LAND FOB HKHOL.s The soldiers, whoa, pfiwiiaai havt !! .ll-s.noa., wbn victor im m no. be rl by o.r p-oeJ. Oar tib migration societies should give land to ouch salvors our gH.rtoa. Hi, M r-nprov. that they mw skulked .or faltereut stood the storm of war like!"""" w"'," ssa, ap.a thai most iwomkli ten... - .Let Fairfield the rumple Let our sample im our I no, only the Tiv1. immigration .Society be iu tbe Slate founded on the treat lav of butim sua. niu uiiuuirHu i iJUl, mj g.v.inr. .anus , i.. .in i .. it i i i to oar suadiers, to the noblest fcekiigi t the great Southern heart. Let our Bocio iv extend iu invitations to the soldiers .bo fuught for the great cause of the 8ov rreignty of the State a causa that it till tar from being loat no natter to ... i..7 rr "TV"," butter on tbe face of the earth, and it ihwy will come, Fairfield will become .he He Dialrictof Aemlk Caxolm.. UJ ol lb. rioutb . . ..... . tbe Aedai had 1 .1 ! .:: J ..! ae.itful did they feel because they had cnuuutiw hiv uoi. in uuue. n i.uie n- fosLghtagaiasi thaia, so cotdlalaa adtuira- 5 5SS for their bravery and their character, that they settled them amongst themselves, and gave ikeat land ana tbe privileges of tbe tame laws and the ssbm institutions. What a rtp roach sack a histories! fact is to the policy of pursued by our pres ent Congress J Bat if Congress perse cutes our bravest sad best, let us at least remember then. If we have no public lands to vote to ibest as bwautios, let us give them tpch as we have, on tbe fairest terms. Let Fairfield be the spot toward wbicb their eyea will torn with pride and pleasure, to which their orphan children will eoase In the assared hope of sympa thy and protection. This leads us to broach a subject that hst long been upon oar heart. Is our talk of sympathy for tbe orphans of oaripare their meat: neroic ucau 10 sou a .a uua I r.very , now sue wea oar papers are anticteo witu, a tparm of froth and fury on this subject, hut the curse of the South, the want of union and co-operation auMogst our peo ple in their private capacity, for purposes of earnest work, and the detestable selfish ness oi those who profess to he our lead ing public men blast; every project in the bud. Our people are slow to combine because unaccustomed to it, and ihctr so called leaders throughout tbe South, are toe Isty and too indifferent to etett themselves tfnrpty for the public welfare. Is there not energy anoagfc ha at large and respectable a body as the Mount Zion society, for example, to devise the means of adasatiruc some at least of the nrphsns of bar noble dead I But we do not wiah to give so great a theme a personal turn. There are surviving soldieies enough I. Fairfield District alone, to start a noble charity, and it will not be difficult to find a teacher to head the school and devote his lite to those who gave their lives for their country. Oh ! that this apathy might pass away. Oh ! that our indiffer ence to all bet narrow private interests might eease. Then waale our ones gUri our people rouse . themselves, like the strong man from his sleep, and rhake n ivineiUe locks. 1 rserastinalion that WaVne upon the mouth of all enthu- . r. v . , . . giaani iuu muui ii uu. u. t x.-irnte i Id be scouted, and we would begin st the beginning, and sooner than expecta tion, would reach the and. We are poor, Lot let us, for this ami all noble purposes unite. Union is strength. The first blow it hsh'tbe battle."