Jr- 1 i. -, - V waa clear that It was not taking an oath or holding an offlc that banned a mm, 6m ,th. la a county Solicitor an oAco of the Sum f H" i not coiumUaioned ofllcrr ; Ik- ia neither a Judicial f an Ki ecutive officer, but, like Sheriff, bo la a ministerial officer, and tb.it ia the point decided by Judge Pearson. Are ypa now ..ilI.L.. u i 4 I ... iiw .,r .iTi.li.- il i.fli.w-r: iire inu saJistisd il, a ( l.r look a. .)'!. I fi , from lite experience Im bid kail iu law, and acting under a aol'-fiiu oath, that Mr. Avery waa toot baithrd by iho llow ard AnrudtoKat. You bold ibat ho waa a Judicial office, ewid I deny it, with Jul.'- HrookV decision to .i.i m-. If there is any doiilu mIi.miI iIhto decision, uhy audi basts I Why not wait uuld a .vlion can he bid ly iho Supreme Court or a crtified copy iron Judr I'.. .'ok -1 , Mr. More, of Carteret, cJlvd tbu previ otia quceliou. Mr. Ilirli ;i I e i hill) to withdraw il, in older ui ii1 v him to mow n re c"tiimiliiunt tu I f to C.tiii:ii;!ee, Imi: the motion won iiir.ir.flJ on, H.i.l car ried. The ytBa and rtavs wrro called ami the imolulrnn pnKt.il an f'ollnav! Ayr. Mi';.. Marrow, J lei .'any, J'roden, lluni hlyific, Uol-rruvt', rd,) IHyrv, Hvrn.in, (cii'i-vd,! Liis iter, Ifpp, M iriimiiile, nfore, of 'uwiore, tSm'ili, Sirplietia, Wclkor, Wfcj.e and Wa t6,-;. . ff av. Meaara. Havulev. CaHUIfl Gruhuin jonoaplot' Vrvko, Lindsay, Love, Melchoi, Mioro, of Yaucy, McLmihltn, Punl'c, Kierh, Richard- a ti a i B"M, lU'HJUlt, KlilJlMtlr, ItlllSiUUU HIIU Wilson Hi. A. II. (iall'vnya", (cdorcd). CX plaua'ioii of hi vote iu tlio allirmas live v.ii iii.it Mr. Ae'.v. i' ih earn pafjjn.hal held It it (iulh way's) name i.,' Icoiii, and told his pu-p!e tu luscraQrJh the liatiiQ of the. "dim m'j j " ofl "tlie ticket. 1 herfjre lie would vo e aa.intadiiiitiing liiui. On nio'ion, the SeimtD adjourned uutil to-iiiuirw 11 u 'clock. iiousl: of pepkesextatives. Fkidav, Xyv. 20, 1SG8. The Iouo was canVl la order at 10 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. IJ. W. Alorriss, colored, of the ll.oise. The Chair announced that ho bad received a coinmuricnjtrun from S. D. Wilkie, Ecq., the memnei from Jone etatin thut lie was Hbaent from hi teat, on account of bad health. Leaves of absence for a short time were granted to Me.rs. Parker, l'erson, McMillan and Ficnch. Mr. Hicks Hi t han .-ed, at his ro queatjTrom the Committee u Fi uaiici to tlio Comuii tee on Edtica lion. . i BILLS. By Mr. Ingram : A bill c incerning the qualilications of otticers. Mr. 1. said that he introduced the bill more at the request of the coun sel I Mr of his county Commissioners, than from any Teeling the matter. The bill was read and referred to the ap ptwpriate Gnnmittee. By-r. Pon : A bill entitled an act to nmetiuan act eetabrUkinga rate of interest anuto, repeal Chapter 114, lievied Code, eHutled Uotny." Ji.-ffirjcdL By' the i-ain'er A bill to regulate t he ale of iva'e bonds, by liatlroad Coinpjuiies. Krfenred: By Mr. Franklin : A 1ill on'illed an act tu amend an aV i establishing a Special Court in the city of Wilming ton, Lies over. CALANDAft The bill repealing Sec. 14 of the Act c incjrnMij tlio g'vernrneht of dounties was taken np and put o its 3rd reading, when, Air. Sa motif offered the following amendment, wbfeh was adopted : WiiERBAS, dottbtn have arisen in regard to iffe proper construction of the sub divis on 11, sec. 8, of an act entitled an act coiicotning tho. gov eminent ol counties, approved Aug. 14. 