Alex McMillan Veterans’ *'* * *" . , • •• . . Chairman Demands Apology - Calling it “a slap in the face to those of us who served during the Vietnam War,” a former POW in Vietnam and Chairman of Veterans for Alex McMill an, a.RepublicanjCongres sional candidate, Quincy Collins, has called upon -Congressional candiifetP Carl “Buddy” Horn “to publicly apologize to Viet nam veterans for his in sulting remarksabout join ing the anti-war movement to protect his own hide.” “Buddy Horn came right out and admitted that he joined the anti-war move ment because he didn’t want to be ‘sacrificed,'” Collins said. “What an in sult to our boys who fought so bravely in Viet nam and to the families of those who sacrificed their lives in the name of free dom. If every American took Mr. Horn’s approach, we wouldn’t have a na tional defense at all.” Horn, in an interview published April 20, said, “The anti-war movement, face it, had a lot of self interest. I didn’t want to be a sacrifice for a political contest in Southeast Asia, and I’m still not sure I would.” Collins was a prisoner of war for seven and one half years in Vietnam, and retired from the Air Force in 1974 after a 21-year career. Collins pointed out that McMillan, a life long Republican served two years with Army Intelli gence in Europe. Horn has no military ex perience. “This is only the latest evidence that Horn is a man who changes his phi losophical stripes like a chameleon—to suit his per sonal objectives at any given moment,” Collins said, recalling that Horn had voted for George Mc _ Govern and. Jimmy Carter _ and had ngyer been actiye in the North Carolina Repu who puts himself befdfe his country is not fit to sit in the United States Congress. J His ~ attitude was - -and apparently remains - self serving.” “Buddy Horn’s question ing of the Vietnam War is not the issue here today. I, too, question the war and very nearly paid the ul timate price. While Carl Horn was experimenting with transcendental medi tation and protesting the war in Vietnam, I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam and was paying the price for experimenting with pa --- Community News Source. Call WIOIW For YOUR I _ Subscription. Coupon Must Accompany Order S3.M Minimum After Discount Offer Expires May IS, 1M4 iget toff |n vivmvnai if y cleaning services Pick dp your dry cleaning until 11 p.m. everyday. TRYONMALL HlAHfRIB OHM 7 DATS A WDK 451 Sugar Creek Road fNexttoTryon Mall Theatre) triotism, love ot country and the principles this na tion stands for.” “As a f(Miner POW, I always suspected that the anti-war movement was based less, on,principles andmore.on self-interest,.”,. Collins added. “Buddy -HornJielPS Prove my point. I think Carl Horn owes an apology to every American who has ever made a per sonal sacrifice to serve his country.” READ THE CHARLOTTE POST PREGNANT? ^1000 r Abortion Is Not Always The Answer — -Yea-BaHave —— Other Choices' * Call: 372-5981 Anytime Charlotte CRISIS . PREGNANCY CENTER . - ' i ^ uwa CHO.R 2311 LaSalle St. Charlotte, f 17041 394-0608 LOUGH . '"When You Care Enough To Look Yo^ _. /