PAGE TWO BULLETINS > (Conflriued from page 1) 1 PARKERSBURG, W. V«„ (IP! Samuel E. Swiger, a ■ bank vice President accused of embezzling $36,000 from a Cairo, W. Va., bank, said today he would “see how he " v fiked jail” before trying to raise ssft,6ro bail. WASHINGTON (IP) The financial questionnaires to sent to top federal officiate next week Will be broad 5* enough to disclose any gifts of mink coats, deep freezers S or other “indirect payments” for government favors, Ni £ farmed quarters said today. WASHINGTON (IP) Congressmen arid housewives joined the broadcasting industry today in protesting Speaker Sam Rayburn’s ban on radio and television cov erage of House committee sessions. Rep. Paul W. Shafer (Rrftfieh.) called the order “one of the rawest exampk* of censorship” he’d ever seen. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111. (IP) Detectives armed with shotguns prowled the city’s vacant lots today in then sniper tr war against rabid dogs. CHICAGO rtf' Charles Ensenbacher, 15, promised I- juvenile officers yesterday that he was going to turn over If, » new leaf. Then he stoßfe a ear, went for a joy ride, eoflid* * ed With a bus and was hilled. j: NEW TORN (IP) A teenager who craved more ex s citment than the wedding he had just attended was eap- V tttred with three others by police yesterday after they l attempted to rob a candy store. Police said 18-year-ok? Z Sergio Rodriquez was attired in white tie and tails when r they arrested the four. He had been best man at a wed aS*. / NEW YORK (Pf A Bronx magistrate acquitted Mrs, *—w«h*i crawley yesterday dti charges of puttehing a police HSrgeant and tfsifg language when told to move the scene of an accident. CHICAGO rtf, Bandits entered Rudolph KoVac’s £iavern last night, locked Novae m the washroom aWd got fcWfdt with #8,150. Novae said he Usually didn’t have that money in the estaWMsfcrtieftt but that he hadn’t been to mane tt bank deposit smee Thursday because of ggewrge Washington's birthday anniversary. fcr ;: NEW YORK (IP) Four Brooklyn boys have confessed Ss&e kfttfe-xkiying of 12-year-oWt Frank Serra in an argu- SZBient over a stickball game last Friday, police said last Z BIRMINGHAM (IP) Former Alabama Gov. James E. vj-fKissin’ Jim) Folsom was acquitted here yesterday of wZonmfeen driving efiarges. SIT - OMAHA, Neb. (IP) Five men were killed and 12 ♦jjjhers injured today when a B-50 medium bomber on a Wi«l9ssified” mission from Hawaii lost a Wing while land then crashed and burned. Both the circumstances of and the purpose of the flight were mysterious. ~Z DETROIT (IP) Ail alleged Communist who has TTtaught in Detroit puhlic schools the last 23. yeprs was r-smught for questioning- todayrhy, the House Un-Ameripan £ Activity Committee investigating subversive elements id ■ Michigan's defense—vital industry. Mrs. Eleanor Cook £ Macki was among 82 persons named as Communists by a ; former FBI undercover agent who spied on the party > while postatg as a member frokn 1943 through 1947. ! * BfH ARMY HQ., Korea (IP The Korean war came ; so fin almost complete halt both in the air and on the ■ tioUnd today. Only 14 sorties were flown by sth Air Force ! plUttes because of the almost solid overcast over North | ftorea. | * HOLLYWOOD (IP) Movie actress Barbara Stan • wyck held her final divorce decree today from Robert Tay ) {or, ending a marrf.£e that the film colony through! ideal ; for 11 years: v > « • NEW YOftK (IP Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, l whose espionage convictions were upheld unanimously * yesterday by Hie United States Court of Appeals, waited fin the Sing Slug death house today While their ldwyer prepared to appeal the case so the Supreme Court. Rosen • berg, 38, ana his wife,. 33, Were sentenced to death last | April after a jury found them guilty of transmitting atom > bomb secrets to Russia. k • ' | • WASHINGTON (ft*) President Truman plans to leave £ lor a vacation at his winter White House at Key West W hr about M days; £1 • 1-1 gj • LONDON (IP —Authoritative sources predicted to- Z lay the coronation of Qneefi Elizabeth will occur in May, I* 1953, and a newspaper said “family circumstances” might A nave contributed to the decision. K l KNOXVILLE (IP Chairman Frank MalOfley of the f E ! Great Smoky Mountoms Conservation Association, said g fast (tight he Will cin a meeting of his board of directors S? to formulate a protest against a move in ■J 'North Carolina to give away some 44,500 acres of park ■ji • Baffin .v, f •r * e ; ■»---*—■- .