1308, ami the Comiiriseioners ot counties m some parts of the SfatOj have been advised that it was t.'ietr duty toBan-e new snrveys of tiieir counties lo be mude end mapof the same- tiled with the Secretary of Siare, belor;e Jai. lt, , 18G'J, contrary totlmiiyicniuu of. the iiuimu of said rhfr j re bor 'ho purpose nt rc moving ali doubt iu the piemiei. th General Aaseiubly of North Uarbliu e ua do enact: 'That sub divibiott ia,"ofle wits acensed of saying things that i . t - a. ii BOt'jbf sec e, of satu act .etinu construed ae to tnttke a so 6tirvey ot -tbei-etu - a (lie rnniinieuikiiAf-n but Rtieh MirveV Kb ali be made, when. in. the Ofiinfoii d' the CouMniijiniierjR, it is necessary M the proper "Jetining" of township bmii cf: ries, at sttcli time as tnay becduvjini. ant, and. wfrerr tnatre, a map Brra t mr vey shall be filed, ae provrded by eaid section. Tiie bill, as atnendtid, tlieri paed its 3rd rading, and 1u ordered to-be erlirroesed and teat to the Senate. J ilnuse resolution mo. 2, luirwuuueu bv Mr. Sinclair, yesterday, which rovides that such Imstees 01 ftie niverait, as are not members of the Assembly, shall receive rhe same per item and mileage as mem while attending the annual aeaiion of the Board, waa next debated. air. French offered a anbaititoe, pitying aueh peraooa $3 er day and 10 eenta mib-ape, while actually en gaired in auch dm v. Mr. Sinclair said that b hud of fered the i evolution m good faith. t M1" J in doing to Waa to brine , "l m matter beforo the Ilouae-. Jle waa opp fel toallowine a few mth around tlio Capitol to have the com de to control of affaire. Now a gieat many of theae Truateea aere poor men, and could not afford to leave their h miea and buaimae and come here at their own expense lie would, liuwever, accept tlio sulmti iute ot the go it! Ionian from New Hanover, (Mr. r i enelu) . m i The Chair said by the onViual ntm Kuhati'nto bad become property of the House. J. II, Harris, of Wake, colored who voted in the affirmative, lor the purpose, inaved a reconsideration of die vote. Mr. French said ho would support the motion to reconsider. Ho thought that all the S'ate alio Jd be represent ed upon iho Board of Trustee, snd a i?lied toW' iboiio gentlemen at tending TRWresftionj of the Hoard, ibeir expenses, while engatred in that duty, and nothing more. He tlioiighl 3 r ii m and lOcents mileage limply sullicient. In bis opinion, members of this House were recei irrg-To KMI Mr fTrMand nilbTsgS: Mr. Ingram thought the matter premaitire, and.t therefore, opposed the mhtionto recotiHider. Jlo thought tho atfairs of thd University in good luiid, and, whon actitm on the ji.trt of the House, iu regard toils affairs Was necessary, thev, would bear from JhoTrnstee ih a proper manner. J. H. Harris, of Wake, colored, again spoke in support of the motion. He wished I ho matter reconsidered and th u laid over for goirij conveni ent day. After Himo discussion, ho with drew his motion reconsider, with the understand tig that the matter would be again taken up. During the above debate, a mes sage was received from the Governor, iransraitting the reports of the Pub lic Treasurer and the Board of locu tion of the Penitential j. (hi motion of Mr. Bowman, the reports were ordered to lie printed. By Mr. Smith, of Martin: