FT- 1T 1 - ' 1 J- - - i Mi i I BY HANKS IIBUMst. RY.OCT.S, lee iwi on Nunh siau LEXIXUION N. C, I Bart - M 18. t 1 At a. neat i us? of lit citisuna (irre- I parties) at Lexington in the House. A. L. Watson. Eta.. 1U t th chair, ami Mr. L. t. oliiiaon jid Dr. U. M. 1 v it where ehoaati Ssertilarii-s. The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting to ex urea our indignation at an At Court MCI John. article (entitled work.) wliieli auiear ed in the "North Curitlma Standard" Sept. 10th. Uoh motion tlia Chair man read the article; it was moved and carried that a Committee of six l appointed hi draft appropriate re solutions. Appropriate remark were made hy distinguished persons of both panics after whiuh the commit tea read the following resolution which vera noauiiuouljr adopted, vir: Resolved, 1. Thrt we have read with feelings of utter horror and ia dignation the leading editorial in the "North Carolina Stand aid" of the 101b, headea work, ami that it t a moat infamous libel and gross slander, aa well as iusldeous brutal assault, on the purity of the female aox of North Carolina and the Southern State. iu tot v. ... zti. mat silence u our part would be virtually endorsing the aid article, thorelore we deem it highly culpable in any man who will remain paaeivo or fail to expreaa pub liely kia indignation. JfeeolvM, 4o. mat we can view i the base writer in no other light than that of a vulgar brute and d s picable wretch, richlr meriting the contempt and detestation of every re apeetable and virtuous minde I person in the State, aud that hia tajscrahle 4 iasi nppoloKV should only aervo to ink him still lower in the mindset' all thinking people. Reedved, 4th. That In the opinion of this meeting the patronage of that newspaper should be at once with drawn until it is parged of the author of the article above referred to, and that be bo ferittod out to the end, that the public mil of an outraged people may expel from onr midst, the mean and loathsome thing that has th is sought to disgrace and tarnish the fair name and fame, of the pure and lovely Daughters of lioa. I lie i.arOoa aooorOeO the men ot in South being aa free as air ; that no punishment is Imposed tor the crime of rebellion. Ia it no punishment to deprive an oloctor of the light of akMaaMaftawlaMHaajPMawAMMaM'SaMP tincniaer it u no piiniaumeni to ens net a constitutional prohibition of holding a' Federal ofttee f True, this it not such punishment aa ia ordinari ly meted out to traitor and rebel Bat it ia time that sensible men. and iteeially thoe claiming ta be Quito liana, should oonoa bandying snch epithets. We want peace, hut we cannot secure it by calling hard names. The men of llio South hold ton ditlerunt thcioiy of ill Constitu tion from th other section. They believed this a confederacy of States. They believed they had Ilia right to Withdraw. I hey have been vantltitsfiv ed, after a most desperate and pm tractr-d struggle. They concede that the Federal theory ia trininpham, and express their ucpncsce ice. in it. and their purpose to ..ly ibeit'oM- galiona as good cm tarn. It Is our duty to accept their declaration. made in good faith. But the I. i ll cal tell ns that they are not t bo trusted, and they make ground of complaint against the Dstuucrecy that thov concert with the late ft of fW Oovumraenf. If the people of the South are not to bo trusted, how idle is it to talk about peace. If they arc not to be cnni'uied with, tlieLn ion never will be restored. The n lion it too sensible to be much longer deceived. Tho part that ought to command the popular support is the one that will bnntr the men ot the North and the South, the East and the West, into ihe most harmonious relations, and that will restore that unity of fctlinjr which alone can make nt a peaeafiil anf prosperous natiou. A at. IntelKjeuarr. TTBimrTJS WHIRLWIND fW MfKT. 