X Negroes To Be Represented On Unemployment Committee By Davis charlotte post THE PAPER WITH A HEART AND SOUL VOLUME 5 3HA.RLOTTE. N C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 1931 NUMBER 7 ( olored Portugaese Deport ed. Ch.Hi lesion,S,C —(CNS)— Henry IL OfUi, Portuguese colored man was taken to Savannah last Wed nes,tay by Marion M Black, im migration inspecto?-, ,for deporta lion to his native country. De I 'ruz was ai'i’ested ill Charleston by J. H. McVey, immigration in erpector liere, and after a hearing was ordered deported. He left Savannali last VVendesday night >v i n B Rosenwald Award. Sa'aiinah —(CNS)—Thomas N. idoberts, teacher at the Georgii iSoit!. College, has been granted a tellowshipby (he Julius Rosen .ild Foundation to do graduate vvDrk in Agriculturai Education at rre University of Wisconsin. Mr, Koberts will begin work [at that iistitution this fall. SOOO Ne^ro Children Learn To Be Good Republicans CHICAGO, (CNS)— fi’ive thou sand happy Negro Chi dren turn biedou sid '■ th Regiment Armory’ lay to goon a picnic i ' the. Secr-nd ''UiC R,»' , t M,;. The ptogram, which is -pianned lO be an annual affair, is in keeping with the Second Ward Republican Club’s poiicp of train ing Negro youth for better citizen r-f. I'he picnic was sponsored under tiie di; ectioa of William E. King, committeeman o f the Second Ward; William L. Dawson, pres ident of the club; Fred R. Bram lette, executive secretary: and James T. Lanigan, Sr., treasurer. Food, candy and refreshments Were served free Over 6000 pounds ot barbecued meats and sausage,4u0 gallon,s of soft d.iuht, 2,400 candy bars, 3,000 packages of chewing gum ai well as ice e catn and popcorn were served toihesmiing little citizens of toe fuuire. Bishop Grace Baptizes 758 Here Last Sunday Daviis Named To Harrow Enters Scotsbor«» Case Sr/n!' By Request Ol N.A.A.C.P. mitieeBy Hoover jllusbaDcl On Va“ caiion, His Wife John w Bavis,President el west Virginia Cailegiate Institute, Named te Serve On Committee Whloh Weula Aid Unempleyment Pfiief. Moves Thiols Out Of Doors Biffleuities Began When Meilie Qibssn Brewer, Daughter of The Late Rev, Maiaehai Qihsan ot Baltimore Filed DIveree Against Husband WASHINGTON. —(CNS)--The urgent requests of Dr. Emmett J Scott, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and other interesting per sons, tliat a colored person be placed on the President’s Organ ; WAsS H I N G T O N,—(CNS)— ization on Unemployment Relief Washington «osiety was agog were acceded to last Friday when ' this week discussing the latest Mr. Vv^^qlter 8. Giffiird, director of ' developments of the sensational th^ oiganizHiou announced the E eyei jr ,acinon,ii t^ngie. vy\t,jcti ap,,-..;.it.aient of it. Davi uas orieetljain brougnt the pop president of the West Virginia uiar school man and his equally Collegiate Institute at Institute, popular wife, also a school teach West Virginia, as one |of eighteen er, into the local courts. This nationally prominent persons to | time the Brewers are at swords serve on a committee which would j points over joint property owned administer unemployment relief during the coming winter. Pres ident Davis, is the head [of one of the seventeen land grant colleges which receive aid from the feder al government He is a graduate of Morehouse College and has long been a recognized leader in educational circles. Thecomnrjt lee to which he belongs is headed h'x Mr Pied C. Croxton, Mr. Gilfi. Giitef Assistant. To Broadcast \ atl.dr * Reports for_ Vessels New Orleans.—'Weather forecast re- ports for ships in the gulf, Caribbean ana other southern waters are to be broadcast from New Orleans the year round, it was announced. Heretofore .this service was maintained only dur ing the so-called hurricane season, from June 1 to November 80. • Selected ships of all nations on southern ship lanes will radio condi tions in their vicinity to Washington, where the weather forecasts will be compiled and transmitted to New Or leans to be broadcast over a powerful radio station here. Memory of Hubbard Ig Kept Alive by Tree East Aurora, N. Y.