Fahvefl And S. Africa: Intolerance fri Defense Of Intolerance •—-=■.. - ^ ~_ Jerry Falwell has built hie career aa a religioua ■; political leader ee aa in * Mirant debating tactic. To hear him tall it, there’, only one poeitioo that a “good Chrlattaa" can take on Just about every poli r deal issue. If you disMree with Falwell, thedevil made you dd U, for, as he says of those who oppaifc J him: “Our battle tanot ; with human beings. Our v battle is with Satan him “f aaK." - Now, Falwell is using ■“ intolerant tactics to defend one of -the iqoet intolerant - social arrangements ad earth: South Africa’s racist i system of apartheid. He is * debating the Issue of United States policies to S35.r . Kc issae* oy questioning the patriotism, the person al character, and the re ligious faith of people who £ disagree with him. Throughout the world, people of good will were shocked when Falwell called Bishop Desmond 1 Tutu "a phony" for sup porting economic sanctions against South Africa As the Anglican Bishop of Johannesburg and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bishop Tutu’s international reputation will survive Fal weU’a crude attack and his subsequent clumsy apolo gy. But Falwell’s stuck upon Bishop Tutu is typi cal. of the fire-and-brim stone he pours upon those who oppose the South . African government. $6, ‘ On May M, Falwell used hie nationally tale vised program. "Falwell Live," to denounce the Sojourners, a group of evangelical Christians who had demonstrated in Washington earlier that weak in opposition to apar theid. Instead of simply <; taking Issue with the So journers' views on South Africa, Falwell declared v. }•- 1 ' . ’4 they aren’t sincere about their religious beliefs. In troducing two “rod her rings” ' Into the debate, Falweil attacked one lead er of the Sojourner*, charg ing that, as a pacifist, he wouldn’t have fought Hit ler, and claimed that the Sojourners have failed to protest Soviet atrocities. Since returning from South Africa, Fahrefl has also made an ugly/personal attack upon the Rev. Joseph Lowery, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, suggesting that his oppo sition to apartheid is not to be taken seriously because he “will speak to any me minority junior and . senior high students have a ~ “tree bon” educational ' experience to look forward to in their near future. fmm The current college stu dents are in the process of taking the first steps on the i. ladder of career success. £ Schools such as barber* Scotia College, Johtdon C. •* Sndth University, and U* 5 vingstane College mold •• ' - . ■ I Dr. Mabie McLean .Barber-Scotia president.. uiene poiermai^DUSiness Tj and social leaders into well qualified candidates for any field that they wish to pursue. Our very ftae Mack college* strengthen oar community and Oar nation by training faculty and staff personnel to: 1) leant to effectively manage bud gets, 2) perform, research which can be published to serve our dignified, noble, young learners who repre sent the future of our com munity. It is a fact that the over whelming majority of pro fessional black men and women who have earned graduate degrees obtained some or aO of their un dergraduate preparation at a predominantly black educational institution of higher learning. Again, congratula tions to Dr. McLean, her staff, and the Crfcord Cabarrus community for earning the full accredi tation. Mr. Johnson and his staff at The Charlotte Poet shouldexult in their timely reporting of this event Sincerely, Richard Ellis What Does South Africa Mean To Me? socialism (the people own ing the means of produc tion and sharing in the .profits; we have no place to go, no place to call home. However, Africa, the rich est continent in the world, win be free and African - .- __ people all over the world will benefit from Oils. No longer wiB we be forced to slave for the man, putting money in his pockets instead of our own. We will be working for our selves and for our Afri can children who are the rightful heirs to the rich es of the continent. To morrow belongs to our children. UHURU SASA' . (Freedom Now!) Issac Simmons mmmmm 11985 8TARCRAFTVAN Mi. #3M4 SALE PfcICE : *16,990* jQHflfet «"»« «»—. powf >*"»» 4^!* Mint MWM eovar* A muon mor*. 8tk ^ R«MI *14,730 J| -.,*.