-Fairfield (S. C) Ucr aid. CLAY ABOUND APPLE TREES. Probably no fact in agriculture hat been more clearly digram tnan that clay mixed with the toil around the roota of old apple tiees. where the toil it natu ally an calcareous and sandy, will act more eflectua! ly in re i ving tbe system when old. Dig up or remove the toil to the depth of six Of eight inches the deeper th" bet ter, provided tbe ro .ts are not too ranch exposed by the operation, and till in the cavity with a Mixture of loam from the woods and pulverised clay, in equal proportion. After fill ing io with tbis Jotxtura, spread ou aome wood ashes an I gyptuui, equal pert. This will stimulate the most morbid system into vigorous action, and preset ve it in a flotirtsbinc and . fruitful condition for years. If at the same time tlsa bark of the trunk and larger limb be scraped and ekransed of moss and other paras tes by the application of a powerful wash, as for instance boaae-iey or soapsuds i oe circulating system will exhibit, in vrea-u power, ..hi oer.uo rwwo. ... orated witbout manifesting even the. and Utterly ti, nauses slightest aympsomsof d seaae. I havof yul0lir uu,T Hftpettr luore than aeaa many old trees, and more than.250 timet Let them get as many elec ne orchard reautcjtaed in tbi way. In toral vo'er, as iheir names may he read. prepatmg tbe clay for this purpose, it should be taken from the bed and i dried by frequent turning and expos j iire to the pan. When th moisture, is expelled, it should be pal verhtrd ; .M snicssd srit that .no.ilrl a.ine davs tt U anoliad Mulehimr" is a beneficial to old trees after thi., operation, at ro young one n.wiy trkoaplauted For tbis purpose, straw affords a valuable mate.iai; and so, also, do spent Uu and la e-t strao- a I U d a injfs. tor. Ueruia.iluwn IcUiravh. Il B d a a m - Bdati r HSLY OSK STiTGIi AT A TIME.I.J j " "Oh deer, I shall never got this , r a 0 at ruffle done," said Martha to her moth J a a r a- e r. as she cat by her aide doir.g her d n a r a vtint." aa it was called. The child B kept leaving off bar work to look out of the w iidow down into tile orchard. a I i a r i - wished to be at jlay. This al osed up ber Hsue, and then fret ted becautMsbe was o long at fieri work and said it would never be done. -'Only on stitch at a tfaaa, jfr- tba," sa'd bar mot! er , "one atitrh at I, without lavirt,: oft, ud roar stint will h. tione. for it s nn: along- J. Kasx.b.r, it was by one step (Jj fJf g InHliTa ""a tlJTZlZL JaZ j tho I0" f wni. . , V.T , T . " ! - " - T"" "V u "SI I'M iievar fur trot. The word , ' , . "IT: ... 7 h.r. ..u-s. . "i mi icli at a time, one step at a tunc. una latter at a time, one stroke nl u tuna I I I t . miu fimiir l , i ..unl Murlliu Ami it lik ntiM altiiiH ... .i ' " , ., I. ........ ...i ...... ....,u. uu uy oau weeu at a nine uio ouy weed, i he garden." Auditliu little tin rers no parsed nimbly ov.r the ruf J . j , e ' , ; "-. "" I.l I u :. I" . ' ,1 fuu'lultrlM I lie 11I1A lrtit lrt.ltllnp r nd leaving off to look 'nto the Held where the children were playing, i whom d wished .0 join, lie otr' i kept on pick in, ier t basket wt and before her sit - was halt full. Hers was full of the ripe, red berries. One berry at a time, without loav. ing off, and she was ready to carry her well filled basket into the house, receive her mother's smile, and join tho other children at their play ; while bar sister uot only lost halt her playtime, but made barrel!' nnhappy by her idleness and discontent. It is by carry ng one straw at a time that the bird builds her