rmmssww-- i - - - - - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai - r p r- BBI w-; -.-. , - ; 1 , - -- ' ' 9 ' " J f J ,' - mumFm" " 7 . "'M 'h I '""'rtf 1 ' " ' ' '. 1,1 1 ""Jl : - '"T" '- " s riKDlI Nort! Stale SALLSAU JtV. N. C NOV. 2 J, I88 LETTER OF l'UKSil'KM ju.i ... ........ . . . Tbe N it oh 'I ImkWfmtr, of the 6:h Inst., contain n important letter froiw President Ji O Thomas Kwi ing. Jr., daled the S4ili insi.. and wrlttea at ihe reque.t J" the letter. Ila J' ripiJ i evu w of the wNftiieial bWtory of ihe c miiiry and ihe ivrnt alarming condi t m nl Im finaim . He aey that tin Revolutionary w.ir cost th- people of the L'itrd 8uu o7..,0iU).W0, which bad been reduced lo $ 1.1.0O0.000 when the h.ii of !! niiiiiii -need. Tin- war brought u;. tb natini d drill, In ISIti, to .-I". - . 000,000. II)- wise in.iinig incut, that debt w.m paid off m twenty jrwn, under Jack on' .id ministration. t il rlojo f iko Mfxic.m war, in S', ilur di bt Inenrrtd nuiounlwd I fcH, 000,000, Mti Hi ili"ul tl' nif, whon j in w.ir uli'i ibe aiubiTi Siutu biX'' lu 180l, Tbf rtrv el f iba orrrn ini til IWlvciily !. wr. fum Uw 4th nl March, 1781), lo ibr 30:Ii .f ilo ISGl. hyl oidy k n $1,700,000,000, whcrai ll ) lb ivi-.uuHHt fruiu ofjily 1801. io "liu Mli f Juno IStii, f in i-.irj ol civ il w irPem 83,300,000, 000 ! The Vnyllcnt llmt iho fml.l c uLlim Hum- ui rlir.Jg.tf.'MHUJLtl'-Uli SW0 .riWUMHr. rmr. in hVbrn.inr, Ioo. it cKOieded ti.sOO OOO.OOO. Fumm ihc 1 t i f .11 v l-Oto ib; 30 tb of Jm (869, it hfliaim-d bit t It- cost of the j:..vrrHtn-iit, ir fmr year., n a tim f p(.4c, will b.ive bwn 1,000,000.000, 4:1 Htniunit m:v,y a (Tr.-nt hji wns xut'tid wl from iho tWnii l itiou of th govrninx-nl f..r li .-l r. v. ..'v i.i yiar, to July. Alt r thi f ummin np, the rrc!idfnt Uuw iorridly prc(-t'd : In nuking ibii compirUen. weihotild reNwnbpr 'hiU duriiis tka Imffr itilts-vnl I,, and lGl llie (jorcrntncfil wfr.'tjiiitJy rriuiied Id tylte rxpendi iMrro l u rxtr.diwrT eharncltr. i.irge ium w-i.' paid t' Indian a nnnuilb, and for the pnrch wo of their land, and exrmiiive war ww Wagvd agaiiHt. w crfal tr;b . L mini iiia wa anjni.i d from Franci1 at a coat of- fifteen million ol dol l.iru; Florida, l.i conaiiMttnn of firnniii lii.ii., w.i ci d'-d to nsriiin ; Califor nia liocani? a p rt of our Mi8raion on piy:miit to .Mexico, of fiftern millions; while for ten million our Oon rnment ie cured from Tela tbo territory of New Mexico. During these periods of our bis tory w were ttlio cng ijfi d in wars wi.b Great Br tain a-nl Mexico the first waged Rtrainst nu of the miet powerful natior of the world, the otlicr made additbnally extM'iinivo' bv .tbo priS4ctwWo "f military operations in Iho enemy's territory. 1 Jioti-iJaiig tacts, Uiiu caucaiciy w ted, piiwwi;yr aiHrwjutry a to the enune of tliishnmenne increaee in the expenditure nnd indebtedness ol the country. During the civil war the maintenance of the Fed eral Government was the one great pur pose that animated our people, and that economy whieli should always eharaeteriz'1 our financial operations was overlooked in the great effort of ibe nation to preserve its existence. Many abuses, which had their origin the war, continued to exiel 1 mg i.fter it h id been brought to a tiiiun- Eh.itit conclusion, and the pi-oulr, having ecome accustomed to ft lavish expendi ture of the public money for nn object so dear to them as the preservation of the in regrhy nf thqir frre instftntiiTtrs, have pa tiently tolerated taxation of the most op pressiv1 character. Large sums of mon ey ccntinue to"he extorted from tliem and squandered in inelea and extravagant ap pi opri itums. Knormous expenditures am dein iuded