6B RELIGION/ICie C^tlotte Thursday, August 11, 2005 ACLU sues N.C. to allow religious text oaths IIIEASSOCIAJTID PRESS RALEIGH—The religious texts of Islam, Judaism, Hin duism and faiths other than Christianity should l)e allowed in North Carolina courts for oaths promising truthful testimony, the ACLU argued in a lawsuit filed against the state I\iesday State law allows witnesses preparing to testify in court to Religious lines fading Continued from page 7B ongoing disagreements stem fix)m two radically different views of the church. "We Catholics are churchy people and we have a stack of beliefs about the church and perceptions of the church that evangelicals don’t have,” Shea says, calling this "the big block that is almost insur mountable.” Evangelicals famously champion the Reformation principle of "Scripture alone” as the source of religious authority, whereas Catholi cism enshrines both Scripture and tradition as interpreted through the church. Other examples include the authori ty of the papa^ and its dog mas about Mary Yet both Noll and Shea believe the evangelicals are much closer to Catholicism on central Christian teachings than more liberal Protestants. So, does that mean the Reformation is over? Noll sunmiarizes; "The answer is not yes, but it’s moving in the direction of yes.” take their oath either by lay ing a hand over a “Holy Scrip ture,” by saying “so help me God” without the use of a rdi- gious book or by using no reli gious symbols. “We hoi)e that the court will issue a ruling tfiat the phrase “holy scripture” includes the Quran, Old Tfestament, and Bhagavad-Gita in addition to the Christian Bible,” said Jen nifer Rudinger, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of North Car olina. A spokeswoman for the state attorney general’s office, which represents the state in lawsuits, did not immediately return a call se^dng com ment. The ACLU last month called on the state Adminis trative Office of the Courts to adopt a policy allowing use of the Quran and other religious texts in North Carolina court rooms. The request came after the two top judges in Gviilford County decided that Muslims could not legally take an oath on the Quran. AOC director Ralph Walker replied in a letter July 14 that his office would not sanction use of religious texts other than the Bible imtil the Gen eral Assembly or the courts settled the matter. The language of the state’s law on court oaths is already broad enou^ to include other religious texts, so the Legisla ture need not clarify it, Rudinger ssiid. “The lawsuit is seeking a declaration by the court that this is what Holy Scripture means in the law,” she said. The issue surfaced after Muslims fiom the Al-Ummil Ummat Islamic Center in Greensboro tried to donate copies of the Quran to Guil- fbrd Coimty’s two courthouses last month. Guilford Senior Resident Superior Court Judge W. Douglas Albri^t and Guil ford Chief District Court Judge Joseph E. Turner decided not to accept the tots for courtroom use. Both said an oath on the Quran is not a legal oath under state law, which refers to someone laying his hands on the “Holy Scriptures.” The two judges interpreted that to mean the Christian Bible. In response, the Washing- ton-based Council on Ameri- can-Islamic Relations asked for a statewide policy allow ing oaths to be taken using the Quran. The ACLU of North Caroli na said an 1856 state Supreme Court decision sets a dear precedent for oaths with religious texts. The court decision noted that North Carolina’s oath-taking statutes were written for Christians but do not limit others fix)m swearing in the way they deem most sacred. The ACLU said a change in the law in 1985 further sup ports his point. Before that time, the law was called “Administration of oath upon the Gospels.” It stated that someone to be sworn was to lay his hand on "the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God.” That year legislators took out "the Gospels” in the title and changed the language to sim ply read "Holy Scriptures.” The ACLU contends the change signals that legisla tors w«e trying to be more indusive. Denying use of other reli gious texts would violate the Constitution by favoring Christianity over religions, the ACLU said in its lawsuit. On the Net ACLU of North Carolina: wwwjacluofhorthcarolina jorg/ ADVERTISEMENT Your are reading Ci^artott^ Hosit On the Net; Evangelicals and Catholics Ibgether: http://www.firstthings.eom/c oUections/coll-ECT.html