1 aoTTnt HANKS BRI NEH UALISBI Hrr N. C, JAN Mi: Then moli'uiuo ... wt seotu to iu to hart (wired (he attention, at tbe ham) .fir.. ... i iui jurii mi . - mm mj .. - A. I if wil 14 1x44 al t Ik- Co. i i" Ma citmriu ul Rowan Obani wil b Item at t! Court H in SalUI-ixft 011 Monday ihe 3d da; ol IT. .!.. and wo tappoM tbii body oevar contra- I arrant'- rod, will nut ! another aaaninn. And mm if it Irrnnution ly advtahc 41 iloaa. tbf 1 ftV' k th- aoe. Whateveafjnnt at Ijtrrty la vote aa they phase on eotuiHWi'xi U way agr. uji,.n ill Ml the 11. CiiwUludon, ul defeat il if the v 'j ..- . .. . 1 ... 31 186. agrero upon twin session, aim, 1 npmnir, can- w . jit haa rejected these resolution aa the bn- 1 l'rrhap art might to apologia to nor DCRIUM'S RF.SOLITIOXS. M weae """"It " tint aome tew voted aa they did from tranenu. caii.es. but care bound to assume lion ut the Convention should ha review errltve ih rh th-jr ess1'''4 , nf toeae mh. sal id in levnr .eat Wa awaited lor aauia days la toe kope , , !JL ' -. of tUir Indefinite p.lpoi..imi.t .I'd to bo that the Serrtrnci or war Other loading wmi w imtoini tlx- iax, out it y rvunrtcd. by aa luadvcrtaucc. on the Thla rote faaw-s ni no longer , ame to have escaped their attanlion, part of lb Sentinel (rportrr, In th da (it briaf Monday af Mnu.y Oaart ) lor 1 purpra of .ppoint.nf Vlegles to thrSiab- ! rradera for devoting an mnrh of our space , T'V'. to 1I1 in subject, but we thought the - j ......... tl i v - 1 ... ,1,,. .... ........ ....i.i ..... 1. . . ... VI- til t.i-t 1 111 V lit. ill I I . llll. . 1 ' ...u.w. mm- e.., 1 ' ..tnli... 1 , . . , .in doubt aa ta the course w hich the Con- callc! in pcrforni tin whole structure i , . , . , , , TThlHin will take. II will pmrnt a radi- tbr taaa (oreriiaaput oadrratood and . , , . , , , , .". j eal and proarnptlve ronr:il.iition ntterlv 1 Ilia Kttl Tin. I' iti-. ir.i 111 i.l .... . . . ." m 1 r' ' of hc pr.plr irutbfulir. thai U ik? n.iteere dualiw of 1 . . . r Oonaarratir (inTiiim, which neat at Ra Iritih on the Kill of lite nar month. A largo It reoweateH. MANV CITUtKNA J AS. 8. McClBBIN9. -..i..i M l.. kaiMi u. l mi kivvkk aniaaii i m J bWUmK ra. kNtaf ..lari wkwOW-. Harriah. tiaiaiii in air 11 ranvu. aaaa ia an a f ubrrraivc of ike librrlian and bet intcr- Thoae who bow de clare ihrfr juirpofa to oppoar the conditu- . . . h . . . 1 linn hi-'Uiiii .ill; iiui ui t 'iiiliiii io v lk-. Slii In hip Miiillit tn n! rftilt.iiia 1 r BP prrmir ef rNi lealina to reatorr , 1 r ,r. now iitting at llrih 7 I lua M a qne- and we b ir farwiehrd tki. THE ruWT.US OPTHK COX- VKXTIOX. 1 What are ihe power of theCaaTonlion h f IMiia la lion fchieh i linjo. i il a-ki il, ai.d which bale 011 paper Mr. Durham' rraolulion, that Ua follow In; eorrrction. TIOM f. If or day, Jan. tt, ISSaV Thai anroatioa waa 0 IM 11 o'eJock. Prayer by the Rer. Dr. Smith, of the allr. JfrLajM aokea) leave of abeeiwie for Mr Leg, antil Tharaday aast. Uraaled. Mr. Kinr, of Lineola, prraontad a peti tion from 90 citiaen of lib) rounlv, aakinf ! ike roaaoOal al "nUT aW km B fcrred. Hood, negro, a memorial reepectlng the election in Sam peon connry. Referred. Hood, aegro, a retolution that t'ommll- tee of five ba appointed by the Chair, ... . 1 . " " . IllfVIUI wuicu wo taaert in oar paper mvinr 1 . ,, j- 1. . . i copied tin 8ntimtf$ report of the proeeedj fornvitlon aa will enable tkeea to report al inga. 1 ' ; mi mi ly day, to thi convention, a Hat nf OORIKCTI0I..-I. the report .f ECffJffiaa-aVr Heat. ba eaaU reraa.li Ub'mTinTi- UA a al et. haa-n .1 Mid it waa a aaaanka of iMa baaTr. awl a Coaeervativedid H. aad ko (Harria) aaaaW g ive lb naaM. if it waa aaairaa1 Hood, aagro, tbought two Hr n Harria, of Walr. (oeraja reaalat aaflataaVatof oafkt to take 10 aoawinrrmUM tbe Oongroaaiauaj u trieti,' Lam: ratoa movad, aa aa aaaandaiaat to . ui ored the four roar taraa. ( onvriition uroecadiniri Sir Batnrdav but. - . . . . I U.th mnenduiruts were whhdrawa. at the raaaaat of Mr Abbott, who moved that M tko aaaa af all foe okVcre ba faar yaara. 1 Durham aebod if a aaothwa ta aaaaaM hr trihiii at "Ucatt. Ootwroar, Oaiuilalialiat f Hwktlr Work a.aad Bairla teuaVat of faMia laatrortloa." waajblkola oraVr, after tbe Committee make iiffiaa for tbiverawr two The! 'hair derided that a L.ua mmml-. I tL. r.t . A..mi- 1 ' l r .M 1 ( iililniifl. off How Mat. Wata nbrMul raik Ik.