i Bssw .A - aVNBS fc mci i: k, OL III. 138 ECLE TIC MAGAZINK or FOREIGN LI TER A TURE, sblbctsp rao dm D MmM, W .VafMrvfa . iwri(fiwi W$tmir Km, Wwf, Ci l"ttl .ir Jonrnal, London Contemporary Rerie, Ckrwnan Society, All iT4r BoW. Dublin Unheriiiy, ft Win ebOUWMKH liUIM fumthe Kniit, German, aad OoUBJUj I'BfioJi -ftl. If "f""J 44 la mo iriety vels "f ""N' rUou wtar i emlH.UUUed with oeeor more Fine Ste-I rinirriug-portrito of eminent mn, or Mo tr.it, re of important birtorie! eves. Splendid Premiums for 1868. K rv new abcriber to the Eclectic IW, peyln M tiVaZ Xeive either f th. fallowln, beautiful chromo oil paintings BASKET OF PEACHES, Site 9 X 11 r, r vrrt VITT PRAfiKERS. i i-.iv a.iJt m , Siw 7 X 8. M The abr .re exact cost, of " ing. .od areexaoutod by W T, "j e.t .tyle of the Ml, or. wplc of thi will elthei -of oar Ha Steel finTvln, Wwhlnn .t Valley forge, Ketom from Mark, Sunday Morn- "Tor.Two "briber. Wd 11 w will o4 the beautiful Chromo. PmMj 2JJ Kor Throe aobacrlbora and 16.00, a copy or Webster' t National Pictorial Dictionary, se Volume of 1.04S paw. ntlB,I, &2VL torltJ illu-tratiooa. pnc. Mjor aa Honheur's Olebrted piece, Shetland Ponies-sit H 1-3x13 1-9- Terms of the Eclectic .- Sinirl cp 46 eta.; on copy, one year S.w t o "opto, one year ,U( Bve cop. one year . J0.00 W. H BID WELL, -vi 3 fltowwinafi erf., New ron V British Periodicals. The London Quarterly tie-view, (Cu ,. va'tv,-..) TW 'eeimimUe It- " (R l-'-) rA iVbr.'i tttvww, (r OlKIT' it ) AND Bl0fkw)r Edinburgh Magazine, (t- ) rue pertodlcal. are ably .nrtalned by tlw i oontol iuTm t the best writer, on Science, Beligion and ,!lr" LoTrature, and .Und unrivalled in the Vr 1 of letter. They are indlapensnble to the . , . r"a.t the profealonal hian. and to every re. V ,n, L famish a U-tVrreoordof the cur .YiSrVtlS diy tbau can be obUlnedfron, l"',iuergXKRMS FOR 1869. r'or any one ef the tteTiews -Irnnam- l or auy two ef the KeviewB J.W) for any three of the Roview..... 0.00 Kr all four ef the KeTiews,. 12 W v-or Black weed's Magaiine....... 4.00 r'S Bla Awaed ...d one BerleW, 1.06 Ker Blackwood aad any two of the t fteviewa. iw.we Per Blackwood and three of the ( Bevtewa, ....... io.ww Per Blackwood and the four Bo- i( view...... ""' V 0LUB8. t diwennt of twenty per cent, will bcallowed to , Ubtef roar or more perna. Thu ion r,copitiof a acKWood, r of one Bevlew, will be rtnt to one f.r 113 90. Fonr cople. of the fonr Be i,w! .n4 Blackwood for W48.00. and ao on. POSTAGE. 8nbacrlbeTB.henldprepy by the aurler, at the .fflo ef delivery. The Pontage to any part , of OnitedSUtoa hf Tv Calm nui-ber. Thla rate IVly appliWto crrent.nbacription .For back nam ben the poatag la donbla. , , (, f tin. uliove Dcriod- c1, ,Ju Keiew. for 1867- New Hubacriher. aSribwr. .ay obUln back nnmber at the foj J'SStaSS Kdlabnrgli and the Westmtn- Sr4 ?h. Q..rr'r.ir1. n.t 1HT. attneraie tfi-..j' . -i 1, at the rate orw.ou ny-T.SSU.X: Riew: also, WwE" 7 "Tvlittor nrentiamii to anW-ribenu nordtaconnt to allowed, tinlcu the money Is remitted direct to ttoPablther. tin p.miu en be irlven to Olnbs. " l hs Uonard Scott Pub. Co., 1 4tt Fsibm, Sl, N. Tkt L. PUB. CO., alsa pnWlah th FARMER'S GULDZ, v. ptkwwr STifSita of Brllitbnrgh. aad the late T P. NOBTOit, of Yale College. 