—An apple tree here is keeping alive the memory of Elbert Hubbard, philosopher and lover of man, tost in the Lusitania disas ter. ‘ Charles J. Eosen, offlcjal of the Eoy- croft shops, and Elbert Hubbard III dedicated the tree at simple ceremo nies here recently, “Elbert Hubbard symbolized life,” Bosen said, “and that is why we chose a tree instead of a building to dedi cate to his memory. "We thank God who made tills tree, for Elbert Hubbard.” “This committee will make available information on the ed ministration of relief, both public and private, based on the exper lence of the last winter and pre vious periods of unemployment distress,’’ Mr. Gifford said, “In general, relief funds are expended loca.ly through long es tabiished agencies, but in this emergency, special organizations have in many places been created to provide employment in the shape of special or ’made’ work which is paid out for relief funds. This meihod o f providing relief and many other suggest ,oas that have been received will he consideied by this committee .ind such methods as are thought useful will be ii-smd for consider aiiun by tnose i esponsible locally for ll'ose activities. ’ The appointment of Mr. Davi- came as a welcome, relief fe li e huudi eds of culoied people win. I,ad felt that they would be lo.si in the shuffle uii-css a colored pei appoinlrd to urge the orkers be Veteran Champion To Appear Before Su preme Court of Ala bama. Walter Wliite Gnsiipletes Details la Chicago A ad 'Alabaaaa. Ohio Bluejays Declare War on Pedestrians -'iorwall:. Ohio.—Eluejays have de clared war on Norwalk. - , Persons walking through a clump of trees at a street Intersection have lieard the warning scream of half .-i dozen of the birds and' been driven ai a run from the scene. Arthur Pearl, J. ‘B. Osborn and Paul Clark suffered severe facial scratches from the beaks and ejaws of the jays. « Ofncials attributed the attacks to an noyances Suffered by the birds from boys- vioiating their nests and molest ing their eggs, and young. ! son were gi-„ve needs tore the commit ee. oi N g'U Majestic Swans Again » Nesting in Yellowstone Yellowstone Park.—The appearance of elglit pairs of trumpeter swans was reported in Yellowstone National park during tlie month of May, which is their nesting period. Conservationists hall this as good news, tor these ma jestic birds are one of the species which are facing extinction under changing conditions, and the Yellow stone is one of the points where it is hoped to check the apparently eb bing tide. Unless the few remaining trumpeter swans in existence can nest and rear their young safely, the species will soon join the dodo and the passenger pigeon. ’ by them. And William Brewer, the husband, has begun legal ac tion to have is wife adjudged in ntempt of court for having sio len a march on him by moving his persona! efforts out of their oiiit home at 1010 F’airmoin 3t, N. W. and moving hers in while he was visiiing bis parents in Georgia, The Brewer difficulties began when Molly Gibson Brewer, dau ghter, daughter of the late Rev, Malachai Gibson of Baltimore, filed a divorce suit against her husband who is a Harvard grad uate and a prominent school man of this city, last Spring In her suit, Mrs. Brewer alleged mental druelty and ineompatability and asked for alimony and that she be given their home which was purchased in her name, Mr. Brewer countered this suit with a cross bill and was succes.sful in preventing his wife’s claims for al mony when he proved that she was making as great a salary as he ond was perfectly able to main tain herself comfortably. The divorce suit has yet to be heard. Pending the divorce suit the Brewers agieed tiiat they would live apart and rent out their homer but after Mrs. Brewer had moved into the Howard MaiiDr liere, Mr. Brewer remained at their home and refused to move. Recently he went to Georgia on his vacation lu visit his par ents. Wlil.e be was away, Mrs Brewer entered the pi’emises; packed his things and sent them o llie sloi'age ai.tl moved in with lier inobaer. Now Hievver is out and slie is in ag-ii r. Following ' bis Bievi-r Miuglit 'ast week to have lii> wite ad judged in coo'cit.pl of court. The moiion was I’aiiia ,\ aigiied last week,but ff a uguineut and dici ionotlhecoi.il p.i.-ipj nd until Seplelilbei 14. NEW YORK.-Clarence Dar row, Veteran champion of huMsn rights internationally known criminal lawyer and defender of the weak and defenseless, has ac cepted jiti -itation personally d#liversd to - by ,1 alter'Wl ite, oecret-ary ot tne National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, to participate in the defense of the eight Negro boys sentenced to death in Scottsboro, Alabama. Ml-. Darrow’s entrance into the case has been welcomed by the other N. A. A. 0. P. attorneys in the case, and Mr. Darrow has sig nified his willingness to go to Alabama and deliver one of the arguments to be made next Jan nary before the State Supreme Court in the case. This latest arrangement by which the N. A. A. C, P. is throw ing the entire weight of its pow er and influence in the scale in be half of the condemned colored boys, is-reported by Mr. White on his return from a journey which took him to Chicago to see Mr. Darrow add then to Birmingham to complete details for the legal procedure with the attorneys on the scene of battle. Mr. Darrow, it will be recalled, on a previous occasion, in the cel ebrated Sweet case in Dctrult successfully defended eleven c-.l ored people charged with first he gree murder for defending Dr. Ossian H Sweet’.s home from mob attack He entered the case at a time when the feeling in De troit was exceedingly bitter and and other attorneys feared to ua dertake the case, and by his out standing courtroom skill pro cured acquittal of the one defend, ant, Henry Sweet, whom the state elected to try. "In accordance with the relent less, persistant and careful atten tion to detail of the N. t.A C. P. in all its legal work"’ said Mr While, at the N. A. A. C. P offi ces, 69 Fifth Avenue, ‘'a bill cf ex cepiions is being prepared fo r submission to the Supreme Court of Alabama that will asseni b e every scrap of periinent ter bearing on the case. Clarence Darrow Aids NAj\.,G.P. In Scotts boro Fight 13-Year Old Boy Sought By An^ry Mob Young Rsdgts, Aceused of Shooiing 1 Yaar Old White Youth, Surrendered To Loeal Authorities By His Fathei Saturday Night. Darrow, America’s Foremost Crirainai Lawyer Joins N-A.A.C.P, Legal Forces Defending 8 Condemned Negro Boys in Alabama, # mat H'uge Antelope Herd 4 | Ashland, Ore.—Tlie lake county re gion furnishes a refuge for one of the largest herds of antelope in the coun try, In one day, one may sight '800 antelope. * Bread From Seaweed 1* Popular on West Coast OJal, Calif.—There’* something new under the sun all the time—If an old proverb may be contradicted. For this describes the baking and selling of bread made of kelp, better known as “seaweed,” whloh started in this town, located only a short dls- ance from the Pacific ocean. ■Wllilam Baker specializes in produc ing this bread and says there is giljlte a demand for it. “The kelp gives the bread a peculiar flavor,” he said. Display 0 f Sudden Wealth Reveals Theft MACON, Ga.—(CNS)—'H a d Willie Brown, undersized 17 year old boy, been a more expert dri ver he might have passed unno ticed through Macon last Tuesday afternoon with nearly $1,200, part of the money which he confessed lO'sheriff’s deputies be had stolen from an aged Dooley county wo man late 'ast Monday. h e diminutive youngster whom officers described as’‘shieky looking,’’came to Macon early in the afternoon and rolled his new V acquired automobile up to the curb near the courthouse. He got out, went to a locol clothing I store and purchased '$75 worih ef clothing, and returned to his auto mobile. Nervously, he siarteU ihe mo tor. Inexpertly he shifted in gear. It was the forward gear, however, and instead of backing fr.im the curb, he ran a short dis tance upon the sidewalk, Harry E. Pap-b county probation officer, was passing. The youth s inalfil ity to handle the automobile a; Irac'.ed the officers attention. The buy confessed, woikingon the farm of Jim H igh ’S, 6i yeaa old bachelor, and Mi.ss ll;n''ieita Hughes. 75. of near. IJlly, Ga., he had .slipped into the a^jed woman,s room Monday afternoon late and confiscated ihe entire trunk The aged brother an 1 sister had kept their iboni y there for inanv months. He opened me (rank wilh n hainm--r tie stoUu, left it in ill.' ii *1 1 made lii.s way to Bryo iville. CLAYTON. .N. C.-.(CNS) - Young Hodges, 13, was surrender ed to local authorities by his fath er last Saturday night, after he had lain in hiding for senera! hours to elude a mob which had been organized for the purpose of lynching him. The young boy waf accused of having shot a nine teen year old white boy, Julian Hardy. Froip„ 3p0 to 400 whites organ’zid ' vesae in search g \ the Negro youth hao' dispetlseS, the father of the boy sent another son to where Young was hiding and told him to come home. There he was turned over to Deputies Norwood and Barbour, Young had been hiding in a s'wamp near ■his heme. Fuared Meb VIolenee. Wbea the mob started search for tne youth Saturday afternoon after nevvs of the white boy s death, the elder Hodges secretly told the two deputies he knew where his son was hiding, but feared mob violence. The depu ties arranged to return to t h e home after the mob had disper sed. The boy was placed in the John son county jail at Smitnfleld, He denied he shot Hardy, saying he was in a field a short distance away -when be heard the report of a gun. Thousands Attend Ban quet Given At City Armory In Honor Of Bishop C. M* GrLl^ 30,000 View Parade As They March Through Streets Of The City. MEASURE STRENGTH , OF MAN IN TESTS Public Health Service Puts SOO Through Paces. h id and Cows Recognize Calves; Man Arrested as Thief Harper, Ore.