•*—•« ■■■■- l> WASHINGTON Iff) Harry A. McDonald took charge 2 *bf the Reconstruction Finance Cotp. today with a promise f to keep political favoritism out of the agency’s lending i E . PARIS (IP A senior American naval officer said to ft 'day that Russia had “stolen” the secret of an American Ifgrjgjsffyg ssyasag - ■p,: l■ .*■ SiifiTpOvO Robbery ! «n£S Mj^WSSJI j cuff* after disarming Ua it the top of a ramp leading from the four-engined Trans W«M Alr -1 ways Constellation that he Mnrdt ed at bm Angela* a* 4 ftfefc yes . - mSib -■«***«■»--.- “Ete no* teyten te_-fij|. : aihay < r , g; . Fdlt R&r£: for block from Broad canip®# Self Employed Should Secure Their SS Card -'■T-v ••• t Self-employed persons in- a trade or business who came under Social' Security fdr ihe first time on Jarij uary i, 1951 should mate sure thrft i they have a social security oaref, according to Vernon D. Herbert, Manager ol the Fayetteville So cial Security office. These persons' will need a social security number at the time they file their first social security return, says Serbert. This report will be filed in con junction with income tax returns. The first such report from self-em ployed persons must SC made be fore March 15*, 1952 for the year 1051. • I It is pointed out by Mr. Herbert j that under the term* of the amend ed Social Security Act, federal old age and survivors insurance is ex tended to most nonfarm and self employed Individuals Who have in comes from trades or businesses which they operate either 85 sole owners or as partners. Self-employed persons who have never had a social security account number card or who have lost their card are urged to secure one now in order that they may be aWe to file complete information Witte their tax return before M&rCh 15tn. Mr. Herbert further stated that the local office located to the, Huske Building to Fayetteville ft. open Monday through Friday be tween the hours of 9 *.• nai. and 5 p. m. to serve we pub cau- | tioned thoW wMf Must BaVe t card to get ft now. Schnozzola (Continued froth page MW) of them to bookmakers. LoUis B. Mayer, executive head of fh'6 Studio arid fir. A. P Gian nini of the Bank of America were frequCnt visitors in the Durante diessihg room, and Upon entering it would rub Jimmy’s rtoisp for luck. Unable to remeihtfcr almost any one’s name or title, the JSchnoz zola greeted all callers with a big hello. He had been given to under stand that Mayer was the studio cashier. L. H. had said at their; first meeting that he paid out all the checks. j Whenever Jimmy saw May Cr-he would call oUt, “i’ll be in to see you on payday. Always glad to sCe the cashier." The acclaim that Durante re ceived for Wallingford placed him in great demand on the M-G-M lot; but no stories of any consequence were available. Producers of pic tures that needed,uplift called upon him to do mere Comedy bits instead gtKV i* a’ clqwn, brightened jihgse otherwise dull photoplays, but such stop-gap casting caused a slump'm? hft pop ularity. Ih four pictures that first year he applied the pulmotof to weak scenes. Sometimes NS would merely walk on, make characteristic movements on hft Head, roll his little eyes, and say, “Hot-Cha, hot cha!” and then exit. ThiS expression, Which Jinfliiy hare! originated in £h* night clubs, de lighted the picture-makers, sat Du rante grew tired of saying Httle else while performing for the screen. He eventually rCfuaSd to spy “hof-cha” evCr again. In 1931, l 9&, and on into. 1933 a succession of mediocre pictures, some of them eXpensfffiy mounted, alarmed Lou Clayton, Duran te’s mentor. Where would it all end? Lou asked. Jim had followed the WaHfngford picture with a' washout, The Gatofti Love Song, in which Lawrence Tib bett and Lupe Velez appeeed. The Schnozsola played the pvt of a clown. Then came another dilly, released in January of 1833. The Passionate Phnhtr. it starred Buster Keaton- and Polly Moran, and Durante again played a clown. ACCOMPANIES EINSTEIN During the early Hollywood days, Jimmy and Jeanne Durante took t holiday at Palin Springs. One evening the owner ot the ho tel said to Durante,- “Jkmny, Pro fessor Albert