9 vol., Boyal eUv 100 page. and"nnmeron Engraving. Price $7 fr the two vlomo by Mail, pot paid. ig.OO- , jan9 CARD T0 THE PUBLIC DR. SAML A. BELT,. HAS 1 orated on Enni Street, lasren Main dc Lee. .Office formerly occupied ; y Dr. J. A. 0MwU. and offers his profes I aiona) sarviae Ui the ottisu ot its town and Ttotnlty of SaltoWiry " - Jl. W. I wHtwAn; IlUjrOrtilBt TO MujiitruUt, Clerk, Sheriffs, and ythrs T UK uuierwgnvd he in press, and wul sow .'ii., a ipletn and full ALYSlSDFTUBLAWd, (bw AaaemUy, rT!tjng to the du- Ilea ot Jutticu of th fact. Sheriffs Clerk of Court, and oAr County Ofictrt tufrHhfr wrth- trm Oowwttrrttrn or ttw fttatw, at liel of the C'Miulieaaa Jivitlfd into Judimal Dis tricts, tli UWe of lioliliojf L'oui im b tti aJTerml Oomtirt, the nnrne. ot' tb Judgrs aud Soiiri lom of each Cirl-ui 't irm uarm- of the Clerk ol the Superior Court, Regwter if Deed, Sher iff, County CotnmwioDers. Tteastner aud Cor oner for each Countj. This paiunlet will alo oonuia the Fees allowed hy the new law to tbe !meral officii a, with aomo of the tnoftuo oeewtry Form of Civil and Criminal Prootx. Tbe work will contain about 11.0iage, and will be in. -t valuable book of reftienao for county officer. Sent by mail to any pot office in the State, po8Lae paid, for $1 per copy. Adttress, NICHOLS &UORMAN, Book and Job Printer, IUlxioh, N t. tdf The undersigned are alBO preparingj un der ube directiou ot a member of tbe KaJeigh Bar, a Digest of all tbe Laws, concerning County Officers, with a Complete Set of Forms, adapted to the new ordei of things. This book, of somejUW pagesi will be published as soon Thefiual leport of the Commis sioners appointed to revise the Code has been apoted by the General assembly. Tie plan aud scope of tbe proposed book, will be fur ther laid before tbe public at an early dav. NICHOLS & GORMAN, Raleigh, Sept. 1, 18. Publishers. PURE PERUVAIN GUANO AtitT iff other kinds of Q fJANO, including the different PD08PHATE.-'-, PLAS TER aud LIME, kept constantly on band, a very low prices. ' Our farmers will do well to call on us at once and get their Fertilizers, be fore ordering and buying elsewhere. We will take Flour or Wheat ut the mk e price, in exchance. SPRINOS, HUTCHISON & Co. JVo. 1, Cowan's finch Row. Salisbury, Arig IB. 5tw Country Merchants, pairymen, Farmers. And Others. CONSIGN Y0TTR Ashes, Beeswax, Beans, Butter, ( heese, Eggs, i lour and ileal, J-Tax, Cotton, Furs and tikins Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, . Hops, Ginseng, feathers Hemp, Provisions Oils, Lard,'Tallotr, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, Sec., fce ., Sec, T O JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, A 444 4 446 CTshitlrtOA St. NEW YORK CITY. -v j irn hi vdaItIv PHp.d Curnvnt of Tro .M.rm 4jn - - . dnce nd Oroceries the most compUte price cur rent punched ht the Unitedtates. Bend lor a xrice wuneut Plates and Cards Furnished Free. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Established, May la,. 