-tir" ’ '*V *’• • / -: heCg Column fThe Effectual Call” I stated, no preacher ►n five a sinner the ef Pwtual call to come to rVBw. Why not? Every 4nner is dead in trespasses «nd sins, alienated from God. Being dead, only the I power of the God of resur rection can make that sin ner alive. When the effec tual call comes, the sinner is awakened to his lost condition. When the Holy Spirit opens that heart and ■bows you your lost condi tion, it is the most startling thing that ever happened to you. You never dreamed of your lost condition. Now you have had some dreams like 1 did before the Lord awakened me to my lost condition. When I became troubled about my soul the Devil immediately began to work. He gave me dreams of being lost but in the end of the dream he’d have me saved. He gave me many of them. One of them was so real I told one of my school teachers about it and this was her reply: “You don’t have to be worried about your little soul.” That was from an emissary of Satan. What a trick the Devil was puling on me. But when God gave me the effectual calf* He revealed to me I was lost and had never been saved even though I was most' religious and was looked upon as a model boy and leader among the young people. I was talking to a woman there one Sunday after a service and told her I was not saved. Herreply was; “you made profes sion, didn’t you?” I said; “Yes, but I’m not saved.” She didn’t know what to do with me. When the effec tual call comes home to the heart of a sinner in the religious world, the church members, including the pastor, don’t know what to do with that “disturbed fellow.” Why? You’ve never been there yourself. The effectual call comes from the portals of Heaven, and praise the Lord that is so. Salvation is a Divine work of grace wrought in tKelittft by the Holy Spi rit. And when the call eomefe from on High, you cannot resist itc You will try to get away from it, but the Lord has the hook in your Jaws. The more you resist the call, the more you And you capnot. It —— Second in series would be so much better if you’d just surrender, you’d get. saved quicker. In salvation it is not the voice of the preacher you hear, but the Voice of the Son of God. Have you heard the Effectual Call, preacher? Personal soul winner, so called, have you heard the Effectual Call? It was a great day when I heard the Effectual Call. I thank the Lord I couldn’t resist that caU. HI had, I’d be in HeU today. In the Effectual CaU the Holy Spirit shines the light of the glorious gospel of Christ into your heart, (II Cor. 4.). It is He who gives you life for the very first time. Before this, you didn’t know whom you were. You thought you were a Christian, but then you see you -are not a Christian. I'm talking about a sinner coming down the Way of Grace to Christ. The reason you are in rebellion and criticizing is because you are a total , stranger to the effectual caU. But, effectually called you wiU be or you are going W' rteir withtwrwawaig. Apart from the. effectual caU you are on the road to HeU without warning. This caU is a warning. It is different because it comes from tite portals of glory. This effectual or Divine caU is the pivot from which all other blessings flow. Miss the call and you are doomed forever. Now, after the sinner receives the call, what is he to do? Now some earnest reli gious soul will say; “all a sinner has to do to be saved it ‘believe on the Lord Jesus Christ’ as Paul told the Phillippian jailer. My question to you is; how can a sinner with a hard heart of unbelief believe on the Lord? He cannot. Practi cally 100 percent of our preachers will tell a sinner who says he is lost; “just trust Christ and you are saved.” The blinded preachers don’t know that the awakened sinner strug gles with a hard heart of unbelief. You don’t know that. When the sinner receives the call he is under Holy Spirit convic tion. The blessed Holy Spirit reveals ta him his heart of unbelief. Have you ever seen and felt the weight of your heart of unbelief? When I was under Holy Spirit convic tion I told someone that my hard heart of unbelief was so hard I couldn’t dent it with a sledge hammer. Do y days aftar award No bid security will be required With bids for Electrics) Work. Attention is called to the fact that not loss than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in tba contract documents must be paid on this project, and that the contractor must ensure that employees and applicants fbr employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex, of national origin.j^HHBI 1 ^ "^1 HELP WANTED *60.00 per 100 possible securing-stuffing enve lopes. Rush stamped self-addressed envelope for offer details to James Paschall, P.O. Box 