pr ina tit ry whiff. (1) . chapter of Phi Beta Kappap (2)^ a ctgrtcutum eette*! of iTf^ty'fe —a. 9 - a. a .. itiV - .. At'Ll, wnicn_^two-tmra$„fi tngy members bold Ph.D. de grees; (^a ^Freshman year from mere man 2,000 applicants from all over the United States and many foreign countries; and (5) a first-class campus includ ing ten new constructed si Being a mem be of the Atlanta University Center, Morehouse pro vides a small-college at mosphere in a university complex, gives students * the opportunity to take ■ .. ■ i - - * . r&• sx Lr'-'* , ■ *;y ' w—j .- v.?^ aiBCover mat morepouae Is widely regarded as tbe beat predominantly black col-' lege and as one of tbe outstanding colleges of tbe United States. • ; V If you ask why More house has such a good reputation, yon will learn that the College is a na tional symbol of academic excellence and leadership development. Marfa Luther King, Jr., Lerone Bennett, Maynard Jackson and Julian Bond are con vincing* proof^that More _ Heed THE POST dents with African and seeks solutions to racial PoWem* in this country’-: -.x and abroad. As a man s college, Morehouse has strong ties College,' a first* class women’s college which is Just across the street. Morehouse and. Spelman students attend classes together, share social and recreational a* getter ’ in* dbrmnstic'oir ^ Saac&g -W-a.- - fpslllitf tentton ^ educationjind eluding the world-famous Morehouse Glee Club, the student - newspaper, the senior yearbook, and de »partmental - and social clubs. Morehouse students also have a well-developed intramural propam and compete In six sports in the Southern Intercollegiate Attd^^merence.^tn tobijcetba^pSSSSf^S Scholarships and other forms of financial aid are available. Road the following : pages, decide if Morehouse ia the college for you, and write or call ns if you need further information. We hope you will become a ' Morehouse Man when school opens neat August J;V H.ghMLGlS£ and 801 h*h «o«te ^rehouse College. Many I have gone on to lives of commitment and dedication. Some have returned as teachers and ad ministrator*. A few have Known fame. AN hive been Morehouse Men and have worn the tide with pride For further Information write: . Director of Admissions Morehouse College > 830 Westvtew Drive, 8»W. ^ Atlsnts, Ooorqte 3Q314 &