*12,730* poalttoo he’s paid for.” Falwell has also attacked the Work! Council of Churches and the South African Council of Church es for supposedly backing “Marxist activtUee.” Following his return from his brief trip to South Afri ca, Falwell has mobilized his entire televangelical apparatus for s campaign to build American support for the South African go vernment. Reaching mil lions of viewers each week, his television pro grams - "The Old Time Gospel Hour” and “Fal well Live” - are broad casting sliqk propaganda defending ijthe Botha re gime. Meanwhile, Falwell is also using his religious programming and his monthly newspaper, Moral Majority Report, to urge Christians to buy Krugerrands, the Sopth Aincan goia com. . • • Falwelf may never do anything as thoroughly re pugnant as his current at tack to cloak apartheid in the garb of. Christianity. While Falwell is always eager to claim that his own political views are man dated by the Bible, apar theid contradicts the most basic premises ot Ameri cans’ religious and politi cal heritages: that all people are created in God’s image and are endowed with inalienable rights. It is particularly contemptible for Falwell to uiigeAqiiHf cans as Christians to buy Krugerrands when these gold coins are mined by v black workers employed under conditions whose brutality defies the moral code shared by every ma jor religion. As a vehe ment “pro-family” advo cate, Falwell should be concerned that the miners’ families are forced to live far away in their so-called tribal “homelands’* and need special govern ment authorization just to visit their husbands, fa thers, and brothers in the industrial areas. While the Moral Majority has at tacked die Equal Rights Amendment and even child abuse laws as ‘-‘anti ‘ ■ fix i ' ■!* * 'i • family,” It apoarently finds nothing objection able about apartheid poli cies that disrupt black families. Americans who understand the cruelty of apartheid will not follow FalweH’s siren song to sail out their commitment to human rights for 30 pieces of Krugerrands. Not surprisingly, most religious leaders - in South Africa, the United States, and throughout the world - oppose apartheid. On the same day that Fal well announced his millioo dollar campaign to sup port the South African government, the leaders at that nation’s Anglican, "' Catholic, Methodist, Con gregational and Presby terian churches met with Botha to urge the immedi ate abolition of apartheid. Here in the .United States, leaders of the Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish faiths , have all spoken out against South Africa’s racial Dolicies Jerry Falwell’* state-', meats on South Africa have " halted his own effort to win acceptance as a main stream religious and poli tical leader. Earlier this? year, he apologized for his past statements that have been construed as anti Semitic. In recent years, Falwell has apologized for his earlier support of racial segregation in America which be once declared as “God’s law.” Falwell took years to re pudiate segregationism and anti-Semitism, with South Africa seething with unrest, we don’t have time to wait for Falwell to apologize for his support of. the racist regime. And,, if, the past is any guide to fhe future, Falwell will never repudiate the most con sistent feature of his pub lic career: an intolerant style of debate that he has used to condone some of the worst injustices of otir timee, from the American South of the lMQe to fhe South Africa in the 1980s. ' Sincerely, John Buchanan, Chairman People for the American Way North Carolina ; *Ae.. HIGHWAY SAFETY INDE& Thru September 9,1986 « Fatalities to date 1065 . 1,015 >«■' Fatalities wearing seat belts , i i . Seat belt survival Index.96% Fatalities tb date 1984 .,954& H Fatalities wearing seat belts.. .19 — Total Fatalities 1984. 1,448 Fatalities wearing seat belts.31 ’> *. ,r»<- ■J--: ii Source- William Hiatt >i' i ,v Commissioner, Motor Vehicles 1 ^ 1a _ (Mi i i.i iiivi^” Special Purchase On IMS CMtYSLXR SIN AVI'S To Choose from Only (9)Leff All Fully Equipped, Including Leather *•* Interior, All Colors, Power ,, Windows, Power Doors, Power Seats, Vinyl Roof, AM-FM Stereo All cars have a 5 month or 5,000 mile warranty FREE. Sovthi Blvd. Chryder Plymouth 7725 South BM. ^____jA*kJFot Emery Sharpe $11,79# 9MM $10,796 m«i.9a Kun.n

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