.,And Bookkeeper Dannette Gaith ’ration | FINDi i^HP in the POST classified ads ' :Z ■** Bf»ortSUffWHter* Little did Dannette Gaither know when she walked into the office* of the Charlotte Post over seven years ago that her present position with the Ipn the day that Ms. Gaither was hired she had only come in with a Mend who was seeking employ ment at the Post. “I had only gone over to the Post to accompany a friend of mine and when we got there, instead of staying in the car, my friend sug gested that I come in and nil out an application as well. So I did. It was ironic. I was hired before she was,” recalled Ms. Gaither. A graduate of Johnson C. Smith University with a Ms. Gaither’s temae with the Post began as a part time writer. “Once I moved into a full-time position my duties were di vided between working in the production department and functioning as a book keeper,” commented Ms. Gaither. - T**" 1 £ As a further illustration v Daanette Gaither saktekas - Jotoaon C. Smith of Ms. Gaither’s flexibili ty, she pointed out that she used to sell promotional ‘ and classified ads over the telephone. Butin i960 all of Ms. Gaither’s other roles were to make way for the full-time position of book- , keeper. Looking back at the multi-positions she has held, Ms. Gaither reflect ed. “I had always been a very eager employee, ready to learn anything new. So when I was put in different departments, t always thought of it as AfflwWWKB WVRU 2344 Beatties rfr* ftd. Ckarlotte, NX.