Einstein J* down here with his wife. He plays the Violin, and he wants -to know would jmd (tome on down and aocoinpany him on- the piano?" \ ji,; “Sure thing,”' the Schnozzola said. “But who's the Professor? A concert player ?” “Are you bidding? Just come On dowxa". f . Mr. Durante was introduced •to {he scientist in the lobby. Dr. Einstein did not speak much Eng lish, and Mrs. Einstein did -the traniOMing (or him. As she talked to Jimmy her hus band nodded his head end ap peared to be very happy over the prospect of playing the fkkße with the^entW^hmed, 4 d^n^chfrined it’s one of those things where yooi play a few (teyds, and then he’s snn hews BRIEFS GREENSBOWb IW State Committee an- The committee also appointed t .committee to review the curriculum . aijFUiviUes of public schools. oiasENssoftto-:# .ft. a dw trict Attorney. Rraee Holt- mid a blue-ribbon fedkrtl grand Jury look ing Into crime Conditions in this area would pfobalfiy recess.iftef to day's sessions. FAYETTEVILLg —U. S. Com missioner T. L. Hon announced to day a scheduled Hearing for K) form mer -Ku Klux Klansmen charged with kidnapping and civil rights Vio lations has been postponed until Monday. RALEIGH IIP) —i Agriculture offic ials said today they hoped they . could avoid a court suft about the “nickies for know-how" levy on feeds . and fertilizers. The agricul ture department yesterday forced .Ralston Purina Co. of St. Louis to pay the five-cents a ton tax on feeds sold in the state. ’ GREENSBORO (If) North Carolina's 19th federal gambling stamp has been issued to Robert Lee smith of Asheville, the U. S. collector of Internal revenue skid here today. RALEIGH —sen. Clyde R. Hoey Was scheduled to speak: at the North Carolina State College textile school today. » ' WINSTON-SALBM Os) The Winston-'SOlem Journal said today that there ft a; Ku Klux Klin auxil iary in lCien-Tlddfen Columbus County that keeps’ talks oil morals | of womeh. Ih" a story from White ville' the Journal said law enforce ment olficers believe the KKK Women’s Auxiliary lri the county number about 63. RALEIGH (IP) Chief we&thCr bureau forecaster Charles B. Car ney has joihCd the Gptimlst Club. ELON —(IR— Work WIH begin to late spring oh a MS,OOO chapel at the Christian Orphahage herd, Bu perinteiideh't Jhhn G. ’truMt said today. CHARLOTTft —(lf) —t A superior court grand jury indicted Berle McDonald yesterday oh charges of kidnaping the nine-year-old daugh ter of a friend with whom he Was McDonald Was arfesfcd at starts- Vllie', S. (g„ after allegedly stealing ■ a cay oWned by E. y.' uarfefton and Sen. Russell (continued from page ontD sin Republican presldentia) prim **?. ,atin Robert A. Tpft pf Ohio, candidate for the GOP preatdentHl nomination, sold in a speech here’ that a GOT victory is needed tteli year to bring "honesty, integrity, simpUcHy and liberty" into the government *■ Chairman James P. Richards D-SC of the House Foreign Af fairs Committee said In another speech that Taft is “a great Man” in many respects but is “utterly confused’ ’about foreign policy. Ma diets (Continued from page one) rati .grading stations: A Dirge 43, A 3T u laTge and ttfrterft R6GB RALEIGH (VI Hog markets: . Fayetteville, ftJWHfcff: SHHIUJ #M*er at PIM ft* gmt anddtofte vitlei J tfeunt^mithfield^Luinberton 1 , Ma ■' '' | NEW YORK tel March 40.»r ORfisNS V) _ Market' dosed tor Mardi Gras. later I am n#md to est * run after he does a run, and I make A bft Bbtcft m ot that §6 he speaks to his wife. ~ HtiiUi _ Met- I lipwf? fa fKMfw fiwt” aURT fhen ] ... DUNN, n. a 2 Grtwge Washtogtotf by awarding M etta tiottd and awards for outst»nd«# contrlbutlOAs lo th« American way of life » t6sl.(lnte+nationalf Driver Ot (■ jayu MUV »«oui |MfC wuu J Vogcftoh of ftroeteyn, another pass enger, had * fractured skutf frac tured shotader* ms bums*. Ber nard safe of Srooiftif, the fourth to the car; had * fractured colla bone, brollies about the face, ft black eve. anO a^njhe^c^rt on Seeker after IBs death OfiS that Graitotok- verified Stoter’d address, told him the victim was unmarried : Kerf, told ot epproaeMfl* toe in-, I tersection at 2S to»es per hour. The nght changed to green, he sa«, and after glancing both ways and seeing no car, he started across the intersection. When he got past the center ot the intersection, he declared, he saw the headlights of the