@§ THE CHARLlITTE POST W ■ I _Charlotte s Fastest Growing Community \Seekly" 1 VOL. 2 NO. 21 CHAKl.OTTF. NORTH CAROLINA 28206 • THl'RSDAY, NOVFMBFR 8 1973 ------- • . _ , Price 20 CIA A Tourney Tickets Go _ On Sale Tickets for the 29th Annual Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tournament went on sale Thursday, November 1. The tournament will be played at the Greensboro Coliseum Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 28, March 1-2, 1974. Four big sessions, featuring the eight teams in the conference are planned for the three-day affair. According to Com missioner L.D Smith, there is no price increase for tickets. Premium reserve ducats remain $18.00 per set and other reserve seats $14.00 per set. Special prices prevail for students and these tickets will ‘-r'- mi aaic ai me inemDer institution. Tickets can be secured from the CIAA Ticket Office, Greensboro Coliseum,— Greensboro, North Carolina or from any member institution. The 29th Annual CIAA Basketball Tournament is being dedicated to the memory of T.L. Reeves, former Head Basketball Coach. Fayetteville Statd University. Reeves piloted the 1973 Bronco team to the - tourney title and was voted the “Most Outstanding Coach” during the 1972 and 1973 season. Reeves passed sud denly in September. Smith assured season ticket holders that they will have the first opportunity to purchase the seine premium seats that they held last Jear. tflfflcations 'pofnl to more than 40,000 persons ascending oh Greensboro for the 1974 CIAA Basketball Tournament. Business Fellowships Available Graduate business fellowships for minority students are available through the UNC School of Business Administration in Chapel Hill. Blacks, American Indians and Spanish-surnamed Americans are eligible for the fellowships which provide tuition and living allowance of $2,000 for the first year of the master of business ad mi nist rat ionV'f MBA.) program and $1,000 for the second year. Financed by grants from 135 U.S. corporations, the fellowships are sponsored by the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management which UNC joined in January. The consortium is a six-university program to encourage minority meri and women to enter management careers in business. In addition to UNC, it includes Indiana University, Washington University in St. Louis and the Universities of Rochester, Southern California and Wisconsin. .Students may apply to the , lvw ' program of any —universities. _ ... 'V s are enrolled Credit ii Cards t Honored v MISS CHERYLL BITTLE •’* , ...Oldest Of Five Children Beauty Of Week 1 • Post Staff Selects Cheryll Bittle J, Cheryll Bittle, the oldest of 4 sixers and 1 brother, is this week’s Charlotte Post Beauty. The West Mecklenburg High School Junior i».the daughter "ISt Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bittle of 2604 Remington Street in the University Parfc Residential Section. Cheryll is -16 years old and weighs 118 pounds She is 5 feet 8 inches tall and measures 33-23-34. Miss Bittle is a member of Le Charmentelles Social Club and a member of the Distributive Edication Clubs of America. Through her membership in theD.E. Club, she has become a working young lady and is presently employed at a sales clerk at Belk Department Store in South park, thanks to her D.E. teacher, Miss Tomanchek. says Cheryll. Cheryll is a member of Second Calvary Baptist Church,pastoredby Reverend J.M. Kennedy. She is a member of the Junior Missionary in the church Our beauty likes all sports, dancing and cooking She also likes shooting pool, bowling and modern dancing. She shoots pool at Cavaliers billiards on Morehead Street and her bowling average is - between 80 and 85. Cheryll was in a dance group at University Park Elementary School that performed at different schools but she says she has learned most of her modern dancing skills “on her own". She likes to do the "Bump" which she learned from watching "Soul Train" on TV. She says I learned most of my dance steps frorn watching Soul Train. Cheryll says she doesn't watch TV muclfand gets most of her news from reading the rs, ; asked Cheryll is she thought President Nixon should be impeached and she said “Uh huh " Why? -yie shouldn't holj no o/fice because 1 believe he is not right." How? "Because he wouldn’t give up the tapes " fourth, respectively. Cheryll says she would like to attend