'HE NKSOTA. Xf IIRKI JUIIHWHf 1W1HE' TENNESSEE TUOnDl.KS. President Johnasn) decision to pro peace in lent.cssee, and hit or drt to General Thoma in me tho na T'Tli1"! "wT A f- "f a" that pnrpnan. deserve more ample praise than it seems to get from the Kepiiblirai pre. It is n just aad pat lot ic step, and w II preserve the , . On Frldar. ino llth Instaat, storm State from what might otherwise have ' S"n take, Nicollet rountv, came been very deslnictive and damaging "P ,rnm - w . "' ",,n , BmitdiiHt in id path for Thirty Mile Dr. moiithed or Qarritd A tenjh-Q rowing Ltopt Routed Up or Aero Off Futailhstn. Pvtors (kliss. ) AS vbduneu ri..,rn.M- K..iirill..iVtMil blowinr also Irom tho S. 8. fc. Th I upon lite mil'iia to do it would have brought ul..oit a collision aunniir the inh.iiiiiHiits. ami would have Wen very likely to plunge the Slat into -i vil war. It la bet er that tho na tional troops should be used to avert uch an issue than to settle it after it should be made. If. Y. Timet. A GOOD ILLUSTRATION Hon. T. A. Henurickt, of lindane. tho Democratic cunmdate for uhrfor nor, in a teech of great soundness aud force, hi smiwum tho importance of harmony and good tooling between til orth and Sonth, anil the ad t an tagoa of reciprocal trad betwewt the Soul li and North western State- gave th following happy illustra tion : "The twee test lesson of our reli font it to bo lonnd in the parable of the Prodigal Son. That ami, you, re collect, became tin d ot the best iiomo jjortu Q,ro.in th world, and raudored oil to lunlr hi- forlnnn sisnn arramror. Serv's M. II. Plnnii, J. P. Stiinpson, Thomas Simmon, J. T. Brown, J. A Sowers, Sheriff, and T. C. Ford, Committee. , It was moved and carried that a copy of the above resolutions be sent to the Salem lfe. Old North tUmtt ' and Haieigh tientinrl, tor publication. And that a copy aW, be tent to the editor of the Efot tl Carolina Stan dard. A. L WATSON, Chiu'n L. E. Joiin-os-, Db. C. M. IVTKI5, 8ETM0UB AND BLAIR CLUB, io accoi dance with m proviotit call. number of persons met in Salem on Tuesday evening, Sept. 15th for, the purpose of forming n Seymour and JJIair Club. The meeting waa called to order by Dr. S. F. keehln, stating th oh jectof iho meeting, and calling John JL Vnglr to tho Chair. E. W. Slilelda. and C. B. Pfohl worn appointed Secretariet. . On motion th Chair appointed a Committee to draft a Constitution and To nominate permanent officers for th.- Clnb. , During the absence of tho Commit tee appropriate addrettea were made b several gentlemen. Th following officers were nomi natea and anatumotistv elected, ns : fjdeojt ; Bftu W 1 Vice Preaidenta; C. B. Pfohlx Recordiiig Secretary ; Cha. richer, Cortctpond ing ecretarf; W. C. Bahoton, Ireasnrcr ; A. B. Willit, Ed. Warren. C. A. Eberf, A. A. Cwwell, DirneV Wo, L E Butner, C. I tors. r.iiaii- f iiwiiHiaeiurers oi .uiswisoip is called at Jackson oil tiie lUtll ot Uc waa appotnteu dv -nt in making arrangements tor the ac eommodatlon of tlfe audience on the grounds in view of (lie public apeak ingon th29th intt, by Hon. Win. A. Orabam and others. On motion it was reqnsted that the proceedings ot ruts meeting be pub iuhed in the Winston Sentinel, r Rah iffh Httlnd, and Old North State and Wat oh man. J. A. VOGLER, Ch'm'n. E. A. S!iiclda, I C B. pfohl, ( Seeratarma. Seceding from' the paternal foof, sMin poverty and hunger came nponhim. and he conclnded to return. If that father, who 'saw him away off,' had been a Radical; what would he have said I 'There come my rebellious ton I He think I will let him Come back upon the' same terms at the rest of the boys and girls. N, no!' "That father aa described to ua mi the parable was not a Radical He opened hia anna and welcomed Hi n as he taw the erring boy retnrn, and at he stepped into that ho'usc, peace love and happiness returned. There Wat a Radical