IWhen Does The Election End? - A Look At The Electoral College By Karen Parker Poet Staff Writer Don't sigh at the end of the day November 6, saying, "Thank good ness, the presidential election is over." i _ i Sure, you’ve given the election your best shot on the ballot, but the process of the presidential elec tion will not only be in the pri mary states. You’U Have participat ed in the popular vote; the presi dential election, however, is final ized by an electoral college. The principle behind the elec toral college is the electors (select ed by the voters) will be pledged to support the popular vote in your state. Simplified, if the majority of (Voters in; North Carolina vote Mondale-/Ferraro, the electors are expected to cast their votes for that ticket. If the Democratic ticket isn't the winner in the state, the electors are expected to vote Reagan-Bush. Each state has electors equal to its number of members in Congress. In North Carolina, there are 13 con gressional members; therefore, the state is allotted 13 members to the electoral college. it s important to note while the electors are pledged to a particu lar Party, they are not constitu tionally bound to support the popu lar vote of the state which they represent. If they were forced to vote according to the popular ballot, Jimmy Carter would have defeated Ronald Reagan in 1980. Reports indicate the President received only 50.7 percent of the total popular vote. Nevertheless he received 489 electoral votes. Carter only received 49. There are a total of ;>38 electoral votes. To become President, the candidate must gain at least 270 of the 538. u s rarely Happened, but there are a few cases when neither presiden tial candidate received the absolute majority of electoral votes. Not surprising, the writers of the Con stitution considered this happen ing. The solution to such a case is the House of Representatives elects the President; the Senate elects the Vice President. As you can imagine, candidates remain uncertain about their vic tory parties until the electoral votes are cast and tallied. This year, electors convene Monday, Decem ber 17. When Congress comes together. January 3, 1985, the decision made by the electoral college will be revealed. The inauguration for Pre sident and Vice President doesn't occur until January 20 Whether the electoral college is a democratic system has probably been debated since the election of George Washington. Some voters believe the election should end with the popular vote. in either case, a mass number of decisions will be based on the way the general public votes. So if you’re being reminded every day to get out and vote, it’s likely your opinion is important and necessary in devel oping the future of America. Organized Crime Expert To Speak At Davidson College Davidson - Dan E. Moldea, a noted free-lance writer and nationally recognized expert on the criminal underworld, will speak on "Organ ized Crime in America" at 7:30 p.m., September 25, in the 900 Room of the Davidson College Union. Moldea’s lecture will feature dis cussion of organized crime's links to the Nixon and Reagan adminis trations, professional sports and America’s intelligence gathering agencies. An investigative journalist, Moldea has devoted his life to the study of organized crime. His 1978 book The Hoffa Wars’’ was chosen by the Book-of-the-Month Club as an alternate selection and syndicated by The New York Times A con troversial and outspoken critic of criminal elements within organized labor, Moldea has served as an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, and worked with NBC News, The Detroit Free Press, and columnist Jack Ander son. A resident of Washington, D.C.. Moldea has written for The London Observer, The Washington Post and Playboy, and serves as a guest lecturer for Georgetown University. V * • r • i Picking on the power company is standard operating procedure for some folks, particularly in election years. And we certainly don’t deny people the right to express their minds. But we’d like to say a few words about our operating procedure. One of our primary goals has always been to generate electricity as efficiently and economically as possibly And ' were doing pretty well at it. A few weeks ago, we won a first place award for producing electricity more efficiently than any other power company in the United States. Wive won that award six times row. That’s quite an achievement. But the real winner isn't us. It’s you. If we had operated at the average efficiency level all the other power companies, it would have cost c'jur customers nearly $72 million more last year alone. Wb know electricity isn’t cheap. But you need to know that we re continually working very hard on your behalf. Not just during election years. DUKEPOWER • Paid for by the shareholders of Duke Pcmer. —^