nost, l.y one tiny an.p oi nmiey at a nine mo a , - . . . . ' bee rills her hire, by g.aiu at a I line the ants build their Itouses, and as the wise man says, rrov. , as, pre or food, -'iu tbe summer Wi. )oM wise, my yonng friends, uml tiegiect to lay up in child hood, oae at a time, gems of kuowl edge and truth to brighten y our riper Oaytf C'AtdTtt ''aper LEARN A TKADE. The value of learning a trade be cornea mure and more certain every day. Scarcely a week passe, bat soma young man it asking us to point oat a field of labor for hi m. With good attainments, perhaps, or an in satiable desire to be at work at smoo thing whereby an honest penny may be turned, he finds himself landed as ii were at the first ebb ot . the tide. The slightest recession of the wateia deposits him on tbe shore among tbe weeds of idleness, and unwholesome vapors becloud his mind. There if scarcely a man in bnsineas but has an experience like ours ; hit young friends continually envying him the privilege of working in a well .lefin ed field, and wishing that like him they had something to strike at. These young men are generally af a.M.A.t ii iiL .I,,. ii. ,,r o M, i.i . it .ii -p. . , . !They want to be something more , jt - . i jr. man cointnoti, inn juisiaKiiig onen their desires for tho ability to sati-fy them, they flatter themselves that they are lit for something better than the com lion run of humanity. Their great fault is in trying to achieve manhood without serving an appron ticesmu m ir, ana ti.ey nnu tnem- selves, when they should be prepared for their life work, wondeiing what it will tee-, and fretting becatree it dttsn't declare itself, and nine cases out ofj ten waiting in vain tor sncli a call, go into politics, agencies, (fee. The great remedy for all this is a trade thoronghiy learned. The time Ue! ween school and twenty nnewhonl.l be pent at the carpenter's bench, in a machine simp or at anvil, so that when the yonng man commences hi battle with life in .any vocatiotiXhe can, if worsted at his first attempt, torn to hit trade with confidence that big skilled labor will at least procure him a living, and perhaps a compe teuce. lime frittered away in trying to discover desirable roads to meet - . foots up a considsrable total on the float side of I he faalanee atteet. . . j 1 . from the Wilniinstvn Star. KhES AXSVILLE, X. C, I Aug. 7tb, 1M8. i Mr. Editor : l'ossibty tbeenctused ho- yogripk ou Seymour and Ilhiir, may be jtervieeilli in the campaign' ommen- .... .l ... s - a. they witt snrely be elected. f.Vu may safety challenge tbe whole Republican party to stake anything ha. it, in whieb the names of Oram and Colfax will appear "uy own, -It is msihemat.eslly im PossUils. lo tbose nielloed ts ve era th ttmrrtut, this will secure s - "7 - Z!? . r i a I B i a IB d HI d a d a a' r a u r a i a r f m a o 0 iu y 7 m 7 7 I a a B 1 a d B I a d B and J:m "a m mi e y m o u r si y o tea ear a r 'a a ran r a ad d a r a a d u B d ii o at o u o u r a r a f a a a 'a a u d U a d B I d B I at a . i r Jtoads tbe 1 .270 .aye. Read the soswer to lbs Ayoio.r be slectad V srssa y todt velva 1 iotas. Tos. NECESSARY SLEEP. tv -.i. i c ,. " " f" Mf c,aa!'i' e,,b- "'V' i",e,f tbe hU f Wak I "d M " " rCU.rm ' ted during .leap ! if the recuperation duw not f mI th expanditur, th. Drain with una i HiMiniT. iuub i. is. thai in .