PARKWOOD INSTITUTIONAL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 802 Tom Hunter Road • Charlotte, NC 28213 704-921-4915 (Ph) • 704-921-4917 (Fax) Wedsile: www.parkwoodcme.com Sunday Worship 8:00 & 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Bible Study Wednesday 12 Noon Thursday 6:30 PM TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Roderick D. Lewis. Sr. PaslOT The Prophet’s Column, Inc. 9626 Feldbank Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 “Haters Of God” (Part H) J.M. Little - Teacher Before any sinner can be saved, he has to have his heart opened by the Spirit of God to see his lost, ruined, wretched and hell-deserving condition. And if you miss Holy Spirit conviction, you’ll go to hell without warning! How many of our church members have been brought down under Holy Spirit conviction? The number is small, I believe less than one-half of one percent. I can count on one hand the number of preachers and teachers 1 know in the state of North Carolina who have been brought down under Holy Spirit conviction and have fingers left. I don’t know of another Bible teacher in my family that has been brought down under Holy Spirit conviction. What about the preachers? The same. Have you been brought down under Holy Spirit conviction for salvation? You, not the other fellow. In Romans, the first three Chapters, the beloved Apostle Paul is laying the axe to the root of the tree. Man by nature is a totally depraved being that liates God. And that is the world’s trouble. Man by nature cannot love God and holiness because man by nature is a child of the Devil. (Jn. 8:44) Now you may come back at me like a preacher here in the state came back at me: “He was talking to the Jews there in John 8:44”. Hold your seat, preacher! Since you say my Lord was talking to the Jews, and you are a Gentile, then you are two-fold more a child of the Devil than the Jews! That makes you mad, doesn’t it? It is because you have missed Holy Spirit conviction and you do not know any more about how God saves a poor, blinded, totally depraved sinner than a doodle bug knows when Sunday comes. That is just how stupid and ignorant you are. You are a leader, but you are leading your folks to hell! I received a card in the mail from a young preacher inviting me to his gathering. I read his card and wrote to him, telling him that he was trying to teach and preach Christ to others but he didn’t know Christ himself. Of course, that makes an unsaved preacher mad and he would not answer me. Years ago at the barbershop a young preacher told me he was going to get married. I asked him if his future wife knew Christ. That question made him so mad he left out and has never tried to contact me again. When I ask the question; “Do you know Christ?, it makes folks so mad. Friend, if you have one ounce of spiritual sense from on High, you’d love me for asking you that question. But you hate me for asking that because you hate God. Hold your seat now, preacher. Not only do you hate God, you hate His Word and His people. That early Saturday noon, when the blessed Holy Spirit opened my heart, He showed me I hated God, His Word and His people. Before that revelation, I did not believe I hated God. Brethren, when the Holy Spirit opened my heart and revealed those truths to me, I acknowledged it imto Him. My mouth was shut. That was the death blow that came to my heart to finally break me and bring me to the end of my way. Did you ever know that a sinner has to be brought to the end of his way before be can be saved? Do you know that, Mr. Teacher? You see, self-righteousness is the last idol a sinner will give up before he is saved. The Trinity Park Baptist present “The Revival of the Summer 2005” Theme: “Wisdom Makes a Difference...” hmM-.S-n August 21, 23-25, 2005 Rev. Eric R. Miller Host Pastor & Trinity Park Baptist Church 9115 Trinity Rd. Charlotte, NC 28216 704..393.0130 Guest Speakers Dates/Time Bishop Gaiige Bnxiks, Pa.slor Mt. Zion Baptist Church., Greensboro, NC Sun. Aug. 21,2005 5pm Rev. Dr. George Ctxik, Jr., Pastor Greater Ml. Sinai B.C., Charlotte, NC Tues. Aug. 23,2005 7pm Rev. Dr. Fred Gibson, Pastor Greater Providence B.C., Charlotte, NC Wed. Aug. 24,2005 7pm Rev. Dr. Paul Drummond. Pastor First Mayfield B.C., Charlotte, NC Thurs. Aug. 25,2005 7pm JfirsJt ilt. Zion papttsit Cljurcl) 1515 Remount Rd. • (TeI.)332-8335 (Fax)372-7548 28208 Sunday Morning Worship Services... 