in that fain ly, though. The other boy, a soon at he taw Ji brother coming, -commenced grtntl ing, and did uot want the returning nrodizal admitted. I ask you, a- chrietian men nnd citizens, do you think w can build our- institution upbn the bad passion of hatred, re venge and jealousy passions tlmt cpum np from the d.ok caverns ot hell!" Rev. Thomas IL Stockton, one of the most eminent of th Methodist Protestant clergymen, it sorioulv ill at l'hilsdelphia. Forney alwavt tpeakt at a distance from Philadelphia where ho it best known. Do the Radicals hope to make Grant Ptesident by Main ttrenirth t Mr. Greeley falfe to correct the misstatement in hi paper that Colo rado went Radical. i Mr. J. B. Fellows, of Arkansas. hat been most e Indent a a speak or Foreign The Revolution in Spain. Laodon, Sept. 4, II. The Madrid Ottxrtte says, Navsllches had arrived on the oi ih tide af Sierra Howut, with two rsfimOHt of Uavairv, eiirbt baltslions uf Infantry and foar aaltriries. I he revolutionary Co.ncral Serrsno is arching with a laraw force on ( !ordova, to give the loyMhsts bailie. ( ireat rieilriaont at Madrid, where it is behevad, that sucerst of the revolution is i-erUui. tsabtdla has sijinlfi-d her willinsnes to sbdirsU', if the Itevtdulii mists wnM ac- eepl ibv young 1'ihiee Asiari -as King- Isabella In art as Keircitt until A-turi at tain aiajurity Tbe Keviduilonis re fuse to coiupnunisc ami dt-msiid the ex- pulsiaa of the Boarbjis and ihc establish meut of a Previsions! (iovernuteuL Frnm Wauhingtrm, Washington, Sept. Xi. P. M. -Politics was not dtsriissttd m the Cabinet on Tues day, 'lire President, having bad no noli .Bastion of Monday's session, will not re enguiae it. .Cmienlly, appninlOMHits iH'le during the reces still feohl good. LJueoJu s son Uobrrt Was married to Senator Hailau's daugtiler, this evening Tlw Court of Clainit met, but having no quorum, adjourned I December. 'I In- admin islraiam will take a new action iu Ciergia matters Meads will be governid by previoiu ordert. Pmmlnent gentlemen are hers from Virginia, ronsnbiug with high naniet re- gardiug the electoral Iwket in Virginia. I hey are auswrtwd teal the Oatfiilalion provides l .r, and Iberc it no law nl Lou- gress agshtst Stale choosing eb-clors. I.n iii. Ileeeltrr, Tlo was killed by the Indians, i a sou of Henry Ward Beech er. Secretary Sclinfielil dites not feel author it-l lo (I.I h Gen. II iti li's letter, on w In. h hie reeeiit order to Cell, ltuchauasi was bared. fr-M iilifhmond. Richmond, S i.t .M. P. M. Captain Schuhs, ex-Captain in the Federal annv, blew his brains out this uioming, la the garden of ciliten, wlios em nloymenl he li.nl been disrharged. He leaves a family in Ne w Voi k City. foreign Paris, Sept. 84, P. H. France will im mediately sircnglben porta on Uie Span ish, frontier. Il is stated that Isabella has entered France. - '' sayt that the Sp.tnih army is loyal, ami llie iusnrrecttau coofiiied in An il.ibi- i ami several sea pm tn. Tin- Monittur savt ihat the Spanish revolution mikes no ben! way ; the people ,a l.. .1 rnil.,.A lir l.u l.iln.r cc" " Now England for the Democracy si -j" ... . . ... : .-'r". , . of fivl A-oonvennon ot tne cmton planters Blair. John I. for Governor of New liudiral candidate Jersey, is ex- piifying the proverb about the t Jackoii dairynjaitf who applied the rules of arithmetic to her infantile uuultrv before titer had cmerired from then Repablican normal albumen, in otber words, lie i ,n s irreparaote, anu mat the Lietii it spending thousand of dollars up ocratic nominee will be elected. ou toe impossible coatinaencjr of his tober. Hen. Garfield frankly says: "Gen eral Grant's 'Let us have pence' will icoine by a sharp little pwco ot sleel I -..ii... i .1 i tr MIIVU V II V IMJVUVI, . 