for purpose, ha accomplish went of which requires a largo standing army, perversion of the Constitution, and subjugation or S ate to negro domination. With a military establishment, costing in time of peace not. less than one hundred million annu illy, and a upon which draws froi debt, the interest m the Treasury, eac!i sr, one hundred and nfiv million of dollars iVr these two item ? of expenui ture. alone retrencbinent hua become an absolute necessity, ftr bankruptcy must . "-n overtake us, ftiul involve the counlry in iOD&tiTv'zms and disastrous results.-- If, howver, it wise economy b-adotcd. the taies in 1 y soon be materially reddced, not merely for the benctu of a few, but in Ibe interest of all. A revenue would et remain wutScicnt for the administrat'on of Ibe Government, n well us for such a re d 1 ion' of the public debt n would, In a rVv-years, ojdieve tho peoplo frommilliona ofirileifit now annually drawn from their resource The idea that tho deht i to become should bo at ali 4ifflK9-dioo(w tenanced, as involving taxation too heavy to be borne, n.id pnyroent of an nmount in interest every sixteen years equal to the original sum. The gradual liquidation of the pa bite debt would by degrees release the, jarge capital invested iu the securities e Government, which, seeking remu- neratiou in other soarees oi income, would j add to the wealth of the nation, whicb it is now so great a drain. upon This immense debt, if permittedto become per manent and Increasing, matt eventually fee "jfafheretf In the hands ofthrfew-, aMf euabre them to exert a dangerous and con trolling power in the affairs of tbc govern ment. The debtor would become the servants of the loaders the creditors the masses of tbc people. It is now our boast that,wrhaTe given freedom to three mU liona of slavr U will then be our shame, tbat by 'hr a toleration of usurpation and pro ntf, forty millions ef-peoplo btve ensued themselves, and exchanged slaveholders for new taskmasters io the a hap of Und-holder and Ux-gatherers. Hence the vital issue whether Congress sud iU arbitrary assamptioni of anlhoriiy sonreme law ot toe. -wwlat rSnm .at sawa.. .sasHe jf , - : . v , ',:..- . - ' - -"- ajsa '' " ' :!.' - .m I ui wlM iWr In liw of wr the ceuuf l,y h.ll be controlled a .naitliude o- Ui dkiotiuilt Handing army, the onr'lm"t a unmsroni a tbo other, and makiag lh debt a perintwi. nl buiden upon the wodaoUoo fndua.ry ol ibe peoplo or wkotkof Iko OouftiiuitMi. wltk erh and all of its guarantooo,ouall be aeredly pre serve 1 ; win ther imv.s io 17S9or 1816, pniviaioo ImI1 bo made for tbo payuseut i.f our obligailon at aa early a perfod a practicable, tkat tbo frails of ib.-ir labor may bo enjoyed by our ciiix-n, rather than used lo jbuild up and sustain a toon eyi-d monopoly at bomo and abroad! The eoM.el I not merely who shall occu py tho principal offices in ibe pcoylo' gift, bat whether the birh bobests of ibe Federal Oonslitolion sliall bo observed and aiaiaUiued, la order that our liberties may be preserved j ibe Union of ike Buite restored, that our Federal system in v be unimpaired ; fraternal fading re rsubllshrd, tbiU our natbmal strength may be renewed ; ihe eipcnditore diiain isbid, tbat taxation may bo lightened; and tbo public debt once more extinguish ed, that it may not injuriously aff.ct the Ufa and energy, the prosperity and morale of the nation. Iklitving that for the redress of the great wrongs, and the correction of ibe many abuse une'er which the country is now'iaboriur, wo must look lo the Amer ican pi-ople, and that in ibem i our hope, I am, vary tally, vonr friend, AXDUbW JOHNSON. Cskk. Tuou F.wnta. , . j )Linoroafa Monthly Jrtagasino 1 ulvmll arki.owlrdgtd Ihe Model I'arim Ma)ia- ziuof Ainerti-a. OeVuteU w swajwnwawaai.a iaj ikrt.