-'rdaal Ui.ioa at tUearW day 1 " we have m v, r n Mliafaelorlly aoaarer- ,b toal ke "fcrnrod tko poat . . . . ni. nroiininfn-iiiiiww niuirmrni ol Jir. liiirlum rewotaiMMi. other, tie- ai ed time ior cmiaadora lou, and they tuiglit be WUJldruWa. Again, on tba sanation of their indrfl nito poatpooeojeat, Mr. McW. ia not re cordod aa voting. He volod iu tbe ucga lor. rafUuiir, qikiu trruM toai anu nonori-i . T ror W1W rT" ""TIT n ' powenwn ol jar. He, botkiatka iJjrtnuacuxW ike Lui- ' ""J T "J" ' ar'f, but we think tb.it tuoat of the ..pin- for th reaeoa tbat he wiebed them with- adtwa. .k. II... 'tettdi foejo. Tt n lake p.'tt-W.i nrv-iR,.r'i'W.w... to Iu' ,w.ie.lra)rfc What be did ear waa, thai la , t - - LJ1 -m t. ittom ariiiifiina ajyj aa what ffiirh nirmbxriLw -1, mli. car-irMeJofcB i. miwr of the Cneeetion eoukf have ' " ... areerrom.nM rrv m.mv tlimk that ., " , . , .T , , . i wlm rated aramrl ibrni on IlK-ir atrrlti . , . . 1mm apauaad to tki rceuiatioa paaaca our , , , , , . I poaaeaeea no power winch are no! confer fat It bad the (ate of tin-1 1 red upon it by the Reconetrnction Acta The eerotid, while trmgniiiag " W vo,eo l"e nr" f CmgreM. Thi la the view of it ta- .erloaa ronatiUoa of North Carolina, j to""" neclared, that It I not live kw hy (if fce dUtrict cmmmnttt r pwweret tka federal (Jovernmenl, '1ucrtr ie'n nf ,IC Pte pf Norl1' C"'- i among them (Jen. Haak. It ia not lo atcaadt ia bold and aaanly j oliaa to reatoro tin-8uu to her rnmUitu-, wonAfrell ,t rf,., ...jjiu mPfl who i tke reeoaalruoo acU aa uujael. ,!olla, rcb,io,i wi,,lin ,br ,Vt,T:', l'n,n" .'never think of rooking beyond tbe acta avoaive aad aac-nutoii..nl, aa anb "e eanieat aay, 0,0 .rr..,B j ofColigrea fhould exjireai auch opinloaa. ve.tlve.fthe rigku and IntertaU of ike I uoolle to 1)0,11 lhc Stat- nd ,brl (Jo'- U..t we ihink tluy arc clearly to error. I ,lli. fmfmm, nod ealenUlod to kaeten 1 M,MM"t U tk" Vu" Ute 'rt " ! Thi- aaaeniblage i. a Convention of the tke dertn and overthrow of oar wi.e " ,rBlh " '-""' - 1 rK0. of the Stale, or it ia not. We vale, of goveraaaeat Tk. Carta ,,;- in olntmn. 1 h"-; shall not undertake to decnle iq thi. arti- .Jt-viewt ,wik) roieu again, .or ar. w,a!),r , b U ;. Jf it-j4 cu. .thereby uwlart-a tbat tl.c r.-co,,. ruction . . u a , acta, degrading aa tb.17 are, are wia. jot fl)V,'reim Udv. ami i. p.M,.-aa.Hl of ml eon.Ututio,,.!, iiotw uoaaatmnag me . .. whieb helooeed o r - o tr.an wkoae pnjudiera harr not aaJe bun aa eneay ot kia governaarut who far tke aaka af aa anltaUowed and ia oat w nnon M former amwi...L. ! derlaratlona of tkeir anther, oft rrpeattd. , .,roj..ct1..uril. 1,. wer, ,re b,mnd -ri , , . . . , . . 1 i - ., aaul tae aaown opinion m n.e juiig.:. . oa by ,bc Ritj,,,,, ,n,l re,iriai..na ; to pull dowa tko ediln liberty and periek bint with bia cfaildren. beneath tbe col So tree aon of nrlli Camliaa. ' anient mar have keen hi ITnion- i aay thing to oppose in tki i he tfeara rw lauwu ataerta a tke Sapreaaa Curt, tkat in paa.ing them . of SuM hp Congreaa acted atatato the Cn$tUution" VeieTA CoaolitutMa. It may para any jnal, notw itketandiug thry dlcriininate :ordin.ie(.( do anv ,et it c,1MWMj wnic, agaiuat virtae and mteRfgenee, a 4 in fa- ot cm,g;ct w'th iMMroinent. varofvice and ignorauce. Tlmae whoj we ukl. it for grtiBjaow will voted agaiuat the liiird reolBtion on lla J,.I1V I m . - ill 1 . fart, aaul recently, wwer diapattd ia thia mnut' " 'De " , Hut . i it a Convi mion of the people ? or aay other drtfeed eonntry that tke Rrr noT a nrre1no t-. i. .1 ThOM wh0 , .opp,,, ,,e wg whiw" and buck raect are dioet by na- U "dation on llie par: of fie whito ,re rMinctj , f nmi,,, tare and tkat the LWk race caa Le made 1 m"M 10 a-maitywiih ,,M' nPro' laiuing that It ia men iy the agent of Cod tke white only bv degrading' tlm nmor,m wr " n"'re ole ' gice, to do for it what it might hart done ft tke lereJ af he former, arcl J ,he eonvenlKH. remove tf, inconiy in- jt,r Will any man of intelligence on ... ... . ......iniin 0. rcnin ni i'j tnur imo nnai. - a . . each attempted dteradaliou 1 a cntne t e " uertaae lo aav tlmt 11 ih iiiicli tin WANTED TO AMINO. We obwerve that our Mewl Mullikin, i f Da TiJon, 1 1). red a rwsoralioo ra tba Convention a few 'Jaye ago to amend the BiH of Kirlita Tbe BiH of Itii'lii. haa been a part of our State Cuiiatiluiion for many yrar., and kai awered ail llie pnrpoere of good Go'ernmrnt, yet we have no ujevlion 10 Ha impiomurui, if pond ble. Bui inr two ear t wa have beeB laboring under a Bui of Wrunga lar more 'op prvwwire tiiau ihoae whieh drove oui father in to rebellion. We bvpa Mr. Muflikm wdl offer a rewilaiion lo amend Ihi Bill, and aoi Jularb tba BiU of Bigbta. Mr. Rodman, a resolution in relation ( hjr Abtaat withdraw bkt ameodaaeoi. la to taaatlon. R. lemd. ieeaWto ladwhra Mr Durham, wliereon Mr Mr Clover, an ordinance to relieve , . (Jam made tko weatton, aariag tbat the i! inor. I.i.M orrr ' avaiMi of tMawaanam wnaw Mr Durkwnrth. an onllnance giving tko ) deal a linuiirtattan) S, , ir Cnnrt now .