'We have not, yet found one RadU cal leader woo leit sure or atubua vote one hoar in his absence." Flake ' Bulletin, (Galveston, IUdicaL Gen. Blair is announced for a soeech at Iindanaoolit on TbniNdav Gen. McClernatid and I Ion. Tho.-. A. Hendricks are set down tor the same tim aud plac; A gentleman who has recently ar rived from Minnesota ttatea Ihat the tplit in Donnelly ' di are indifferent or repulsive. The Gnr emmeiil is Iskitrg ariive tin- in In surgents in And ibiria are retiring before he royal troops; Iris officially anoonnreil from Madrid, that Catalonia Aragon and Valencia were. ipiiet. Kiinn. rod rUing ia Calabria aud Sicily dcuied. THE LATE RK PUBLIC AN PRO CEfcloS IN NEW ORLEANS. Tl. following correspondence ba ilee 11 made public : Washinton. Sept. 19, imN Commanding G-iicrnl, Department of l.oui-nn i. New , lean -1 . Brevet Major General ll.tfch, As sistntit t; untufbs'oner if the rree men a Bureau, reports riieie is dangei of an assault upon a torchlight pro -i i-hi In New Orleans l night. 1 011 will so dispose and employ the troops under your command as lo pre vent such assault and preserve the peace. 1 'leiiPO . aek 1 1 w 1c d go t he 1 o ceipt of this d spatcii. By Cofutniiid of GEN GRANT. J. Q Ket-Toa, Asst. Adj. Gen. elnuds seem lo -ome In enntset at or near Swan Like, near the poor lions farm in bis county-, sunt sinleeu Stiles from t. Peier. When lbs Iwo currents of wlad easts hi esutact, a singular phenameuou appeared. A portion of the dark efoad coming up from ihe West seemed to de tach itself from the darker body of this cloud, snd com in. nee rapidly whirling and extending Inwards the gr and. The whirling cloud was fannet shaped, the mall paint toward the ground, aud whirl ing with terrible velocity. Aa it patssd aver Swan Lake, the point of the gyra- linr cloude d the lake, nnd the waters of the lake started into the aV as if by the power of iaagfe. After It left the lake its direction lay towards the huiMc of Jo seph Searls, Mr. Met '..Hum and Simon Mm iter, here threshers, some fourteen in number, had assembled. The occupants had only thaw toatrempt to bold ibedoor and windows from fiefiig forced hi, whoi the bouse itself Irft the foundation, and was in separate particles circling with this strange power so Inglnruliy inaugurated, la a moment of time, tha.hoasaaud bant wre gone finm their moorings, and tim bers lay in alter confusion, over and around the living form there prostrate. Three persons at this house were out tide of the building when it left its foun dation. Titer stale that the sight Was feaifot beyond description. The fUtee of ibis form of a pln-d power wat such that a in in waa no more tbaa a straw. If by force of mutcolar power of the arms be could hold no In suy lixlurr to the ground . hi body was lashed abmat as a ribbon in th air. Strange to tell not an individual was killed. I Ine ebouhlrr was dislocsied snd several braises, smn slight and otb era severe, were inflicted. The horses in the stable were led alive and anhnrl, ihe large timbers being amuud iheut in snch a form as "o leave I beta protected. At ibis place three wheat stacks wart taken aad removed to parts aukuawa. At Josiab Hornet's a bar was taken off, aud bouse left. And to ibis bouse t he wounded were taken from the ruins at Sun. n Horner's. At McCollaw's, near the lake, s bnute and hard were taken off. Next In older of attack. Joseph', R I . A t J.l I Deans u.irn wa uesiroyeo, ano me upper ulnry or l 1 II i..ry nl bis houae taken off. Mere .Mins V fsdlaat,' scmMNmistress, was soiuewh.tt sev-rely injured, but not mor tally. All Iter clothing, . xc. pt what she bad u, waa eiurened 011 the wings f the md. She cant bear uslhing of k. A small house at Mr. Zinu's, iu the same neighborbund, was destroyed, and several other tractun.