-ties. Arehltertuieand MoU .i olUjiva HourLolU M.twr. ! ol Tbwashi. I'traonal aad LiWrart lteeO (imludint .perlal drta.rbla oa Kaalouni.). lurtructioua eu lleallh, Muaie, Aiuux-mrnl. eU-..lij rpfcntring (full ie)Brtal and Wkljsalail. SSI uruidcriwi, an.l a ronatanl aocr!t.n ol ato-liraoe rlUea. witkothwruwiul aadealeitalnliij! llurH.lr. N tiH-mon of reltiienu ut. e.-ouomiral Loiiarw iMr. or ia tv ol Uate iu aflord to iu wltl oul li e Model Maatktr. Siaale ripi-. OU ceata ba k nuniLera. a M lmeua. W reirta: eUWr mailed fiee. elly t. withaealuat.tai-isinluiu: ! c..ptBX0. three rop ,aa. f7.W; teeropie. IUt and splendid pre-niunia r..rrlnb at OS each, with the Brat pn-Piinn.t each nlavnlr. tfAMi U kaeicr Witou OOWlaf Machine for flOsulwcriticm at II etefc. dilrew, w JK.VMX;s l)tMORT. J 413 lUoadwav. Kew oitf. Hem .rtwt'i MontWy and Yaaa America toretlier with tha premiam tor each. T " NOW IS THE TIME To Incest your Greenbacks Profitably. j. M. DAVIS. Wnteh Maker and Jewel er, takes pleasure iu iiifunniug his frietid and the public generally. Ibat he ia uotr re ceiving from the Manufactures. One of the a . I a largest aud most selected siocks 01 halcncs, Lcocixs, KSV Jewelry AMU Silver Plated Ware. that hits ever boeu Introduced in V oHerjB N V.. since the War. Jlis past experience In tho business enables b'nt to insure to his Cnustomera biirgaiu that will coin p. favor ably tvitli any otner .iainisnin-in .vmu w South. lie would call special aitentkm fci bis Large Stock of Plated Ware w hich is warrautT-d ti be of the 1st Quality. Also Us large stock of American aud Sw iss V ttebt.s, :ii!il in fi.i-t ..wrvil.iior nsuallv k:t in a fir-t . lass Jewelry Store. Give him a enll nnd st-e the celebrated Cuckoo Clock. ii' lie Crawford 6c lleiliif's Hardwaie St. re. Special attention given to repairing fine Watch. 's. Clock, Are.. A:c Tne highest Cash' price paid fr nU Silver Spoons. Silver Wateb Cn-. s. etc. Salisbury, (Kt. SU.TrSJ'i- 3ihtv-"42 " State of North Caroliua, - ROWA-N COGNTYr Superior Court of Laic, Fall Term, 168. Sa vina EddlemsD vs. Thornton Butler. OBIGISA ATTACH MKST. !T appearing to the satisfaclion of the Court thai Thornton Butler, the defendant, resides beyond the limits of the State, It is therefore rmiered by the Court that pub!icti"n be made in tha n tVafebm'an and Old North Stat.'." for six consecutive weeks. tMati'viM said defendant lo be and appear at llie next Term of this Court to bo held far the County of Kowan, atthe 0 mrt-House in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in Anril next, then and 'there fo replevy or de mur, otherwise he will be proceeded again as if he had been personally serveil wwn process, m ,1 hurl fail.xl tr wnnear ami ttlead. " ' 1 Witness, A. Judaon Mason, clerk o( our fajd Court at office, the 3d Momiay in Weptinrier, A. D. 1805, and in the ninety third year of out; independence. A. JUDS0N MASpN, 4O:t5tir.f.510 j ,''' y L o.s.e. State of North Carolina, DATIB COUNTY. Superior Court, Fall Term, 1808. pktitios roa nivoiMffc. Eliza McCoy vs. Josinli McCoy. IT sppearinfr npon the atltdavit of Eliza McCoy, that Josiab McCoy is not n inhabi tant of the State; it is therefore. Ordered that puhlication be made for srg w'eilrs in the Watchman & Old North Slate, a peper printed ill nlery, that the said defell-innt, Jo? iali McCoy, be and apjiear at the bext Superior Court ot !w to be held for Ihe "county ol Da Tie, at the Court Mouse in Mocksville, on the first Monday in April nekt, then and there to sbow cause, if any he can, w by the prayer, .oi the petitioner shall not be granted. Witness, M. It. Austin, clerk