car driven by Grannick and then the car hit between the front wheels and door post of the truck. A Wheel was knocked off the truck and it over turned, he said. DENIED BEING SLEEPY Op cross-examination by attor ney Franklin T. Dupree, Jr., of Raleigh, repesenting Grannick, he denied being sleepy and said he had been driving only about three and one-half hours. He said he -could stop in 50 feet at 35 milto per hour i if the truck tractor brakes were Working, “Biit,” he added “I had no chance to apply brakes, there just wasn't time.” , . Re Said he had (Riven the route bg^jje^and 'fras rtod by Bryan and Reichert said it wad the statement he had signed. It cor- , rOISSScf HbUflpWenJ. 1 .On further eXOmiriafibb. he said 1 his helper, Edwaid HoUeins, was asleep to the the tutor oT the crash. He said the truck Was in fourth gekr which would operate at between 25 ana 35 miles per hour. , For speeds over 35, he said, it was I necessary to Shift to fifth gear Re said he had been driving a t truck tor two years Wfthoul acci , rlent. rite glasses he was wearing, i he sild, were k license requirement and he was Wearing them at the 1 time of the crash. He said he had ■ slept ten hours before leaving ' Bin porta and waa alert. ’ He admitted that the rain at the > time of the accident had covered the side glasses of the cab and that they could have hampered side Vision, His windshield Wiper was working, he declared. UNCERTAIN ON DISTANCE He showed some uncertainty a bout the exact stopping distance of Ms heavy vehicle under varied Speeds, ftit explained that in all Hft driving he Had never been tor- Jfifcees Oppose I *• , rt. ; J' - _ l. DBjto’s Junior Chamber of Coto j merer last night went on record as jheihg opposed to universal military training, adopted a resolution to , ttat effect and wired the State's p-epk-etentatives in Vfashlngton to • - ihe ihatter Waw bought before the club,by President BUI Big^s, nation's defense manpower needs. ! He expressed belief that should a «- opted it would become a permanent | ffitSg to continue: even in peacC [ number of other Jayeees also TiMt taN° n wM j Os. the Dunn Chamber of Coih l atorcb. Jayeees approved the reso- Many From Here To Attend Meet Approximately 35 delegates from the Dunn Company of Jehovah’s IWlttitiTinn mill dUanil SWa opm i. mwrchaco / wnr nitciivi wrc oviiu anrioai circuit assambly to be held at Kinston on February 39 to'March 3, it wka announced today gy F. N. McLamb of t>qhn, -leader of the 100 M ftrotip. . T *•: Amotig these who will attend are: Mr. arid Mrs. McLamb and daugh- ’ ter, Bdlva, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mc- Lamb. AtisS Lenna McLasnb, Mr., and tars. R. ft: Stancil and son, J. E., Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Nester, Mrs. Stella Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Horne of Erwin and others. More than 700 delegates from fh* Coastal Plato section of North Carolina will convene at the Grain ger High School Auditorium, East PaVk Avenue on Friday and Sat urday evenings at 7 o’clock for ad vanced Bible educational training. There are no* more tfNrti 440,000 S maters of Jehovah’S Witnesses 119 countries of the world ser ving lo+ers of righteousness free of any charges. The public ft cordially Invited to attend all of the sesrioris but especially (he high HgKt Os the assembly, a public oddest by W. D. couch of Brooklyn, New York, district representative of the Watchtower Society, op the Sub ject “WWt fieitdto* W« Survive the World Crisfsr the entire jh-o gra mis free and no collections will be tateft,_ dared that the statement the driver had juSt made was essentMUy the same os (teat which he' mMjffven to the doctor ait the MSpMjtr just after the aocidene. Policeman ft. M. fail, one Of' the! officers, said that .Vogefer And Saks were stfa in the oar. arid that they said they had been asleep ofi the rear seat rit the time Os the crash. Policeman Aaton Johnson, who handled most of the investigation, Mid the truck had evidently been going sOuth oh Ellis When the Dodge had run into it just back of the front wheels. The traf fic lights, he said, were working' when he he reached the scene. Those in the car were still there, he said, VrigCler and Saks, on the back seat. One, he said, was un conscious and the other semi consicous. Grannick was “walking