil An 11 i t-rH.y!ir. aiJ ohail ruol t irr-stly emlcivor to pnnc nurnr'vea woilly, not oa!v ol list favors, lull of their eontKvianre In thelatu'e. Jlilrt-rality in prii-e and :oils. nt dealing, rml ol tc ami raspecttul attciition to all. is anything, we iiromiso them . j j-,nr term nre. tr'rtlvr.tir or BAfiTFIt. All kinds of Coun'irv I'roifnce bonphl at bigheat M..l.t II, ..li,,. am eanei'Ullv invited to , . . uu t xaminatioD of our Kto-k. ov6 lm Important Sale at GOL.1 HILL. iValnesday, "25(h Nor. Inst. 1 WILL sell, at Gold Rill, lot of Machinery, ronsistins' of one I went v-horse STEAM ENGINE, witti TL'HCLAR BOILER, Sjsaft- Hill, PfM.KVS. and IIaSUI.RS. TWO of GilN' natect Ohk Chjshers. t)ne full set of Pirr Toms ponnistini! ol Stork-'. -Dies. Tups. Vice, ai.J Pipe Cnlters. A kil ol L'SthTsni Kul ber IJklting ; copper and iron PiPi"G : two nsrboysfvfn Acto; a lot of Household and K tifhen F-rnitme.nnd a great many .ether ar 1 '. !, i-omA m!.. ,ni nmehinerv lor niftkiii'' Gold. plitiifia' j'arties will- find t'ii' a fare chance to mrnish tireiirsolves. Willi an- tmngs siniamo 101 Mining put posoSv Altpersons wtrfiMjrfurther iiittnalion con- ceTiiliif "tlwiliwivw o7nny will addrep the subsoubei at Gold-Hill. NC- JAMKSiAiQILL. A?ent. Goin-nii.L.' Nov. ttJth-,-08; 3tw 2tw ' pgy" Charlotte Time copy ten days, and send bill to the aubscriher. Tl.V, Rale of thi abov property has been iioei. 1 ' postponeo until tunner hws. j Charlotte Jlnxe please copy, m Nov. 21, 1868. UDOLPIIO W0LF, THE subscribers be? leave to inform the citiwns of fiorth Csrolina that 1 hey have I been appomfeij sgents lor wdolpho oi,r, u, PNew Yorb, for the sale of his celebrated SCHE1DAM ABOWATfC And Bottled Wiaes and LtauoP. tf. W 'u niiiio is a household word iu evety an. ....... - . ,.1- nart of the Southern Slates. -i IIIBU.V a T0LLEB8. w iinimamu, n. nENDERSON-CRAWFOfax, Agenta Salisbury, N. C 3f:wl3:pd Cliostor NURSERIES. .;i7iTuiri CHOICE YOUNG APPLE ALvAA TREES for sals: All deserip t,n of Fruit and Ornamental Tree 'and Plants. Greenhouse Plants. A;e.. Ae. Addrea. W. BLAKE. I Nov. 14. 18W. Nurseryman, Cheat, r. rs. U y 4mm LEGISLATURE OF N. CR0LINA BEN-ATE. FnmAv", Nov. 20, 1863. Tlie Sfiiiito wn callcO t oidor ai 1 1 o'clock. Pwjer by tho lw. Mr. Lng Senator frnni Davidn. Air. Grttliaiit jne-itiUiJkjic Ion rials of Js. O. co't, KPmtor, elect from Tfio 12;Ii DistrfW.' 1 ' - "'" . On motion, hi cn-UvntinU were ro ferret! to 1I10 Ciiutiitie4 on I'ririltj ges und Elecriomu. A- I nft .i m ra,ennaiUriTaiina of tbo vote, by wliicli ilio lime waa extended to corrsider Mr. Avery s, (Senator elect from tlie41I District.) eligibility lo his seat, under tho lOih of December. Mr. KcBjaa moved to lay that mo tion on the table; which did not pro vail jeas 12 nays 2tJ: Mr. Iespasn said that there !iad been repeated etTorti t prevent tin's yenator from from taking hits neat on (his tloor, when there was no appar ent reason for it. There is no one hero who can say that lie is banned l.e ib llnwnrd Amendment. Those w ho nnisisc him here, do no only on I ' . . , II -I! J . I presumptive evi.Iencc. tie uni take any oath. Tlie opKition fay I the pret-umption ia that ho did, rtathe ; 1... it mi. I f'ri.m ilii.eairer- ! lil III llliiu II , 1-- . . . 1 . 1 ' L ! ness niaiiilestcd liere ro ueprivo 111,11 of seat, it is clear that, il their ob ject is rmt pained or the mailer set lied, to day, by political trickery, ii will come up r.fraiu very soon, lie was tired of this wire-working and trickery and he had uibiuuiitted to ii iletjy ah long us ho in'ended to. He was as good a liepnhlicaii a? any 1. mo on t in floor, tint lio wouiu not fit .1,-1,11 Mr. Illythc said the law required a County .Solicitor to titke an oath to Biippoit the Con'stiuition of tins Uni led States, and tho otlieer or Court, win. Jailed to administer that oath, violated the oath of pltieo and per jured ihemeelvea. We, as Senators, arc the Judges of tho qnalitications of otir members, ami we have sworn to observe the Cotrstitutioii of tho United States, thereby pledging ourselves .not to admit any one whom we believe to he banned by tho Howard amend meiit ; and he, for one was not wills injr to perjure h inself. Therefore, he , vtafin lavixcid" a iccousidcratiou . a! once. A. II. Galloway, (colored.) said he ilid not intend to say much, hut was evident to I is mind that if the Sen ator held the ollico of County Solici tor, and did not lake the oatH, that those who were prosecuted by him, while ho was acting in that capacity, would come back on him. He had heard speeches the Senator had made during the campaMii, that had re fleeted on his race. Ha was pledged to pursue the same course of legisla ! Ciemiri-.l. lie ' wus ft dau- 11, o r gerous man and ought not to bo tnru- ea KHe, ... . , , Mr. Itich, Bepttulican, saia ne llirtiighLife, very singular that Mr. Avoi v s rould be sinifled out as a b Ml,on anoilicr Senator, whose cahc had been postpouod tb the same same time, should be let t alone. Aie did not. know wbat itinuenco was wtukinir acaiiist him, and was work wt ri "j . ... i,t, .riff nMiunt Win, anu ne uiu no, it riaCt to make fish of one and flesh of the oiher. The Senate, on 'renter thty, 4y -very bandswne majority, in 111-ttfiMine this caso until ie 10th of December, atid h6 luiped that the matter wouiu remain as 11 was. ' Mr. Rabblat said Hint certain ben- 1 .... 1 vioWft'd tli ie matter 111 a strange light, and thought Mr. Avery - , lr a - v. . ,:-r.v,Ti,l Unftfcftn&A aa OUgllllO'Ue WAIUMfl, uivjouov, . they assert, he is a dangerous man. The question is not w hat kind of a matt Mr. Avery is, bnt rt a qnea tion of law : 1 he banned by the Ilnwmd amendmeut? Lie rccofrnized the Howard amendment as a part of the 'Constitution, and it it could be shown to'him that any member -on this floor was banned by that instin ment, let lint be Democrat, Whig, llepublican or UaUicai. ne wouiu u to vacate his scat, lie assured Sena tors that he did. noidefeitd Mr. AVery on partisan grounds, and he wasglatj to say that he had generally found ihe 8enate dispted to act rainy in I cases of this character. He did not MlBffle 'ople Five Cents WHOLE NO 42(5 use this languargo to flatter, bnt was sincere in what he said, and lis felt pioiid that ho could apeak thus of a body, of which he was a member. Me appealed to Senators to cast aside all question irrelevant to to the case . . i m . . in point to lorget mat air. Avery was ever a secosionist and fnino up fairly uud sqiiasely to the point : Is he a baund mapt 8me genlternan here advanced the iden thwt he hr banner! by thn rr construct ion acts. If that was thg test, Ik would admit if, and, nnifW Uiat le-f. tho (fi,ernir d' tho 6'alc. and a iii.ij'iily ol 1 1 I , 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 , lllii Jj hiiifiied. T!ic C,i'Verii c. mio. I take i he iromclad oath ; ntmher could a large majority of tho Senate, and yet the .'ill section oi mc suppiemcu' act of reconstruction rcquirea it Senators, the tent in tho reconstr lion acts does not not aidy to us noH ihey esi;rod with the the