-r lo examine antdl another appropriation1 af ranrafor a.tinUlon 10 tba tar itrta-Ha Njaiy aMft aia 11 a.... , f ' ia noeondliwn miueriaai the Awan aalhor fwnfoa,-- Waaaatawtra expenditure. of Oovaanaar 1 1 ' 1 iweierinii. , .1 Uj xi 1 1 i 1 J hanaiawa Mr iKr-ncb,of Rl.de. an ordinance to '.X repeal ihe provi-mi of the Itovetrue law, y, m wtt,- ,heard of. a idea aad that provide that eorporailona and employ- nHHn otBeea. Mow eonht the paopW era ahall lilt peraon. employed and pay , bear It 1 Oaaaabaai wan, eoaxmoo ataaaan, their t.xea. fteferreil. ' ;tanped .oeh leglaUtion aa uawiee. Mr Candler, au ordinance repealing the ' aato aotrageow. ......... . 1 irfrtiii..! uMIm Arc. Mr AkbutiaaMh p..ed by the General Aaaembly, lto-!- BiSll"-f ' 1.. iVr . ..mm.lim tenn.aToBoawna, bnatkw .riM... 11, rVfi 1 jinwefcia aiianaa no addlliunal tipaaaa. ar to femalea. Refrrred. ' ' be would reeeiva y oaly while preaidiag Mr. Jouei, of Caldwell and ordinance (VIH na f,,,,,, regolaling the e.penaea of tko ovoa. Mr Itorbam raadbnl. tkat whether they toil.. IMerrr.1. akeatbl haoo tboae anaaira. eroet, wna tor MrWelker, an ordinanee prohibiting . tbe totelliawnt. tai-payiog eitiaaae of the he diatillation af gram. Lm over. tMane to aay. - Ta anwy onto, bad boo. ak vwOT uiiwuai mT newwrn afr HudMaB tnonant tno wmeep Mr Rodman, a reaolatioii appropriating monies for the etpeiiae of thi. conven tion. Liea over. Mr Tonrgee, a reaolalion in relation to Rank ieanea. Mr Latin, a reaolalion B pending ttoa j a aw abort yaara ago, ehvoa, wave elIi ction ol debts nude pnor to way 1 that aner la the aaaaatly ) 186A, for ten year, wit boat interval, avid trainer. That van a a rani ,1... 1 . r..".... m..iu:a .! ima 1 JMr Itorbaw aaM tko annt five wkhnnt inteteai. R. (err. d. ' ' littbj atefted. He w.mld advaie hlwi to baaf Mr. Akboil aaked that "-hnltnnai relation In liar Wlhwbiglon, Charlotte , Ruiberiord Railroad, ho oontinnod on 1 Na 1 cohmittu ur raa w-ol Mr. Nicholann, tko Chairman af t Committee on Governor and other Ei tivo ofleora. ax id hi behalf of tka eomn law, ko would etate tkat they kwd na i tentto. .roreaulM takteli f okVaea. u tko aflce of Ll. Uovornot wonld be tie ditioaal rxpenao to tka Butt ; tkat 1 atknr office bad been ennUid ia 1 State withla tba Uat tta or Ifteen e Mr. lleaton favored tk eraatioa af t of 14. Governor, aad aaaicned ra aoa rcaanua therefor, and aUo 1 . af tko officer of Huperinlenden Invtrurliou aud 9aperiulendeu of Work. Mr Durham laid tkat il ka. beer, '. fotu-d tkat bo and other Onaerv.a) anallnwia .warn nnal .-Mb Wm Free Schoola. JJb wonld not i IA elf 10 be ihaf I tod, f fo favor of a Wtm ayatom af wkenover tko SB WM a bio t knw - ry taaaVaVupport It. ' hft wt rreaiiiar officer hare, now. wk '.t wonld bare coma oat ol tbe 1 a Wa have, mice tke war, boo able to pay tka 1 and pn weeded to advocate tka awaaolaaartb. Mr rreoob, of Cbowoa. tbnnked thi wanadav of iaaevarien. Men -i " .r , 1 mi. -i 11. ana wnnien mm ana annowww Wferthi. week. L !' neBrn r"I"l,nn that, abatoagk tko aomber -f Coaamf- ,T,.uTIn2erentJfc1,'idlB,M,,," f V" "Jf I vattoaa w STESwrn tnxalL, tbey nwra not - af)ant4ks oaaalarntioa af the ace. and again! God. . Such a reaolatioo, It rcmi to at, eonkl only be oppoaod by degener ate C.acaaiaai wna kave hjet all mpect far iWelre, aad who are aeeking ia mal T "'"" ' 1 It gravely knowlged them to be aoch , eaa.naaily of praying to tka world tkat I " a!J,t "e ea V by .obmitting the Howard Amendm nt ttwry are aaereant to their race, which ther ! ot ', they voted hew foj. MteffUtian or rM jahtodradototke!ere!oflhe W J that tbew veamenta rmght nM to be g 1 a 11 I I ml. I. Winn e.r.lr' I I. it I , . . H e make thi deiU-1 "J --v "(wrWH ihrm to be .uch. Clm f