3B LIFE/ tCte €:trlattt $g« Thursday, January 5, 2006 Student athlete juggles sport, studies, 3 kids niE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOZEMAN—Hey, college student-athlete, think drag ging your weary tail out of bed for those 7;40 a m. class es three days a week is drudgery? TVy joining T^jdor Pratt for daily 2 a m. baby feedings. Think figuring out how to juggle classes, studying, prac tice and road trips is a colos sal challenge? Try helping Pratt with his daily trips to day care, regular diaper changes and ni^tly bedtime stories. Think you’ve got just enou^ time and energy to toss a TV dinner into the oven after practice and before studying? TVy playing sous- chef for Pratt, who cares for his three children after prac tice while putting dinner on the table for his wife, Jami, upon her arrival home fixjm her full-time job at Boz^uan’s Wal-Mart. “It’s hard,” concedes Pratt, a 21-year-old senior on the Montana State University men’s basketball team. “I guess you just get used to it.” At this point in life, there is no escaping the draining cyde. Jami’s job is necessary to pay for the diapers, groceries Rease see STUDENT MB Obesity surgery soars as people gain weight Continued from page 1B The a4justable band has been available in the U.S. only since 2001 but far longer in Europe and Australia where it is dominant. It accounted for 17 percent of U.S. obesity procedures in 2005. A ring is placed over the top of the stomach and inflated with saline to tighten it and restrict how much food can ent^ and pass through the stomach. Deaths fix)m the procedure are only 0.1 percent com pared to about 2 percent for gastric bypass. One recent study of Medicare patients found deaths a year after gas tric bypass as high as 3 to 5 percent. The band’s reversibility makes it a better choice for children, some doctors say “It’s becoming more well- known and more accepted. Patients like it because it’s less invasive. It’s an easier suigical procedure. It’s safer,” said Georgeann Mallory, executive director of the bariatric society “Tb me it is a very strai^t- forward decision,” said Dr. Paul 03rien, director of the Centre for Obesity Research and Education at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. “I would stron^y recommend that the con sumer consider the safest effective procedure first,” which is the band, he said. American doctors have pre ferred bypass operations because they produce faster, greater wei^t loss. But new research by O’Brien and oth ers calls that into question. Combining results on THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PHILADELPHIA-The graffiti ads placed by Sony Corp. in several Philadelphia neighborhoods to advertise its PlayStation Portable game system have been painted over, apparently by members of the community, city officials said Friday The city and anti-blight campaigners had protested the presence of the black-on- white cartoon characters rid ing the PlayStation like a skateboaixl, licking it like a lollipop or cranking it like a Jack-in-the-Box. The stealth marketing campaign has qui etly popped up in San Francisco, New York and other large U.S. cities. Philadelphia Managing Director Pedro Ramos, who sent a cease-and-desist letter to the companj' on Wednesday, said one ad was painted over as soon as it went up eariier in the week, and two others were painted over late Thursday or early Friday None of the work, he said, was done by city woiicers. In one instance, workers saw a man “who indicated he owned the property” painting Why read The Post? It’s relevant to me I subscribe to Tbe Charlotte Post because I believe it’s important to support publications owned and operated by African Americans. The Post covers a variety of issues, including things that are happening on the political scene that may have relevance to people of color, and it covers the historically black universities in the community.” I.inda l.«cknian-BnK>k.s, president Ixickman-linMiks Marketin)> Services If it’s news to you, read it in tetit charlotte over one of the ads, the dty said in a statement. “Whfle we were prepared to deliver on the threats in our letter to Sony, it is much more gratifjdng to hear that the solution came fiom the com munities or the owners them selves,” Ramos said in the statement. The company did not respond to the letter or to a telephone message seeking comment, but a spokes woman told ^Tred News ear lier this month that Sony was hiring artists in seven cities—Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago were the others—to spray paint the pre-drawn designs. The city could have sought modest fines allowed by city code or sued to recover any profit the ads produced. The Sony Ccap. reported net prof it of $246 million for the quar ter ending Sept. 30, when it shipped 2.75 million PlayStation Portables. On the Net: Sony: wwwsonyeom/ Society Created to Reduce Urban Blight: wmvjurbanblightjorg/ 0 23,638 patients in 43 pub lished studies, they found that bypasses beat bands for the first three years but were comparable after seven years, with excess weight loss of 55 percent for bypass and 51 percent for bands. That impressed Dr. Eldward Livingston, chief of gastroin testinal surgery at the University of Tbxas Southwestern Medical Center and chief of bariatric suigery for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs national system. “I really was not enthusias tic about bands until I came to Dallas fixjm Los Angeles and saw the results fiom the group that I joined, which where quite good,” he con fessed. “What you can accom plish in a yeiu* with a gastric bypass you can accomplish in five years with a laparoscopic band.” Results would improve if Americans copied the Australians and included in the price of the band any future adjustments, Livingston said. wo«nof c%on hhoaix:a.stikki nh work WADE-AM 1340 WADESBORO, NC ...itVfA X’liny Emkitt, t/.W, ^itSM 'hiivis, 'SfwwW /Htimc, I'll the iihii wkiA iit'ie/ ^Jitne ih iiiii/ Meaeil! ISOI N. l-flS SERVICE ROAD • CHARLOTTE, NC,2B2I(1 704-393-1S40 Glaucoma testing Continued from page 1B Awareness Month, EyeCare America, the public service founda tion of the American Academy of Ophthalmology will oflfer free glaucoma eye exams. Tb see if you qualify, call 1-800-391-EYES (3937). PlayStation ads disguised as graffiti ______ H ope IS mo re powerful than a h u r r I c a n e