1860. , First class references given when required. March 5, 1868. twly ( a A BiRH'f CLASS MILLER ytaflted, fotake charge of a First Ctasa Jshll, situated in Davidson county. Addr3 I A.UflftlW Ctaminonsvilli N. U. w-twf lm IDOLPHO ms not JVew York. THE subscribers beg leaytfx inform the ottitens of North'(iIrnil!'B'iaV.they have be anpoiated agens fpr ifnoLrHo Wourg, of New York, for tbe sale of his celebrated SGHEIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wines and Lianors. Mr W.'s name is a household vord in every rrt of-Jhe Southern State? I ADBill 1 VOttCKS Wllalegtea. R.C. k CRAWFORD. Agents " Salisbury. K C. HENDERSON The Old WsM-tli IUU PNfer.w-ffto. SALISBURY, IS. 0.. THURSDAY DECEMBER 24, 40 Years Before the PcCbUK THE 80UTUERN HEPATIC PILL.S, That ld, long foiewn aid vxU tried rimtJy for all Ifiliou diseattt, cawed by a DISEASED LIVER. -gT" Rd the f allowing CtrtijleaU from porsous oi the highest rH-.pectabiiiiy .jfcl LIVKR OOMI'LAINT. Krr n. I) V Drvw Aur 'Id 1H0.2.1 says : " I havff derived great beiirftiroai these ( rilU, sua lavo knowti many :.. anu in dividuals who lue. fuuud Ihcm very biTicticiaJ, and I have a!nn knowu jihyticuv.r in ejtfllfnt itandinj Li recommend thi-n to t'tttr pitient. For all diseases arising from di'iO'ders of the liver, I believe they arc the best medicine of fered to the public" Rit. Joiih W. 1'ottsb, Snow Hill, N. C., (January 5, L5GU,) saM : "lor twelve jears I was a great wuflcr'r. My liver was diseased I lost my flcfh aud trenirth, and tuy skin seemed changed in its color by the bile with which my system was overcharged. I became Stlbjocl lo frequent aud v:- .lent uttack' of bil ious coolie, every attack leaving lue wealii-r lhan its predeceuor. Ti.c phyHiciab had befn able to tatcli me up a little, but my health wae in a deplorable state. I Iim: taken patent me dicines until I was tired of tLem Withoul energy or comfort, I wa barely able to go a bout a little. At ien-'h I yielded to the eHr nest persuasion of a friend and omitunud taking ihe HEPATIC PILIX, with no ooufl denee in them. They acted like a charm on me. From that flour I tuivi improved. I have .Xparwvwed in their use, until low, by Gods blessing, I am ntU ana Hearty, i nan a negro mn n I believe, was r-av-i from death IbjstsWdLUmPiUs. My Dortor-a bill r. II- f tlWl tr. -AO K, r I,... l.vrl I no use for a.physician since. I carJ'cor.fidently recommoDd tbem as a superior family medicine DxararsxA. S. D. Wallace, Esq., Pww'daut of the Wit roingtoii S Weldou Riul Road, (Aug. 1S02 says: ' It hits been said that Dyspepnia is on: natioual disease. Howetr this rray be, it caused me long and severe suffering. Provi dentially a Intend furnished me with a few box es of the Hepatic Pills,' aud the use of them hae pertected a cure. In my family tbey have been used frequently with eminent success Among my acquaintances icany cases origina ting from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by tbem. I regard tbem an invaluable medicme, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute. A. W. D. Tatlor, Esq, Petersburg, Ta, (Jan. 12. 18.59.) says: "In tbe Spring of 1868, 1 was attacked with Dysjepsia to Mch an ex tent that a'l my food of every description dis agreed with me. I was swollen so I bad to loosen my clothes, and uigbt after night I coald get no sleep, i tricu one or two pnymcians 1 I and took a good '.t-m ot meauMie, but toiwi no relief. I n'licho.--! ore box of the South ern Hepatic Pills, und the first dose !