of our snid court, at ofnee in Mocksvine, me nrst Mon-iay in September, A. D., 1SC8, aad io tbo oiwety hird var of our uiriependenre. t H. R AUSTIN, C. 8. C. 43:6trf $ld. Dr V. F. Baso D13NTIST. JSALISBURY, N. O. OFFICE on thecomer of I an if and Church Srreeta. near tifn Mansion House. Couimunication through the Post Office at thkplace. or otherwise, attended to the urst .portWty. " "' ; "; It. iTOOUrfi wnnien. . tSf Tkwvaa IndebLed Will OleaSS Call a no ei'ie ataar. (Ml fT ANTBD. A situation as aceoonf ant anr 11 KfWilf .ifaOaoraswr Anil clerk, bv one 111 every I Ark way oompetent for the pusiUim, and who caolii of tbe town of Salisbury ; also funiish-ihe best ol references. Apply at hus 8ahnry, Oct M, 19061 tt MORNING STAR rubllshod At 'tt hi a a vouiatu llaat TaUHtaobU- KalM.rU. UK-al ,.. l.eu eral IatoIiiiKai4 ComUU KeporUvf iho Markets. I fWf f m II Oat Yoar 16 tW Six Monlba $3 to AdvorUslng 1UI Vary Ituon able. Uead the roftowlog NOT1CKS TUB PRK8ft "A good paper take It" ITarrsatoa CV rtsr. "An ablv eondiieted, racy aad Irva ows pItM Am Vast, "A piey. spirited Coooervaiir sheeL We 00m mead tUe piet lo tbo public" Vr Sor Timm. 'O.e of tbo sprlgbtllest Dalies la the State." WwkuigUm tVastrtalire. u prifhtry Daily, and well worth the sub scription psltw" Uruiaboru JilrioL 0 ' If yoi want a lively, ajride-awaka pawK. nkanrtMi la tbe Wilmmutoii Slur. Vttcur I'rrm. nor I "A sorlsliile and able C.inseralit fwper IJ,.r..l III. rau and U...-I rcaaab ol our, exchanges. mvtiym oewnnfi. "Oce of the very turn! newspapers that visits our sauctuiO." JJurum & V) itur. "A lively, pungent Daily. The editor I ev 1. Irmly an citogetui and wilful caterer War reafoa Imliemior. "If yon want a bright, patklinjr, lively and cheap daily paper. w eonimeniitbe Morn Star.-Florence ( C) GustUs. "A well eondiieted, independent Conservn live paper aud well deserving' ol public pat ronae. It is one of the spiciest acd iihi readable papers in the State-. .Wmik-v (Md North State. "A sparkling lively and clever sheet Jfu rion 8. C) Cement. ' A first-class Daily, sod one of the spiciest papers received by u." GoltUhuro Newt. "W itboot mistake, one of the beet Dailte received at thi offce, and may be truly desig nated a "live oewsjiaper,' containing the oew, both M!itkl ftti.l connoercisJ, iu a 'uuiahelL' ". Lancatttr (& C ) Ledger. "A capital little Daily, and one of ear very best State exchange." RaleujK Register. "A sparkling Utile Twlnkler,' worthy of al comn,eudti"n. Its lightning fbvdie of wit, satire and lo.'ic are constantly scorching the tattered rags ol Radicalism." Goldtboro Rough Note. 'TnqenrionaMy one of the liveliest Dailies in the Slate, and a worthy recipient of the (rge and increasinir patronage it is daily re futing. A a bright particular c2ar in the nrtnaiuent ol the South, we recommend it editor, and wish fur biin and his httle 'Twink- - . . ' . . 1 ; 1 . 1 Tr nntioniiue.l ami ifniainoniaoici wwtiicM, llahijh North Carolinian. "Tliis bripht constellation of the heavers ftniimu's to illumine the political horizon ni n..bly p...:tns il cftiee of guidii:g Star fin I ! r su. th 1. 1 wn trodden aoutlieriirr. iv nt it editorial s-'hH i n i jM-n.tr at. : iiai Mie.' j.eirpa's i. Juiii not. i;!b ! ni of its success as one f-l thelea.iii' I :he coutiliyr Jjei.ttt.ivill(S. C v -citi piper we Know 01, nu o; urns iirs; and Ttmvenri'nl teria and hs an td- 1idti.1l tal1' who not on lv iiuderataiid the art of epi'oniizing and parncrnphinK to perfection, but who a!. wield sensible and piquant pens. I If you waul to invert $ 2 50 in a pleaant and profitable manner, send and eet ihe Smr foi six months." A'eotcfe (S. C.) Courier. "One or the