-.rlv En.lith hiatory, persona who were condemned to jh by being prevented feat tlaop- iT, alao, that ihoaa who ar ..rvad person who were con deinned to to death becotno ii.aana ; the brain it not HnMIAl .....I Mia ' . . J J 1 ' 1. ltiie wlio ilo moat brain wink, hoaawho think uioat, rvqniro iuot ak-eti 2. That time avcd from necoMary tleep i inl'allibly destructivu to luiud, body and estate. 3. Giv youiaelf, your cliilJieU, J" your servant iriu- all that aie mi- 1 der you, the fullest amount ot sleep ... ... . -, i.,l .. , . ... tuko, eouipelliug them t- I...... ..... j ntf . . a . .J Tlr.Lli.U '. . iiiubi iiic irxoi.iiiv Kit ill. nun, Will unloose the or tleep the mo ment enough repose has been secured for the wanis of the system. Th s is the only safe and sutneiont rule : and aa to the questiou hour much sleep an v one requires, each innt bo a rule to himself. Nature will never fail to write it out to the observer under the regulations ju.-t given. Singular Accident. On Tuesdsy last w n i.:. ....... -i t .III . JUIIU.WaWWB WU IIUIIIIHK ".'II li(tg ,hnwher on a plaauuion in Porsytbe UanrtT, when, by some ....accountable cat-, the machine exploded, tearing oft the note and otherwise injuring the negro ... ... u t... u ..d ..-.(. iiv if . ia w. ii nl. are believed, to be inortal. T or three oiher hand employed about the UMcbitte were knocked down and seriously injur ed. The mules and driver wers shocked severely by the explosion. Fragment-: of the machine were scattered about promis cuously, aud some parts of it bavu uot b en recovered. The machine was uot being fed al the time of its explosion, as the feeder was waiting for the driver to get ap speed. The aiteation is, what caus ed the explosion T There was uothing in tbe machine that was likrly to be explo ded by tbe velocity of the motion. Those who witnessed the accident are at a loss to attribute to it any reasonable cause. Atlanta (ia.) Xcw Era. Every wife should endeavor to husband ber strength, and strengthen her hat band. To give briliancy to the eyes thut them early at night, and open them early in the morning It is not work that kills men; it is w r ry. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the frieliou. An author is known by his writings, a mother by her daughters, a fool by bit words, and all men by their companions. Brooks, the leader of the Milican negro rioters in Texas, impressed those eUgh:iied chiasm with the belief thai he had held conference with God, and that ho had been cli vimrty ordered to ratae the blacks in arms, ami k i tt n mo u nites oi ine country. 1: is believed 'hat ha was killed aflei wards by his deluded followers. NKW AD VMItTlSEMtSTS. Lost or Mislaid. rtONU on Kowan ronnly lor $14, issued in favor of Archtbald rJaker, No. d, dated A 'J, l-'io. wiili voopsm-attsclied psya hie 1st Kept, in eaetiyear until U- Bond ma lures, fur $! t sch. ITie Bood is signed by D. A Oav.s, cbsirnian, and Obadudt Wood?oo. L-le.k. All persons are cautioned uot to trade Im said Bond. Application will be made to the proper million ly lor s dupiicste of said Uond, at the expirstifin ot iiuiet) days: . KKLMKN i. HOLMES., Aur. 13, 186U , fw32:4l) Sparkling Catawba Springs, C1TJ Wis tot 1 1, I. e miS Cilssshtso WATEttlXO: PLACE will be ouen for visitors Iruui J inu 1 leeeiiiljr 1st Tbe nwdii-al properties of ihs" waters, both" 1 1 . . 