Jua- gaiualioo, or luircegcuatioit or tnr race. n, . We imagine not. With all the Tkose who voted agmwat Ike kudlii. tlea.nee f tke timea Congreai ba I.tionden-iwercoyan.u.nc. , (lot ytt the h, , fctl well known a. any knitorienl ttrt a be- hnt Uigiufc llut the covcnimeiit of the I mted Main 1 of our opto ion in ail candor, not- witkatoadiag it ia well known tkat we kave far .red aa ex ten 10a of ike elective frasehioe to rnck of the robin d people a nay be aide to tlctmle tkernaelvca aafioieat . Jy ki tka aaaia af mamatry, intelligence and tnorxl character to ena'de them to ex negroea ought not to be alTefS-l w ith pro- ll VmttM 1 ?.. Ill- u 11.1 i.i,.i. r- liV I 111. . , . , ' . 1 ,"' 'opening the Circuit Court of the United exercise of lawf law, .but tk: they ought J . ... lice Ciiaae declared the eame thing npoa State, in Raleigh la.-t .priug if ther to be mJe eqnai with the arliite man in lla itnlHMIMltnil tt flin M Wlf,llt hv .11' ,-1 1 1 11 . it r . . ... 11 ' . 7 , . . , 'hte a govt-mment for them A . ii .. !..i..i will. : uniaiiiUK mmm m mwh . - - -- . . . V . .,,! own ovrr-ieii people them. 1 bone who voted agai:ifl the nih 1 , ... ,T I are Hlatee, no power on earth can orgniL- exeept Iheir 1 hi ha. not been 1 I 1 a ' T. I . . .' mmmZ wmmt . . , , . ,. , jurni'ii oy congreaa. 11 nae ooig nuiier- it totoiligeatjy and for the good of "" ..--.-( - " .... ... Uw. ..r.t. 1 deal re to have tke dexradalion now heap- , ., , . clarc r .Sou'ln rn stati-H. liaviiie, a il nppow , I J . n ... ...I.,,.,.... ,r mUr 1 ..I te, r . r : v. a . . em tba States. Tke fonrth renolntiou d .U-.. - - mt ,1. !"..; I nod Wtka aewernl State, were tortrltu-d ia ,Loir "W"1"". d. gradalion in being h whtto toeri, and while the live. UUr- j heaKd H" -Ihat tfcey regaid tko ne IT mitananTlTli''flirk ram nh ntH hr ' tb 'J'41' "f 'er'r'',r,-an opinion i . . ! wt.i.li mm ar. Ii. v.. hail 'ouion to remarlr. ' ' 1 - before, we are not diapoaed to controvert, while contending that the white raea ia rably auperior to tin: nero race i. . t . promcaeu oynat mwmnoocgovtruun .it oagkt to be controlled by wkite men only. Tba nimtihl wkaah w kave made in rela tion to tboae who oppose the tirird reaolu. " W' eoaaJIy to tboae who oppoae ikk ta 1 wo.tkwiart of those bin- (1) who opjttmtd thia itfoluiion will regret that aay record of tke procenditg the Cvnvriition u ever trade. TLt i ettied thi- r neat ion, it prnridrd far their aasemhUge in convention, to frame coo.ti l.ution. if gotemaaeyl for themaelve..- The t'onotitntiwti of lite i'nitod rtatn provide that theie government f hull be repnlilican in form, and ' onjfre. ha. de- cland to lie iu what, iu it 'opinion, will bj the ooulenipurwiy of ilir atmttmti, w ith wlruse vieu. we generwlly conci r. CoCarv Muxnxa. We leipe our rrsiler to be MfmMKai law. miaaam. Ha ad to laapiaw mek wicked and vile IryiaUriou AroLonr. The neceaaary xbaence of the Senior editor on Mor.ilay and Tunalyt and bin itadfe-pUNtiun on Wnlnenday, aovmiul lor the want l edtlirial aaHtTf in ,.B,,n,.na,,oxeep,wWw,..ipnxeren.Nitiid ba .a,, the Ik I) t three -lour daya, w. Uve avaaVd onr-1 m d ,Mit-tiw, be.ievo orive rerr lareeiy m I.. wmoe.il ol ir abr lct), tMJ,.,ii. Ren-reed. ( with all of hi ability. He b. iry, m gm, a k-aolution in regnrd to mtiltanl and lax paying suffrage. Hi-terrene im inikiikii nt a: h. win not i..ro.-i mat Monday next i n.r Ua.v . ealrndar. Uit he did not wUbl to4ed araWbtm. aWaaw tbeaeat f Ga- fix I lor a meeting of lira t'oim-i eaiii n. .if I ha j & eonsnane time ii, It ditcomion, until more! tna. Hanger. Mwfohi ad. aad a hart iT Xeetk county, for llie purpose or appointing iieleh-..- time wa allowed ht eiiudaeraiioa. asana to tL. S... 1 ,, . ,,.-e r..v.....i..n wWn i Ibat it be continued on the calender. A- oil, of Feb. vary. FSS. V ha) Bewrbbn bee to pnrteet tbair hatorl rantraa 1 n4 ikeir right, and he WamW Vt iiwebb. It waa true be Ml out of place : it waa t hiaordinaiio wm i be Ml tbe dawvwanaton of-kk Mtanw. wbe ' r irdmary tax a 11 ccaaary to carry ojyaj He dhll net WFi aw-- :im yv: um caiabxa v1" linn faefl ! Xortkerfl Bdi.ot about tkfl k had uernfl Hlhoi , well, aufl a crraaxxTfl Lw""?' mw Lakknl .Other tT2h p1! 1 01 im wkwrtonTI BxV m iiMiioamxj muv .- i 'lemenB I erXtwlnyl a II LxxxaV J I a tend 10 no pi a, nn Ba them ar any ofH K & 0fmnf't exatupio aB Ko wanted lo follow tbnxxl aMrmi. 