best, and indeed we may add( the spiisrhiliest newspaper in the State. The Star shines cou'epienoudy in the political con stellation of North Carolina njjdj we fake pleasure in recommending it to ail who ar not posted in news, polnics or astrouotny." BUnl'tn Travxeript Cy Remember our low rat.s ot subscrip Una, aud address nil communications to., WM. II. BERNARD, Editor iimTThoprieloir, Wit!tiio?ion, H. C PRIVATE BOARDING. LKJlNOTONrN.C. iiij the Day, WrcL or Month, AT HKASONAHLK RATES The travelling public will always find my table supplied with the best the market af fords. No pains spared to reuder my guest eomfortabltif lieff Dollars per Dag will le charged tran sient boarders. A deduction for longer time. J. P. MABRY. Sept. 10. 1869. twltn Edgeworth Female Semiiwy fTIIIS Institution will be re-opened im" tbe X first day of September, with a full corps of f eachers. The eaffrs ex pense for a session of 20 weeks. ofjTuiiion, with Board, Washing and contingent fee. will be according to the class: either $106. 01 f 1 10, or $1 16 if paid in advance ; orl lOdSo or $121 50. or $126.50. if paid half m advsnce. Each hoarder wiH fororsh borown rigbt and towels and also a nair of sheets and cases. fVlMierate extra charges will be made for an- Cient aMTnoiTeTn LanfUKgW, Jtrrstc; MMMftj- and tlil Paintimr For oirculars address, i THE MORNIl . 9mllf mjmpmp0r l,w'iluiiufft4i. M. t Jniy9. (60 ' '"OreWtMV"lia- SEED WHEAT! I have a fine lot or SEED WHEAT for sale. Samples at Sullivan A Co'., and at tha BOW Store oh Henderson & Crawford. SAM L REEVES, Sr., Agt. : Oet.7. . . 4Mt;pd , , w m- JPnvt SAT.1i L ... 4 SMALL bvildme lot is tbe North w ra sod bid ami, himhure. Apply to the. Senior Ed- of thaa nanar 01 low imam. Sept Wk- - I JOB PHINTLNG, couirr BLANKS. ikO, &.O. &.o. THE L'NDssBBIGNED HAVE THE pUsaur, to loforia their frtoaoa, aad tso paattc. Ual tksy liars IIU4 sp eas s tat vsrv bss JOB PRINTINGr OFFICES IN SOUTH CAROLINA, M4 art prepared U axseal J1 ordtn wltk vkJck tkty aiay b farored. - ( ) UlxINUIS AND PKOVKSBIONAL COTTON l'ARN LABELiS. Cclttr to Bill C)cb0, REDDING and PART fficsl$is PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILL, DRUG LABEL COURT BLANKS, and all other kinds of Blanks and Job Printing will be don la a styls that can be surpassed by none, and eqaalled by few in the State. nr term will b as low aa tha lowest la tk Southern Country . HANEP & BBUKER. Salisbury. Jsnuary 16, 18. tw THE TRI WEEKLY OLD NORTEL STATS, AND THE WEEKLY WATCRffljN t Old North S(ate. FOR 180S. THE WATCHMAN & OLD NORTH STATE having boon consolidated ui the hands of the undersigned, and the II as nek having snsnended Dnb!ictioa, hereafter there will be bat on paper published in Salfabury, which will be is sued Tri-Weekly & Weekly, , m nnder t!ie above names, in conseqnence 01 me combination refcrred to, this paper will have the largest Circulation OF AXT PAPEU IX " t" V ' . Western Her th Carolina AND VH.L AFFOKD THK Best Advertising Medium to be met withiathst jiartof tbe Stated- J The Editorial. Department will be under the msejfemeB of M- Hakes, 1st Editor and Proprietet Of tbe Olb Nobtb BrafS, and no pains will ne spend to ssakeH eoaal to any, , f not tbe best psjK-r of iU class in tie State. tb ponVe af rttMraferlaaata wBl lay ae ch&nge iV will eeMas to be a f m and decided ConssrraMv Journal, but it will not es devoted sx clusvely to politic. It will also to derated to the ratedsl tssrate eftto st to Usl bfj aa XisesllaiMOu Beadia. jtosssstle IcaBosiy, s. 1bjkpbU, we eaoadeat eppssi lotto public for a Liberal abare of It patroaag aeia Terms of Subscription, tbi-Wek.t: ' Forfhra Tsar " ' -:'T'"' ' " Bix Months. r IP . ; WaXLT: i For One Year...... 4" Six.htontl.a.... ............ av W HANE8 A BRUNER TUN SI SUIT IB Til St CMstAfl liar utt it Ovtrl Ihe YiUU Orif Prosperity Abound I W inter has Com I mow 1 ran ? laa to va Moore's Rural New Yorker, Tint ouT T0V. AD CN XT8V WEEKLY ! THK UI HA I. Utka laJlaf and LargwI-tOeala Uag N i uf iu CUh uii Iba c uul,i.eul upc rter in Valux aad Varlaljr uf t'ouleau abd Ucanly u A .pcrnor ll iaurvMaMr Am IculluraJ. HurO cultural, SclcaUttr, KducaUoaal Lllria.jr aad Stm Matter. luteraperaad with kntrraThtfa. tkaa any iHhc Jouraal. lur it cuiaprlara UaiUacBUdTutel U o in.-luum Agrkulturt, llorucnituit. Sheep Husbandry, Grilling. Dairying, Jiurul Architecture, Choice Literature, Science and Art, Education, Youth's Reading, General News, Domestic Economy, (,m merer, Markets, Witk lllnatratioaa. lalea, kaaaja, Muaif, I'oelry, rtel.uaea. Knltfniaa. e., A.-. ThSWaral kew V orker la s National Joarnal. erica latiRK larsslv in tha Kastaasl Waal, North and Swath It emptors ll.e beat talent in all ItapartnieaU. Its c .rua of kditera.1 oiioihalnm, die. coa.m many 1.! 1 V.. beat r'armera, Planlera. Wool tJioaera, (irw ahrra. Hortirwltariata. A.-., aad alao Authors. Hehol ai. 4a.. of not aad ability, la brief Ihe llural la ably edited, profnaely lltnatrateil. neatly printed Practical Koienltfio, baeful Mural. laatrurliv and Kuiertalnlnf . Whersver located In Country. Vlllare or Cily, Y(tC WANT THK KUKAl. I Y0i:K IAMIU AND KlUtKriii WANT IT ! Kor it i a.fanted to the wanU of sit. Katelbal It l not a monthly, hut s large and beautiful Weekly, aud that Vol. XIX la to bt materially enlarged. f yi'.x nini ne a numter and ace if, ncitto your lo paprr. the lie aL la not the one for your money. ariaWd In etra alyle Tlear Tve.t;MMl Paper, aad betu lllnKlrationa Ulan any other Joaratl ef its Cism; A Title Paten. Index, o. .atelmw ofvotum. TKKM" Ohlr tl a Ysar: to ctabanrten tairr ropy. Vol. XlX brftu Jan. 4. IHfM Now i tbe tliae to anbacrihe. (Treat Oilers to lnb ajrenta. Specimen. Kliow-llllla. ProuiinDi LmU Ac.aeut Oee; ortb 13 nnmbers of thla (.Hiarier (Oct. lo Jan.) en jaj U.UBUKX "tilln.fin .....n,;. iiun pajLCa trial, for only Fifty CenU' Address U. v. 1 amisr., , Dec 10 Bc heater, w. T. THS C.R0LIN F1RMRR. BELIEVINQ that the interests of Ibe Far mar aud Planters of this section demand tb publication of a periodical to U devoted to the advancement of Agriculture in the two Caroli naa, we have d tenuiued to establish such a periodical under the title of THE CAROLINA FAKMEK, and will issue Um first number aa soon as a mtfSeisnt number of abaenbers are obtained to pay a reasonable share uf the ex pense ef puhlication. The Earroer will be isned monthly at 2 per annum . in advance ; will iimtaifl not less tbsn tbirtXwo large double-column paces of read ing matter, bound in haiidMiine covers; and in typographical execution will nt lie surpassed by any Agrivultursl Monthly in tbe country. Being determined to do whatever energy will accomplish in inakinr the Farmer worthy the support of tho Intelligent Planter and Farmers of North Caroliua and Puuth Carolina ; and de siring to introduce it into every county iu those States, we wi-h to employ active Agents at every Pot oflic. to whom the most liberal in dueenmnls will lm oflVred. Address all coiuuiuuicaUon to TYM. U liLKXAED, je27w:tw:t Wilininpton, N. C A0ENT8 WaNTBD Ki'U THS OFFICIAL HISTORY CF THE WAR, . It au.x's CJiiiractrr, Conduct and floulR By HOX ALKXASDKB !i. STKPnCSS. A for all Sections, and rarttes. This great work presents the only Com plete and impartial analysis f the Causes of the War yet published1, and gives those in terior lights and shadows of the reat con 41ict onlv know n to