1 . . r :.l,.yi..e,:.., unnvalletL A dalibos unsurpassedi and a heailiiier aud uiote . .j . -.. ( oof to be f-ajud. T.ic I'topiietur n,s t -iv .1 expense to improve sod beai.iify 1 lie .Sprtns-, with aa.e)e to ihe comfort of his jfie-sls. and pn tnises ev ry tlii.iK wilt be done n. add lo o,e of vh who may Ikdoi h m wtfltis visit Take i..e West, i ii -V C. Kailroad al Bali tairy. either on Hotel ... vt exlnesoay or r relay ttMa.nfig, to Hickory rttntion, wlscre you will find II... m 1 the (SMUigs a distance of six m.les, o er a beaolil'ul, w-ll -i ad- I" n..) A sood band of Misic wiil uest tbeHl i Dys the entire seawm. Board $60 per month ; $i8 . - i a i .. i .i. : i I par wen or 9 per nay. uinitcii uuwr ten yean of ape, and, hatf pms-. Usili eoeipMle Tor pool, pto.;te, sUoAar, or tub balbs, and sulphur balhs, eokl or hot. d. COLiiKM VVIAIT, ProfNiator. Sparkling Catawba Bprinsa, i ) OatSWba eon my, if. C. June 1. wlw:3tn Ii. K. MOOJiK, Attorney and Counsellor at Lsnp, . I .1' wtry NfiTn v w. n ast-ly JOB PRIVIIM Jfai jBWutW aa taas g HnOA kaat aer crop Cbt MjI 20 Bbla. "PiUta Syrua." gB Bbla Sugmr (raeta. f O Do i. - ttfMwr'n FrwwTlBfl 8oU- tarn J ait reetirtd by BINUFUM Jt 00. Aug. 12. 1M& Notice! W. HERKA9. my lfo. Mrs. Xsry Asn Setter, baa left me under eireomatansta which indue, the as&tf that sh doss not iu- U-imI to return, this is lit maifv the public that I will aut be rsspoutible Ar say sou traoU laadv by hr JACOB X M I .I K WituetS, J. A. Vlr. Aug. IS, W. St WESTERN NO.CA. RAILROAD, O0tct Sfcrthiry awaf TVvwfWvrs StatsaviUa, July 'J)kK 13ua THK Annuel Meeting of the fHoekhddm of the Wettem N. C. Kailroad Coapasr. will b held iu Htatoarille, oa Thursday, th. 27th da; of August. I MM R. r. 8IM0NT0M. laug-4-td Southern Shoe Factory I Shelly Bretherw A o.. syaa. TM.UTIIXC, M jte 1 8 8U0CES8OR8 ol i. Shelly k Ho. s. . V Isbhttwdin 1V0 Wears maui.iacturinit l. ii buys, W.Hiiei, Mi?-." snd CliikkraV j H.tged8'..w. of Che best quali y sod st poor Our Si . - are nude of good materials and warranted to have no rhoddy in litem. -Particular atteniiou paid to orders. Bead lor prica hat. .nay 7 ww3m Kane Wills tor Sale. 1 HK subscriber oaVra lor salt three Cast Iron Kane Mills as good as new. left in his baada for tale. RANSOM JACOBS. Aug- 14, It. :tt rt-i RON A DA LI H Purifies the Blood. Omnibus for Sale. A GOOD second hand Omnibus tor ssls Cheap tor oath. AjpU st the MOYOKN HOCHK Asg. 11, lftn. 3t-t:t-4 CilKD TO TtlE PiBUC- 1)U. SAM I. A. H !'.. I . T T AS located on Kn n iks street, between Xlklaiudc l. Otiire formerly oeeupisd by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, aud offers his profes sional services to the eitizeus of the towu and xicinlty of Salisbury. July 2S. lrj(M. w-tw-3inj ROAAJLIN Purifies the Hood. UK fa' u buuai YS ! T ii h subset iber being desirion ol making room for a New Stuck of FALL GOODS. offer his present Stock consisting of DryGrooda, Clothing, Hat3, Boots. Shoes, Groceies, &c. tfiy bolnJe or rataiLefc Greatly Retim ed Priceil All who want lhugain would do well To casT 'sTm ti I will pay frVe' highest prtcti far country proaue-- of all kind. The siihscribef also returns his thanks lo the public for the very lil oral patfouiige which hu has heretg tore enjoyed, and a continuance of which he hue to uieri'. V. WALLACE, X . -j Granite Ro. Saliahury. Aug. 13, 1808. (Imtw noaTtta caatwitM tttit. tsoa. Oowpsxrv HHMM.lf.C, Anril I. 186 On aad after this aaUtbs following wilt bs hs nehedula fur f sssangar I rams over this sqq i Least Charlotte, daily 11.30 P. tt nalhbury 2.07 A. at Oreentboro'.. Arrtysst Ooldaboro,. teaveG.ddstirtr,.... Kileigf . . 5.06 " ..0.41 " . 12.25 r. :. .120 r. a. .. 3.20 ,.'717 . .1 1-05 f a. rttttftarhtifti' t.stvw.vwr v f Satlsbary Arrlvs at Chariot to,.. Through paase a ga rs by thialinshavsehosss ot routes via urwausouro ami ianvine w Kiehraond r via Haleiah sod Wei don to Biehmond jur Portsmouth, srrtviua st sll uniuM north of Itlchiuoud at the same time by either route Cosset tinn it made st 0l d boro with t'saMOgsr trains on W. W. Road to aadfrot. Wibu'iugtos and by freight uaias to Wslsxsa. JamEH AUVILsW). asmsrlatoadssit. OesstH. O. Ran ttossJ. Apssi I. CLEMMONS STAGE KINK! Warsaw (o Fajrttr'lll. Laavs Warsaw for FayeewvilL daily. s- 3 Sunday. Through TUkttt rroM Wlt agtua to FsysttrviUs. fe. Thruaah Tish Sts Sow V eldun, vis Wartaw. to Fajret.e vilU, 10. Through Tickets rrvm Uoldt bwrs', via Warsaw, W PayettsvilU, 1)0. C.arlollr to WaabftfctlV. Ltavs Chariot U. via tr WaJrs kuro', Tueaday. Thursday and Huturday. Lvars Wadosooro Sunday, Wvdueaday and Friday, after tin- arrival of the WUutiug tun, Chartutts Rutherford 8 tags Marrk'illc Ii PltUtrere Laavs Monitvllle for Ptttsboro' Monday, Wedneaday and Friday, return uext days. li naViNo' AWceaiaoeaiieB l.luf. Uelween S VI. I M KUd JIICH It'lN I , X . C. fan. Out Dollar. E. T. CLEMMONS, Cuutrastur. July. 7.189. (w tw lut Country Merchants, Dairy rafn, Farmers. And Others. CONSIGN TOUR dabf, Beemrat. leans, Batter, ', Efgt, Hour and Jfaof, Ftaj, Cotton, Fri and okins, Dried and Green Fruits, Oram, Wool, Game, Poultry, Xn, al Store, Hofi, Ginseng, feathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, lAtrd, Tailor, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorgho m. Molasses; tie , he, ke , T O JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Jlerchant, Ml Washington Ut. NEW YORK CITY. And receive bis wsskly Price Current of Pra dura md Unweries the most eou.plets price car rent aubtUbed ia the I 'n I ted Kutes. Bend tor a Trice Current Uarking I taxes aiul l anla ru.msass rtrt. Liberal advaiwes made on I'ouaigumenta. Established, Mag 1st, 1860. First elaaa references riTao wbno rsqairad Jstsrtht, ism twig State of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. IN THE OOUHT OF EQUITY, -r John M Kurchet snd olUers ts. George. How ell Snd oilier. Petition fvr suit a t. tta T sppesring from the sAdsvit of 0. S Pur chea, i mo of Uie parlies cu.niaa.uani, ibai Glkts and wife Kebeuca, Joseph Howell, and J. W. Martin anb nils Ssrnii, des lendanls In this case, are no! inhabitants ol tbi State : Noiiee is therefore tiven ia liar ' Wateb man and Old North Sun ," to the said defend ants, lo be aud appear st the next Court id Kit my to lie 1 1 Id lor Iks uuuoty oi IJaiie, a liar Coart-IIaise iu Mjtkstrille, on tbe law Monday in Auipiat next, and plead, answer or demur lo complainants 1'elilion, or Hie sanu- witl bo taken pro ensms, and the case, set lot bear,' j. ex pari', as lo tbem. Witness, L Btngluun, Ckak snd kfssler in said Court ol Eqiuly, at oOwe, July JO, ltUkt. IVI.jloj L lil N' .1 1 A Vt. . u State of North Carolina, .M.KXA NUKIt COUNTY. Superior Court of Iaik, Spring Term, 1808. , , t.H.Ji. W. Jouea.1 vs. i A 1 1 arii men r.' W ley (laither. ) TT api-arins; lo the of 'lie Court thai Ihe defeudant iu tbw ease, V di-y Oai .her, res iles beyond the limits of the S ate It is therefore ordered by the Court that publics- non lie ma le for six weeks success. rely, in the - V atchtnao Ai Old Ninth Mule, aparpiib lislMil in tie town of Hahsbury, ..oiil.ytng.tbe said to be and spj ar at tlut im-xi Term ol IhisCoutt to be held, for the eounly ol Alexander, at ihe courthoui'e i.i Taylorsville, no Ihe Otb Monday after tbe last MonLy in Augnt next, then and tlietr to show cause, if auy be has, why ihe property tested on should not be couiieiniNad to tlut platnlifTs nss.' Witness, K. M. Stevenson, clerk of our said Court at officw. tbe 6lh Monday after Ihs last in February, A. D. 1W8. K M. n. 29:fli:pr.fl(.) University of Virginia. 