Editorials and Comments Problems Of The Black Candidates ine black candidates, who have recently announced for local public office, will undoubtedly maKe the same mistakes that were made by the Black candidates in past elec tions. -.Tfrey seem to feel-thar-they will have a better-than-average chance for getting elected simply because the color of their skin is black. It is difficult to get elected under any circumstances. And it’s even more difficult to get elected when the candidate operates without sufficient finance and good organization. There is no claim that Black people can vote their way out of poverty and oppression nor is there any claim that Blacfk people can perform beyond second-class status in a city-wide campaign against the established organizations that offer white candidates for public office. The Charlotte Black community needs a carefully planned program designed to get the maximum number of people to register and to vote, rather than an increase in the number of candidates seeking -election to public _ Iff-. . lone me position that the power of the black vote is only powerful if it is effectively used. We also believe that Black votes in Charlotte have not been dealt with effectively. No one seems to come up with a logical answer on the important fact that less than one-third of the eligible Black voters in Mecklen burg County took the time to cast their ballots in the last election. And there is no reason at the moment to believe that there will be a larger turnout of Blacks in the next elec tion. ’ It seems to us that a Citizen Organization, with non-partisan political affiliations, is .needed here. This organization should be designed to attack the deeply rooted institutional problems which are faced by Black people as well as other minorities and the poor. What we are saying is simply that no Blacks or anybody else can succeed in the electoral process unless he develops some degree of unity. This unity cannot be obtained without involvement of all segments of the Black Community. It is difficult for us to understand how a candidate hopes to win elections when he has not provided a vehicle for achieving community cooperation, and black unity as well as providing a pool of information, experience and ideas necessary for the development of an invigorating campaign. The results of past elections show clearly that the Black candidates seldom perform their homework. Most of these hapless candidates operate like a man in a small boat in treacherous waters — they see where they want to go; and, they know that they must use. their strength well in order to get through the waves. But, if they have not done accurate research, they are not aware of the flow of the currents and tides, which really determine where they are going. Research is essential in developing a strong, campaign. A candidate should be well aware of the fact that politics is an art.HHB science. There are three functions of political resear ch^HHE The first is to analytically (fl data and to find out what hasV|H| don<' and how b*'s: to do it.HHH second function is to develop fHB9| basis for argument to support and gain support from re^^^l public. The third function l -.V;'j development of staff and comiflBE educational programs direcBgjj||| part toward equipping peo^^^^l carry out research and to app^BHB information to their progra their actions. '|HHE Research ought to includ^^^^ some information on the pat^^nSS vote participation of blacks arflHH best to get the majority ofl||||||| people actively involved. There should also be a gatfl&H§! ___ overview of black participaB|§§§ electoral politics in the comnH One of the primary goals! ' ; political research we recomnflSSSj| that of /creating a knowledgeable, active and infl|||||| citizenry m the Black People cannot be effective^HH| volved in community affairHBHE any feeling of self-reliance uflm unless, they possess fundaKental insights into how their community political system is intended to operate and how the operation of the system can be influenced and changed. It is obvious that most! black candidates for local publiq office lack the self-confidence thatlsprings from knowledge in those fields that touch intimately upon the lives of all-municipal and county govern ments. The City of Charlotte is in great need of sound leadership which is supported by large numbers of well organized Black people. Inflation's Running Wild —_.4__i_*_...1_ ... V«ui owp TTUtlUV/1 lllg VT11J lit* nation is running wild and the cost of living is threatening to exceed your income. One glance at the Federal budget for the next fiscal year ought to clear up any questions you had. The budget will spend some nine billion more ... that’s right ... nine billion dollars more than the Government will take in during the fiscal year 1974-75. That bothers us. We have always advocated a balanced budget. The budget includes a seven and one half percent pay increase for members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and high government officials. That’s not all. Every year for three years that same raise is automatic. You see, it’s all part of the President’s budget. That way, congressmen don’t have to go on record as having voted themselves a raise that nobody wanted them to have. But Congress can choose to turn down its automatic raise and try to live on the pay they are receiving. It might not keep them in the style they desire, but it would certainly endear them to the hearts of those who keep them in office. THE CHARLOTTE POST Published every Thursday by the General Publishing Company. Executive Offices at 105 South Main Street, Belmont, N.C. 28012, known office of publication 2215 LaSalle Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. Bill Johnson.. . Manager - Editor Jo Anne Moore.Society Writer Allen Roundtree..Staff Writer James Peeler.Photographer, Feature Writer / The deadline for all news copy and photo Is 5 p.m. Monday. The Post Is not responsible for any photos or news copies submitted for publication. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28202 National Advertising Representative: Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., (Suite 1402) 45 West 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10020 The deadline for National Advertising Is 5 p.m. Monday. Subscription Rates: 1 year In advance 15.20; I months 22.50; 12 weeks 22.00. Subscription and change of addresses should be mailed to 2215 LaSalle Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. TELEPHONES - (704) 202-1200 & 202-1207 CONGRESSMAN JIM MARTIN Most of us, at one time or another, have known or heard of a family being wiped out financially because of a major prolonged illness or medical calamity to befall one of the members of the family. We read of such cases in some newspapers every day. Many people carry medical in surance where they work or have coverage on an in dividual basis. It’s a sad fact though, that many families do not have enough protection if a catastrophic illness occurs. f\>r other families there is nc coverage because their em plcyer does not provide the fringe benefits, or they can’t afford premiums for a health policy, or they are unin surable Millions of Americans fall into this situation, from the poor and elderly, to middle and upper Income wage earners. r- The public is going to be hearing a great deal about the health insurance issue in the coming months, as Congress begins considering a wide range of proposals to provide protection for All Americans There is one plan providing coverage only in cases when a catastrophic or long tern illness would be requirt hospitalization and treatment where the financial resource! of a family would be depleted This is a proposal by Senatoi Russell Long of Louisiana which I support. J Another plan would offei protection by requiring employers to offer a com prehensive insurance program to all full time employees, with the em ployers paying a share of the costs and the federal govern ment covering premiums for the unemployed. The role of the private health insurance companies would be expanded under this plan. One health insurance plan would be entirely federal funded at a cost of 80 billion dollars, and would be run through the. Social^ Security Administration. This cradle to-the grave approach would pay all bills for all illnesses. The measure, introduced by Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts^ has the backing of the AFL-CIO. The Kennedy plan carries health insurance for all Americans to the extreme. I am against the bill because it would set up another federal bureaucracy and the cost would be on the order of magnitude of the defense budget and would be prohibitive. It suffers further from what appears to be a i slight flaw, but it is one that would be disastrous. The measure does not provide for . any type of “deductible" i clause. Most insurance policies include a deductible clause which dissuades people from taking advantage of- the companies involved with providing [ protection. A deductible clause discourages people from using a doctors office as a day care center for adults. If insurance policies lacked deductible clauses, some people might waste doctors time with trivial medical matters. A deductible provision is a must in any health care proposal. If a medical situation is something more than trivial, a person needing treatment should be more than willing to pay the amount deductible, or pay the first part of the au|f>. %a Kennedy bill is 'nearest thing to complete takeover of medical care by the govern ment that has been proposed. I don’t think the results of similar nationalization of medical care in other coun tries should be an en couragement for us to make the same mistake. I do encourage the catastrophic illness protection that has been proposed by Senator Long of Louisiana which would be subsidized through private companies. Under an insurance plan devised by the Ad ministration, families would not have to spend more than l&-hundred dollars per year on medical expenses. This is where catastrophic provisions of the plan would begin to apply. Doctors and hospital bills, some drug costs and other medical ex penses would be covered by the insurance plan without requiring additonal taxes to cover the proposal. The Roy Wilkins Column All around the room the too-real atmosphere of he film settled around each viewer, imprisoning hem so completely that it is difficult to shake the eeling off and come again into the real world. This difficulty is sostiy - not entirely - ecause the picture is ot a fantasy, but istory, so fresh, at last in its latter parts, s to form unforgettable pisodes in the lives of 11 but the youngsters in le audience. The | larvelous new film is ! The Autobiography of liss Jane Pittman,” rhich was sponsored by le Xerox Corporation t a nationwide slevision showing. The picture (the lead i played by the brilliant ^■uuug ulucss, v^iceiy lysonj is a msiory oi DiacK ■xmericans such as has never been unrolled ^^fore. There have been stage plays and films ■iat hare told some part of black history. We ^uiow of the brief heroism of Denmark Vesey and Ve other insurrectionists. We know of the ■peeches of Frederick Douglass and of the bits ■nd pieces of a people struggling to be free. ■ But never in the past has any book, no matter Vw eloquent, spread the panorama that this film ■>es. The director and writers have been honest. ■is^Tysonixaskasther spelLand has included her ■hole race in her seemingly sirrvple~lale^ of 110 ^^ars of life on this earth. Not once has she indulged in propaganda, but what comes out of her experiences are powerful arguments (not pleas) for the freedom of her people, and for all who are on the bottom of sdcietv, exploited and despised* The story spans the years just before the war, and the protest marches and demonstrations of the 1960s. They cover the era when the Negro did not own his body to the years when he crashed through to at least an admission of racial inequalityf Maybe the scenes of personal persecution will be the cement to convince the black youngsters of today that all their progenitors were not Uncle Toms. There is a strong feeling, after the picture, that nearly every black person helped. What does one say after the gunfire raid on the escaping slaves, with fighting to the death so that some could survive and carry on? What does one_ _ — _l_ 1_• _• a' . a • _l •'“j uaviiig w ui ivcu uic ic^uiicu number of yearaXmyiftB freedom, is told that he must wash, stilVTdn^iMft* * ( w j? jr •'»'' * When Miss Jane lives long enough to see, with a gleam in her eyes, the protests of her people in the 60s, she proves by her curiosity that she is a bridge between the years gone by and the years ahead. When she actually takes part in a protest, staged amidst the hostility of the whites and the timorousness of the blacks, one could hear a pin drop in the theatre. White Americans, regardless of the spectacular crimes charged to blacks, must remember that even if 2 million are so charged, this is but one tenth. How shall the other nine-tenths be treated? “The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman” makes plain that white Americans ought to be proud that out of slavery have come the blacks, who are the real stuff of America, of the vin dication of its dream of free men. The film makes plain to blacks that unity is judged not by rhetoric, but by the seamless web of deeds in support of goals common to all mankind. There are no shortcuts to solidity. Miss Jane never wavered. It took a steady march of 110 years, but she saw, finally, the light that she and thousands like her had envisioned not as far as before, but still far down the tunnel. To Be Equal , Health Insurance Plan Falls Short By VERNON E. JORDAN JK. The Administration’s Comprehensive Health In surance Plan goes a long way toward improving the chaotic mess in American health care, yet it falls short of providing the kind of federally financed, federally administered health system that will assure each and every citizen access to high quality medical at tention. But perhaps more im portant than the failings of the' plan is the fact of its existence. It Is much better than the weak proposals of fered some years back. And by putting the issue of national health care to the Congress and the country, the Ad ministration has helped move the issue off center. Because of this, it is likely, that the naten will finally get some kind of comprehensive national health program this . year The big question is, what kind of program ? Will it be the Administration plan, with all is failings, a weaker version of that plan, or a truly com i prehensiveall inclusive health program The Administration plan would be financed by em ployer-employee con tributions to private health insurance plans that meet government specifications. Families with health costs would be reimbursed for part of tfielr expenses until they had paid $1,500 in costs, then the insurance would cover everything over that. Here are a few of the faults I see in this program: •Because it operates through insurers rather than through a Social Security-type trust fund, and since it preserves the old fee-for service medical billing practices. It is bound to result in continuing inflation in health costs -Because families will have to pay part of their medical costs in addition to con tributing to Insurance premiums, serious Illness could cost « family $1,500 a year. That may be a financial disaster for some of the people who think the bill provides protection against catastrophic illness, but its enough to wipe out a working man's savings and bury him in debt. Only about one out of four people would collect benefits in any given year, because of the high deduc tibles. * - -There are really three plans-one for working people whose employers contribute too, another for the poor and marginally employed whose premiums are paid by the government, and the elderly, covered by Medicare This kind of tracking system, based on Income and work situations, can easily lead to abuses with two standards for health care, one for the paying worker, and the other for the poor. A truly comprehensive system would insure the same treatment for all -There's nothing in the program to end the doctor shortage, make doctors available to urban and rural poverty belts, encourage doctors to practice family medicine, or to insure con sumer participation in health decisions There are other faults in the program too, and I think (he basic difficulty is that the plan Is designed to leave the basic structure of the medical in dustry intact and to provide some help In solving the financial problems in paying for high-cost health care. It's a program that private insurers can back; one that has definite at traction for many families, but one that doesn't deal with the essence of the health problems the country faces. Despite the Ad ministration's High praise for the present state of America medicine, it is clear that we are nowehere near "number one” in health. In key in dicators like infant mortality and life expectancy, the U S. ranks pretty far down on the list of developed countries. And I fear that the proposed reform won't change that situation to the degree that it could. The Administration plan welcome as a big Im provement over the present mess, ought to go a lot farther. Next week, I’ll outline some of the points a truly adequate national health program ought to include