A bill reviving and putting in force tlio pro visions of Clmpfer 02, Section 11th, of the Revised Cde, in relation to staving" tlio cxecift on of claims, and repealing all stay laws ami pHrtsof stay laws now iu force in the State, pa'sed since J he year 1S0L. Mr. (i inner moved to indefinitely postpone it. , , Upon that motion, the yeas and nays were demanded. The call, being sustained, resulted, ayes, 81 ; nays, 21. The Hortso then adjourned until to morrow, 10 o'clock. SENATE. The Sonate wa3 called to ordert at 11 o'clock. Mr. Brogden, from the Committee on Finances, to whom was referred a hill to provide for tho collection of taxes in tho county of Carteret for the year 1558,'repor:ed favorably, .i Mr. Long," from rho C'mmitteo on Privileges and Elections, to whom were referred the creden'isilsof Janic 1.. Scott, Senator elect from the 12rh District, renortod lavorably. and the Senator qnaliiied and took hid scat. BIM.8. 1 By Mr. Birriow ; A b ll to afnend tifle 7, eectton 7a, ot the Civil Code of Procedure. Referred to the Com niitteeo on tho Jftdicntfy. ';" By the same: A bill to amehdeoc. 19. chap. 119, of the lie vised Code Takes its place on riie Calendar. , '.w,i;;uAit. , Kesolatione insTrnetinj? the State Lihrarian, wi(U the advico of the Ooverow, to porcbawe certain v titties, fur the use of the State Library, was taken up. Numerous amend m tits werer uttered, and, On rawtfakB of Air. licspaas, the whole matter was re lei red to the Cm i: in it tee otrPnfHe Library. Air. Rnbbins at'oW to a qitestiqn ef privilejfe. lie did not know that it was wa4-4bat -8enator9 wertritt forested in, bat it was of sortie inter? est to himself, lie .bad been miss represented by one of the hswspxpei'rt' imadiebae in this city ftbe Standard. he did not say, and also o going over to their puny, ilo considered it a fsetrHHis charge, and Owe calculated to do him more injury than an ojWti attack conld. He was a Democrat amiiiXpected.lo.xamriu one uutil the sail should rise iu the 1IV. and set in the Ettt. They may have written thij article" in josf, but he thought it entirely too serious a matter fa trifle with. A man's principle are a eact od as the virtue of a womau. He Imd fu idea of concealing his politics, and desired to be above suspicion. Tbe President said that, in justice to the Keporter, be would state, that he saw tbe article before it appeared, and the He porter, was not responai- bie, as the article appearen as an Ed itorial. r. Robbi ins replied that kit re marks were well aimed, and tny had kit acAore he intendtd. On motion of Mr. White, the Sens ate adjourned uutil M onlay morning, 1 1 o clock. fflyW North gtotc SALlStil'UV, N. 0., NOV. 84, IS Of IN ION AOfiOSS THE WATER. Tim reception of the intelligence of the r. -rli of our l'reaidsntial election appears to bava cauacd considerablo eici'temenl hi England. The Londou Telegraph, s Lib eral paper, rxpalUttcs upon the lofty char acter f Gen. Grant, but seeau to regret the defeat of thn Democrat fc party, which, it aaya, waa well deserved, becauaa Its leaders ought to have accepted tbu results of the ear, and proved to our people that M they had dtaio so by nominating J nP IM. 