modeling school and become a fashion model though she has not decided on a school yet She says she_ would like to be an airline stewardess because "I like flying and traveling " Soul City Community \* Sets Groundbreaking im wovemDer 9, 1973. at 11:00 a.m., ground will be broken on the first con struction of the free-standing new community of Soul City, North Carolina. The develoRjnent dr fhe hew town of Soul, City, planned t eventually to house 50,000 ^inhabitants and to provide (Economic up-lift and social n\d educational benefits to the J ["^k’essed rural Warren- I "T™\e County area, is the f ambitious and in ™""^ive project ever un 1 ^Aen by a miniority £ developer, Floyd B 4 Iplr Enterprises, Inc 1 November 9th iies will start with a Vt Soul City at 9 no rk^k w-i f :lowed at II 00 a m Lev Eil.r Holshnuser will 1 A reception will be *t the Governor's Ve Wlltf FLOYD McKIMHCK Mansion in-Durham at 3 (to pm. and at 8:00 pm. a banquet and show will take place at the Cameron Indoor Stadium. Duke University. Durham At the banquet salutes will be given by the ffbnored guests and Mr. McKissick will deliver an address _» ^ - * Sunday Afternoon—2__ • _•_ Matthews-Mur' .land To * Fayetteville Hosts Bulls Saturday Fayetteville State University will close out its 1973 gridiron season- on Saturday, November 10, when they host the Johnson C Smith University Golden Bulls. The C1AA conference game vill be played on the FSU University Athletic Field and he kick-off is set for 1:30 p.m. Advanced tickets for the :ontest can be purchased at he University Business Of [ice. Fayetteville State will be lut to salvage a break-even season. Coach Raymond McDougal has led his Broncos to two successive winning, campaigns and a win over Johnson C. Smith would give the Broncos a 5-5 mark for the 1973 season. The Broncos are bruised and baltered and Coach McDougal is hoping to have all his charges ready for the contest Among those, 'suf fering with injuries are Glenn Me Coy, JaiTres Godwin, Arnold Johnson Charlie Rovd. James Glasson., and a host pf others. McDougal said that most of the week will be spent on polishing the Broncos' offense and reviewing various defenses to stop the J.C. Smith Golden Bulls. * J C Smith is the most ex plosive team in the'CIAA They lead the league in total nffense, averaging more than 340 yards per contest and they have the best passing team in the league with 73 completions in 157 attempts -for 1,456. yards. Quarterback Luther Carter is their offensive leader. He has connected for 14 touch down passes and leads the league in total offense with 1.114 yards. Running bark Mike Gibsoh is the Golden Bulls’ rushfng leader with over 800 yards in nine games. He has also scored 11 touchdowns and six conversions for 72 points. r MRS. PEGGY BECKWITH ...Executive Director sickle, L,ell ' \ Seminar Planned For Wednesday A seminar (o give a "clear understanding about sickle cell disease, problems of the disease and what can' be done,” will be held here Wednesday, Nov. 14 at the Sheraton Center, 301 S. Mc Dowell St. The. meeting, which is co sponsored by the Association For Sickle Cell Di'sease for Charlotte, Mecklenburg, Inc.,' The office of Continuing Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and The North Carlina Division of Health' Services, will feature some of the nation's most outstanding authorities on the disease which primarily effects Black people. Mrs Dorothy O Black burn. Public Information Specialist of the National Sickle Cell Disease Program in Bethesda. Md., will address the session at 9:15 a.rn. and Dr. C W McMillan, professor of pediatrics and head of Division of Pediatric Hematology at_the University of North Carolina Medical School at Chapel Hill will speak from the suBject: ' Diagnoses. Genetics, Clinical Manifestations and Treai ment in Sickle Cell Disease" 'at 10:15 a in Following a luncheon break. Dr. E. Robert Neely Branch Director of the Crippled Children and Development Disabilities Branch of the Division of Health Services for the State of North Carolina, will discuss the Sickle Ceil Disease on the state level Sunday Morning Little Rock Plans < ‘Men’s Day’ Program Special to the Charlotte Host “Men of Destiny" describes both the theme and the setting of Little Hock AME Zion Church's II am worship service for Sunday. Nov 11. For on this day the men of the Church, past and present, will be