Lester Strong ...Popular TV personality Lester Strong Returns To WBTV Lester Strong, who as a member of the WBTV staff produced and hosted "The Lester Strong Show,” a minor ity Community Affairs series, in the early 70 s is returning to WBTV as Community Affairs Director-Program Develop ment Specialist. Strong re placesLOUHeckler.-wbaiiaa,, accepted the new position of Director for Human Resour ^-*-* T~rr_ son-Pilot Broadcasting. Strong left WBTV in 1974 to study with Ghana Broadcast ing in Africa and Europe. He later became Community Af fairs Director at WSB-TV in Atlanta, and in 1977 was named Manager of Children’s Programs for the ABC net work’s East Coast operation. There, he helped develop criti cally-acclaimed networkv shows such as ABC Afternoon Specials, ABC Weekend Spec ials, “Schoolhouse Rock," and a new 90-minute series premi ering on ABC this week, “Kids Are People Tqo.” In announcing Strong's re turn John A. Edgerton, Mana ging Director of WBTV, said: “We are very pleased to have Lester and his uniquely broad range of experience back at Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting. We had explored several job possibilities to tap this experi ence prior to the need which developed to fill WBTV's Com munity Affairs Director slot. We And it very logical to use Lester’s experience in meet ing the needs of that existing position while reaching out for additional strength in new program development.” Subscribe to the Charlotte Postl Your support helps! „ ^ r mursaay, September 21, 1978-THE CHARLOTTE POST-Paee 5B On ABC Ijast Week -----_ Record 80 Million Watched “Roots” The phenomenon “Roots” created when it was first aired on theABC Television Network early in 1977 was rekindled this past week by a repeat showing of the epic 12-hour drama. “Roots”, winner of nine Emmys and a Peabody A-r ward, was run in five episod es, Sept. 5-8 and Sept. 10. Approximately 80 million peo ple watched all or part of the encore showing of the story that traces the saga of Alex Haley’s family from it origins in Africa through 100 years of slavery, growth and freedom in the United States. ABC researchers had pre dieted that the program in rerun would deliver about one third of the amount of people watching television. But it achieved a significantly high er 42 percent share and a national rating of 25.4 while facing a strong amount of original programming from the comDetition. This is believed to be the highest rating ever for the repeat of a limited series. The concluding episode of "Roots” in repeat (Sept. 10, 8-11 p.m., EDT) delivered the highest rating of the five episodes, 26.2, and a 42 share A year's subscription is only $13.00. TAPE CITY 3138 South Tryon 5234)266 TOP 20 45’s IN STOCK Only 86c Fjxrh I FIBERGLASS rr-.^ , TUB * SHOWER , UNITS $0095 ! AVAILABLE VSlSl • - - . IN COLORS » 50 LB. BOX «n ~ COATED MAILS.13" 2x4 STUDS.99* ea ~~'A" PLYWOOD SHEATHING Prefinished i 4x8 SHEETS Paneling Sale . $099 ™ TO 100 Otffar- t wm QA •nt Panel* H> I 3) Ta Clam M Fram m I I INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR PAINT *2*« A Go I GOIOMAI f«*00 INT. LATIX ,32 GOLD SEAL t_an 1XT. LATlXfS a t 8'X8' FAMOUS X'-'.’l.V MINI BARNS cut from*, I l WOff. 10x12’ '187.9k mirtuii CONCRETE STEPS $1099 ONLY I £ i Mmm siww 7” NO WAX VINYL AQO FLOOR TILE * s j