-ok I felt relieved, and continued until 1 toot the whole bt I nrn n 4 entirely well, and eal heartily, und neve.r hare been attacked since. I ran safely recommend these Pills to the Dys peptic auJ the community at large." Tbey can be sent to any point in the United States by Mail or Express. PRICE Foroce box, SB cent.. Do. 1960 IT.H Oroei (to One Grow. IIS Three Qroei, too ffjv 6m. IT6. Th. cull mast eiuier . onp.' the order forth Medi cine or It will be MM 0. 0. D. Order, thooid be wldrest ; iu O. W. DEIMS, Ho. SS, Boor C.4Uici Bru, BiLTnoa Mb. where thcr will fee promptly .ttend d te. - f..r ;'i : Medicine ekll on .11 rn.peet.ble lrue"L everywhere. att on ull the DrucgiaUln, Palu.C.V. J0UN H. ENNISS4 Drugj lit, Spteia! Agent. -t0:wAtwir . . ' OlAlIMiKEONS " Warsaw (o Faye Ittvilie. ' feave Warsaw for Payvttville daily, ex- ...... OanJutr Thronirh T'i;-L-..m fnim Wil. iiungton- to JyattaAdflav-'jP broab T4ek- ets from yveidon, via nrsaw, to r ayeiie ville, tlO Through Tickets from (ioldi boro', via Warsaw, to Payetteville, $6. ' . Charlotte o Wadeboro', " Leave Charlotte, via Monroe, for Wades bprp', Tuesday, Thnreday and Statorday. Leave Wadesboro' Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, after tbe arrival of the Wllnung- ton, ChHtlotte & Rutherford Stage. MprrJsTille jto PttUsWt1 r Leave Morrisviile far Pittsboto' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, return next days. Ciemmons' Aeconiinodatoo IJn. Between SALEM and HIGH POINT N. C CarQne Dollar -rtT r -. i C. l.lLtllMUAS. i,,. Contractor July, 7,18t. w tw-lmj "Notice of J. W. Bitting. VCCOUN'FS on my books that bave been presented and ,, still nnpaid and your promises have been kept, over the left ; no exception to accounts above referred to, if not paid in 15 days from the publication ut this notiee. will be plaeed iu the Hands of an I officer for enlleevioa: I 0. 10 J W ntTTIICft. IlJfI mmm THK OLD NORTH HTATE. Till-WEEKLY 3 8 OF flTlWCBU'TTOM' 49 CalH ADVAntB. Tr!. l. On Year. mx Boaina... suo vn t-py une iiw,.... .Woo . l fin A rrow M cn the uaier indicate the exviratlon of t;ix nonuia,.. the .ubeoriptioa. Th type on wUoh tba " Old Koata Stats," 1 printed U ,ntlrely new. Xo pain will be .pared to mrt wetrome rbrrtnr to erery family. In order to do Vhia we hav engafrd the nervier, of able aud accoBpltaUed literary cocUlbutor. Advertising Rate:a TBAXSIBITT J; A TVS . For!! periods les than on month One Kiniire, Plrst Insertion fl.dtt K.ch .ntMeiient luwrtion b0 Coiitr.irtritejfor period of Qo to foni month. 1 0 ! 3 mo a mo 4 MO. ! 6 KO 1 SQC.KI. 3 SQt'AH, 3 s-yfAHS, 4 sofj.sa. QCK. COL. HALF COU J QTAH. COI. OMX COL. 6.0V 7,50 m.oo 13.00 13.00 30,00 3s OO 30,00 in 6d 13.00 lHOO IH.0O 111 (XI 37,00 81,00 49.00 113 00 17.00 21,00 23.00 34.00 3S,( 40.oe DC 00 Slfi.OO 91.00 4S.00 3RII0 59.00 SHOO 4Ti.00 60.00 30.0( 37.00 3400 3 700 3,hfi0 44.00 60.00 7t'.l "JUST PUIIMBHKD. BRIGHTLY'B DIGEST FEDERAL DECISIONS. A DMvEST OF THE E C I S I O D N S rr THE FEDERAL COURTS, ITtOH THK 0UGAN1ZAT10N OF THK GOV fcliNMEN f TO THE l'RKSKNT TIME, fPKISIXG THE BE I't K V OF TUB SFPHKME. CIR CUIT, AND DI8TRICT COURTS, ANU THK ( (JLiiil UK UliAlJiiiS, AS REPORTED IN THE RF.OtJ LAR SERIES; AND ALSO IN CLUDINli THE NUMEROUS FED ERAL CASES CONTAINED INf THE STATE REPORTS AND Us Tilt: LEGAL PERIODICALS. 