6A NEWS/The Charlotte Post Thursday, October 24, 1995 Remember the American Dream? The American Dream. It's that fundamental idea that if you work hard and take responsibility, anything is possible in this country. It was true for Harvey Gantt, and he believes we have to make that dream real again for all North Carolinians. Harvey Gantt started out poor, but he beat the odds and graduated from Clem- son and MIT. Starting with nothing, he built a successful architectural business. Gantt became a leader in his church and his community. He's been married to his wife Cindy for thirty-two years, and they've been blessed with four chil dren, and now their first grandchild. Harvey Gantt believes that education is still the path to a better future. That's why he's proposed a new tax deduction to help families pay for college tuition or job training. He believes we have to stop the cuts in student loans, and Head Start and math and science programs, so we can give our kids a shot at the future. That's what the American Dream is all about. Harvey Gantt believes that a secure retirement is also part of the American Dream. That's a commitment this coun try made to our parents and grandparents that must be kept. Harvey Gantt will protect Medicare and Social Security. There are so many changes that North Carolinians are facing. Harvey Gantt believes that they must be met with new ideas and old values. New ideas like a tax deduction for education. Old values like keeping our commitment to our parents. It's a new world out there, we need a Senator who understands it. That's Harvey Gantt. Renew the American Dream. For Working Families, For A Change Vote November 5th For Harvey Gantt For U.S. Senate ‘96 Paid For By Harvey Gantt For Senate Campaign Committee