'l.a-e and not Gov. Seyiaour. The Til SALISBURY MARKETS rgtaph couteuds that as Seymour was atlM NOVEMliEB 21, 18G8. I eaco Ueiooiraf, Ins election, would uag been a virtual recantation by flio couatry at as a . . a a a m . ot an mat tue war nail accotDpJituH IjeWJaaa? of fai l i J,lrn '1 be lktily Netct, another organ Libcrola, thinks that tho Auioricaa peo. pk are tired of their laat two years expe rience, and hope, by the election of Gen. Grant, to secure a strong government The Times -), une ia diapuaedio regret lbs aaeeess of Gen. Grant. lie haa fairly wou bia high rank by hard work, real devotion to hia country, and servicea which will live long in its remembrance. He is nd ol t'cUn, and will take bis offlce a ith greaUr freetlom th.-tu if, aa the hero of a hundred battles, be had uttered all the Shibboleths of party." She Standard, a Tory journal, ckargea the Hi publican party with ibo suppres sion of :bu freedom of voting in soveral Slate, die ciifracichiifme'ut of hundreds of thousands of ignorant blacks, and the disfranchisement of nearly all ibo South ern people, and argues that as tUo Radi cals bold possession of the State govern ments the Democrats fought at a great disadvantage. But tbo Standard sgreca with the Telegraph in the opinion that it Chaae had been i.ominated the resnlt would have been different; and such seems to be the general opinion among the English politicians. lipth of the great parties of this coun try seem to be represented iu England tfict'ouservativca siding with the Deino Ji.n c and the Liberals with the Republi can party. But both tbe Couaervatives and Liberal are agreed In the op in inn that if Judge Chase had been nominate. I by the Democrats and Couservatives be would have been elected. THE ELECTIONS The Olucial majority for Grant and Colfax in North Carolina is something over 12,000. In the first, second, third, fourth and fifth districts the Republican candidates for Congress have been elected by major ities ranging from 2,000 to 3,500. In this the tiixtbj district Mr. Shobrr, Con servative, has been jclected by aver 1400. majority. In the seventh dirtrict I'lato Durham's majority, from the official re turns, is 18. His right to his seat will be contested by his competitor, Hon. A. H Jones, to'wfiora we bava no doubt the seat will finally be awarded. CODE OF CI VIL PROCEDURE. VVe are glad. to. see tha'tthat influential I and popular paper, the Wihniugton Jour nal, warmly seconds the proposition of onr correspondent, "One of tbe Profes sion," to hold a meeting of tho bench and ba. at Raleigh on the lGth of December to consult with the Code Commissioners as to what changes should be made in our laws. We hope that tho press of the State generally wilt urge the matter upon the attention of tbeir legal readers, as il is j certainly one of great importance to the people of North Carolina. The Journal says : "The proposition emanates from a distin guished Republican officer under the Oovern- irient, arnf Tararrot t viewed as a party more ment WrUrnst that somethinr will bo done in tbia matter. Tliat chant's isneepssary no.iavr- yer or mtolligeut getitleman iihe Stale will deny, ami weauowoi no neiier pun man uju cWIWposrA This is a matter Ljve paity, aflVcting !L And atnee the people of iMotth I,-'' ' I II ave decided to gttfe the present sys- ti.ni nt LtJI aa far as the ltval abii.ty of tlia b'.ate can dy . We hotw. therefore, there will be a large at- tandaii.e ol the lawyer ne-t nt oa the "'' aioo, and tliat'aOnietiianj: will be done to reform j some of tile crying evils of oik present Code." . JUDOE. BUXTON. Data," the Fayetteville corrca- . . . Am... . i 7 pnnucrit 01 ine iiiningron uournai, givem luiirtwwijt; as ouugo j- 11 r. ,.1.... Aa,r.ni nf Mb .i.nran in tlio Put. ' nll o u V V lieu v. .1.0 v........ ... lahan matter at the opening of Cum berland Snuerior Court : "Judge Buxton, at the opertirg of Court on Monday, addressed the bar (and whoever cUe may have boen a: that time iu tbo Court room) in a fo remarks explanatory '( his actiqe, with regard UMhe appointment of the Clerk elect, lie Stated that he felt il proper to do so, as he was before men auioiiff whom all his life had been Upaseed, and who could claim Hie right to know the motives or Ins ac tions. Uo stated that hie last a pointmtntUvWto the acceptance of the bond?-was lh effect an retention, which extension he bad .a right to make, and which Callahan deserved, aa a Clerk elected by a majority ot the people, and as ehowhing proof that, if allowed time, he could oiler ajeutUcient bond. He also pointed to the fact that the law avoided ' fiitui-4 and that equity abhorcd.it. MARRIED : At the Ifc-giiier's OHio- iu tlih city, on the 24ili iwitui, y He. Willmm Lmi.eU, Mr. iUciuui) A. Miiru to Vliu M.ikv iiuaiux. mePOaTBD ar a.aeiaa a c.. oaocraa 9J- ii, i t r pound, 18 in 33 )r pound, 96 to M I. an i.so to i. as in lo H' -"to 9u So U eo uh.1, ul os !ba.. ii uouud, (iai, iuoi, " ' Adamnttna, CottaS per poand, " Tars, ir i ... Kgg. ytr dowa. Kef. '!.., p.T Kuud, K.our, , k. SS to I.UU to S.W 10 to IU 40 to 6U 4.9b tu 4.60 a. 3. 80 to to t to Ou to 16 to 9 to 08 to SJ to 8 to 8 to S to Fruit, dried, apple peated, " unp'll, " " Paochae, pealed " ' unptnld I.aathsr, upper, per pound, " "auto, " Iron, bir. " Malta, cat, . " Molitx'4, i in:'. urn. portal Wen India, " " Srop, " Onlona, perbnahel, ....., fork. iwr rxiubd. ...... I 0.1 ib tu n Bb 10 IB 7 60 80 to 0H 1.00 to I. 90 6l to M ' 10 to 18 Potstoea, Trlah, per butbcl, 4 to Swoet. 00 to 76 if; BO 2-.' Snjcsr, Brown, per pound, , " l lartiird. " Cnnhed Pulverised att, coaat, per aaek, , " Lirerpoot, " Talilf. , Tobaeco, Leaf, per pound, " Manafaxtured, " Sraokina, 14 to 15 to 90 to e.oo to n.oo O.ODto 9. 00 6.50 to 6. (Ml tmto 00 SiMo I.SO 40 to 1.00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 500 Sacks Salt. FRQTta arrival of 500 sacks SALT, which we oflbr at f 2 0o per sack, . Calloa SMITH, FOSTER & CO. Nov. 24ih. lSGa lwt.p GET THE BEST Turner's If. C Almanac tat tbe State Government in full ; all the Cotirts o the gtate ; the Militia System ; I'o-tat:e ratee ,J-ale of Confederate enrrcney; Homestead law Diiret of State Constitution ; Kailroadu and effi oit; Tablea, Beeeipts, Anrtdotes, Ac, making it the most complete and valuable Almanac ev- ar published in the State. Price, per copy, ouly 10 eenu. Per groaa, ?7.00. for aale by JAS. H. EXNIS3, Iral Bookseller, SalisUnrr and Raleiffh Sale of Land. 01 N Satnrdar tho ICth dar of Doeembst next. t will sell on the nreiuii-es. n.v tract of land 1.1 1avte cvausi hi 1 ii pi 111 1 ig auoui, 70fi Acres, 'adlnining tie lands of Oreen Baity and others. Terms mude knoa'n on tbe day of sale. O. W. MCUOLSO. tVarren Flains P. 0., Warren eonnty, N. C. Nov. !40, 3tw4)tTw HORSE STOLEN. CJT0LEX from the subseribe.r, Monday right i3 thf! 3il hist.', a dark tmy stallion, eight years old, white spots on tiie back rroia sao.ne galls, a white spot iu the forehead, and branded D 8. imd I.C.. verv thick neck and heavy mano. Tho thief also took a saddle, bridle and halter with Ui how- - , ; , ... Tim horse Is tnnnnsed to nave been stolen in- a bright colored boy by the name of James An dprwn atimr rnriow. : Any person delivpring tho horse to me at my residence, five miles south of Lexington X. C., or feivinir me sneli information as will lead to his recovery, wilt be suitably rewarded. Addrcaa me St Lexington, H. C. vt'wlt A. A. SMITH. 