Post Article Finds Job For Ms. Dorothy Sumler ay urau Man ago Pwt Staff Writer On October SO, LOSS, The Charlotte Peat printed an : article reflecting tfae dim 1 outlook of local employ » meat. 2 In that article four peo I. P*e were interviewed, one of whom was Dorothy Sumler. 2\ Ma. Sumler who, at that 5* time hadn’t worked since *; May as, 1982, voiced her feelings about being un 2 v employed. *■ According to Ma. Sumler, : whoatated that she quit ber job at Gua’s Sir Beef ;; Restaurant after being •> mentally and verbally har rawed, her problems had ;-beayoarlng since. were particularly —difficult for Bis* Sumler, who could neither draw un employment benefits nor receive any government assistance. After the article was printed Ms. Charlene Smith, the owner of Metro .. Una Sitter Service contact ed Ms. Sumler through the number and address listed in The Post and offered her a Job. The company Bis. Smith operates sends adult aides into me Somes of the el derly. the handicapped, the disabled or those who Just need companionship to take care of the needs of individuals. “Our company offers cooking services, rub er rands and provides trans portation assistance," began Bis. Smith. “We also offer home maker assistance abd plan Mi. Dorothy Somler .Receive* help to branch out into hotel services this year,” she continued. A three-month old organ ization, The Metro linn Sit ter Service employs help on a part-time, temporary basis. Realizing that this arrangement does not eliminate Ms. Sumler’s problems, it has assisted in tackling many of them. Ms. Smith, who Das been pleased with Dorothy, said, "Dorothy started near the beginning of the company. Since that time I have been very pleased with her work ahd she has proved to be very dependable. Although she doesn’t have a car, she always gets to her assign ments and she always calls to check in to see if there is anything to do. ' Stop By! “Yoc can afford an affordable used car.” _ UKw Pete Cunningham AFFORD ABLE --PRICE PRICE IWT Ford LTD .M**. «MM -V !W7 Ford Sta. Wagon ling t14M Ml Ford St* Wagon ■ squirt »lt25 51455 .(WCOttOdt buy) ltohrtUdiu, hardtop (.rtr. cloon) *2275 41054 ,1&} far* e,rt* Iotrtr* cloan, must saa) 51455 Wt OMvrotot Impata >MM SIMS Iff* Manta Carta* hartftop, tiffs .,1