TtiE PERFECT MAN IS HE WHO /S IN CONSTANT PURSUIT OF PERFECTION - TROSS Say I Saw It • *. In The POST! THE CHARLOTTE POST Dedicated To Good Will Between The Races! CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 28201-THURSDAY. September 2. 1971 PRICK 10 CENTS PER COPY Charlotte Native Die» Getcherl Carl Caldwell, one »f Philadelphia's wealthiest Black businessmen and a pio îeer in the now popular one - jour and three - hour dry cIeanin£T~meifi^>d, «tied last week at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia following an ill ness of undisclosed nature. \ He was 57 years old. A native of Charlotte, Cald - well started with a single dry - cleaning plant and built his business into a successful - chain of 11 establishments located throughout North Philadelphia. His assets were Kiow Your Black x'^fflcer JèwTstfÎMri John T. Staley le a veteran, ■lth 14 yehra of aerviee· with— M OterMtt Police Depart - Loves Community Work "i ' ^ niunity Relations _ portion of- his time ia spent with the Pojjce Athletic League, which Pallbearers were Alexan - uer nooeris, jonn iNeison, John Jones, Melvln Johnson, Phil Tone, Dick Guions. Mit chell Harding, J. Β. Pinkney and John Meredith. Apprtcictio· Certificate R A LEIGH ! N. C. - A certifi cate of appreciation was pre - sented to Misa Netter L. Murphy, of Raleigh, North Carolina, In ceremonies others among the_ 25 attending the hearing rejai ted a number of cases in which they said. employees were m )(f · 7~ They cited euch things as the „ Infraction of rules governing I coffee breaks and the use of ■. profanity." Kenneth Hamilton, vice president of the union's Wash ington local accused the Postal Service of reducing the work ing hrfurs of substitute clerks, many of whom are blacks, as a means of prompting res ignations. ' r — . . This was the tactic, he said, ι rather than^outright dismis - r sals, that the Postal Service I was using to trim the work . n foréë. ι ' _ ■ \ Y BARGAINING AGENTS r Last January, the alliance Ί and two other independent un - ions challenged the right of the ^even craft unions that t. negotiated last month's con - s tract to be the bargaining ag - «· ents for the postal workers, ι. The alliance accused manage ment and the seven craft ►f unions of working "hand in h glove against Blacks." • I d Under the postal reform, it η is not clear whether th< >f alliance is still empowered to >f represent workers. Court h proceedings initiated by the alliance are pending. Ambulance attendances are making truck-driver Robinson comfortable shortly after the tractor-trailer . MrL Robinson was driving collided with an au ·· tomobile at the corner of Mint anct- Bland Sts. here Monday. _ Mr. Robinson, who suffen brôken leg from the acci says the brakes gave his trailer. No one jured in the car. (PI Peeler) t, on" in by I con SiUHvan^ ■ Ψ\ Black Leader Supports Nixon's Economic Plan .i> « NEW ORLEANS, LA . - Rev. Leon H. Sullivan told a press conference at the 72nd Na - tional Elks Convention in New Orleans that President Nix on's price - .wage freeze ac tion was "a good move." Meeting the press with the Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks, the Honorable Hobson Reynolds, Rev. Suljtivan"said: "We had a runaway economy, a wild horses economy. We had to put on the reins or we would' go slam bang over the cliff." Dr. Sullivan was in New „ Orleans to receive the Love - joy Leadership Award from the Improved Benevolent'. £ Protective Order of Elks of the World. At the press conference. Or. Sullivan surprised his listen ers by charging that Mr. George Meany, President, * AFL-CIO, "should get his ntf| er and Board Chairman ofOIC of America was even more emphatic. "I am pleased that the President is taking a trip to China and hope that he will help them get into the United Nations. I also hope that he can take .a trip to Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama and help get Black "American citizens into the United States. "I am neither for nor against Mr. Nixon. I am for America. I am for help ing poor people get out of poverty and hungry people get food to eat and freedom for Black people. I am for help - ing Mexican.