30,000 WORTH OF GOODS ! MOOR &BROWN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL - MERCHANTS Sa3is.Jttry, IV. JBG'KOW IN RECCIPT of the largest and most cnillrte Stock ortlooits they have fever offered in tats market ; aad tlielr gooda have bean bought St Kuck price aa to enable theta to sell at rales that canuot iuil to induce ready sale to atf .who araut .'.)(! uierr uaiit:, u. ineir kuick cona.sis 01 n ; in.iit;'-ttOB'i It.fe BJWWI iifh-f t the tHtiit c;lia (Jp.xl tViwrtinent cannot bequi):ieii id mis iown,orec. lion of lle State. A lull rice of Cloths, fWimrirs, Jcn. HattinftH, Ready-Made Oottunp. PrtnU, 1 u. iltnni. mu IU frills ih.i.c.i . ... ' . 4STU ID till Plnr.i l Vg. fihawavii'loafca, ll. -.e;y. .! Meioa. h targe atoek ofHoats ny-iti.-, Mieetmga. l.inena, 1 lanneln, UlanhaW. l.in ovea. and YenV-c s&. Slioe. all de- w riiiigu Hau, CajrpaW, fcoie Leather . .nceriea. fc. - All we ask to insiaW aalea i- an exuraination of onr GaaiBa and friee. T"le ttreat .n.mt.t... Variety Snrinr Quality and low nricea of onr Viaotta will abow Tor t lfiulv.v aatl it givea ua p-eat tve.: -ur,-to diaplayonr ttoo.is to ail who favor u with ay ''I. Cj" We cannot onm to exprew onr profound grat itmte for tl Urga aad llll patronage be- atawed on oa berftoferc. and ahall mot earnest. r cu'iror V9 wuc iitinwiTCTi ium;t " v past famrs. bat of their eoatinaanre in tbe futnre. If liberality in prtrea and Ooo1a. iaat dann. and polite and respectful attention to all, ia anything, we pronie Mien. Our Term ire atnetly CASH or BARTER tv All kinds of Country Produce boiipl.t at l.ipheat market peicea. Metrkiata arojmperially invited to aa exaataatias af aw Stock. dots lm . . . , , 1 - Import si nt Sale at GOLD HULL. Wednesday, 25th Not. Inl. T WILt sail, st OoU-llill, a lot of Machinery. 1 aesWag f "' neMflPMej hteam KN0INK, with TUBULAR BOILER. 8arr iho, I'DLiaTS, aad llAauaaa. Two of UaiW patent Oaa Cacsaasa. Ooo full art of 1'iss Toou, oouaialiuf ol Htocxa, Die. Tapa. Viets and Pipe Outlets. A M 0) Leaer and Knh berBcLTiao: copper and iron Piriao: two joarboya ol Acio; a tot.ot UeeaOTM auu Kitulieo irirnuure. auu ui v.-. t idea uad about aai-Phery lor making O ld. Miniturpariiea wirf Oml tiis a rare cUaea lo lurniali tbeiaaelvea with all thiuga auiubla lor Mining puiiKMea. All psrsaaa wialiinn further informalioo ooo- orrnintf uSo above property will addreas the bubacnbei at Gold-Hill, N. C. JAMKH A. OILL, Aieat OtiLo-Ilii i.. Nov. 10' Ii, WS. 3tw 2iw arChall.ttl ;V.Haa COBJT ten da) a, and aeud bill to tbs aubauriber. The 8ale af the abttre propaaij liaa bean poKiponcd until lurtlior uotice. ch ui ,tir J) me plcaaa ooy. Nov. 21, im NiiW tiOOlti! NLW GOODS COUINOI Fall and Winter STUCK" Large, Varied, Elegant and come mm TH ! V.WALLACE IS now receiving his large and elegant stook of Fall hu.I Winter 0oiI, to tbe Hlpullpa of wbioh h invitHS every -bixly. lie located iu Halisbi ry wilH the determina