those high offioers who watched the Hood-tide of revolutuili fr.unlts fountain springs, aud wbush were so ncces- ,aibb; to.Mr-.Stejil.eus from, his p..sitiou hs seoond otjicer of the t onfeiteraey. To a pirtdie that has been surfeited with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUC TIONS, we promise a change of fare agree able and salutarv. and nn intellectual treat of the highest order. Tbe Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy uf it importance, and at whose hands it will reeeiveNthat moderate, cat did and im partUd treattneut which truth aud justice so urgently demand. The intense desire every -There manifest ed tojobtain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription book ever published. One Agent in Easton. Pa. reports 72 sub serf bers in three- days. One in Memphis. Tenn. 1QG subscribers in five day; , Send for Circulars and see our term, and a ft.ll.deseriptlon of the work, with Press no tices of advance sheet. Ajo. Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 80 South Seventh St. Philadelphia, Pa, AiiKN.S WANTED fOB TASj GRA Y JACKETS. And how thsy Lived, Fougkt and Dud jor Dixie. 147IT1I Incidents and Sketches of Life w.- in. tbe Confederacy, eomprishig Karra- tivesorrersonal Ail venture, AniiT tats, naval Adventure, Home Life, Partisan Daring, Life in tbe Canip, Field and Hospital, together with the Song, Ballads, Anecdotes and lltuunroits Inci dents of the War for Southern Independence. Therein a certain portion of tbe war that will never go into the regular histories, nor be em- bodfex tn romance or poetry, wnicn mat coal part of it. and will, if .preserved own vey to succeeding eenerntions better Idea of tbe spirit of tbc confliet than many dry reports or care till narrative 01 events, anu una park n-aj lie caffed the gWWtp, the Tun. the pathQ t-f fhe war. This illustrates tbe character of tbe lead ers, the hunmr of tbo soldiers, the devotion ot women, the .bravery of men. the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the ser vie. ' -v v Tha Valiant and Brave Hearteil, the Pietur e-ipe and Dramatic, ti e Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and the whole Panor ama of the War are here thrillingly pnrtraycdin a masterly manner. at once htaton al arid ro mantic, rendering it the most ample, unique, brilliant and readable book thajl the war has called forth. Amuementas well a Instrnction my be found in every page, as trrajihic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, an nkillfulry inter woven in this work of literary art. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full desenpttaaer tbe work. Address. 0ES BROTH FN A Country Merchants, Diiniiiiit. rarmew. And Otiiert, L,., aJZySSJT BMr, rime. hp. - V . 1 blout and Jbfead, JDml Cattm. 'mywt and ohns Dried and Green j-Vnife, Grain, W ool, Hams, J'oultrg, Nat al Stores, Hops, Ginseng, talkers, Hemp, Provisions Oils, Lard, Tallote, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, bee., bis , kt., T O JOSIAH CARPENTER, (ifiicrul ( omraissiui Mfrfhant, MX 444 k 44S WabingtOA St. NKW YORK CITY. , And reeeire hi weekly Irc Current of Pro I due ml ilnHnea lb niosltmntplete price cur- ! rent DuUiibed in the Uuited Slates. Send for a Price Current Marking I'lute aud t'arda Fumiabed Krea. liberal ai1vanc'a made un C.tirijrninent. EoiaUuhtd, ting 1st, ItMMs, Flrt elas referne given when required. March 5. ItW. twly State of North Carolina, . WATAUGA COrNTY. Superior Court qf Law, Full Term, 1868. Cyru Culrar, ) TS. IiijuootioD. Joel Eggera. ) IN ibis oai u appearing lo tha satisfaeiioa of the oourt thai tbe dfndut Jol avfT" u a non-rrsident of the State, it i ordered that publication be