.Financial expert According To Mrs, Swift Everyone Can Benefit Ran Elne~~ai fiaiiig By Aadrey C.Lodato Peat Staff Writer Is financial analysis and planning only for the rich? Put another way, b there any point in srrhlrq; the advice of an investment counselor if you are the moderate or lower Income brackets? Mildred D wiggins Swift, of Wadded and Reed Financial Services, an swers “no” to the first question, and “yes” to the second. The philosophy of Wad dell and Reed b that everyone, regardless of In come level, can benefit from financial planning. The company hat been in eneratfaei «£«■» MMff Thm When I first overheard Mildred Swift esplsis to someone what R b that she does, I was only mildly interested. But when jafae mentioned that Step One of her service is a free per sonal financial analysis, 1 began to listen in earnest It sounded good. I’d often wanted to be able to discuss my finances with someone who could help me set some financial gosb and suggest alternative avenues to reach those goab. Here was my chance - and It wasn’t going to cost me anything! I told Ms. Swift I was interested in the analysis, but I doubted I could afford to make any in vestments. And besides, I was afraid she would laugh when she heard my income. income is relative, sbe explained. “It has nothing to do with bow much money you make; rather, it’s how well you are presently handling your obligations.’’ She convinced me that I might be pleasantly sur prised. The first step in the fi nancial planning process is an analysis. Ms. Swift, who is a Registered Repre sentative licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, prepares for each fact-finding inter view so as to be most helpful to the client and to buikl tniit. She also ■tresses the confidential nature of the interview. It is suggested you Wing tax returns, insurance po tldes, and any other fi nancial documents you may have. I didn’t faring any, and we managed. In the process of col lecting the financial infor mation, Ms. Swift was able to help me identify and clarify some goals. Some of the areas we looked at included life insurance, retirement, investments, tax strategies, and eaah with if you had to tom-" porarily, be out of wort,” she explained. We alee analysed what she referred to as my “financial temperament,” or comfort level with regard to financial rkk. The next step in planning is to look at possible strategies. In about 10 days, 1 wifi receive a comprehensive computer ised printout irniwhariahtg the data and making pro jections baaed on my responses to questions on the fact-finding form. Individualised recom mendations will be tailored to meet my needs and objectives. After we’ve looked at the possible strategies, Ms. Swift will make recom mendations tor action. As the Waddell and Reed brochure states, “Takii^ action is perhaps the moet. vital step of all. the num ber one reason why most people fail to reach their financial objectives is pro crastination.’’ f I left my fact-finding interview feeling excited. Hopefully, with Ms. Swift’s assistance, I'D be able to make some headway against the mrn Ini issuing cost of living all of us face. Kite button Is CMttiMl Fran Page 1A pel, but theatrical ana sou] arrangements are favor ites, too,” she stated. Rita . mentioned It’s Important to her to “be able to get along with people." She also il lustrated she’s "competi tive, determined, outgoing, and active.’’ All of these ideals were instilled in her by her pa rents, according to Rita. “They ere the two people whom she admires most in life. She is the dautfiter of Martha and Rev. A.B. Sut ton, Sr. Rev Sutton Is the minister at Ebenezer Bap tist Church. "I admire aH of my family,” Rita spoke proud ly. My brother, A.B., Jr., has made Ms point in Hie” Rita’s brother attends Hood Timoiogli si Semin ary. "He seems so happy with what he’s doing," she added. Rita’s sister, Pam, sad her grandmother, Martha, also hold special placet in her heart. “I love both at thorn very much,” Rita smiled. Besides acting and sing ing, she enjoys dancing and playing tennis Rita has been a member at the executive council in each of her schools since the eighth pads. She's been a cheer leader since elementary school. in church, Rita is a mem ber of the A.B. Sutton Choir, as well as the Youth snd the Mam Choirs. “Whoa I go to college, I’d like to major In cemmuai catkma with a minor in Drama," Rita stated. She hasn’t decided which col lege she’ll attend, but having a keen interest in English and literature, she'' anticipates excel 1 ins In Communications. “I’d like to be a television broad castor,” Rita mentioned. Kacey Caddy. Vivian William nnd Hester Johnson finalise plans to an Evening of Elegance sponsored by the Charlotte Friends at the Arts. (Photo By Bernard Reeves) Plans Finalized For “Evening Of Elegance” runs nave been final ised by the Charlotte Friends of the Arts for an “Evening of Elegance” to be held in the Grand Ball room of Charlotte’s Jbrrlott City Center Hotel, Saturday, May UL. Ibis unique fundraiser will provide scholar ships to local talented students of the arts. Charlotte Friends of Oml Arts vigilantly assists |$£ cal artists, aspiring young students of the arts, and the Afro-American Cultural Center. According to Vivian Williams, chairperson of the Charlotte Friends of the Arts, “This gala cele bration of the fifth anni versary of tbs Friends will gance” throughout the -evening. Cocktails and dinner by candlelight will oe served. The Marriott’s plush surroundings will be the perfect setting for the black-tie affair. r or more information regarding invitations, call 392-1540 after 6 p.m. Hester Johnson is chair person of the Evening of Elegance; co-chairperson is oiepuauic tounu; Kacey Cuddy is the Cater ing Manager of the Char lotte Marriott City Center and Vivian Williams is chairperson of the Char lotte Friends of the Arts. LDF Boasts 43 Years Of Service The Legal Defense Fund boasla a 43 year-old history of service, protecting the legal and constitutional righto of blacks, other ra cial minorities and women jP^ceurto. LDF attorneys have won hundreds of court decisions in the areas of public edu cation, equal employment, housing, health care and -voting rights. - In addition to legal mr vices, LDF sponsors two national scholarships and fellowship aid programs. An educational fund, a training program and an internship for future law yers are all available through LDF. On April 14, the North Carolina Committee of the Legal Defense and Educa - tional Fund will sponsor its 15th Annual Dinner at Holiday Inn-North. The speaker for the evening «■* 1 ' Will be Dr. Mary France* Berry, civil right# oommis sioner. Formerly a \JS. Assist ant Secretary for Educa tion in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Dr . Berry!* known tor her stand re garding civil rights. Aside from her responsibilities as commissioner, Dr. Berry is also a professor of History and Law at Howard Uni venity. She also Is a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia. At this year's dinner, chairperson Zoe) Har graves expects to have a faiLjw** fo gjMnfrnco _ lie encourages people to make their reserve tkxw as The event will begin at 5:45 p.m., and dinner will be served at 7-p.m. • * Use P THE CHARLOTTE POST Classified Ads