HP HP 13A RELIGION / The Charlotte Post Thursday, January 23,1997 CHURCH NEWS Brothers United for Change continues its third annual Black Male Conference through Sunday at Clover Middle School, 320 Chnton Ave. Clover, S.C Friday Reception 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Clover Middle School, featur ing the Dance Culture Ensemble of Charlotte. A step show featuring local high school and college groups wiU follow. Saturday Conference workshops; Keynote speaker the Rev. Jamal Bryant. Special performances by the Catawba Indian Nation and Save the Seed. Joy Night 7 p.m. Sunday Closing worship service; 10 a.m. message dehvered by the Rev. Jamal Biyant. •New St. John Baptist 2000 St. John’s Chiueh Road The combined choirs will cele brate Superweekend Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. •Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church 2301 Statesville Ave. Father George Clements, founder of the Washington D.C.- based One Church-One Addict Program, will keynote a Charlotte revival, Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. The event, sponsored by Charlotte Mecklenburg Drug and Alcohol Fighting Back Project and the Ministry of Recovery, wiU focus on getting local congregations more active in the war on drugs and alcohol. For more informa tion, caU 375-9220. •Ushers of District HI will meet Sunday at St. Paul Baptist Church, 1401 Allen St. at 10 a.m. •Gethsemane Baptist 2670 Dr. Carver Road The Brotherhood Department will host a Men’s Conference through Sunday. Friday - Discussion 7 p.m. fol lowed by bowUng at Freedom Lanes. The Prophet’s Column This is a paid advertisement by J. M. Little NEWSLETTER JANUARY 1997 Dear Friends, Another year has come and gone, and we are one year nearer home! I rejoice and praise the Lord for His salvation. “Salvation is of the Lord.” (Jonah 2;9). The more I meditate on the Lord, and the more He illuminates my mind and heart. I see more than ever that salvation is all of the Lord. I wish that all could just see this great truth; salvation is all of the grace of God. By nature man is dead in trespasses and sins, as in Eph. 2:1. And being dead, there is absolutely nothing a sinner can do to make himself alive. A sinner can make himself alive, spiritually, as easy as you can make a new earth and a new heaven. Apart from the quickening power and work of the Holy Spirit (John 16: 7-11) the sin ner will remain dead and one sad day lift up his eyes in hell. Let’s take a visit out into eter nity at this time and Usten to a voice from Hell, from a man who cared nothing about the Lord during his earthly hfe. We find our story in Luke 16, verse 22 and 23; "AND IT CAME TO PASS, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom; THE RICH MAN also died, and was buried; and IN HELL he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom." When the rich man died and lived up his eyes in hell, what did he do? He saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in Saturday - Classes. For more information, caU 376-4797. Sunday - Speaker 11 a.m. • The Urban League will host 1997 Winter Gospel Showcase, a celebration of Black History Month, Feb. 1 at 6 p.m. at Spirit Square, 345 N. CoUege St. Tickets are $15 in advance and $17.50 at the door. For more information, call 377-4444 extension 5401-5450. •C.N. Jenkins Presbyterian 1421 Statesville Ave. The church wiU present “God’s Trombones” A tribute to James Weldon Johnson, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at 7:45 p.m. and Feb. 2 at 4 p.m. Abraham's bosom, and what next? “And he cried and said. Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his fin ger in water, and cool my tongue; FOR I AM TOR MENTED IN THIS FLAME.” Yes, we hear a voice from eternity, from hell, crying for mercy and for the very saint he was so hateful to while on earth in time, to be sent by Abraham to cool his tongue. My imsaved friends, you can deny hell and its torments all you want to in this life, but I will tell you on the authority of God's eternal Word, you won't deny heU in eternity. ROCKWELL A.M.E. ZION CHURCH “Celebrating 128 Years of Christianity" William W Ji'Rtan HI: Pastor 6301 Rockwell Church Rd. * Chartotte, NC 28269 - WEEKLY HI6HUGHTS- Sunday School'9;4$a.Di. Sunday WorsMp>11:00a.in. Tuesday **YiNith In Actl6n”...7-9pjn. Wednesday - Prayer Servtee/BiUe Study... Spjtt. Tutorial Prog. Tue. & Thur. all ages 4.‘OO-6.*O0P.H. 596-8279 ff, 1 ■ , .