tion ol doing lair and lionorabie buiiine? a a rnereliaut.and will adhere unalterably to tt.ai purpose. He is confident that Im can make it to the interest of the public to f ade with him. He has been unusually careful iu the selection ot his Kail Stock, which somprisea everything; bought low down for cash, which enables hiin to sell as low, if not a little lower, thau any o her merchant in all Ibis region. Try him! Try him tt CASH or BARTER! ft shnll be an even-handed; satisfactory trade. None shall leave Ins St or without leeiiug that they have dune well by calling oa V. WALLACE, JJeit door above J. S. MeCubbins. Oct 10. Fresh Arrivals at : No. 2, Granite How, VICTOR WALLICE is now receiving a large and well selected sloe ol Dry Goods, Fancy Notions, Kcady-JUade Llothmg, Hats, Caps, Doots, Shoes, Ciroccrirs, &c, &c. XjT The ladies especially iuvited to give him a call. oct 24 tf BR. SAML. A. BElitr, HAS loca Main A; catert ou Enniss street, between Lee. Office formerly occupied by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, and offers his profes sionkl .services to the citizens of the town aud vicinity of Salisbury. July i25, 18Gd. ( w-tw.3in R. H. ( (HV V m CO., fiEN K.HAL COMMISSION AND jAjririt AferUforM. Darlai Son1 (Likertjr Va. Oelebraled Ar?M f.ir Mrlcr liro'n. uirpL ..hitt of Umc, A(utt fur Vuleaa Iron Wurkt, Slcliaaoiirt, Va. 1 - . iriiim , ii .mi I..UH I ... a. a. cowa. Wilmington, N. (J. J O. w. C1UWI, ui, a. ii. 1 1 uni;w:t:1jr NO 2 NORTH WTAEH ST Purifies the Blood. by DniR-irlata Everywhere. PHOTOGKAPH Gallery ! e' ; riiw - . 7 .1 (i.'.i 1'. 1 .... Je.lr- ? Tl IIOTOGR APH? Cartes tie .Visiles, Cartes dc Vignette Pi .t.jvi.H Attrl ail other St jfes" -f Pictures Cheap at KENNEDY'S, Cor. Main and fisher Streets Opposite Murphy s Kmr. T SALISBURY. N.C. ot.31 twin Important To Majtitrattt, Clerks, Sherf, and others X HE iimlrn fasiaa-r in praaa, sad will aooo istue, a ou&ptsta anal fou ANALTStS OJTTflB LAWS, under th Coda ot 0M1 Prooesdure. aa pasaid by iho Oaaaral Aaaaaarbly, aaAstiuf to tbo du the W, SksrifX CUrm a Omtri, and other Commljf Ofktrs. together with the Cooatitajioa of la State, a hat oi fUe Cue nt lea a divided into Judicial Dm trivta, the time of boJdinjr Court a in tbesavaraJ CoonUea, nV nainea of the Judge and SoR(S tors of raaii Clreul t th napes ot tha Cisah of the Superior Court, Reftater of Deeda, Ahaa iff. Comity OorutrauHkmrra. Treasuier ami Cor- i r IW eai-h (Joubtjr. Tins pamplet will also onlain the Fees a'lowsd by th new law to the several olfioeia, with scan of '.ha moat na- "TraM Civil mi CHmiwI PnSsss The wuik wid e. main about 160 p4r,aad will be a most valuable book of arfcreoce for county offio 'a. Sent by mail to any post office in tha State, poalaife paid, for f 1 ier copy. Addreas, MCHUL8 St UORMAN. iioJi aad Job l'i aiicra, wm ltaLUOS, It. U HT The nnikrirned are alao preparin,' nn Ujr the direction of a member uf the BaSMab IW a faeat of all the Law uwiWl ulflg County Ofliora, wrth a Coronlete 8at of Forma, a-lnpted to the new oroV of Ihiufs. Has book, of some 400 page, will be puhhabed aa soon at th- tioal report f the Coinniav auurua appmniad u i iaa the 0a4a-hea-Wa)w spoted by tiie Oeoeral r'aembly. Tlio plan a ii. I acop of the proponed book, will be fur ther laid before the pabOs at an early day. . MLoliOLS At UOKjI AN, Raleigh, Sept 1. 