around in circles" and Becker was lying in brick of the truck. DIDN’T SEE LIGHTS At the hospital later, Johnson said, Grannick told him that he did not see any traffic light and did not see the truck until he was “right at it.” He said Grannick first said he was going 45 arid then Changed it to 40. HoWever, He ad mitted, that Grariniok still appeared .a bit. dazeri he s|jS, travelled 75 from -the point of impriet. A third officer, OErf WOUriihson, I could add Httle to the' testimony re garding the accident, itself. He skid it had started to’ raid quite hard and- he was busy directing traffic Members of the Coroner’s jury IN*; R - J 1 - Boss. Marvin Godwin, W. V. Skipper, C. D. Hutaff, jr., Granville ’Denning and Howard! Ennis. They deliberated tor half an hour' 1 I - * - —mmmd—mm*aatollAaaaitosMiabUUUMrtmmmmmtmtmmm■■■—npOßMWr- ! . * \ NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS •\: . v v -.V. • . • Will Be At First CitizMs Bank & Trust ° Qa In Butin tiJ' Mlk w« ffii wPtfflui I fiwjy 16vHBiiKry zstn. After February 29, a Penalty Ot 2 Per * m Will Be Applied To All OipaidlWl Tea j 0 p RAY «• ■ | TAX COUKTOR, HARNETT COUNTY Y If- 1 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 2ft, 1952 JOINS JEHOVAH'S WITNES SES The eminently success ful writer of myatery novels, Mickey SpUlane, conducts a blfcle class at Newburgh, N. Y., after joining the religious sect, Jehov ah’s Witnesses. Spillane, who wrote “I, The Judy,” rind “The Big Kill” arid sprinkled them Üb erally with spice, says that he will continue to write, but noth ing WHich will contribute so the “moral breakdown” of this geri- Cratibn. Mahone To Aid Hearts Group president Jim McMillan of thk Hrirnett County Heart Association today announced the appointment of Ban 1 1. Mahone to serVe as treasurer ol the organization. I Mr. Mahone, prominent local business and civic leader, today •issued the following statement in connection With the campaign: i> “I have accepted the responsibi lity because I realize that deseases of the heart and blood vessels con stitute one of the largest health problems in our state and in the country. I believe the time has come to make a consecrated attack upon ; them, heart desease affects ,at least one in every 15 Americans and last year it took 750,000 lives. These facts tell only half of the story. They make no mention of the great amount of human suffering. These statistics do not tell us about the great number of people whose hearts have been damaged and are today leading normal, use ful lives due to' the successful a mount of research instituted in the past few years. * Let us not look to lightly upon the suffering of others. This ma lady is no respective of persons. We owe R «to ourselves, our com munity and our nation to fight this vieious scourge to thel very end.! f This'is a mighty «halleng*:i bOt we are big enough to accept it. Before returning a verdict Stating that the deceased, Howard Becker, met his (toath a* ■ *}t4 Eastern Air . Eastman Kodak 44 General Electric 56)4 General Motors 50% Goodrich Wft Goodyear Gulf Oil W International Chem 31)4 International Harvester International Nickel 44.1 International T & T 15% v ohns Manvflle 63 Kennecott 80 Kroger Co g)4 Liggett & Myers 88 Lorillard *2 Monsanto w)4 Packard 494 Paramount Pictures Penney 88 Pennsylvania RR 11% Pepsi Cola {*-% Phillip Morris 4\A Reynolds Tobacco 33% Seaboard Airline 71% Sears Roebuck 51% Southern Railway 49 Standard Oil NJ 74% Studebaker 32% Unoln Carbide 85 U 8 Blpe & F , 37% U S Rubber . 77 U S Steel . 38% Warrier Bros * 15% Western Union 40% Westinghouse Air Bkc 2fjl Westtnghouse Electric . .37% Woolworth 43% Cftftby Thinks (Continued frem page one) tor a vacation, returning to address the JefferSon-Jackson Day Dinner here March 39. Some Democrats fig ure he may announee His polßbsl decision then. * PUBLICLY CONFESSED Cooley said he told the President iri absenee of word ftrilri him, “the public mind is confused ds to the candidates.” • "As long as the public ft in doobt about hft running again, it intensi fies that confusioft, arid 1 told Mm 1 didn't think he ought so toy With the idea of or Ott* arid «Atvy .emvjs£vrr Cooley told reporters M thinks “He wtH get the nofttoatlori If he dHtofc it and if he runs, l oroh he will be 1 elected” said the North Car- OHriian. • m ■* k . ’ 9