-t hi the immediate vicinity. As a genei.l, nil Jjght at lie I es, muh as bedding aud clothing, were takeu off oat of the leighborbond, and will never be 1. .and. Every object iu its wsy, such as com, potatoes, vines and grass were rait-i-d out and raaried off. The threshed wheat at McCollum's and Horner's wss Irft on the gronnd, snd only injured by ihe ruin ihat soon after Ml in torrent. After leaving Swan Ike settlement, the revolving engine of destruction moved northeastward sat a hue of ruin, varying from five to thirty rods w ide, as ibe small point nt ihe pendant iastrunMHit descend- .1 GLORIOtH I'ROSl'tt TX OF A DIOIOCRATIC TRirMPH-A PROMINENT ACCESSION BINGHAM'S CIIANCLS. C ncitinati, Sept. 19. Recent ad videVi received here tr-m u'l parts of the State give double asmrunco that the Democracy will carry the Stale Haatr & Smith's Patent WATER WHEEL. THE swaVeMtasd having aas.aail hs ASJSMT tr lb amissd whett. .' adspledt lo all purpiaws .r which a water wheel It used. Tbe small pae it occupies. of tut motion, sr attratt i.a. aa, ami im .MMti.virw in rrtrttna r . .. and by a much larger vol in Noveai smw. It resalret bat a snwllsmosjad l...r I. J Mtliia, la tbaai ant assret K. Works A prominent and influential public as weil ohwuaa as.vettiaal tlmft. Baft- I U 1- 1 .L . fc. : .Mi to AMI ISSBaiHV JSUS WW "I nan ... ''"., w.. .... fc rhav aad durable. Oxw ik ..im iwi """i,.fil,.ir ,.... i nsh tm BaOl IB srraMo . ai ganixatioM of that party," will in a few I yIMlr(, fatum k Co', Mill on South YsJkiu davs take th HtHiiin utid speak for the Democracy. Morgan1 it entirely out of danger. Ulnghain it losing groanrl very fast. Twenty voter in one lownship in Belmont county who cast their vote for th Reputd can ticket last fall will vote th entire Duupicratiu ticket thi year. Our friend write 1 1 on. all points that tho Deinoo atic meetings are everywhere larger than the Radical gailteriujrs. Special to . ' ' -mm . Uut 4. Long itmee iii... I hare been In th Mill wrhrht imitates f.ir tS year, aad eoasider this by tar tWtbeat hell I hava ever vet met wUB. TWS waesi sost from 15 to ai7S. attaidlag tu stss. Vat further part iculars address ms at. Js rutsism, Davis Co.. K. C. .i. KIC'IIABD T. SCCTT. gep. in. lees atw-as A SPANISH REPUDCIC! The. cable telle at that the insnr gents in Spain era calling out tor a Itepnblu. At th s d stance, weean uot wxp.es a decided opinion as to their til noes for elfgovernnienl. - lii lore the failure of our own expe riutent. acwsluiuld never here though of looking to th Spanish Peninsula for a auccewitul working of free in stitniio.is Uut as 'lis tiiot culii va'ed people in the world - abound tig with tree schools, free tpeccn ami Itee ov erything else have hiado a d lion mircarrTage ; possibly the bru tal ling lesMtirms of ages may prnr tfio het preparation, atter a'l, nir the periuameut u-tahiikhtuuiit ol Govern nis.it y otmttnt 1 VVo thou Id keei an cm- in that direction, to undil try any new light that may enaide na to exir.caf tmasclrna fnm lit darkness and c nfii,..i. which we are snr rounded. ltieh. Whig. NOKIU CAROLINA. The Old North S'nte eem to have been favored by Providene this year re Iter agrrnhiiral pnHlucta The wheat crop was very fair indeed, and and we learn that file vield of Indian com it almost ntiexainpltil, esncial ly hi the hastrru itoriiotis of the Sia'e (jie late fttopit ion weather hut alto enabled the planters lu secure all ho i cotton. Ji i pleewanl to n to hava to re- COid thl new about North 'nioliua. In a very large prt of the State last ar the farmer salTorol erri hie from the laa lies uf the new voters, their incorrigible pjiuienfity to thieving. and the unpiopi thine wjather. Ikjai latter cause ot atairesa not baring pcia'cd iidv svasoti. "save ... . few locaiites, the farmers bar io contend uily wi b the lazy and thievish na tore inherent in the A. .Van. I'm I they erive help from immigration, this popnlat on iiinst be ever a draw back Iu their protMrity ; but the time must o nt ; II loan. I when a batter -peeie of labor will assist in devel ing Ihe ie jince of Norlh Candfua. W Ve trust ilia the vote this Fall of euaUon. 