honored and appreciated for the part each has played in shaping the destiny of the Church "The purpose of the program is to recognize the many contributions the men of Little Hock have made and to set iwo focus the real virtue of man." said the Rev William M White*, pastor of the Church * "Our effort is also to bring more men into the Church and to inspire more men to commit their lives to the jChristiaVi way." he said BISHOP LEAKE f.uest Speaker The featured speaker for the 11 o'clock worship service will I be Bishop Ceorge I. I,eake of the 11th Episcopal Area Bishop Leake, who has himself been instrumental in shaping (he destiny Of Little Rock, served there as pastor for nearly 10 years prior to being appointed fo ■ Bishopship "Bishop 1/eake will not only be our speaker." White said, "but he will also be honored at the program in an effort to express our gratitude for the services he has rendered in the development of our Church " The men of the Church will conduct the entire worship service and each has been asked to make a special financial contribution on that day R ev. Cuthbertson Is Guest Speaker The congregation of the a historic Matthews-Murkland .■> United Presbyterian Church v will celebrate their fourth c annual Homecoming at the 109-vear-old church on tilde A Providence lid inside 1 Providence Township here e Sunday afternoon, beginning ii at 2 o'clock n And. unlike on the first three occasions for observing g homecoming during which ,S time most of the attention was S trained on the fund-raising c efforts of the membership to l build a new church. Sunday's celebration will be a happy t occasion during which time 1 most of the atten|jon will be ( focused on the successful t completion of the campaign The new , Matthews Murkland Church is presently betng constructed on an ad-, joining site. It will consist of a sanctuary that will seat 300, an all purpose unit with complete kitchen facilities and a day .care. center and W nrlan vuViirVi w l\\ hi' commodate 100 children. ■ It will also house eight class rooms, complete office and study for the pastor, child care facility for worshipers, five rest rooms and a bell lower "fhe total cost of the 200 . thousand dollar structure includes landscaping, parking area and play ground It is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 1974 Rev. .1 Andrew Cuth bertson. pastor of the New Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker and the music will be rendered by the choirs from Pleasant Hill and other churches in the area. The son of Mr. and Mrs I.en Cuthhertson of Matthews. Rev. Cuthhertson is one of tin four members of, Matthews Murkland who left the congregation to go into the ministry He is a former deacon of the chui'clf In its beginning hark in 1HH4. . under the leadership of the Rev. Sidney S Murkland. Murkland withdrew from the Concord Presbytery in order to minister to the ex-slaves nd their children. l)r SC lexander and Willis I. Miller ere the co-founders of the hurch. Murkland .merged with latthews Chapel Church in *69 The congregation fins xperienced a stead) growth * i the community singe the lerger Hev 1) O Menmg.in .1 raduate of the Johnson C mith I'niversit) Theological eminary. has served the tingregaticn as pastor since *65. James C Funderburke is fie chairman of the lomecoming Program ommittee and James Stic is tie co-chairman Ijovernor Proclaims Soul City Day Firday. November 9. 197.’) has been designated “Soul ’ ■ City Day" in North Crolina in a proclamation issued by ■Governor Janus F Holshouser. Jr . on Oefobei tin. 197.! In the proclamation. Governor Holshouser states that "This creative and in novative conceptual creating .i lew town foc-fhe purpose of "stahlishing jobs, hope and ipporlunity and a new w ay of ifeis worthy of recognition by ill NnrthCarolinians " Soul City Day will be elebrated in honor of the trnundbreaking of Smiltecb I he new towns tirs' con (ruction Soul tech'I is- an ndustrial incubatc>r tacinty lesigned to provide up to C>e lew jobs ihus laying tin groundwork for the industrial tiase upon which th** reestanding new community ■f Soul Citv wilLrise Governor Holshouser will give the kenynote address at • the ceremonies PAST PRESIDENT of the Charlotte Chapter of the JCSC Alumni Association, Mr*.' Helena Cunningham, pin* orchid bouquet of Mr*. II. Urernheld (luring annual alumni dance Ust Halurdas night