\ ARE BLACK VOTERS BEING SHORTCHANGED? Now that the citizens of Charlotte have made their selection of the gentlemen who will governor them in the next few years, it is time to advance the question-Are the black people of Charlotte going to BeTorever used as a«pawrt of those who - desire to hold public office here!? Tuesday's election was no different from past elections in that the numerous candidates fnr political office seemed to have had the feelings that the black votes were in the bag. Con sequently, there were no special appeals made by these candidates to the black communities of —‘Charlotte _____ The progress or the lack of progress for blacks in our community should be among the high priorities when those who aspire for political office make their pitch to the general electorate. - This has not been done-even by the black can didates. •■-r ' Blacks are no different from any other citizen of this area in that they are mainly interested in crime improvement, economic gains and equal - opportunity for employment in the various municipal agencies. It is a well-known fact that black people have more money to spend, they are more intelligent and selective in placing their votes, and they expect to be better represented by those who command their votes. It is too early to evaluate the results of the latest municipal election in which Fred Alexander was re-elected for the fourth time to serve on the Charlotte City Council and in which Julius Cousar, the otherblack candidate on the council ticket, was defeated. 2 A 2 ___ _A _ . * m • . • •vifVTvi, u to uiuai gi tamy mg lu US to point Out that these two gentlemen have served the com munity extremely well and it seems to us that Cousar is among the new breed of young men who should do exceptionally well in future elections. It is hoped here that Mr. Cousar and any other gentleman—black—or white— who hopes to secure enough votes to win public office will bear in mind that the key to such a election could possibly lie in the majority vote of the blacks. , •• I" ' The appeal, here then, it that these can didates should be more responsive to the needs of v the people in the Black community. if used effectively, the black votes is a great power base. Although there are not enough black registered voters to place a candidate in office it would appear that this base would be significant enough to attract the attention of any one who wants to win an election. It seems to us that the black voters are being short changed. Prior to Tuesday’s election there . were no direct appeal offered by the local can didates to the black community. Something certainly ought to be done aboutjhis oversight. Should we blame the candidate? \ We take the position that black people should have an organized input into a municipal election where the local candidates can obtain some positive points of community problems. f~* * , It is time now for blacks to offer their services to the individual campaigns to learn the mechanism and strategy of a political cam paigns to learn the mechanjsm and strategy of a political machine. It is how time that we become aware of the cold fact that a candidate needs our time, our efforts and our money if he is to become* most responsive to our needs. 1 Blacks should prove that they have the collective ability to punish those candidates who are negative to their community problems and to handsomely' reward those who are positive to their needs. | THE CHARLOTTE POST J J Published every Thursday by the General 1 | Publishing Company with executive offices at g . a 1W South Main Street, Belmont, N.C. 28012, ! ■ known office of publication 2S15 LaSalle I 1 Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28210 fi 2 Bill Johnson.Manager - Editor ! | Mr»* Ro“ .Secretary J |j James Peeler .. Photographer ■ - The deadline for all newi copy and photos is »,p.m. a - Monday. The Post Is not responsible for any photos or ■ 8 news copies submitted for publication. * l| Second Class Postage paid at Charlotte, N.C. 1 j 28202 ■ j a National Advertising Representative: g j Amalgamated Publishers, Inc.- \ Si 810 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.d J OUR ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS 5 P.M. I | MONDAY I ! Subscription Rates: 1 year in advance $5.20; 6 months . *3.50; 13 weeks *2 00. ' I" Subscription and change of addresses should be mailed to ■ 2315 l.aSalle Street. Charlotte, N.C. 28210. J | I Telephone 3*2-1300 K 3*2-1307 j I To Be Equal . . ~r— Debate Starts On Full Employment “J Vernon E. Jordon, Jr, There are encouraging signs that a national debate on the merits of a full em ployment policy is getting under way. At the moment, there are just some faint stirrings of discussion, but they’ll mushroom into a full fledged national discussion ol issue before too long_ Earlier this year I called fot a Full Employment Policy that will guarantee a decent juo ai a aeceni salary for everyone willing and able to jwork. because almost twenty million Americans are either out of work, working partjjme when they want full-time jobs, dr working full time for salaries that keep them in poverty. Now, support tor some kind of federal job program —has rnme from two eminent economists Gabriel Hauge, Chairman of the Manufac turers Hanover Trust Com pany.and William Fellner, an economist who will be joining the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. In a September speech Mr. Hauge proposed that the 500,000 people at salaries of $7,500 a year to cut unem ployment. —Mr, Hauge arrived at this position because he feels in flation is a grave threat to the , country and_expansiontst economic policies relied on to create jobs intensify in flationary pressures. Many people, he says, “do not have the skills to be employable except at times of extreme labor shortage and therefore «of rising inflation pressure.' Rather than rely on an over heated economy to create jobs, he thinks the govern ment ought to hire people. The total cost dr his prograir would be much less than the cost of existing pump-primin{ programs. I would dirfeT winrsoWren the points Mr. Hauge makes but not with his main con nection that the kind ol “structural unemployment tha keeps people out of work, can be lessened by strong federa hiring and training policies And there is a need for fai more than the haff-millioi jobs he proposes; a need tha can and should be met by th< private sector as well as thi government. . _ Mr. Fellner, a noted con servative economist, made i point similar to Mr. Hauge's He thinks the unemploymen "target” ought to be aroum five percent of the labor force -the level it has been at fo some time-rather than th theoretical goal of four per cent. 1 don’t care much for this kind of numbers game since the official unemployment rates are lower than the true unemployment rates, and because I feel even four percent is fSf' above the full employment that ought to be the goal of national policy. —_Mr. Fellner suggests raising the unemployment fate goal because there are more women and teehagefs in the ._labor market today and since they generally have fewer skills and the labor force is so different that old goals ought to be scrapped. But aren’t women and Teenagers people too? Don't they have the need to work, to be em ployed constructively, and to earn decent salaries? It is the economy that needs to move [ up, hot the unemployment rates. But he does recognize the need for employing at least some of the people who 1 can’t find jobs in today’s t market pnd suggests a . federal, state and local government program to hire 400,000 such individuals. . The real meaning of these two proposals coming within a few weeks uf each other frojn — important economists is that the truth of the problem of unemployment has begun to .sink in to the very sectors of public opinion that had not been concerned with it before forth in the context of the Administration's desire to kill the existing feeble federally financed public service em ployment program that hired only 100.000 people. So the numbers are starting to fly. plans are being thrown on the table and for the first time in years there is some serious discussion about the country's biggest problem. Discussion has to precede change and that is why_L I welcome the beginnings of a nation-wide debate on a national Full Employment Policy. VOTED FOR 1 AMENDMENT TO BLOCH BUSING AS A MEANS OF ENDING SEGRE GATION OF BLACK CHILDREN, IN SCHOOLS,, i 4 E i VOTED TO DENT ‘HOST FAVORITE NATIONS'STATUS TO THE SOVIET UNION AS LONO AS IT RAISES IMPEDI MENTS TO JEWISH EMIGRATION, __' The Double Standard Of ‘Integrity’ Letter To The Editor •4 ‘ • The Civil Right Movement , To The Editor: Too often we hear from people who ought to know better, in articles and speeches reported in the mass media that the civil rights movement is slowing down. It is being argued there is a growing disillusionment among civil rights workers because the advantages of the gains made in civil rights legislation and court decisions, won mainly by the political pressure and legal work of the NAACP, are-not reflected in the economic conditions of poor blacks in the ghettoes. Sometimes it is even claimed lhat the ghetto Negroes are envious of the more affluent Negroes who have made economic gains, in jobs and education for example, from civil rights legislation; and that the af fluent Negroes want to separate themselves in turn from the disadvantaged ghetto blacks. However, there are im portant factors which are helping to counteract that situation in so far as it exists. Most members of the NAACP, and a few others, mainly Negro trade unionists recognize that the struggles against racial discrimination and against economic ex ploitation are very closely intertwined. They can best be fought by cooperation between black and white organizations and individuals. f lr - The NAACP, for example, has added to its program of civil rights legislation for the racially underprivileged, support for economic legislation for the financially underprivileged. These measures include better social security, particularly government health insurance to provide part of their pay plus medical and hospital care for those who cannot work because of illness or non industrial accidents, higher and more inclusive Federal minimum wage legislation especially the effort made by Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm to bring domestic workers under the protection of Federal labor legislation. '(A bill which Nixon vetoed.) The NAACP also supports the right of unions which do not discriminate to get recognition by a labor board election instead of having to strike for it, more public low rent housing, more nearly adequate public welfare relief, and more money for food stamps to help the diet of the poor. All these measures help poor whites as well as poor Negroes, although Negroes suffer from poverty more in proportion than do' whites. There is ground for belief that poor whites will Join with poor blacks in an effort to get these measures adopted; and in a common political effort both groups * will get to understand each other better, and racial an tagonism will efode with this greater understanding. There 'is no conflict here between more affluent members of the black middle class and poor Negroes, since black doctors, dentists, lawyers, and ministers depend overwhelmingly on poor Negroes for their patients, clients, and congregations. The same is true of black teachers and professors, although to a lesser extent because of some real progress which has been made in school integration among faculty as well as students. Alfred Baker Lewis CHARLOTTE SYMPHONY GET8 GRANTS Former tuba player Congressman Jim Martin announced that the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The money is to be Msed to cover the costs of the Symphony’s Chamber Or chestra Ensemble Program for students in the Charlotte ' Mecklenburg School System. THE HANDICAPPED More than 11,000 han dicapped employees serve in 300 occupations in the Veterans Administration. ' 1 ■ A Startling Offer! Gentlemen; / I Would Like To Have The Charlotte Post Mailed To My Home (Or Business) Each Week. Please Enter My Subscription As Follows: Name.... Phone. Address. ... ... ^'P. 0 r ] Please Bill Me LJ One Year $5.20 [ ! Payment Enclosed = ^'x $3.12 . ' The Charlotte Post ^ Weeks *200 2315 LaSalle Street Charlotte, N.X. 28216 a ■" * # , , Motor Vehicles Registration Section To Undergo Change KAJLcJiviH—Motor Vehicles Commissioner Boyd Miller announced a re-vamping of operations within the Registration section of the Motor Vehicle Division. “We are getting geared up to incorporate some practices which will add responsibilities to several areas and make the operation smoother for the people,” Miller said. “We are adding some planning func tions and systems analysis capabilities.” In making the changes there will be a personnel shift. Former Motor Vehicles Commissioner JoeGarrett who has been serving as head of registration will become assistant „ director of registration. He will be replaced by W.H. “Dave”Davis who has been in the assistant director’s position. Miller said thenew operations would be gearing up to the use of permanent license plates which are planned for use in 1975. The plates would be a five-yea'r' plate using attachable tabs to certify the proper year. • In addition a staggered registration system is ex pected to go into effect in 1976. Under this plan, license would dxpire at various times during the calendar year. Now plates expire at one time which creates the heavy work load and long lines which have become familiar to most North Carolina motorists. The staggered plan would set up a system for registrations to expire by number throughout the year.-' Another new point Miller has in the. works would allow* titles to be checked at various I points throughout the state. Currently all title searches I and information updating] must be'done in Raleigh. This j has also caused a lot of time| which the motoring public | doesn’t always understand. I i m: new system wouia utilize ' computer terminals at numerous motor vehicle of fices throughout the state. These terminals would allow an operator to check a title, update computer bank in formation in Raleigh, and print out a temporary title for the motorist on the spot. All this would be done while still protecting the integrity of North Carolina vehicle titles which have a good reputation throughout the country,"i Miller said. “I think the people of North! Carolina will benefit fromi these new operations and! others which we have planned. | Dave Davis and Joe Garrett have worked as a team. I am| doubled please that Dave will be taken over the reins and that we can still count on the I knowledge and experience which Joe Garrett has to of fer." — i BLOCK STRRIID Hair Coloring promises you younger looking hair . . . or your monay back See your hair In> coma dark and I us troun. radiant with highlight*. in jutt 17 mmulti at Home Natural looking hair color won't rut) off or wash out. long lasting Safa with parmaoanta Cat ii packaga today ^ 0NLYA1 COMPLETE S natural akadst: *t Black I —Slack —Bark Brown — M«dl«n Sraaa—Lifkt Brawn At Drag aod Caomotk cauatara aaaryukar# m 0 S SECRETARY Career position Immediately available for secretary with superior typing and shorthand - skills. College or business school graduate preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Excellent benefits and working conditions In new offices. Free parking. 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