5D d)c Cliaiiottc Thursday. May 12, 2005 Think she’ll read fairytales forever. Imagine a happier ending in a HUD home. Sending her off to college is closer than you think. Give her the best opportunities you can. With our guidance and a little effort on your part, a HUD house can become a place your family will be proud to call home. A realtor or a real estate broker can show you the HUD/FHA homes available in your community, help you «tx)mplete the necessary paperwork, and help you obtain a thorough home inspection. To learn more, visit our website at www.homesales.gov, or call 1-888-655-0647 and ask for HUD/FHA Home Sales. Don't be a victim of loan fraud. Protect yourself from predatory lenders. Buying or refinancing your home may be one of the most important and complex financial decisions you'll ever make. Every year, thousands of home purchasers become victims of abusive lending practices or loan fraud. A HUD/FHA-approved Housing Counseling Agency is ready to help. To locate such an agency, call 1-800-569-4287 or visit our website at www.HUD.qov and select “Avoid Predatory Lenders.” (St wvoimiHiT? HUD/FHA recommends that anyone buying a home get a home inspection. fJ«L\ Welcome Home \ /