7' Mr. Graham 41 plo were iu favor onB"Uy"f .3r ... 1 mat. wetore aaeeuible at Kaieigu on the bti We hope tbe attendance will be 111 enitiuSUotU.', an'd that a laixc dclr'aiioii d . wujest and best men will ba wot, W 1, aore, that a delegation bigniv reafiiitabb, both 111 uniiiliei. and character, w ill 00 Ktt BM i . ance at Raleigh on Ihe A1I1. 1 Carolina' noble a., filed by igwaeaal men. who we re I to way Hi alitil wiak tb lmato nf tka MrDatkd and artiaaaa tar tbair labor, waa Mr Aakky replied to a afmeob too lengthy axaV a- matiaai af Mr kkmtoB.1 ta bokito ailiWid. adwutvd. j Harm, of Wake, negro, aleo bad a apeeeh 1 null I nr wmol. I to xaaae on tna awyn. On mot ion of Mr Abbott. tbeCoaamiltoa Trr-.a f ixrmvmg arrtven in yon- h. frman raporird mxamaiamd Not Room. We regret lli.t want of apa-x tu-iuy, conijwlb a to abridge tlie ruer-dtiiy cf the Cm vent inn, so far as 10 exefode moel ol llie remark, of the member. Ve 'egvet Ibi veB.toa wwa u.i.i L'oeaailUee of tbe Who. Tbe Report of tbe Committee on "Gnvajr mr and other kaeeotiva 1 tun" w aa ukea 1 niw,n reed Ii fteeretarv read tbe report, whea . , . mi m mm . . aia ar rrenen, of . nowau. mnveo w aaa, ashed have t sit again A oommaaleathm waa rvearrrd from tke PwWie Treaau rev, aVchawag ta par tbe ex . r . 1 1 . .1 . . 1. I Mr Abbott moved to paa upon the samel fi L. aali nnL vn tk. naar ,rt at. alh bv section i wntcn waa agreea 10, ana ine ia of dlee. or too noeonmry obligation of hi bond ; oar did the act of Confront justify a. we would la.ri.-Hi eUl mIih.k ... .U.-,,.,l . " . - aim n manawmag awam-y la eaaamnaaee nrttn - ltM, 4,, nnWi after me w..ra -Tupeeia.wwiH tk- 1 ja..it lajl 1. ji.il . raaaaed il rvmaika of Maaara. Orabam ad Du.lav f pUu- Work, tka wor.V.and Immi- Artorlonm Mato wm . ) crati'. ana, in a pa i aaxe g" ' Jn Coxmstatu G..BLXB. Air. K. J. Bl-t 1 I'd ne Bed to aaaMrtbe tko of the 1 in iota u as a race. The convention having, by thi. vote, doctored tkat tkeae gorentntent ought nef to be controlled bv the w hite race on- i Iv, and tbt mere is 1...1111CI1011 beiw-evu . 1,.,.,. . m-iiv... iwr i.-e.l I hi. i. , .11 fiitkaud lm reroiutioa appeal lo the j the while and t be black race, and that, , j, H atly mamfeal, ll n, ilisl I he bmly jajltioaof thrmwr of tbe Nolli- consequently, there ta no degradation in nn repuLlican farm of gorerumi-nt. ' if ,h" fa Td thegohler: tiar paaawarv fii w-rieiL .o .aae an. ami w-rn e aim r ei.rivelitioi.. t.o in .-oelt e-overnloi-tll. . 7 ww.. I mail-- gooil hi eefB. ha Wab-ftai Uowiie Tloiel i . . , i , . , -m I ..... . ,1. . i... -.....,1.1. I I .1.... .. , J .la". .1 ...mi.--.:;"'? "" mi aim I ill i ill it I tgrt mm wr 1 rtnf .mi ajj- a, . I I . at t . O . .1 TZ Z1 nwi'ii vy vHrn t? nun Jiit ir nvtww niin ! WW a 1 ; XI II. Aanvna rV-an-IloUH RoBaMr. Mrs mAi x ttr aiiii SiiKikr house wa nmler- :. ii ..i- . . L ...... ....... "1 " ii'iw mu i niriii, ciiiirnuni in . ..i,.. r, a, lav niet.I l.-t and nilMi . if .11 to remove from tbe iutelligont I Vr aamit.g an ena.lty with toe uegr... fa of the State. . I dlied wllliall lire I tbe aafal she bad. Tlito Mr out on seven Aiaeriean eittgebe'V the Southern Stales U can clearly undereUud what ort of a power ol o-ereignty whieh the people j hog fo fatten enough for a year' npply,- on-heap Bpoa thKwnwtion likely to aaka, if, iu- -rayereoeyifej to-ay-yenl gltlaar -.biW km, wercHateii out of the jam. and t ao to coiowder the dire reaalx lo the whole ' deed, it akali ever be able to agree jbmi j, ,ereiy aa aatembfaze of private ilidi- V" r tnainder ofber year provision baa been r, it the policy of ongreee be ear- j any Conititution which U not prepared fjtfjfi wTlhcut thpowirr to do arry oto j'iPPi(l' PJ.i r Tkm-lawt nototion wiM have . Ir it by outride lumu V we bud never ) y1Mji,ur upou the Mdo 'tn.th. .''ta ':t'' ' 0 " bora opp-iaed only by men lost to all intodo up oar opinion befdre, wn woald-, ,1, h, ther awn anMmenwut auci Amenim R..kbv. We ab learn tkal a . ,.r . . - ... .. .e f.n 'ts i ImmI. am A',4K,ilt v in il...l e i. ,r -.c.iit.1 m' . m.m - v -' - f..re Imii-.i fin lli. rei-oiiv. rJ Mr Jmv Vnm. wuee o rj uijia.ii wi.u vueir .enow-cm-j " t (- im amusr lueut ot :in; teiy ami the color- V : ' ' araaof Um booth, and who were willing ! the Hew Coiu-titnfio.i whe.n We aw bu p, f toe meUodi, wo wiU notf""- " r,"e'J '" "' toanymlfegradaiio. for -the vole.. TI.e nele of the Bute now an- Bnd,., take to decide w h id. It call law '"TV 7 . a -. . . . .1 ....Jl... : . r... .J .. .... . . "c.iearoi mncr ainiiar oni-ni.e r ma mem. lorreiiiiir mai oumuiiiu o.i ir t - t, .. .,. ,. rt . , , . neon a ' - .i .i .