'It flte Radical want peace, why did they propose to arm the negroes! Jewy Radicals refute J. M. 8co vnl the, chance lor which he aejbca to pek. If tbe negroes can rote tor theiw- JllHiS DttPT IxiflSlAttA. Hreret Brigadier General J. C. Kel ton, Assistant Adjutant General United Stares Army, Washington. ac,; , -, Dispatch received. There fa no- danger, in m y ouinion, ol an assimli iiptm th procestitili to. night. The lunger i the negnea will commence a riot, and the p iblic property may possibly bo destroyed. I have Uiade arrangements to pnitect' it, and shall use all of my disposable trmp for that purpose, am I to interfere any further than this f Th Guvernot has not asked for assistance ROBERT C. BUCHANAN, UrevOt M ij.irt ieneral ( 'o.n ma. id I ng. the air! Ita track is .nuked by the toru freest ami field, and psnslrate habitat im of man iiuiil it reached the Minnesota over between Ottawa and I.- Sueur, near the Big W'mids, from w hich point we have not lieard yrt. Oil this way, iu one pi ic . it left a Norwegian and wile stand ing unhurt where bis house once was, bat then was not. At lie., roe BrlggV, ia Lake I'rai.ie, it tore In bouse and bant into niter tr tg meiiu, and sifletl ihcmver na urea of a mile or more. Hers it teemed more vis it n I than elsewhere. Il forco wjai such a to take up n two year old animal of the cow kind and let it fall' wiih such vitdeuce an lo kill it. 'Heeis were dog up and car ried off. Mrs. Ih i was I. . -htlnlly hurt -sr sealn wuutitl. - -it Is hiipedhnwevri1, that site will recover. Front tlib place it went hito the valley of tbe Minnesota on ita eastern tour. The bonse of Mr. Iliitik.uaii ami Mr. Linden, ss we under stand, were earried off or destroyed. The w hirlwind from these pltce pe down tbe Alinuesoia into .blev county, and spent iis Airy ia the Uig Woods. ' The damage done in Nicollet county would reach some f 15,000 or f noon ia s, ItHnis. rrsia stacks, cnods Inst an imsst'ed. That no human lives were huii in such a visitaliou,'is one of the mysteries ..fathomable by hum u. wisdom. What reHeriing mind would ever la-lieve I hat an engine of that dan ireruiis i -d.tr ten i cOiltd be pent on a siuii- tkflthe, tl.mi.gTl a populous district, ih .noli -In ii o alt l.i.iiiiii ltsbttttions in ft way for a distance ot over thirty miles, without . tlm Old North Stat will be an ar nest of the srtccesa that will attend the effort of the people to rid them selves at tbe proper time, of the in cubus of Radicalism, when we hop that North Curoliua will witne-s to sume extent a return of hvr fuiuivr prosperity. A gratul old State issue wi:h ele- meats of greatness sec I to those of no other ntemiier ttf. the Union. ' we behold the infinite mineral rc Mtiirees ttf thn VVvate n and Middle regions of North Carolina, the stream with sitei for faetorie ttritng aloiiu; in counties r.et Tiber, the tohaeeo district of 1 1 . - piedmont and mountain country, the cotton dj- T r'fcTa o mSSfSnn f i li at ' ''Hen 2a plo, the wheat lands of three fourths of the Slate, the corn land- ot the East a pruduciivo as. the land of t -hen. the rice low-griiniid of the Soinherti rivers, and the immense flshertte of the Sounds when w consider ail tbe-c ad vail ages of North Carolina we are not saying too tiiticn tn tieciaring i.er to t,t. mm ot LEATHER I LEATHkR!! 