Mrs. Elizabeth ...An outstanding lady _ Shaw Alumni t » Honor Mrs. Randolph Elizabeth “Libby" Ran dolph, associate superinten dent of Charlotte-Mecklen burg Schools, has received the “distinguished Alumni Achi evement Award” from the National Alumni Association #of Shaw University. She was nominated by the local Fred Brewer Chapter of the associ ation. The award, which is given annually, is based on achieve ments in education, adminis tration and public service. It was presented to Mrs. Ran dolph at the recent National Alumni Banquet held in Ra leigh at the Hilton Inn. A former classroom teacher and principal in the Charlotte schools, Mrs. Randolph is cur rently president of the Associ ation for Supervision and Cur riculum Development and is active in church, community and civic organizations. CAF To Conduct Work Session For The Elderly By Dannette Gaither Post Staff Writer On Thursday, December 8, the Charlotte Area Fund, Inc. will conduct a work session for all senior citizen groups inter ested in crime prevention. This session will focus on What You Feel Is Needed to make your neighborhood a - sdfer place to live. A represe-'' ntati ve from the polled depart-11 ment will be on hand to talk about the education of enme prevention. According to Anne Sheffield, spokesperson for Charlotte - Area Fund the proposed plan for the session is to get as many senior citizen groups as possible to attend. Whether there will be other sessions of this type will be left up fco the groups. She feels senior citi zens are more afraid of being attacked than the crime itself. This is why there is a reluct ance to get involved. She says the Fund plans to apply for federal money throu gh LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Act) to further the work with crime prevention. The session will be held at 2 pm in the auditorium of the Main Branch Public Library. For further information con tact Anne Sheffield at 372-3010. Dnck t .iMtnwMi trMywr taraci □ life insurance □ fire insurance Q auto insurance □ homeowners □ education □ mortgage □ accident and sickness □ retirement ! p business 1 Whatever your needs find out ! how Nationwide can protect you. Call today. CHAI ■ MACKSVAeOIKr t dt HHin Homo A«*0 Croup .Anmott ppmrom IJOO E VoronppO Strop! Chprwilp. Norm Cproiinp mjop Plump JUOJPJ Pn tU Nil IJ\m nationwide 11 INSURANCE No«on*ndO « on your Ml N.f„^A tt Mutu* CO^OOOTf NCHO(WH» l t««U*««C# CotWpOA* HafW Co*u**'Ow« 0»no BEEF UP YOUR MEALS WITH... W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BEEF! WINI^OIXIE SELLS ONLY W-0 BRAND - U.S. CHOICE GRAIN FED BEEF SHOP WINN-DIXIE FOR YOUR BEST BEEF BUYS 1 LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER WITH FOOD ORDER TALMADGE FARMS WHOLE REAL ^ COUNTRY* HAM WHOLE SLICED LB. *1.39 13/15 LB. AVG. lB W D BRAND AU VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA • • • • PKC. 89* CLAUSSEN WHOLE OR ICICLES PICKLES.32m°rz 99* STAR BRAND POTATO SALAD OR SLAW. ,5s,?ez 59* MEATY PORK NECKBONES. TAILS OR PORK FEET.... lb. 49* W-D BRAND FRESH WHOLE HOG PORK SAUSAGE.AS: $109 W-0 BRAND REGULAR OR BEEF SMOKED SAUSAGE.2p°k°gz M59 OSCAR MAYER FRANKS AND WIENERS. AS: $109 OSCAR MAYER ALL VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA.... 'p2k°z $109 OSCAR MAYER SLICED BACON. AS: *149 OSCAR MAYER FRESK LINK SAUSAGE. l. H49 CUT GREEN BEANS GREEN A WHITE LIMAS ^ SWEET PEAS LARGE OR MEDIUM GOLDEN CORN CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL ^R wm mg jmm a a ■ « - — m -MIX OR MATCH- ^1 THRIFTY MAID ^k _ FRUIT & S VEGETABLES j 16 0Z. ^ CANS | UNIT 5 Of UCH WITH $7.SO OR MOIf FOOD ORMR J Crinn n. — THRIFTY MAID (LIMIT I WITH *7.SO OR MORE FOOD ORDER) SHORTENING. 3 c1^ 89< SOLO DOG FOOD.. 40 .« *4” FIELD TRAIL ' DOG FOOD.. 25 ... s3” i? FRISKIES'f ALL VARIETIES) CAT FOODS.. 5 can* $100 DOC FOOD ALPO. can 37* W-D BRAND ALL VARIETIES O C FRANKS ^07 PALMETTO FARMS PIMENTO AA( CHEESE 'cup ^ W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS SHLD. ROAST.. »1” STAR BRAND BRUNSWICK STEW.M69 W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS BOTTOM ROUND ROAST. .. *lM __; TROPICAL STRAWBERRY PRESERVES.... 71a°rz 79* DEEP SOUTH SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER.7,m°rz *1" THRIFTY MAID SLICED CRUSHED OR TIDBITS PINEAPPLE.. 2 cans M00 THRIFY MAID PORK l BEANS.4 cans $100 THRIFTY MAID CHILI BEANS. 4 SSi sl00 DIXIE HOME TEABAGS_ $1° TASTE O- SEA FILLETS OF TURBOT OR FLOUNDER.... TASTE -O SEAHBC WHITING. lB 59* W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE 5 7 LB AVG WHOLE BEEF (CUT t WRAPPED IN FAMILY PACKS FREE) TENDERLOINS.. «24’ W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK. M'4 W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE SOUTHERN PRIDE CUBE STEAK... .. *1” W D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS CHUCK ROAST. „ M” W D BRAND U.S CHOICE EYE O ROUND ROAST. lb $1” WO BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONELESS LEAN STEW... B *1” W-D BRANO EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF. .. M FRESH PORK (V. LOIN) ASST. CHOPS.. *r* FRESH PORK 4/BLB AVG PICNICS. B 69* FRESH PORK 4 BIB. AVG BOSTON Buns. B 79* NESCAFE (LIMIT I W ”7 50 OR MORE FOOO ORDER INST. COFFEE.. V! *439 ASTOR COFFEE CREAMER.... ”m°r M39 BRAVO WITH GRAVY ROAST BEEF... 'IS 79* BLUE BAY PINK SALMON. can 89* STARKIST TUNA.59* IOC CABIN COUNTRY KITCHEN SYRUP.££f 97* f \\ WHITE ARROW Li—\ BLEACH P9Qi 8 UMiT i w n so cm mo*i fooo oidh ■kOUNTRY miH DRY ROASTED ■PEANUTS_¥£• 99* ■toddler size disposable diapers , IPAMPERS . . . PKO. ,14’ ■hThOS.’AS? 854 W. LIMIT 1 WITH 17 SO A i I . -i i 5 LB. PRODUCE ji SPECIAL %§ . IDAHO ★ POTATOES ★ SWEET TEUOW ONIONS ★ FIOMDA WHITE GRAPEFRUIT nnuTCJi rxun >ncti JUiv. T riURiUA TANGERINES 20fo.M00 . HARVEST FRESH i BROCCOLI . . • . 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