9Y FKEDKRIOK C. BRIGHTLY, KSQ., Aathor of "tho United States Dipes:," Sec One vol. 8to. Price $10. KAY fc BROTHER, Law Publishers, Booksellers, and Impor ters, 19 South Sixth Street, Philadel phia. For sale by the trade generally. Deo. 18, 1868. w&twtf KS STRAYFD or Stolen from my wagon while camping near Gold Hill Rowan Co., on the night of Nov. 24th last. A small dark Bay ff five years old next spring. Slightly dish raced, a small knot on tbe back made by saddle, and I think had three white, ieet. Any person who will give me informa tion of said Horse so that I get him,, will be liberally rewarded. P0- Jernsakru, Davie Co., N. C SAML. V U0BS0N-(twlt-w3tpd-50) Pleasant Orate Academy, P4YtK COUNIT, N. C. VILIj commence the Spring session on the 4thnf January, Wtitf, nd continue 1W weeks. Course of instruction : English, Mathematical Classical Tuition from K to jlO per session. Board in gnxl fanv lies i per month. Addresa th principal at Pulton, Davie County, N. 0. WM. J. ELLIS, Dec- Uth, 168. Principal. "BINGHAM SCHOOL, MoVaxtovlllo, ZO. O. THE BPR1SQ SESSION of 19, opens Feb. 3rd. , . ,M " . u. Expenses for one" year, inclndmg board, tm tion, clothing, fuel and washing, yqt-frfr.'.nlj aHilrasa. Edgewertli Femalfy Seiiiiiiary THERE will be no vacation in this Institn tion this winter. The next session will com mence on the fotirtb Monday of JannarJ;, 186V. Pnr wiU be rer)elvelatanytime. 7 The entire expense of Tuition. Board, wash ing Fuel and Contingent Fee will be from flOO toil 10 tf paid In advance. Ten per cent wiU be Added If ps7TnentsbmiId be debwed month after the admittance of the pupiL Mod erate extra charges will be made fpr Music, use of Piano Ancient and Modem Languages, Drawing and Oil Painting. .... . Each boarder will furnish her Own light and towels, and also rparrdf sbeetf and jpUh,w a- For Circulars address, v T CALTJVELL, Bed. ft, fm. Qreqnsboro. K. 0 BESSEIJT, D. D. S., o-BATK TsVtt tra - AT THE BOTDIBT HOUM mm ATmmmmr. K C .-" . ' 1868. "The Old North State FOR SALE ! The firm of ILanbb tc Bbcheb will expire by its own limiufon ou the lit day of January next, and a Mb. Bbuvb Watchman the entire newipapor in iu Salialury will be in my hauds afu that time. Being satisfied with my experience iu editorial life, and for olhop rcaJons, 1 of fer for sale the OU North State, together with tbo typo aud material afe.il in its publication previous to iu Uuion with the Watchman. Tho type was purchas ed from the foundry in March, 18GU, and is, therefore, uearly new. To any oue wishing to embark iu such an enterprise an opportunity -is vow pre- sonted which may uot oflVr u(,'H:a soon in North Carolina. Upon tho return of prosperity Salisbiry must ueeoiHarily be one of the most flourishing towns in the interior of the State and a single paper here in ente'rpriah.g hands will certainly prove a profitable iavestmeut. The circulation of th.; OH North State iu its two editious, Weekly and Tri-week-ly is believed to b; i he largest of any paper west of Raloigh with a singlo exception iy For particular, rjfii-esa the sub criber at this ofSco. LEWIS HAiES November 24thJll 86d. 30,000 WOpE OF (K0DS ! noc & bjo WN, 'WHOLESALE RETAIL MERCHANTS; Salisbury, IV. ., , ABB NOW IN RECEIPT of tb largest and most ponij'' t.'KtocX of 'toocAtbey have ever oflered In l,.u ru.rket ; and their gifOd bav been bought at rach price a to cpable them to sell at rate that cannot Ml to induce ready aale. to all who want