—^Four calves pastured In B. Faust’s yard. Faust denied he had stolen them. So tour cows be longing to Virgil Smith were driven ' up- The calves seemed giad to sac | them. The cows gave every evidence | of fondness for the calves. So Faust 1 was accused of iarceny. ^ I ■Washington.—How strong is a man! The answer has just been made by the United States public health serv ice through a series of tests given to 500 men. Generally, heavily built men were found to be stronger than slender men of the same weight. The tests were made to ascertain the pulling, pushing, handgripping, lifting and lung power of men be- tw'een the ages of twenty and thirty- four, between the weight ot 120 and 169 pounds, and betw’een the heights of 63 and 70 inches. The greatest pulling power was demonstrated by men In the heaviest weight class, between 160 and 169 pounds. Men in the two heaviest classes, 150 to 159 and 160 to 169 pounds, tied as the most pow'erful pushers. In each of these weight groups the taller men proved to be the best pushers, with a force of 121 pounds, the record figure. In the handgripping contest the talleit and heaviest men gave the most powerful hand grips, with a force of 108.48 pounds. But the shortest men in the heaviest group were the most powerful lifters, lifting on an average 619.2 pounds. The men having the greatest lung power were found among the short est In the 150-159 pound class. Their lung force was measured at 154 mil limeters. ^ ‘ So far as general strength went. It was found that the taller men were for their weight the less strength they had on the average, and the shorter they were for their weight the stronger they were. This rule applied through practically all weight group*. Thousands, members and dele gates of the House of Prayer rep resenting over 80,0(X) members of the House of Prayer met here last week for the fourth conyocation meeting. The meeting was pra sided oyer by Bishop C.M. Grace, founder of the House of Prayer, Munburship. The Bishop said that he had 20,000 members on roll at the House of Prayer here in Charlotte, 5000 at Norfolk; 17,0(X) at Savan nab, 10,000 at Augusta. 20,000 at New Port News, and tb/mgands Lat other places. ■' b PrcitSin ISf Ape ' ciai\9sfimonies from members of the House of Prayer. Tuesday, Sept. 8th—Bishop Grace arrived, and the welcome address was delivered by Mr. El liott Humphrey. Talks were alse made by others. Wednesday, Sept. 9th—A fine program was rendered by mem bers and friends of the House of Prayer. Thursday, Sept. 10th—The di£ ferent auxiliaries presented a spe cial drill- They were all dressed in beautiful uniforms and put on special stunts as they passed the reviewing stand of Bishop Grace. Friday night was given over to the young people, and a very unique program w'^s carried out by them. One of the high lights of the convocation was a banquet given in honor of Bishop Grace at the City Armory, Saturday night, where more than a thousand guests were present. A program of music by three bands belong ing to the House of Prayer, drills by the Grace Soldiers, quartette singing and short talks by Messrs J. R. Hemphill, W, H. (Bonnie) Pearson, H. Houston and Sey mour Carroll of Columbia, S. C., special guests of the Bishop was conducted before the Bishop was introduced. The Bishop made a very pleasing address and then invited the guests to the dining room of the Armory, - where they were served fried chicken, and rice with gravy, ham, peas, pota to salad, slaw, pickles, cake and lemonade. Committee:—Sister Mary Aiice Boulware, Chairman, Elliott C. Humphrey, Chaplain; Sisters Viol* Steele, Margaret Burns, Lucille Campbell, Millie Lee, Elder E. T. Sims, pastor. 20,000 People Attend Sunday, Sunday was a high day at the convocation. More than twenty thousand people attended the ser vices. The baptizing and the pa rade were the features of the dap. The Bishop baptized 758 candidates befo e the parade, Thirty Thousand See Parade. The parade started from the House of Prayer at 4 30 P.M. and marched down McDowell street to First street; up First to Bre vard street; up Brevard to Third street; down Ihird to Alexander; and on Alexander to First; from Fiist back to the House of Prayer, The parade, over a mile long, was led by the House of Prayer’s brass band, followed by Bishop Grace ill his special built Packard Sedan Ttieie were several bands and many marching bodies dressed in cot'onries of many colors and do sighs. 'I'he oonvonation closed Sunday night. Bishop Grace left Mon day for Rock Hill and Columbia, where he will preach and speaki