- Americans. American .Indians and poor whites get a fair share of the American economy. "Mr. Nixon seems to be moving In the right direction. I hope he will continue. We will be watching and judging «Éfcim in the next year. —ill -—ι —IIIU. the greatest leaders our race has produced." _ Calling on the President Nixon to help to get $100 million to and place on jobs 100,000'JËÊtf J employed and under persons in 100 Sullivan said: "1 phasi/.e the Nixon has alreactd^^^ to move in the but not enough enough. Ninety Blacks are in service unskilled need training to technical jobs and welfare. "Training is a matterofsur - vival for my people because in 20 years most of the unskilled jobs and many bf the eemi - skilled jobs will no longer exist," Dr. Sullivan said. ·' . —-· -rr Τ - From The... Editor's, Desk f • *T-^f5T;s ν* - RED BROWN President Nixon has committed the biggest political blunder of his career. No, it has nothing to do with the proposed trip to the people's Republic Of China, or the dramatic 90-day anti-inflation move..It has to do with children and busses and segregation. It also has to do with Mr. Geqrge Wallace and per sonal ambitions and the tempers of the times. 1 -■*· When Mr. Nixon issued his latest anti busing position, civil rights leaders were quick to jump all over it. Mr. Nixon no doubt has declared strong opposition to bus ing children to achieve racial balance. To support his position he tacked on an amend ment to his proposed $1,500,000,000 billion school desegregation bill, barring the use of any funds for busing. What was dishearten ing was the fact that the president pulled the rug from beneath many southern school 4J < , I - boards who had actually moved to obey : the law. The subject of busing has long been a sen-""! sitive orte. Families feel that they can in- : sist on the neighborhood school concept : without appearing to be bigoted. Of course ; black families learned about busing early : when their children, prior to the supreme court school desegregation decision in 1954, were bussed past "white" schools to' in ferior black ones. β ' : Mr. Nixon probably feell that he has made real political hay, with the busing issue, but remember Mr. RichardMilhouseNixon is a political horse. My definition of a poli tical horse is one that runs on both sides of the fence and wins no race. Black Ameri cans should stand up and make this political horse eat the hat that he thinks he has manufactured. Λ runaway norses siraigm as ' the unions have contributed to the poverty of Black Amer-* icans by keeping them out oP jobs and out of craft unions " In response to a reporters question about Mr. Meany's [ opposition to the Nixon Flan [ and the Implication that ί Backs would be hurt more I than other working men, he stated: "The Black can't be hurt any more. He has noth-· in* to hurt. The masses I on welfare and below the pov ; erty level can't . even get Into the unions. White businesses haven't given them jobs and for that reason I have boycotted businesses. But Meany'· unions have been hurting Black people for year·, keeping them off building trades jobs andother ; Jobs. with segregated, ra - ; cist discrimination." Asked about Mr. Nixon and > the 1972 election', the found ^Brk voters to be elected. Democrats will' be unit Pea against him as never be - Jbre. The unions will be united against him as never be fore. Most of the 18 to 2C year - old votes will go Dem orratic. He will need Blacli votes to get elected." Honorable Hobson Reynolds, who joined in the conference with Dr. Sullivan', told the preis that his convention of 50,000 delegates, represent - ing more than 500,000 mem bers, was throwing its consi derable «trength and 100% support behind Dr. Sulll - van and his Job development, economic development pro - gram, ΟΙΟ of America (Op - portunitles .Industrialization Centers). Dr. Sullivan gratefully ac knowledged this support and expressed appreciation for Mr. Reynolds' national lead - ership, calling him "one of m νοι ■■■ y* On September 26 th, the Greater Gethscmane ΑΜΕ Zion Church will observe Wo man's Day, Mrs. Alice Jon·· Is the General Chairman. • · · October lOUi, the Good Sa maritan Club will have a special program at the Geth sernan·. ΑΜΕ Zion Church. , on Campus St. Mrs. Mattie Green Is the president. Rev. F\ M. Allen, pastor. The Shiioh Institutions I Choir Anniversary will be held on .September 5th at the Churrh on Bruns Ave., the Rev R. M Young, the pa· - tor of v the St. Paul Commu nity Baptlat Church, will be the speaker. ft