good merchandise. Their stock consists of All (irades ft om the loweet price to the best quality of ioodoid in thia market. Tbeir DBJSB8 (itHJDS ivparunent cannot be equalled in this lowu.or mo tion of tho Stot. A fall line of Cloth. Cs!nere. Jeans, KatticcU, Eedy-Mde ClotWng, Prtnta, lo meUc. Hhtirfnir, Linen. Flannel, Blanket, Mn eeya. Hhawla, Cloak. Hosiery, Glovea and Yankee Notion. A large stock of Boots Shoe, all de scription, Hat, Carpet, Sole Leather, Groceries, All we ask to Insure sale! an examination of our Goods and Price. The Great Quantity, Variety, ssnperior Qality nd low prices or pat uooa win ahowforthoniBelve.. and it eiveaoA great pleasure to display our Goods to allwW wvar as witSa call. Id" We cannot omit to express our profound ftrat itide for the very Urg and liberal patrouajre be stowe.1 on a heretofore, and shU most earnestly endeavor to' praVe ourselves worthy, nnt only of ptuit favor, bat of tbeir contWiu.nce In the future. If liberality In prices and Goods, Just deaBng, and ttollte and resaectjU attention to all, is anything, we urombie them. All kind of Country produce houxt at hlKhebt tnarRet pHces. Merchsbts are especially invited to an examination of oar Istook . novo 1 m NEW GOOS! NBWlSODS coming l BOMIHOl! COMING!! Fall and Winter STOCK. Large, Varied, Elegant and QUE A. (W All SEE THH ! r V. WALL AC E 18. now receiving hia large and elegant stock ' of Fall aniTWiuter SooUa, to tbe inspection of which ho invites every Uidy. He located in Salisbury with the determina tion of doing a lair and horiorable business as a merchant, and wil! nnort- unalterably. to that purport. . Ue.is ctmndentfhat lie tvui autke it to the interest of th" p..bik to trade with him. Ho has been unusually can hi in the selection of his Fall Stock, which comprise yerything5 bought low down for cash, wbieb enables him to s:ll as low. ,if uot a tittle uywtr: taanauy other mereiiarrritral'i tbis regTou. T : : Try him I Try him !! CASH or BARTEBI It shall he an ever. -handed, satisfactory rde. None :is.: U-ve bis tor w ituoit farssaog tnat they have done reii byr ustfiag ou V. VVAiJ-AOE. N.jii ..mu Vv.-1. .iLliseOsV-'es. Single oplf fr'lrc ('! WHOLE NO 450 This is a principle of extetisi ve appliea tion, iu the courae of Dirino Provraeuce, od it is oue in which we may mk when wronged and oppressed. Men often re ceive back tbe same treatment which tbey have gtTOo to others. Tbey fall Into the ditch which they have digged. We mmr watch tbe courae' of event ni shall ffltid It re. rrwte s uiB (WSrtswmg y deceit to injure another, God is providing a way to repay him in bia own coin. A man "reputed rich, by tbe name of Flint, I.. ...... . M .. Ar',ntw m mmA Am of buaiocss, and wanted to monopolise tbe whole business of tbe place, a chair ma ker, known to the writer, went there to set up his business; bat that other man sent off to another place and bought large lot of chairs to undersell tbe median ic ; and so he treated every mechanic that came to the place. Thrm be would break down every one that stood in bis y. Hat did be end well ? Did he flourish I VI nrU it thnre was the hand of God id ii at last he failed aud went to nothing, aud died poor. Let over-bearing, piond, 1 a ighty m -n, who cast about them instru ments of ruin to others. There is an eye upon