8:30 - 9:30 - 11:00am Sunday School 9:45 - 10:45am Singles Ministries (Mon.) 6:30 - 7:3(^m Senior Citizens (Mon.) 10:30 - 4:00pm Office Hours: Mon, - Fri. 9:00am - 4;00pm Dr. C.V, Owens You are cordially invited to worship with us! Greater Gethsemane A.M.E. Zion Church 'VieOimfiwiW the Conmumity at Heart" 531 Campus Street • Chartotte^ NC28216 ffm)375-3900 - Fax 372-0614 Worship Services: SAM £f 11AM Sunday School: 9:30AM Bible Study: Wed. 10:30AM fi- 7PM Daycare & Afterschool Available Email: gamez531@bellsouth.net The Reverend Calvin L Miller - Pastor Reverend Karen Roberts Miller - Spouse Greater Myers Chapel PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES - You*re Invited to Worship With Vs - Intercessory Prayer. 8:30am Victory in The Word 9:15am Worship 10;30am Sunday Evening Total Praise 7:00pm Hour of Power/Tutorial avail.Wed....7:00pni Visit our WebSite: www.greatermyerschapel.org 600 Jordan Place, Charlotte, NC 28205 “WAR Fellowship Ministry Covenant Partner” For Van Ministry 704-377-1799 I lis last commandment is our first wwwstuKambcorg ass^nment Missionary Baptist Church Sndsy VonUp Snnrkwi Soadiijr Sfchtxl.... Wwfawiaday. Jfoao 0*7 WartMp Stttdy-lftOO EvMklBC Vorahtp Sl«dy Sen. Clifford Sfatthem, Jr., Potior • 37S-9eS0 1600 Norm Avo. • ChpHotU, NC 28206 • FAX; 376.8397 St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church ■ Toin Us For Service ■ Sunday School and Morning Worship, Sunday 10:30 am 4228 Hovis Road • Charlotte, NC 28208 704-399-3151 Rev. Wendell Phillips, Pastor Macedonia Baptist Church of CHARLOTTE, INC. "A Ministry of Love and Excellence’' Dr. John H. VCalker, Pastor dr | Minister, Rosie Walker New Sunday 10am Worship Experience I “Family First Worship” I ‘‘As For Me and My House I We Shall Worship The Lord" | SUNDAY * Ph\-sical hood - (serving brcAklast.) 8 a.m. * .Spiritual Food - Christian Education Schixsl 9 am. ’ Main Course - "Familv First Worship” 10 a.m. WEDNESDAY "Hour of I’ower ' .Midday Worship 12 Noon W.O.'X’ - 9(brd On Wednesday Bible Study. 6:30 p.m. lA'and RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY: CMPAC 21 - nil'll* • Rejoice Radio 1370am ‘Wed. 10:45a 704-^92-R496 ♦1300 Hacteras Avc..* www.macedoniaofcharlottc.org 1 ^ 1 SIMPSON-GILLESPIE NITED METHODIST CHURCH tpen Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” Join Us For Service - iunday School, 9:30am • Sunday Worship, Ham Wednesday: Bible Study, 7pm 1st & 3rri Saturday: ‘Contemporary Worship." 6pm..."Jeans Allowed'; Rev. Walter Pegues, Pastor 3545 Beatties Fd Rd, Char., .NC 28216 • 704-399-2717 • Van Ministry “We Can Do Ml Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Us” Mayfield Memorial Baptist Church “A Church Putting Love Into Action” 700 SUGAR CREEK ROAD, WEST CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA 28213 Sunday Church School 9:30a.m. Worship SeD'ice 11 lOOa.m. and 6:00p.m. Baptist Training Union 5:0(^.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Sludv Wedne^ys 7:30pm Office (704)596-7935 • Fax (704)596-1204 Residence (704)597-1249 Come Share the Vision and Share tHe Journey Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am aiUl 10:45 am Sunday School 9:30 am Reeder Memorial Baptist Church 3725 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 www.reederchurch.org MOUNT CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH “Pastor and Pec^le Prevailing Together” Missitxi Statement: “Celelx^ng Christ to reach, teach and equip people for the service Christ” Sunday at 8K)0AAL,9‘J0AAt and 11:30 AJVL Sunday School Ministry at 9:30 AM. Chfldren (4-11 yrs.). Youth (12-17 yrs.) & Nutsmt: 11:30 AM. Smafl Groups and Married Cmiple’s: 9:30 AAL Wednesday: Praise Wmship & BOile Study, 7 PM. Youth and ChUd^’s Mnnstrv 3201 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC 28208-3357 Rev. Dr. Casey R. Office: 704-394.3525 Fax:704-394-8836 Kimbrough, I Website: www.mcbc-nc.OTg. The Reverend Dr. Casey R. Kimbrough. I, Senior Pastor St. Paul Baptist Church Our Purpose: “To convince the unconvinced to be convinced and make disciples” Sunday Worship at 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Breakfast 8:45 A.M. Sunday School at 9:25 A.M. - ia25 A.M. Radio Broad^t Sunday 11:00 A.M. (1370 A.M. Dial) Bible Study Wed. 12 Noon - 6:45 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Youth Church 2nd & 3rd Sunday 10:30 A.M. 1401 North Allen Street, Charlotte. NC 28205 Office: 704-334-5309 Gregory K Moss & Pastor MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiM