The Prophet’s Column This is a paid advertisement by J. M. Little "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee,..." (Obadiah 1:3). Some of you here know too much to be saved, pride has deceived you. Others of you don't know enough to be saved. A man told me over 20 years ago: "I'm getting this truth from you, another from So and So, and another from So and So, and then after a while I feel I'll be saved." His heart was deceived 20 years ago and lost, and today he is more deceived. Hear the Word, if you can; "...he (Christ) calleth his own sheep by name,...and the sheep follow him... And a stranger will they not fol low..." (John 10: 3,4,5). When the Lord gives a sinner the Effectual Call, the sinner will not follow an unsaved reli gious leader. Note especially that my Lord said: "A STRANGER WILL THEY NOT FOLLOW." The reason you run here and there listen ing to strangers is because you have not heard the Effectual Call. When God awakens you by this effectual calling, you are obligated to put yourself under the teach ing of the truth! Before you are saved you must come out of the religious world. You will not listen to the hirelings, including those on WHVN. If you were awakened you would know they are hirelings. Some of you here I will not be able to help, you think you know more about how God saves a sinner than I do. But all the while you have never known the deceitfulness of your wicked heart. I wept much here over the last year or so as I saw Satan circling a heart, planting doubts and questions in that heart and puffing them up in pride. When the Holy Spirit awakens a sinner, that sinner has a broken spir it, a teachable spirit. Some here I cannot teach. When the Holy Spirit awakened me to my lost condition, I couldn't call God's servant a liar because the Holy Spirit showed me that man was teaching the truth. After God saved me, I saw how ignorant I was and felt I knew nothing. I was so helpless and I had to depend on the Lord for every spiritual step I made. I can’t describe how helpless and nothing I felt myself to be. I find just the opposite in some here who profess to be saved, you know everything. But I detect in your testimony that you don't know what it means to be a completely lost sinner with all hope gone. (Luke 19:10). Some profess to have been saved under my late pastor, but you have never told me how you were awak ened to your lost condition. And you never say how his message bless your heart. And you almost never mention his name to me, and there is not a special love in your heart for him that I find in the heart of others who give outward evi dence of knowing Christ. As I said, all I can go by is the out ward evidence. Church news... Continued from page 13A •Salem Baptist 5318 Salem Church Road The 15th anniversary and appreciation celebration for the Rev. Anthony Jinwright will be Feb. 11-18. Each night will feature guests ministers: the Rev. John McCullough Jr. of Friendship Baptist Church in Gastonia; the Rev. James Logan of South Tryon Church; the Rev. Benjamin Hinton of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Gastonia; the Rev. Cardes H. Brown Jr. of New Light Baptist Church in Greensboro; the Rev. Billy Wilson of Boyd Hill Baptist Church in Rock Hill and more. The Rev. Henry J. Lyons, president of the National Baptist Convention, USA Inc., will be the banquet speaker 6 p.m. Feb. 18 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Two NationsBank Plaza. Donation is $30. The Rev. Anthony L. Jinwright is pastor. For more information contact Walter Holtzclaw at 355-4117. •Second Calvary Baptist 114 Nelson Ave. Lemar Foster Jr. has been called to minister God's word. He will preach his first ser mon 3:30 p.m. Sunday. • • • The Rev. Lemar Foster Sr., pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in California, will be the guest speaker 11 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. Steve L. Carlton Sr. is pastor. For more infor mation, call 399-0378. Shiloh Institutional Baptist 2400 Greenland Ave. Shiloh Institutional Baptist will celebrate the fifth anniversary of pastor Rev. Clinton Ceasar Sr. through Sunday. Closing services are at 5 p.m. Guest speaker is Pastor Marion Newton, Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church, Sumter, S.C. •Solid Rock Missionary Baptist 125 Wadsworth St. The church family will cele brate its first church anniver sary Sunday through Feb. 4. The Rev. George Cook of Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist Church will be the guest speaker 4 p.m. Sunday. The revival portion will be 7 p.m. Monday through Feb. 1. The church's pastor, the Rev. Charlene Hendricks-Stewart, Sunday school lesson Continued from page 10A us to find activities and expe riences that make us feel good. We have lost sight of the interdependent relationship of pain and pleasure. Simply put, to have a rainbow there has to be a little rain. A Chinese philosopher points out that in order to feel the exquisite sensation of scratch ing, one must first endure the discomfort of a big itch. If gain follows pain, it fol lows that the greater the pain the greater the gain. And no greater pain has ever been experienced that the torture of Christ on the cross. The physi cal torment was very real, but the spiritual dimensions of the agony were greater still. No wonder Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46, New International Version). He bore our sins at Calvary, and at that moment our iniquities separated the sinless Son from the forgiving Father. No pain ever achieved greater gain. By His sacrifice we are justified - perceived by God to be righteous in spite of out transgressions. His pain was/is our gain. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to the Jordan, he announced His arrival by saying "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). There are other words he might have chosen. He might have said, "Behold the Son of David, who has come to restore the kingdom of Israel!" or, "Behold the Master Teacher, who has come to proclaim the truth of God!" or. Behold the Great Physician, who has come to heal the sick!" or, "Behold the Great Reformer, who has ‘Xou haven't made yourgoaCat this time, hut choose to hoCd on to Qods hancC, rvhich shad guide you dotim Cife's path of valleys and high mountains. “Even as Elijah went aside and prayed to Qod and saw the rain coming Before it did. fou must also get in the presence of Qod and know that my season of rain is really already here and it shall water my grounds at any moment now gardens need the most rain and which need less, Because I've Been using his products and he's the chief farmer. Leslie Qardner come to show us a new way to live!" He might have said any of these, for they were all true. But he reached instead for the very purpose for which Christ had come and said, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.." This, the most powerful of the Servant Songs, anticipates better than any other Old Testament prophecy the sig nificance of Christ's coming. In some way the suffering of the servant Israel led to God's redeeming the nation from the bondage of the Babylonian captivity. But that pales in comparison to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God's ultimate Servant, at Calvary. There the very Son of God offered him self to be slain He paid the penalty for the sins of all mankind so that we all might be brought back to God. Wiped Our? Clearly, If s Time To Call THe Auto Safety Hotune« 800-424-9393 The toll-free Auto Safely Hotline IS your (±ance to help the govern ment identify safety problems in cars, trucks, and automotive equip ment If a safety-related defect is identified, the manufacturer will conduct a recall and fix the problem at no cost to the owner. Your call gets the process started and can help keep unsafe vehicles off the road. © U.S. Department ol Transportotlon NottaidtighwoyTtafcSofetyAdminBftalion will deliver the messages. The closing banquet ceremony will be 7:30 p.m. Feb. 2 at Renaissance Place on N. Tryon Street. The Rev. L.C. Riddick will be the guest speaker. For more information, call 364-8092. •Statesville Avenue Presbyterian U.SA. 3435 Nevin Road The church's 44th anniver sary will be celebrated 4 p.m. Sunday. Ted Hayes will pre sent the program. For more information, call 548-8664. Trinity Park Baptist 9115 Trinity Road Help for students in kinder garten through second grade to improve their reading skills will be offered second and fourth Fridays in January. Volunteers will be available to listen to children read and read to them starting Friday. •University Park Baptist 2400 KeUerAve. The church family will con duct worship services every fourth Friday of the month. No time was given. The Rev. Claude R. Alexander is pastor. For more information, call 392-1681. •Walls Memorial AME Zion 2722 Bancroft St. Walls Memorial AME Zion, Johnson C. Smith University and the Know Bookstore is co sponsoring a traveling exhibi tion which explores the African presence in biblical Eden 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The exhibit offers the general public the opportunity to gain a new and uplifting cultural and histori cal perspective on the African presence in the Bible. Ahmadiel BenYehuda, Minister of Information and national spokesman for the African Hebrew Israelite Community, will lecture 1 p.m. Friday on the campus of JCSU. A rally will feature African dancers, drummers and guest speakers 5 p.m. Sunday at the church. The Rev. Sheldon R. Shipman is pastor. For more information, call 375-5361. All announcements for “Church Notes” must be post marked, faxed or hand deliv ered to : The Charlotte Post 1531 Camden Road Charlotte, NC 28230 FREEDOM ANIMAL HOSPITAL 3055 Freedom Dr. Charlotte, NC 28208 704-399-6534 Fax 704-391-0210 • Charlotte’s First Black Veterinarian (Since 1988) • Tuskegee University Graduate Dr. Leland McLaughlin, Jr. If You Have A Pet, We Should Be Your Vet! « 5 Coupon■ a « ^ FREE Office Visit. Includes Complete Exam Limit One Coupon Per Customer * Exp 1/31/96 s » DR. WATTS ? f J jf* ' 1 J ' - f f * ■ 4;. ^ V'y Mrs. BEATRICE McMURRAY DR. DENNIS L. WATTS MR KELVIN SEABROOKS CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN FORMER WORLD CHAMPION NURSE, Office MANAGER CLINIC DIRECTOR COMMUNITY RELATIONS WE'RE rif -f I-4ERE f BEATTIES FORD ROAD- WILKINSON BLVD- THE PLAZA WE JUST WON'T HAVE OUR BIG AD IN THE YELLOW PAGES THIS YEAR, SO WE DECIDED TO SPEND MORE OF OUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. OUR PHONE NUMBER IS STILL A & W CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC, P.A PLEASE LET US KNOW WHERE YOU SEE OUR LOCAL ADS AND CALL US IF YOU HURT YOUR BACK OR NECK