thciu thai they cannot see ; a power sad wL'doni that they cannot eajiiol, which wil make them after a while drink of tbeir own cup. Like the man who put arsenic iu a cup of tea for his wife, but be ing called away suddenly from the table, she, knowiig-nothing about tbe matter, Eut her enp in place of hia becauae a fly ad failerr into hia. He came back, diank the poison, felt the effecta imrsvedhUelT enquired about it, confessed what he bad done and died. How came that fly to fall in the right spot, at the right time Krvxcrra or Smokikg on Boyb.- Dr. Decaisae, in the course ol iureatigationa on tho influence of tobacco ou the eircula tion, baa been struck with the large num Ler of boya, aged from 9 to 15, who amoke and haa been led to inquire into tbe eon rveetion of thia bab t with xh? impairment of the general health. He haa observed 38 boya, aged from 9 to lo, who amoked more or lesa. Of these, distinct symp tome were present in 27. In 22 there were various disorders of the circulation bruit de soufftei in the neck, palpitation, disorders of digestion, elowneaa of intel lect, and a more or lesa marked taste for strong drinks. In three the pulse waa in termittent In eight there was found on examina tion more or leas marked diminution of tbe red corpuscles , in twelve there was rather frequent,epistaxia ; ten had diatur bed sleep ; and four had slight alterations of (be mucous membrane of tbe mouth, which disappeared on ceasing from the use of tobacco for some day a. In children who were very well houriahed, tbe disor der waa, in general, lesa marked. As to the ages, eight of the boya were from nine to twelve years old ; nineteen, from twelve to fifteen. Tbe duration of the habit of emokmg was, iu eleven, from six months to a year, and in sixteen more than two years. The ordinary treatment of amentia in genesal prodnced no effect as long as the smoking waa continued : bat, when this was deeisted from, health waa soon perfectly restored, If tbero was no organic disease. British Medical Journal 9 5TTJRS 20,000 tion of Fruit CHOICE YOUNG APPLE TREE for sale. All descriu- 'mit and Ornmneatal Trees and Plants, Oreeuhouse IMwiiU. Ace., dec. AdJre-s, WvBLABl!, Nurserrman, Caeeter, 8. C Nov. M..1S68. twlm. Dr W.F. lason, IT. i 8AIISBUK. J.,tJ. ' x UPFICB on th corner of luniss aad Church 6tretsv eaF6 Mamriroa HonserV- ; Cornmunioations through -the Post Office at this place, or othrwi.i. attended to tbe liroi op porttinity. V. R- Produce wanted rff Thtxa Indebted will plea call andettle atesuss- et - : ,. 8tafe8Ti!l Meie Aca4eaf J. H. Htix, A M. c 11. T. Blekji, A. M. f tVinctpois. TPTlV" Sch(.-! wiiTLo re-opened ou the 4th of January I8t. ." 'Tbe course of (uly wiU he s'tnilar to that of the beet .chob of lis grade in other loeal itiea A ihorO'tgh krwutleitgi of the ordinary iBng'isJT" Brafn-tios wul be aiudo an object of pn me i mportaao". :. .ar..r:e iu ood faauilieeoaa b had at $10 to flU per month. Kates of Tuition ;-er aesaon of sis month' CiK weoks) if puid in advano?, KnirliRh Dotartnioiit, Primary Brannbe $11.0. V lntermediato " 'b-5" tfcUssjical " - If oof paid tiil done ot term tb rates will liwreepewuvely, 12, flB, 2A . Jf- F.r fvrtlMT raWdrs-alres HtevTvt.U- .in! t Stattjv'uV y. Jwi-m-411 -

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