'j'HK tStb Session of this iustituiioa will 1 begin oa ths 1st dav of Oct. I860 aad ou I . ..Tt - . . . . . - I the hu,rs.lay before the till of July fStg. Ins orcaulxation of tbs institution is very complete, einbrsetna extensive snd thorough eouraes of instruction in Utorstars snd Science aud in tba- professions of Lew, slstlisiss man .Bineerin. y, st. suite, expense exslusivs of books. clothing aud posket money of tbe Aedde- aucstudaat aJU : of tbe Law studeut;io and of the Medical student 3bVf. ( For particulars send for Catalogue to Wui. Wertenlkr . Hee. or S. MAl'I'IN. Chairman of tbe YacuHy. P. 0. Uaivtrsity of irgiaia. fjuly X w-Sw-etJ COWAJV s CO. oaxaaiL- oouitiasiox ago Shipping sHrrrljants -tt'hotr oatc xttm, sssru tsr m: astas sV ir y.,y e0Uma4 rirfllila i Brim, rns-reo. A(sn.r for Llftri Srs'l. SafMrsa-asksU 1 LlSM. A(iu fw Vauaa less Works, SlsV.nd. Vs. S Onois, . a. cssssos, a. mix. j-SelT I. . V ? t ' NO to HOSTN wtaf s ST 1 m miz m :- NoTTCt is Utct,y given that an spplica tioa wttl be stsds to fhs LegrslsUm uuw in lot the Chaster of I ha To sen ol Bsltshssy. Mr 7, 188a tf twvT8 r - To-- NEW YORK COLUMN. - tj'.w w f.'- t ' awiPl "COSTAR8" Preparations ! Everybody Tries Them I Everybody Uses Them I K.crjbooy.-BrUrv.os in Tbr ! trs rat troubled br Bass. Mies. tats. Ac. I Lt-BsyatSe .rSSo.rJolol lastar t t.xterminatvrs' -rrs. tsssa rsSssa" Xt to ths WV ssaa rasaily." IUU easst ssjt sf than kdss la sat." l.kesssS U Us Is sar Art vai aatoyW Hh Bsd-Hass t las' tlasp tt stghtJ ' If Baysltc. or tSt. R,.tt of "COSTA R8 BED BOG EX'I KU. A l.iqulil "tsasUays a Itoa.. -Xersf as.." r or Maths ta tan. Wuuissw, t araet.. t, .. A Il-Hu. sate, or Mb- flartef- iPOK'l-1 IVikI.'i 'I li I ,1. I ' bouinnu i i.' . i , i . i . i , . tssstrsys InstaaUy riess asd all ttSsets oa na. ar. -tafs tsias." TsnsW BE EHC sseriSJ. II SSStsnBa, fefes ol "COSTA Uri" COBN SOLVENT. Vnr I'oras. Haalssa Wsrts ke. Try h. tKia't ooflrr aiu Tsas ' WsaSsrlal ssssr or r.esung- l.rsrr taSM saaMMM. . llw hoass. I - Bar s tte or 50c Bos ot- "COSTA U S" lil CK 1 HOKN Salvk. Its sasets srr iraswdials. Far cats. Sams, a uaada. am brsssts. pis, altars, aldsarss it- U. aetsftUa Sst ctuaeoas erupnoas. rhapptdhaads, lips. . Intes of aa.stai. rum JRKlssrsal IHaosr If II" SSSSaf X rean sdatlaistrird la a Hoslrtaa'sr'rsc ttss. r- tMc aadtfle H miho mattur t ihtfl. : -" fsvit: :t.' ill. .: sat. .sat Of sitraordinary efirsry for coatrre. aess. Indigestion, isrrruas snd sir It headarhr, rty.pspsia. ill -enter i . sei.rr al debility, liver rsanplaitmr, i hill- f,.. vers, go. Sotoritslna. Uvnlie. mild. Slid soutldiig. That I ough wi I kill ya . Don't R gleet it i X&c sad Ms Hfsst., C0STAK'Sw COCO II HEMEO V. Thechildrea cry for it- du a "tfasthing njrup. r orooBgns.csuus, tuairseness sore tnroat, i roup, wo, sip tag enag. asthma, bnmcbial atfeetions. fltattn Spsakers, snd all troubled with thmai ...... ..).. .... . ..i i .i . . . t , ,iiiijriio - will uua Mil. a Psrtoial Rented r ileauliAtt tt. Cwuatvxkm, ghlng to tba skis a Uaasoareut ' ' Ootuesfisju "COSTA B'S" BITTER 8WEE1 AM) ORANGE HI.OSSOMS. Kender. the ,kil clear, su...tha..d-sfl. neworos Tan, rrecsias, llmples, 4)c. I tel., Try s ksrttla, and ses it. won- t I ! linear, I I I n all Worthiest Imitations. Hone genuine without Cottar's'' Signa- wars'. -Ar volmd 60c sites kept by all hruaqitt. I 00 sues tent by mail on receipt of price. 