-a ........... I . . ... .-' i I N . to the conr.e of nme the blood of both pr-1 they tnaae no resistanee to the uu- Ol,,.. a,Be,ubled in convention could do 1 I will mingle to the Xina of their de- pending degradation ot tlKtn.r-lv.- ami ( ,n c,n Hwfully do nothing r all atvintohU. t jtbeir ueaeewtanw tney win jnsiiy deaerve: ye will not attempt to efaborato.lkc Veoatn. Darken, flmhatq, Mr'Bbbinv ." eiacratioa of mankind. Bat tbiy ttemeirf which wc have made by art ex- Induct!, and the siB.II but heroin handr?'u tcd.-rf argnment. We believe it, wiU Xooaayralhrr iu th Conrrntiou dVflh J"' Ba "Of" ,Be ""l,"nI "'''V not be controverted, Wearccouuderit ilmt rwa.e, anu m auow in- ajoov i 1 1 "i mm n-1 the. migration of inthuHrHMnv aad- ontel priaing j w J,, fc, gk.rtoaa atnt g.iUnt nah farJltomisfl W,1 b' 1m, ,h ir Y"Ter" l no man In Congreiiyai admit that the i, ., i.i ...r..u ,,.. -ujeut. with tna acorn ami inn: iiainm or overtign power .of the Sootlbem State. mil Le I mi one oijrliT last week, and .-olen. . ofltmor. but no. being ndfe ienlly aiitlwaticated are not, raen IMBM for ihe preeeol, . - vVliere aie tbeae ibing lo end t St won IhtATB VV. learn I hat Mr. J. K Rkr'rw, a very worthy ami reepectable rea elel.l of tttllki-. CoOMly, wil l oil B Oieriisboru. oo Muhoay laet, waa taken With a fit of .ijHipIvxy, Ml from hi bone, and ex pirad in a few mofrSeVl ihereal'ier. Tfie da c-aa.il waa abuat AO year ol age aud Ware a ofeoodffoverainent. the welfare afi ' aigu-iouca, ihiraitou. auu.i.oi or- U w .Uorbod, through their eon- . lb State, lh-contitutk.a and iiheilie of ! aimi. I nrathfn!. Onttoaateat Tkey i ,, t,iwt cnajreo. their eoiUaU, out were ymp-Ued to y kid j Bat, ray the Badicala, wtien yon took J have , :..mJy denied on all occasions that the , beai to ovnrwkeiacing number of the deal rue . b Argialratioii Oath ym committed ( Federal (roveniment wa reponaible -rir(. nied in Iredell eooaiy. Usi week. rlv. degrading and disni.inn phalanx in yoaraelf to tbas support ol universal ne- i for the payment of t(ie debt of tbe South- ffcar the muiderof lavnra Fgiuer, a cam icnior- "the Coiiventlon Bal toey :'ife fonch ' f re ituTfatge - hy tor ohligattoiima.yati ;trntlavtrhirii -wemfcr b tke eaae Ml "). aanaatanMg trja. ltoh4jtodij.aw.. ettit!i-d to Ihe thanks tL yiopalby andfaarore to aupp.rt the-on.tmciion Acta, jtlsev veriigniy had been) a ahambea. oeatonord to be banfiaj en tk toound Krnlay Nanspon of toe w ople id Use pie, a U elueh .ophiftry ran deceive no cnaihl okry bad uco.Ud. - lioa Keiii lo nave attracted hot liltle no- mand oo aojuui.-ot. Ikia i. indeod. f ouipruiiog to vmw ot it tre-meodoa. aig man, and will he treated J.y all uch with 1 1- r nal rut: t, mi Acts pro. vide that tie Constitution, to be framed" the f.'onvenfloni shall he s ojiuitieoVi 'lhe Cou ven lino, then-fare, should do that R deem peeawaary far tke good Kebruary. An appeal wm prayed and r ranted 10 tk. Supreme Court, now in a. anon, for a new trial ; bot aa tins is, (He aeoond l.i.l had of VI Tbia 'e uw,iu n, is to vine your noueaia-n- ti'iiiai hmiUtion. tr or atfiinnf, a j ou rtay favor dgkt wlien a bttl A Ooakru. 8 w. Xver wan there alaor'f Congwaa. ... I ti. iimiiIii lit a. frrir nnA frit i li-i-limt I ....l . .J ... II a ..... .... lA..n. mmmm ...... ouipruiuig in i tew .,t u tn-memlon aig " T tTr ' - .-"-ip-. -.. - - r.-r nirir fli reoolaiMtii wrefio'rioic-.l'r eeptt: iti .r rej-etion. J carry out it i for .11 purimse. witbm tta conuiu leifeaifrf by a tote of O to aaaaal . kaa nfejaa . bit i ula .ud . rani. . macule i . . .i or Ouuoae. w no ui-iii- iii.e oiiiv wi -r- -. -i. . - a . "". S? alaulnTrorBaallTTifaltW "D1w'tatoS aa rraiianoa na. ;oi -. - - --s- - r ,t -.--.