18ff Pablwliera. Salt! Salt! Salt! DIRECT IMPORTATION. NOW LANDIN0 Zx BRIG BEN IE HOWARD, DIRECT FROM L1VER1V0L. 3,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL s.M.T. ' LARGE. FULL. CLEAN aaeka, weighing i 15 to '2ii0 IW. for sala from wharf in lota to .-nit. at lowest mm: ket prlcea, hy O. G. PAJISLEV & CO. Wilmington, N. C. 1.500 Sacka AMERICAN SALT in LIV ERPtlOL Sacks. 1,000 Sacks AMERICAN SALT in BUR LAP Sacks. AHoafand in Store, For sale at lowest market prices, by O. G. PARSELY & C.. nov7-4IO-3w Winiiiurtuu, N C. Notice of J. W. Bitting. CCOUNTS on any books that have been . V presented and still unpaid and your pn.iiiiaea have 1mmii kept, orr?r the Ufi; no exception to accounts n!n referrjpd to, if pHid in la days trnm tbe pnl.lieation ot tliie uotice, will le placed in the bauds of au officer for colWtioa. Got. lO.-lIw J. W. BITTING. l:oi(ed Slates luteroat ! cane. Csllcttsrs Office th OUtrlst.Sl. t . Sausbory. Nov. 10th, 18fiiS The property described in the fol'owing list has been seiied. as being liable to forfeiture for viotatious ol the Internal Revenue Laws. Any person or persons claiming said proper ty, or any part thereof, are hereby notified to appear and make sueh claim, within thirty days of the first publication of this uotice. Rfechaet Caw, 1 ititt Sxtorta, Miaed at bar dbiitlar, Mr . 1SSS. Sam!! au a. a . av-i; a..,, . .m , M .jr it, !!. Joa Mjrr; M hi May Su. 1868. Mary O.linain A A U A. ..If i -. ii, " .!'.! , I-'--. Tli'w. P. Comba, " Junr 9, Im;-. Jehu lwrf " Jnnc 4, I-.;-. Mcrideth Arm- -" iv. " .H. .y 8, 1869. Wm Urn -it. 'ii, " Ail '. I-'.. l-i-. Eli i Hi Siierra, ' 8. it 1, IbSS. i bk bar a II lelerton A W A llndria, " Prpt. IS, I808. Sarali tewla; " Sept. IS. IStS. Jaraii. 4 Manet (' I! : V. I sept. it. tm Ro. M Templrloa, Sept. iS, 16SS. atu. Chappie, " Sept-SS. :lSSr Wly Chnrh. Sept. SO, I ASS, In. M. lAi.eli, " Sept. SO, U68. Je-Si.f Lukt. " Oil. I I, IsS9. Unkm.vn, Charlotla, June !, HSS. , St-w-SS1 - M - bar tbtir a "l m .. - m - I " SA 1 1 Il.rrel Whtoaer. BAMU U. WIl.r.T, Celvcl.tr. POPULATION OP TO THE GERMAN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. ON or before tha first of February next (provided 500 subscribers are obtained by t int time), the undersigned: pxupoaea to issue from the Dalt Mkssesgeb office, a ive "GERMAN" Weekly uewspaper, to be called '-The Germah Weeklv Messen- AER." Wis , The German Weekly Messenger will con tain alt t lid latest Home and Foreign News, and is to be devoted to the adAaucemeut of ImniL ration to the Southern States. Home lIndustryt AgloritereInril Frwmtwny. Ma-, chanical Arts and the Fireside. The paper, like Dalt Meskf.ncier, will be strictly Democratic in. politics and its, alra wiH ever !. to enoniirage Imuiigration. j and to aid in tiie building up tiie Sourthera ntates, wlucn must be done at air hazard. W'. cjHifidcntly wlj-on the Press. .and na:- ; our friends throughout the Southern States, in whose Interest we shall labor in tbefu- , tore aa in the past, to sustain us iu this im- portaut Enterprise. Kates ot suoscnpuoa $4.00 per annum. Address JUL1U6A, BONITV I Daily Messenger, Gold-boro. N-C IT' ANTED A situation aa accountant and YY book-keeper and clerk, by one in every way competent for tbe position, asM wko can" furnish the beat of reference. Apply Mbia Saliabury, Oct 3i, 1S6 1 I ... at . 1 ii :r1 i r4 i

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