l'rovtsfeftB GuTornmont ; they havo aceomplibMs) ed the putMHie lor which they were infeded, and that was to get us back iu tho Union. When he took his seat, as Senator, he simply qualified, llow did the Senate know that he wus not banned t SimjTy from his own declaration. Simply on the vir tue of lis own veracitr. and in that innnner all of' the ti were admitted. Mi.j. Avery says ha will swear he did no; ti.ke an oa'ii Mupport the Co:ieti tiiiiiui of the Untied States. The Sen ate bclived him. (Mr. llobhins.) Why not believe Maj. Avery j you tav he .rtako the oath. 1'roveit. Why sjiv voti do not believe him ; why in aii't iiis constituents by saying you doubt the veracity of their favorite; why insult North Carolinians by im peaching the veracity of her honored son ? Again, Mr. Av'ery was elected to the otiico ot Solicitor just two weeks before tho State seceded. It was tit of tashhwi at that time fcro to lake such oath. When he says he did not take it, it is presuming a gieat deal to say he did, and, if ho did not take the oath according to law, ho was never Solic tor. He mar have acted as sach, but was never legally qualified. Again, Mr. Avery was elected just two weeks before the State seceded at least a month after the war had actually begun. What does the How ard amendment say ? It says those who held an ofHce, prior to the war and took an oath to support the Con stitntion of the United States. There is no evidence here that he did lake the oath, and If you vote to expel him, ron vote in the dark. He did not believe they would d it, but, if they did, ho did not know how ihey would miswer to their conscU ences or to titer constituents. At this stage of the discussion thePres i.l. nt alnte, I that the rliscuseion was out! of order, as the question before the Sen ate was the recons iderattou. to postpone; but be would not rule that it was out of order, unless there was objection mads by Senators. Objection was made. It was here ascertained that Mr. Long did not vote with tho majority, aud h id no right to make the inotiuuo reconsider, Mr. Jones of Wake, renewed the no tion. Consequently, .... Mr. Aloore, of Carteret, called the pre vious question. i i... ,, ,,rl iniva worn called and tho -am " j - - . Senate agreed to reconsider by tho tollow- tug vote, vis : t - a vu M-ssrs. Uairow Bellamy. Brosr- de Burns. Blythc. Oolgrove, Cook, Da vis, Eaves, Etherid;c, Epps, (colored.) Forkncr, Hayes, Hvman, (colored) Jones, of Wake. L tssijcr, Long, Moore, of Car- terot, Moore, of laucy, Uiciiarnson, onon ner, Srnilh, Stevens, Wtlkcr, White, aud Wynne 6. Nays.t Messrs. Beasley, Becmnn, Ora ham, Lindsay, Iove, Melchor, McLaugh lin, pardie, Rich, Respass, Robbius, Win stead and Wilson. 13. ( The question recurring on the orginal resolution to vacate the scat,""" Mr. llavssaid that if tho Senate had decided, on yesterday, that the Senator was -aot-.eBtitW-to.hIs-senA,.and -ha. had not gotten hi disabilities removed, he was clearly not entitled to it now. As to tbo talk about the party- beirig msjintotts and liberal, they do not deserve any lib erality, as they have never shown any. Mr. Graham said that Judge Pearson had given It as his decision, in Chambers, that the Howard amendment did not ap ply to county officers, ana it was aiso tno decision of Judges Brooks, Buxton aud Russell. If, in the face of these opinions, you decide that it does, he asked for no liberality but for simple justice, ud ho asked all Senators to vole upon this question simply a a mater ot law. I tie- ... I aai Baav rr r: r- .