--— PICTURE \ PERFECT V-N ORANGE GLAZE I'/icup. orange juice V« cup light com .ynip 2 tablespoons cornstarch Vi teaspoon ground ginger Mi* cornstarch and ginger in a saucepan, then stir in corn syrup and orange juice. Cook over medium heat for about S to 7 minutea. stirring constantly. Brush on 2 roasting chickens several times during the last 15 minutes. Serve leftover glaae with birds. U.b. NO. 1 rANUY WHITE... ■ --- »W *s ^There’s A Whole New World At Gamble's CHOICE BONELESS CHUCK STEAK *1.08 CHOICE LEAN BONELESS BEEF STEW .’ST *1.28 VALLEYDALE ALL MEAT. FRANKS “ 78* VALLEYOALE PORK SAUSAGE FANCY FLORIDA... GRAPEFRUIT a 69* TASTY MEDIUM YELLOW... ONIONS 39* MDI SWEET MILK OR BUTTERMILK... BISCUITS 79* MDI BUTTER ME NOT... BISCUITS 3 s *1.00 MRS. FILBERT’S GOLDEN... QUARTERS OlEO 2^99* t pR!DE SALTING _ CRACKERS •“ , " DINNERS 4 *iaa m ONER'S THW.. —1.00 5555^.^'-..39* i • ' 1 '