7ft THE UNOEIHtlONI) hso in.1 enrselfe in Ihc WS1ISI Bass . W V. wstsst s on ouwet, a We.i of .Knmry on the tine Tnton ro., and re r..Jy to Tsn OfOf MIDKrl, KIP AND orHKKHKISS OStfflAKIM. SVw.llex ultanin L'Ood beaitter lor good Iff In VV. V. WAT-0tf, Sepi 2J. C-im J. M- UJWUASt'R. Land For Sale. TIER snBCBIBBR will tell to ih- hiifhsx ladder on nW prsstdset, on Hstntday, the ITi'i ...v ol IViolwr ti-al, a vll.le tract ot Land. Ivinr on UVedy Oeek. ia Davtdwn On oinunsi 133 sas-es. Ot Otis tract sbota 70 acres is iu woods, tO acres gotd bottom Isnd, 10 seres ia m-siinw. It it ihs tract of Wad ow.ted by i he lav Joseph Prrit dee'd.. and will be told by the beir lor distribution. Term, made klloWU oa duv of sale. i. A. PAB1CB. Sept 2rt, 1WW . w4t. For Isifa Isxamrsirin. eTf I IIALimTEUSIlVU'E(4lU ot ftnatxu. - - AUTH0EI2ED CAPITAI 05EK1XLIOIDOI1UJ. tiFFicuns. W. C. CABBING TON, Prttiemi J J HOPKINS, SwnZr . rr BVBDitw u n ... VI. U. I iHOUO, JI. If. .Uf J Tbls Ubsval sad solvent fbadbsm paj-a U It patter bolder snaually 87J Ptt Cent, of iu pfa ft StVMtwdla aM It patmni hr tiki, j fcrseshalfoftbsBianxU.nl i M" It llw, is fatmn. u. paj ail cw utJL' It invite IU pstmua is n. it it, BaS thtxtiattawdsss tbelrri)Htt- pmtwiwl It alntwt its patron to etaun Urn rnmeIMMtsia4hsr IM. ryftrbOMsware not rtwthctst M aj I( offer tS fbltowinft rertifi.-ate titsl nxtxra gerrr Hocaj,r . , , - Hn I A litj Toe anosra.aneo. onurr, ,.i ih. Hfun, sad Stats is: Vlrpuis, take jestasuasstwlaf a t snlrent snd rell ay.Tea HsaawM Neat K.un nn pauy," of tbi euaut i ami br.ide. Ua Ksaatvsswy, Itsrsts and trnmi fi Lil ancr are snch - to coinmcud it lu ptttda PUBE PE BO VI AN GUANO AND all other kind ot OCA NO, inoMhtf tu d.lfcrri.t P 1108111 AT K . PbAet il.it tn l LIME, fcepl aasnily oo hand, a very Utw tt.-ice Oar Urnters will do WsB to call oo us at once ami ret Ibeir Kettilttert, be lore ordrrmr ami having sbwwher. We will tslte Flour or Wheat al tbe marke price, ii. eXtSWe sraiJUi''. rlUTLtiiir ) AV 1, Omars' BrUk Ham. Baltdirv. Ana 28. VamMSV RONADVLIN Pixrifies the Blood. I ts Btocbhstdf. DiracUtm ami (MBcsna of hunt mtsaTil. sad uatrotm rsu r,lt nouofawn, ew irm aeusi-ni ia n tJatdntt havw wwk or p. rssati hH , aad shnply pre thi. m i ay tw tb Btsrilswf s rest I Geo. 8. Btwvxss. Clerk OretitO jobs r. nix, Htptnir WtC A. Hltt, Burrrror. 8. B. Lwvura, Clerk Coostyt u a. nuffaam a vo., axiu.. n W also bar tbe ageucr fur good TtataBaa taunli wasted oa n. J AUKS I t HBtsttl A gent, Uuuiutls, It Jn. Aptly t ' .i on soi. ,r.i. IC. H. ''. .a fc C O., OkixBAL COMMIS8IOX ASP Stniipiofl JWrrrljonts v - tf I U. Dart, t S .n I tjkertr s) ir,m. i .w.n I-.!. ft l.ol-r tn'. Mir -.pkaW ' UW. Ast Vks InM Wtk, aiatHaw, Vs. a .. 0. .r,nul, f J ... MUX. I, . i i no n hosjth wrasn T The Ir.iwf.ea Muni fifr nsnranff (Tub, OF VIRGINIA. A Virginia and Soutliem In IU Fund are kept in the &tst It km met with unprecedented i If iitWSf stxhsVisW brytsii Tbs "mi r has sssMsl snt tm IsbRhy that UI osstp fa. w.' .j ak tm I asarsas t as ta cssiusesl, statl t WMminrton.N.C. NO i NMTN BANAWAY! AVL"ART 28th 18U0. my bot.r.d boy Btvt. on Afiffusi 2o1i IS, tnv tst-imt sirl Hst on Sep-, l-t. 1808. my hound tuy J sec, boi io me hy Got. C. A. Ctlh-y. Ih. CtL At A, A. O Vol, si Sa! st.nrv, N. C , 301. Uy ol Decern Iter, IH.Wi. I I' .rh d all persort hinsnitor har- boruiK litem v they do 1 wit! entoro tbe law on llstm. I will ijive s reasonable, reward for thennrwi-hen-ion ofihem to any perwai Wla will brmv them to me. ft GIBBS. Sum!. Orov. Davie Co., N. C. fHu.U. '80ft. w-3w QUILFORD LANB A6EN6Y 0 NOKTU CAROLINA. A NDtlOLDBB who wish to Sell Hi.-i(ificeiirJfr'csif or AAsertif fsitui; Water lwer .to, "tea i.on, sr arm Bam if say kind, w.!l Sad it to Ibeir sdvsatsas la jplas ihuir peuuetty in oar bnd bit tttK-"- . Ve have (treal laellitie lor ravlUMJ Bar chsset lor ail sueb properly. Pur iulormat.on. aiblrest JNO. R GBETTKB, General Agent, Greensboro', S. C. Dee. a, I8r. 1. Trustee Sale of a Gold and ism sastssasif tdauautwst' tf i sulirt. sCiiajBitiltiiity n Man Il tn iast.11.1 ' ratsiittMT, JOHN E. EDWARDS. vwa ratan.fi. rVaf. B. Isaacs, trsrtait. J. 11. II MFPirtt f.X AMINKK, CHABLES M. bMITII. ft 1 uatik visas, aisi C. Caaatx, J no. U. i u DIRECTOUS: nra.Wni.sBt ...di4. Hi