2,00 pays for any three $1,00 tUm sent by Express. 95,00 pays for eight t,W sites by Ex- press. Address, ' IIKXKY H. (OsTtR 48s llroadway, ii. )'. FOR SALE BY john h. gns, (Miuwri, 11. c. bf s Ska Wisluli PnuprssUla aft Edge worth Female Seminary TH" llU.tMUl.OU A first dav i wtu, ETsff oorpt sTTS Dense for s tests ki of Wilb Board, Wsshiag a oe scuonnag to list cists or tilt) u pat tu advanis- f I JliO, or U'JOO. il pud at oae rats esirs ohsrgss will -JIJ r . I ciont sisl immeu Lauguagsa, Musio, Ihswiac t tad SSsl Ull ruling -Pu, urcuUe, ddr "I nZl ' U' Jstoa. r,-, OrssjaAoisTri C will be re-opened oa list KmXSiJkmMUUrTtlA ! euttsjafj lie For Life riEDMOM REAL ESTATE !SI 1.UCI fttPWj 01 VIMOINU. AUTHORIZED CA1ITAI OWE M1UI0HD0LLAJ18 OFFIVKMS. c. il 4'Eaaow.sf. d. jfsaf. This liberal sad tuivaal - pays to IU poliry hotdsrs snsssaliy 87 Per Cent, of iu ProUs ttsrisisastsatlllsi lor one half of the i : stir: ?si!s t-N - ft alto., iu patrons to shaaa. thsjkr ssks frosa sssssknw to simtbsr. - lu r-aUer hshtsrssaatssti hto vci r tsstdsaes. Usists tSf atoHssa. rssur. stars uswar I IZeXLW ; Ths Nelsou.tndBtoto. ny."Ths iriiL 1 f btadmibstssea anoe an. ssa-'h as to nisfitl k ts sstol J "liTatoekhstdawL ui aura i hoiMMrebef thi ouiiHtm . estod lastiBMHsy to ths Ww. A. Hill. 8arverar If. tsOVTM, Cltvf Csanty Cosrt 0 A. Blnghasset.. Aaystsbs. ssUaar, jsl-o bars lb. aessr for gusal pn Cm iHnlJhmu:r$lxuii, , BpsrfsiAOsiftaSta,.C Jss. 7. waa vAt.i, He IrUaffea litaal tiff jB5iniff mpm OF VIRGINIA. A nouua andHoutkem nstUntU IU Funds an kept im the South. It has met with mmMrmmimkd itwimm. Its The Casxsaa w hab.ii.jr that wui tisspass mmanUf lasursae His taay aatas iaaUaaat. Waa lest of rsssssassHINT. was s at wataa a as ItsslTsirs sis aatloosls adaiisrlsSsreS hr sslseisl vsrVavawasf aw vjaejA4aatvaFsearjr Bdjpji aMaVaVaw efleatafoy s Uaassat.tili.asS ts etslsttoSistxsiarW OFUCERS: raastua.T, JOHN E EDWARDS, Wu. B. Is s.a, D. J. lUataooi, M lit If A L fXAHINUt, CMAULKS H. SMITH, M. D. Q I' l utit, i. a moist D1RECT01I8: William I . r.slor. . (vtirell. . E.P. isaaiiitsa afatsVfi Ttrty, i. wTallassa, . stassgs. Ms., A . II. I'Saesbtt . Joba latstry, t-aswsssT. Wastbssa, Winiass Willis. Jr.. C4. S 8asML Ttss. J. I Ya. I . "7 II. I', a stall. m.n gurisa, W. H. 1 vise. V. i.t dahaC. . . Mwaraa, . r.Hfikas, J. h. Murtm, K. H. Infill. allium u rahsssr, Wdltox.U.t.rba, a. r. a us... Vai.B. fe flies. LEWIS C. HANKS. Ao'r. Jant7-twdVwrf Lsxtmrroa. N. C INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartfard, r a rraajsT, pan. 81, 187. ACClTMIUgW&AJMBL $17 670,288,88. v INCOMK FOB 1887. $7,726,516,53. .i .. - ( FOB rkTlMICMS $0,332,804,95, . FOB 1XTEBEST, 3 0 9 , 7U 1 , 6 8 , LOSSES PAID IN 1 867, 168,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID 1.1 1887, I 848,008.0 0 Iatasrntt receircd more than Sari S.I i. . . - " . losses iritiurna' i AH policias invKHsas srersgs over Ml per rest. n forfeit shir to pit tide for tstslta sawser he enVc'cdrti aft I SAUL. L. If)i'tlLA8 WAIT." iteLx.r. :a Ilr.rl.hsw. Asssst. slib.fT.N C tar 8-wstosssjg end Believe 'I MI AT 0 a rovuKM otra dr Htosa ia dace to buy lump tlasteupss in this ssjcupu of Norlb Ci - -It lUSSSt at WTATTS OLD 8TAIff M,r r tf Hahtbart. v Oae. 8.8asrasClsrhaisssJtcwt Joes r. Mix. Mhrbt '- -vti. . , .. JLetP