- now affocard m toe iiwaoaoal af tk maathova ..ip.H.rd i..d. B!i.ieiy. it eaooat be-r s ' I SuteCoqvent.mH.. TkwaBa"to mack wax nailed p again dar,ng,th aeoamn accord- to ""deratood bow to con.tmo -wither on r(ph, , 0,0 ofl Brow aad ,h. thing ag m tbe usage of Parltamentory Ue wholly diffierwnt and independent mattor ! TfTC TrT? p'V'-'Hi. tte.aafcrdly perterftjiat jbj. won l lie ii nirm w. ii.v, i. in -ji. or it should do nothing at all. If H preme Court wdl order another. f3jfTlie Cmciunmi ftwaeail, (Bdiaal ) io aa able art. lie oopoaiBg llie ooarae of Ihe pre.eol Congreaa, my "BOf one mleliigent Re publican in a ih -ma indortm I be prrmul eoorte Workinx-meu ii.to thi State. Mr hValinan objected to the amendment;! thought it had better name m tbe tfth ee t io a and be added to tba dories of tbe Bureau iaf Agnenbore aad Hlatuties. Mr MaUooatl , nf Chatham i waa in favor f-.r any iliing that eocsMtragtat v orkiug-mee to coma into tbe State, Ualloway, aegnt, wanted the avenue ope a to all, ate. Mr Congletoa wanted tn know what ebma they wihed to iavito her ; too many p-aar lieoole here already. Carem negro, aaid tbe laborer to NartaVt Camlbia bad bee ii tba negro, and tbero wer tlioiiaand. of tkom idle now, and y w heard gruilemea talk ahmit briogiBg immi tart here far Iu exterminate tba pnor black mas ar lo aend kim away to aome bleak re gioa. If anything waa to be dirtrihnted, the piaar black should have il. Ha would not object to aome ot them immtgratora. out a nw too tnueh diapositWm. on the part of ail white meB. to diiirvgard the Intavaatl af. tba black niau. "Dem innngralor eome down base, aid dmo iiBaSnnv and two of dem cultivate 40 acre m" wheat, whar two blank men wrtrido't" cultivate two; darfore, day would ba exbtrmiaaled. Do negro nW planled de n-ildefnes. built up . de State to what it waa; darfore. if anvthlog wa n he given, de negro wa. entitled to it. Talk about the Male being hong in de rear; he would tell de reaaon why it waa because de panr negJO had been abused ; Oat Waaearea- oa de Male waa tfuug iu da rear." Hood, negro, favored tke anieBdmeot. ami. ia the eoune of hie remarks, stated he waa totally opposed to any ayatom of confisca tion. ! Mr Abbott thought a aernunte Itnreaa mi til I..- better. Mr French withdrew tbe amendment, aad gave not in- thai be wonld offer an smend lueat.Io tk ItHk gMtah when it wa oon aidered. Mr Rodinna moved to otrfk oat "(," and insert -faor." makingthe term of often four yearn Sr (ioveroor. v Carry, negro, an amendment, providing tbat toe l.overuor or Laenteaaat dovernor hall be a colored man, when cboaeo ; bat he withdrew It. Mr Graham, of Orange, waa opposed to say change in tbe Constitution of north Carolina, lie did. not reeognlte the power m inn conieniiou aa sumrimi 11111911. In regard to tbe, term of office of theiiover- nor, it shoeld remain a it waa, he if .bad one nhould he el.-rtrd. be wonld be fastened am toe people far tnur yean. I hull arail mm XmT:rmr-mTU, In. home FrnUv I IT1 T uwa " " V tiatnem to reooort t u V'u'. about 10 o riot, met a Mw-fc man ar ryinga Inrbejf! Su.pn.lmi thai be had co- JtttiiM if. Mr. Wert atrrWpri-il to ulentify the operator by a face to lapr eonrrrsaliim ; Uul the rtrauger ma&ifes'ed . so drvhlrljui il!dp- mIsmi fi sik-Ii an onb-aL ami to avoid it broke ml niu With auch fury, mat Mr; We-t raBf Ire him. It Wa an inierrsting rave while il BtVe.l . graml I fito enffi-e knew bow o I nek to tba O.wwlttse af tbreeJ it 00 I. mi. I anby. tBiatrae- reqoeot tbe Oewvral to mrm na TmHi. r, Jan. tt, 168. Tke aonrtntioti wa called to order at 1 1 oVhitl. , Prayer by the Rev. ErRt, (negro. Mr. Bodinan presented a report from the Commit ire on Rs-liri. Mr. Tonrgee Bovsd tkat K ha priatrd, and laid nt each member' deck, aa. ha rtttwd m give it ewrvfal ?on.demtiaii. Mr. TYcllr rnnvew In make it tke epe cial ordijr for tomorrow, at It o'clock. CarrU, . Mr. (in iil. r offered a resolution ia rela tion to relief Laid over. Mr. Lakn, neoiatma ia regard to ! aniag or Stoat famde. Laid over. , Mr. Parker, a resolatien lor tlm meeting of the Convention m jo, A. M., and al-o far holding afie, anon awiloo, when ue ees.ary. Laid over. Ilyman, negro,) a resolution erasing tawwrcrt; am Ifl Mi there were more children la Nod b i e na al School, than iu any other MB, aa cording 10 population ; and that I i jr. favor a liberal yatm, bat, at tk saw. lime ka wonial not allow lumaclf to he .ai. rr pre sealed in tke matter. Mr French, of Ckowaa, read totate it ibuka gathered at Watkig4M Crfg. Hr. Vtrlkcr thoaght ao much dwru neecaaary, a il waa no party mcarno Harris, of Wake, ( negn.,) advocated tK creation of the ode. The qaealioo on Mr, Durham' ameb.i memt, oirred yesterday, lriking oat tin tke provision for tbe office of Lieut, na (iovernorBperinleodenlof Tohlic Work, ana) of l'ubiis luatructiun, waa