787, Durham, N.C. 2770*. } f MBE-WBE ♦ T Branch k Associates is T 2 accepting bids from all x subcontractors and! ■ vendors associated with 2 < the general contract for I 1 the Winston-Salem Con-1 i vention Center Parking 1 ' Garage. Bids are re-1 1 quested no later than 4 ' February 25, 1985. t ; \ Response is specifically 4 solicited and? ! encouraged from! minority enterprises. T ■ Respond to Branch &Z Associates, Inc. P.O. I ‘ Box 8158 Roanoke, e , Virginia 24014 ( 703)1 ' ’989-5215. t 4 EOE 4 M-F-H-V ♦ A NIW WAY TO FIND A USID CAR. mu, PART AND RASY! Call 525-0211 1-800 522-0211 (Outside Charlotte) Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. INVITATION TO BID TO FURNISH EQUIPMENT The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department, City of Charlotte, North Carolina, the “Owner”, is soliciting Bids to furnish and deliver the following equipment COARSE BUBBLE DIFFUSERS The project contemplated consists of providing 3,000 coarse bubble diffusers for aerating wastewater. Bidders wishing to have their equipment considered are required to submit the Equipment Information Submittal specified herein, with the Bid. Sealed Bids directed to the attention of the Director will be received at the Owner’s office located at 5100 Brookshire Boulevard, (Second Floor Conference Room), Charlotte, North Carolina 28216, until 2:oo p.m., local time, on the 20th day of March, 1085, and then will be publicly opened. Bids and all attachments provided for in the Instructions To Bidders shall be submitted, sealed, in the envelope provided by the Owner. Prices quoted shall remain firm for a period of 120 dpys, and include delivery f.o.b., destination with freight prepaid and insurance, if applicable prepaid by the successful Bidder to the Owner’s site or storage area designated in the contract Documents. Refer to Article “INSURANCE” of the General Conditions for terms of insurance coverage. Contract documents may be examined in the Owner’s Office, 5100 Brookshire Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28216, or at the Engineer’s Office, 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 800, Charlotte NC 28202, or 229 Peachtree Street N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303. A copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained from the Engineer upon deposit of $25.00 (nonrefundable) for each set of Contract Documents requested. '• Checks, money order or other forms of payment shall be made payable to CH2M HILL. Each Bid must be submitted on the forms provided and accompanied by: cash, cashier’s check, a certified check or bid bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to execute the attached Contract md furnish the properly executed Perform a nee Bond nent Bond for the faithful completion of set forth in these Contract Doctimt Before a Contract win or the work contemplated herein, the Owner will cooduct such as is necessary to determine the perfor and ability of the apparent low Bidder to Ize and type of work specified under fob request, foe Bidder shall submit such ADVERTISEMENT, BIDS WANTED: Sealed propo sals will be received by the Purchasing Director of the City of Charlotte, N.C., in the Purchasing Department, City Hall Annex Building, until 10:00 a m. on Tuesday, April 2,1965, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for the following: “MICROWAVE SYSTEM”. Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the City Purchasng Director. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit equal to 5 percent of the gross price bid. The right is reserved to .reject any or all proposals. NOTE: A Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the Purchasing Department at 10:00 a m. on Tuesday February 26, 1965. 7 NUMEROLOGY ) 369 736 038 214 790 328 746 809 297 642 728 468 419 965 694 ( 578 209 239 895 687 ( 689 034 952 697 409 BIDS WANTED Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department of Char lotte, North Carolina in the Conference Room of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department Admini strative Offices, 5100 Brookshire Boulevard, until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 1985 at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Proposal must be on standard forms furnished by the City and marked “PROPOSAL FOR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION - SEWER TO SERVE MT HOLLY HUNTERSVILLE ROAD (HUNTERSVILLE PRISON UNIT). Proposal forms, specifications and plans may be obtained at the Office of the Chief Engineer. A deposit totaling $50.00 must be received prior to issuance of requested plans and specifications. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit equal to 5 percent of the gross price bid and in a form acceptable to Utility Department. All bidders are notified that the laws of North Carolina and applicable regulations of various Licensing Boards, will be observed in receiving bids and awarding contracts. It is the policy of the City of Charlotte to provide minorities and women equal opportunity for partici pating in all aspects of the City’s contracting and procurement programs, including but not limited to employment, construction development projects, ma terials-services contracts and-or lease agreements, consistent with the laws of the State of North Carolina. It is further the policy of the City of Charlotte to prohibit discrimination against any person or business in pursuit of these opportunities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap or veteran’s status. It is further the policy of the City of Charlotte to conduct its contracting and procurement programs so as to prevent such discrimination and to resolve any and all claims of such discrimination. Copies of the City M-WBE Plan may be obtained from the Community Relations Committee, 623 East Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 374-2424. -The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals^ - COLOR ANALYSIS * • » indwfvknt contultams needed lor leading color analyst* Company Must haoa go inMreat m color and good interpersonal tkaia f scene nt income potential Call Antoinette Faccone at aaa-uai ——_' lar me exciting detain. B EAUTY EOlt ALE SEASONS® w>., m^.u.1. ' --- RE-ADVERTISEMENT BIDS WANTED Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department of Char lotte, North Carolina in the Conference Room of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department Admini strative Offices, 5100 Brookshire Boulevard, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 27, 1985 at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Proposal must be on standard forms furnished by the City and marked accordingly: "ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO THE SUGAR CREEK WASTE+ WATER TREATMENT PLANT - EPA PROJECT NO. C370337-06" CONTRACT THREE HEATING AND VENTILATION WORK; Drawings and Project Manuals will be on file and may examined at the Office of the Chief Engineer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department, the Local A.G.C. Office, the Local Dodge Plan Room, and the Community Relations Committee's M-WBE Plan Room. They may be obtained upon receipt of a $50.00 deposit payable to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department, 5100 Brookshire Boulevard Said deposit shall be refundable only to those individuals and-or companies who have submitted an unsuccessful bid and have returned the drawings and project manuals in good order within ten (10) days after the contract award. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit equal to -5 percent of the gross price and in a form acceptable to the Utility Department. All bidders are notified that the laws of North Carolina and applicable regulations of various Licensing Boards, will be observed in receiving bids and awarding contracts. It is the policy of the City of Charlotte to provide minorities and women equal opportunity for partici pating in all aspects of the City’s contracting and procurement programs, including but not limited to employment, construction development projects, ma terials-services contracts and-or lease agreements, consistent with the laws of the State of North Carolina It is further the policy of the City of Charlotte to prohibit discrimination against any person or business -in pursuit of religion, sex, age, handicap or veteran’s status. It is further the policy of the City of Chrlotte to conduct its contracting and procurement programs so as to prevent such discrimination. Copies of the City M-WBE Plan may be obtained from the Community Relations Committee. 623 East Trade Street, Char lotte, North Carolina, 374-2424. Any contract or contracts awarded under this invita tion for bid are expected to be funded in part by a grant from the U S. Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies or employees is or will be a party to this invitation for bids or any resulting contract This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 33, published May 12, 1982. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals. * - ■_i_ I ■ 1965 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE LE JITPRICI 114,068.00 I >ICK KIPHR DISCOUNT 91,045.19 I SALE PRICE S12,242.8fi 1985 PONTIAC UST PRICK SI M724V DICK KKFFKR DISCOUNT SI,412.19 SALE PRICE 510,039.6* 1985 PONTIAC III4IM0 S11SMI *10,149” NEW 1985 FIERO ^ I ^ 1 ro mB * Z f T#TTTI r; "ij w ^ v B W A ~~j B W. j ^B J I 1 v v