made io ibe Uofeaasoa 4) OH North State, a newspaper pnblisbed in Ibe tows ol Salisbury, lor ix oouseoulive woekft, that the said oWndsul easy apjr and anewet ihe said bill at the next term uf tins court to bo bald ibr the county of Watauga, at ibe Court House in Boone, on tbe second alter the third Mondsy in April next, or tbe sain will bo beard ex pane as to him. Witness. Joseph II Todd, clerk of cur said Court at office, in Boone, tha second after tbe third Monday iu September, A. D., 18C8, and in the 03d year ol our mlepodence. J. L TODD, C. S. O 45:pr ftl:6t State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Superior Court of lw. Fall Term, A. D. 1868. KTin.m to i li. tuts. Michael vlulcr, Adiu'r., ot Dautel Miller, ' vs Aaron Milbr, Jacob Miller. Inac Miller, Lavi ua Miller, Paul Shaver and wile Mary, William Parker and wife Sophia, and Abrnni Miller. I T appearing to rite .! ie fact ion of the Conrt that Al rsui Miller, one of. the defendant reside b-'Toud tiie limits ol the State, It is ilierelore ordered by the Conrt that publica tion be uiadu for six week? successively, io tho ' WaioIoimiii & Old Nn-i!. S m.-," fpi puh lished in lie town ol gslbbii)', noiilvitig tho said deleudsnt to t and 4pear at the next term ol this Court lo be held fur th oouny ol Rowan, at the courthouse in SaHsbjry, on ibe 3rd Monday in April ii-xt, then and there 10 plead, answ-r or demur, otherwise jodg riM ut pro conleiso will 1. taken as to bim. Witness. A. Judsou Masou, clerk ol our said Coiirt at office, the 3id Monday in Scptem bar, A. D. 18b8. sml in the ninety-third year of our independence. A. JUDS0N MASON, C. a C. 45:6t:nr.f.fH . State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Xjuitet 'let t-itsr? ly-aaeja. a-ft iw Jacob Lifgle r. Thornton Butler. ORIOIKa attachuzvt. TT appearing to tbe satist'ae.tion of the Conrt 1 that Thornion Butler, the deicnitant, residea beyond the limits of the State, it w therefore ordered bv the Conrt that pnbltitton be made in tbe " Watchman and Arid, North State," ft.r six consecutive weeks, notilyinji said defendant to be and appear lil-ihe next Term of I his Conrt to tw helil for the County of Rowan, at the Court-Hfuse in Salisbury, on the 3d Momiay in April next, then and there to replevy or de mur, otherwe-'-he will be preceded against ts it he had been personally served with process, and had failed to appear aud plead. Witness, A. Jmb-on Mason, clerk of our said Court at oflicev tbe 3d Monday in September, A. 0. 1808. and inihe-nmety-ihird yeaetrf -6wr independent. - A. JUDSON MASON, 4ft:6ipr.?.fl0 cs-C., University of Virginia. TtH145th Session of this institui ion will begin on the 1st day of Oct. 1868 and on the Thursday before the 4th of JolISt. The orgatilxation of the institution is very coiuplete, embracing extensive and thorough course of lnsiroction in mtewure and Seieoee and in the professions of Law, Medicine and Etig inccriiajf h Estimated expenses exclusive of hooka, , clothing and pocket money of the A edde- otic student 960$ : of the Law student 3658, and of the MedittitsvttAmtSM. - - - --a- For particulars send for Catalogue to Wa. Werteubakex, Sec. or 8. MAUPIN, Chairman of thtFaculty. P. O. UniTeraity of Virginia, july 30 w-tw-3tl ROADALIS Purifies the Blood. A PAIR OF GOOD LARGE W ui.. vi'I.KS and HARNESS. Also. one good Iron Axle two horse Waggon with body and covet, also, aa Ambulance and a good Saddle Hare. Persons having sntk to dispose of will. I Oct, SO, ISM. mMttr asaaafiai mimimmmn. M WANTKU! ML I . 1 1 i 1 Li ell m Ml 1 .Lafl r - ..-M- , - . .. 7f-- r 1 r ' " . . " j ' v - ; -,, . ' j . ' . , - .,..-,.. y. , . " i '- . i i ' '. a ' -i ' - - wf - ,- ' - - -