put to vatr and last. After a good deal of confusion, and i am iable amend men ts, tko lat section - tko hWport waa adopted, lo the fallow ii j SlcTK-X L The Exeeuiire Iepartmr i kaU eonri.t of a Governor, ih whom -' ' be vesird tke aprrnje Kseculive p af tlx- Slate, aa Amlilor, a TreaMrrr. Superi'ih-o'b-ol of l'oblic Work, a "up WMaiiat of yqklk Infraction, and ' Attorney (jeueral. who shall be cl-ri 1 tor ihe term of two year, by tbe qaaliti' i le-tor of the Stole, at thu same tim and places, ai d in the same nxaatirr, no tub. ra of the flrneral Arnrlnbly ' eleated. Their term of ..ffi. o .ball ton neooac oa the frt day of January : after lection, and continue until their n. reors ire eaccled and qoalined: JT" etett, tb av ra irat eleetod shall anna the datiea ol their office thirty day ft -1 Ibe aeceutane ol this t.onatitotion t ' 1. oucn-ss. and shall bold ikeir office I 1 two yeara from aad after Jam 1, 69 Mr. Abbott moved to amend the sration, hy atvikiog out the word "h" " to tk tud line, am iiirrlini; ' rl" I org out ike fast five lines and insert .1 "any qualified voter of the Stole ih.n eligible a Govrroor or LicatonautGo. ' oar." He thought the original did not f coiorcu man a lair cusnor. Ike amendment was lo. The qaestioH recurred oa Mr. AU" BBseudmrni. and il waa adonted. aia aaaeudmeht bv Mr. hfeCubl' which had been ruled uat rl order, to strike ont two y a-l resMvuee la ihe Stoto and inert faar, iaxaiiBa m amoqa I " 1 lsa u ' 6Mm, Ohio, Jan. 5. - Jolm BVa"y re pubh'ao 1 elected to Congrem 10 fill th va cancy eauwd by lbs deal but Hamilton, repub lican. f Mr Toargee appaaaat tbe ami ufanal Harris, ol H ae. Begru, aroee to a n onal explaaatioa, la regard to tko amend ment offered hy Carey, aegro. aayiag that mi Week axea eotoctaiaod aook utnneufai that Care. ' aineadment bad bi-en drawn up ny aome aoaai I'iBliv.. wtio 1 wire aoa aoua libit fotbaaat fCariy'a) arajaUnW- Ik wa aVwWd. ko bU to asm af too na to Carey did nt like nam.' remark, and enmrneaeed aa appeal to every member on -tins delegation floor," but was informed, aa ferre.l lo Com mil te-n Town, and Cities. Mr link it, a resolution hi nppoaitlon to all test oathi. Referred. Mr. EH!, the following reflations, vis : VVhMBIO, We. the driefste af ihe people of North Carolina, acmldi-d. do reeogniae in tka Govern stent of the I in led State three eu oedinalo branches, trig Kxecutive, JadkiaJ and iglslalivr, and do not reeogniae anv Conatitnlional inir rant far the one, iufrineimr utum the ore- roarallve. of the other i A ml anaemia There are many ipecial case where par- rrquiro a freehold valoeJ of 1,00" arc held in .us Dense, and are detain, t ""rnar, waa again offered. 1 ed from a soee.lv Iwariiir b. foen hum! Mr MchoIou offurcd 'he fanoWm;' ai4 branches, thoa depriving them nf -s ekte fat bW whole CCliop, uJ 1 rnrbl la a fair awd iawoaMi.1 kMei. mm I adonted t rmhrt. iovnt.-tna -s - - ., ... . a m-raou hall o eligible a Gove the recoil -trurtfnn acts, thus xabj.-iiiag, or,. neLwotenant Governor, nalltohcsbJ them to great and unhappy inconvenience: I umT ""amen ne age or jo years, - And B-Wcau, 'Inure rxista a wide spread hVv ryndral or tbe 1 - - - ,L. u.. a f.w tw.ntv xraara and nf thn Htate far t iii 01 v-'iin 01 in .11 1111 1. ut ,e. of v s ' 1 ' ' f ihi I'nrm, to regard to the present UM. years aest bvdhre such rlealion, nor a happy sltto of thing - : betaoii eiectod to cilkcf of tfcoae hmij,mj th.rrr.m-, TI..I mmm lU. DOsllion be ellwiUa to tke UUr of 1 V " - ' I "oen sale nf the ueocd of Karth Carolina, do i Morn than faur yean fa any term, V -. .. . . . - . e. 1 -e... rewy call upon the Congrra of tbe U. ' "P' '"m uoveroor or r-p- now ui sesriou, to aid the rn .ldenl in " "rm .ulna a heariutf b lore llm Suoreme nmtion of Ualloway, ( (ort of the U. S.. onallaointimvolri.ia cmmiiu-o root, tke Ckairman tb eniititanionaKiy af tb ri nuimaaiea acts, in order tbat tbeir decision may he mode known to ihe people of Ike I tm aa early a possible. X I bat opM ol thi. tta Prad.nt riH.i Cbt Ikw.M krmored lfau.no of ti-' . ' ,SL o-.uTTor .r. .7 1 aaaaodnma tins toate, not a memba 8., t Ike Chief Ju.tioc, and to the apeak 1 mooey to men law pay-roll, of oWmher. ' er Ot both bonaei of Conger, UU per day. Tba Heooly l.al" m brut B ' Vr, a.ng ltod.iae-AV. SmtinW. pv xres ami asked leave to tit tin Ban 1 ton l he Convention adioiu"' II e'Joch tmaorrow.