—-I . . GALILEE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F.A. Griffin, PASTOR Sunday School 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. Sunday School Study • Wed. 7pm Prayer Service - 8pm 2933 Shady Lane • Charlotte, NC 28208 333-0810 SIMPSON-GILLESPIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Carl Arrington, Senior Pastor Join us as we Welcome our new pastor. Dr. Carl Arrington Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bihle Study, Wednesdays - 7K)0 p.m- 3545 Beatties Ford Rd. • (704) 399-2717 Wnow A M 1 0 3 0 P.O. Box 23509 Charlotte, NC 28227 704-332-8764 Bus. Line 704-882-9669 Studio Line 704-882-1330 Fax Creation of federal task force spurred arrests Sandra Sobieraj THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - In the seven months since President Clinton ordered federal over sight of investigations into a rash of church burnings, authorities have made 104 arrests - eight titties the pre vious rate, the government reported Saturday. The fires “offended every cit izen who cherishes America's proud heritage of religious and ethnic diversity,” Clinton said in heralding the report issued by the Treasury and Justice departments on behalf of the Nationtd Church Arson Task Force. The task force was created last summer to oversee state and local authorities prosecut ing church arson. Of all the 143 suspects arrested since Jan. 1, 1995, in connection with 107 church fires, 48 sus pects have been convicted. As of last week, there were 221 pending investigations where no arrests had been made. Before the task force was created, authorities averaged jufet T3 arres'ts every six months. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., dean of the congressional black caucus, called the progress a turning point, but added, “we cannot let our suc cess get in the way of our vigi lance.” In his weekly radio address, Clinton also saluted the indi viduals, community groups and businesses that worked with the Department of Housing and Urban Development on a rebuilding initiative that included $10 million in federal loan guaran tees. Ten churches were being rebuilt at the close of 1996, with 30 more churches now under construction. “They have shown us that America is still a country that cares about its neighbors - a country that comes together in the face of common threats to defend the common ground of our values,” Clinton said. In the wake of the fires that sparked fear - debunked by investigators - of a racist con spiracy to destroy black churches, the Justice Department and Federal Emergency Management Agency spent nearly $4 mil- hon to beef up investigations, surveillance and prevention efforts. Senior administration offi cials stressed Saturday that they could not establish any over-arching criminal plan connecting the fires. “To date, the investigations have revealed a range of motives, from blatant racism and religious hatred to finan cial profit, to personal revenge or vandalism,” the report said. There have been more than 70 suspicious fires at church properties belonging to pre dominantly black congrega tions in Southern states since 1995. An equal number of fires have been reported at white churches in the region, where white churches out number black churches. Interracial Interdenominational Christian iProgrammingfor The Carolinas "Life In The Word" Monday thru Friday 10:45 - 11:00AM Joyce Meyer Cn HAMMOND* ORGANS NEW&USED CALL OUR TALENTED SALES PERSONS Kings Mountian - Doug Boyce (704)39‘4-6436 & Charlotte Concord - Larry Fritz (704)785-8673 Mooresville - Gene Davis (704)663-7007 All Points (800)331-0768 This Exciting Lease/Purchase Plan Available From Orix Credit Alliance OPENING OTJRHOME... to ^ou whenever ^ou need us. Our new funeral home stands as a sign of our commitment to the families of Charlotte. This community has been very supportive during the construction and opening of our home. We want you to be as comfortable when visiting as you are in your own home. That is why we offer a formal chapel with an organ, stained glass window, beautifully decorated gathering rooms, skylights and a custom music system. We hope you will visit us any time for a personal tour and allow our staff to answer any questions you may have. We would like to take this opportunity to pledge our commitment to providing comfort, understanding and professional service for many years to come. Committed To Excellence 4300 StatesviUe Road • Charlotte, NC 28269 599-5994 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Urban League (gospel ^hoivcAse ^yi[)usicflC QeUbrntion of 4^fricnD-{72\niericAD 1, 1997 b.'OOpm - 9*OOpin / A ', i, w i TURNER’S BLESSING ATOYA & COMPANY “BLACK & WHITE US” SINGERS ONE ACCORD OF CHARLOTTE ■ ' LIFT HIM UP LITURGICAL DANCERS NICOLE HUNT ^ [ VOICES OF ROCKWELL ^ CERULEAN (Comedian) LEE WAY OF NEW EMMANUEL CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURPH O.F QHRIST^ HRIST SENT FELLOWSHIP GOSPEL CHOIR M^ t MAYES BROTHERS SONNY TURNER & ' ' ♦ Individuals (13 yrs. & up) - $15.00 ■ - 4 Senior Citizens & Groups (min.10) - $12.50 4 Children (6-12yrs.) - $5.00; Children (5 & under) - FREE I Tickets: $17.5Q at the door - For More Information Call: 704/376-9834 or 0-Plus Lino 704/377-4444 exL1997 or exL5401 - 5450 (African-American History Lines)