MoriraDfown, Kenlnckj. Dem ocrats challeag arty lUti.cal to a candid debate of the istuea in that town at any time dnring the present campaign. Don't oil speak at oueel iUre ia a significant title of a lead er in tlia Utica Herald (IUdical) uf is aaid lu Im sanguine in re iranf to the Sattirdaytiii.rni.il: "I Gun. Grant a rroatdeiitial olocthui. and bolievea ilrri, rhj f$j fill IHimi If Ifajsj Tiprr ft it 111 fafts ITrpjlar TTaii I ihti Hi j and Dlair Ssfir - . sialTtMlti ft slaodsTllW whl 'tbe radical ticket. Nibhlca says that if all which the IUdicals could inake onf f their Main () cfianco ,. was a Democratic increase of 10,000 over tint last test election, thiuus hmk rather dark for ltadical chances elsewhere. . Ihe l'resitleiit, a very ir.tod laWS . ft U.j " t . i . il...lri.viu . ua.L It.M.. lit. Uw.Lm. - al... ,ides m, i he whitlwiud aud directs ' 'ff' J'"'. The tyranny under the storm, could, from sack an erifrin of! licll all is Busr kept down may up of mier ruin, protect lb lifouf man J l press hw, Inn il cannot dejfindtt Iter. Fortunately tor humanity, these' cyrat. -ltd lb rill of th itd red in mill idl ing Hiiues ot ruin sr generally of sm ill secessionist If olden will yet ho V diameter. 1 bis one, ... most places, did ken nlf hy ihe i.eoi.le of tilts r Mine. WILL be sold at nnblie aide. n. THHRft. the netf Mrtit4W of tho earth.' DAY. October 1st. ldds, on the premise, t t).y of such a ciintry. Tl.iJ, cast i&mPlM down for a while, the fetter S.&Vr he has hec-.l I n. Ity II . den mul I l..l ...J II 'u.J.. , r .".ob, m.-m,iuiH, , uninw, hi crew, cannot last fotever ller Corn Crib, Powder House, .me Kagia f I ii -1 -per. iv will return, ahett her i.o sa-ntBss-powar. tmr ttealers, two t'hillian litical statiui worthy ol her ueaitde. Mi,Hh bn! Mi'b ."B" 8ht ani..,.. I..r ,1... Iw J. 'mettuiwie. three Ko.lt er snd about ISO -tt-IZ. T i i T i TT T feet"! Itt-iucb Pip, with iwivtlssM f the d ace at er wh. e. and a n, trill il... . . IX7.. e" " " . - - i ... Lruau . in i i lit i , ,i in. rni1 JUitA A THOMPSON, Trusts. Joka Eaasrt. Wlttiaai V. Taylor. Saatael M. C'StUwU. Ji. A- SB. i. J. Kvsas. Jsmes A. H-ott, a.M 4narkn, fdBVhv. . J.E. EJaards, J. U. aortoa. R. H. Ildirrll. WilUsm H. Ttlsjcr, LEWIS C. Janl7-twVwtf Henry K, 9lnJ a as s)SW. n. K. t . SSbhkII . TeSjl l.eiii,e JMt, t. w. ttanar Resrye. I U. 1. I'tst h. a i tell. li. J. Hrteeot J.iUn WUwst Willi 0. A. r. ami. w. b. bsst Ueurp L. BMW Banes. ht l.t. VlMiTOK, ) I not encewd ten rod wide, following tor tiM'U line, bcitriug one general direction from the southwest to the northeast. We here In ard of it efn-ct at Slid near New Llm, but iu a mild lorn.. Injuring Ihe wind mill in tlmt place, and doing eth er duiuajp.- shuts; rMfvr Mr. II ifchr refuses to make a Hadical tpet ch III IL.kl n. lie In sists he has t aten anouvh liuiul.lo and then Iim-, pew reuts are not da in riyuiuuth Church till next Jatia-arj. r at clear lo Cai.fortiia to escape ghost of Mrs. Surtati. Slav, i Ihe dmiitnation Hnl.c will then appeHrfaut a Inn r tl drebiif ttf (he pi ; Nurth Carolina will le vel.tii her iieeiles elt iiteilis taf irrfBt- nesa. and aitaiti that j..-ii on to which -lie Hits Iteiii il, . in.-. I Ity (he Qrea tor. Nvrfoft Journal, rite A'h-A7m AM IIKADlfi lisle. Kip I lutual Uf COMPA Ol HartTortl. STATtaffST, DEC. 31, f, -f .yjh Ar'v i -- - H ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17670,288, INGOJIeToU 1867. $7,726,516,a3. F0U l'llEMIl'MS $6,332,804,95. 1 POR INTEREST, . 3 9 3 ,7 1 1 , LOSSES PAID IN 18T, 1168,75818, DIVIDENDS PAID IN 6 4, s . o a par-1 tV pet era lifers- lissNJ CIKTt TUB PtfUC in. rami- ,. Bttr.t. Af located on Rnniss street. bsta-e Oatts fWatstrr oeeawU TT -- maiB m is, uaw Smnerlv n by Ur. J. A. t aldwell, sad odbrs U tjaai tathe ahu and vittinity of SaUsbarv. Jul, , W. JOB CI Neatly l SH SB K-7 ' att .am ,.-. tttS p I'-l ssjajjB3