6A NEWS/The Charlotte Post Thursday, February 13,1997 Baby needs donor kidney Continued from page 1A system is too weak and he’s prone to infections. “His doctors don’t want him in a public facility,” Karol Vaughn said. That’s also why Gore hasn’t been to any family gathering during Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. “He is still getting used to his family,” his mother said. “We couldn’t take him to family groupings. One of us would have to stay (with Gore) and one would be able to go.” Karol Vaughn said Glore can’t go outside often in winter because of his weak immune system. “He also tires quicker than most children,” she said. “He’s not around a lot of chil dren, so he can interact socially. He picks up everything.” Despite it all. Gore is a “very happy baby,” Karol Vaughn said. “His attitude is good. Even when he is sick, he’s happy. With what he has been through, a little thing is not as bad. Unlike most babies, when (his temperature) is 102, he is up because that’s good for him.” Gore can use an adult liver, which would be trimmed to fit, or he can take a baby’s liver. That could work to his advan tage on the national registry for Uver donors. “They want to find one that’s right for him,” his mother said. However, Karol Vaughn said, there are two teenagers on the list who are sicker than Gore and wovrld get priority. “They told us some people have been on the list for years, but once you have been on the list one time, it does not take long,” she said. Karol Vaughn said doctors still aren’t sure what caused Gore’s rare condition. Family histories reveal no genetic pat tern. Gore will undergo another roimd of tests and treatments, including a biopsy beginning Monday. “They want to see if something has developed to say what caused it in the first place,” Karol Vaughn said. “They want to see if there have been any changes, any improvements. “They really try to put off JaU conditions concern NAACP officials Continued from page 2A “I know everything they say is not true, but when you go up to the top and down to the bottom and everyone says the same thing, you've got to say, ‘Hey, something’s wrong,’” she said. Sheriff Gerald Hege wondered how Hargrave and other NAACP members could find such a drastic change in so short a time. He said that conditions are much the same as they were two years ago. “A month ago, they couldn't find anything wrong,” Hege said. “Every jail, regardless how clean or modem, when you put in 200 guys, they’re going to get head lice, bed lice. You’ve got everything when you coop up everyone together.” Hege has been criticized in the past for some of his policies, which he says are designed to make inmates not want to return. County commissioners are working with an architect on jail expansion and renova tions to correct problems blamed on the jail’s age and small size. Hege said the jail is cleaned and jailers do their best with the old brrilding. That he let Hargrave’s group torrr the jail even though then- visit was unannounced shows he has nothing to hide, Hege said. 3 ROOMS OF CARPET COMPLETELY INSTALLED Completely Installed Cut Pile, Saxony Completely Installed Cut Pile, Plush 40 tq. yds. ^479 I A $679 ydi. Completely Installed Cut Pile, Plush ^879 40 sq. yds. Includes: Carpet, 6 lb. Padding. Expert Installation EVERY ORIENTAL AREA RUG IN OUR STORE (Over 500 To Ctioose From) NOW H H 4A f OFF Reg. Price ARPET »IWmOlli Abbey Carper 535-7111 4517 E hdependence Bhd. (At iB concr of Sham Airit)) IVfF90(i;W&F9«^Sat106 doing transplants as long as possible, because the medicine and stuff they have to take the rest of their life is so hard on their body. The transplant will only be ihe beginning. The first year is spent going in and out of the hospital because the body is getting used to the new liver. You have to take medicines to suppress illness. Those are hard on the body. He will have to take them the rest of his life.” At this point, securing a new liver is most important, Karol Vaughn says. ‘Tf he gets a liver, he will have a normal life. He may not be able to play football or hockey, but otherwise he will have basi cally a healthy life,” she said. “HeTl have to watch his diet. If he didn’t teU anybody, they will probably not know he had (a transplant).” Contributions to Gore Vaughn's medical expenses should he made to: Teller, BB&T Bank, 200 College Street, Charlotte, N.C. 28202. Checks should be made to the Gore Trust Fund. Walk-in contributions can be made at any BB&T branch. Catch The Charlotte Post on the world wide web http://www.the post.mindspring. com Johnson C. Smith University PRESENTS "Wnus Hall i Carlos Dos Santos, Jr. in Alvin Ailey's Escapades. Photo by Paul B. Goode. Tuesday, February 25,1997 Ovens Auditorium 8:00PM Admission: $I5»00 Tickets available at areaTicketmaster Locations and the Independence Arena/Ovens Auditorium Box Office The 1996-97 Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble is sponsored by O Metropolitan Life Fbundation '-B^tioHse-Saihes, ningesl college basketball in hlstoiv ana.member of the National Basketball . ■ > Halt of Ftt amH. Cray Ml, r Congressman and . nf the United Negro College Fund. Perhaps you thought the price of freedom was paid in full by our ancestors. However, we still have an outstanding balance when it comes to the costs of freedom. The fight never ends and sometimes it Is purchased at the ultimate price. The people featured in this ad invested heavily in freedom and have been on the front lines during our lifetimes. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company continues to further the cause of freedom through Its longstanding support of organizations such as the NAACP, National Urban League and Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America. R.J.Reynolds has sustained a relationship with these organizations for over 20 years and maintains a genuine commitment to diversity while supporting the principles of Affirmative Action. We thought you should know that the fight for freedom continues. Tobacco Company