The Chowanian VOL. I. MURFREESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923. NO. CHOWAN COLLEGE ENJOYS SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY Impressive Program Rendered in College Auditorium; Hale and Hearty and More Active Than Ever An impressive program was ren-1 dered in the College Auditorium to ! commemmorate the founding of the institution on October 11, the col lege having begun its existence Oct. 11, 1848. The college song was sung with enthusiasm suitable to the occa sion. And then Mr. J. C. Larkin, pas tor of the Murfreesboro Methodist church, gave a timely and instructive sermon on “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteous ness: they they shall be filled.”. Next on the program was a violin solo, “Largo” by Miss Carolina Lane. Af ter this Dr. Weaver discussed briefly the history of Chowan College. “Chowan College, then known as Chowan Female Collegiate Institute,” said Dr. Weaver, “was founded and chartered October 11, 1848. In our first catalogue, session 1853-54 the aims of the college were set forth as follows: ‘The Institution is located in one of the (most healthful V” eastern Carolina, and in a community distinguished for its moral character. It is established for holy purposes: to discipline mind; instrumentally, to sanctify mind, and then to direct its strengthened energies. The latter are regarded as of paramount import ance, as transcendent talent, without moral culture, produces only evil. That system of education is, there fore, radically defective which ne gleets the heart. The true system contemplates a symmetrical develop ment of all the faculties—physical, intellectual, and moral—and has re gard to the whole sum of our exist ence. Such a system we would have.’ “We have”, concluded Dr Weaver, “held these ideals sacred. Chov/an College has graduated hundre'ls of women, many of whom have either become prominent themselves or be come the wives and motheis of men who have distinguished themselves in the history of the State and denomi nation. With the memory of such past achievements ever before uc, it is not inconceivable that our college life in the future will be richer and fuller of tho:e ideals and aspirations which will make of our college a greater institution both for enlight- ment of the mind and spirit and for intelligent service to the communi ties from which we come.” A prayer for the future of the Col lege by Mr. Whitley concluded the exercises. TO CHOWAN COLLEGE ON HER 75TH ANNIVERSARY Alma Mater, Gentle Mother, We thy daughters, joyful sing. Join our voices with each other. Praise today to thee we bring'! Tho’ we hail from headlands, mountains, Tho’ of many creeds we be Tho’ we’ve drunk from many fountains. We are one in love to thee! Ever onward, ever upward. Lead us gently by the hand; Ever, gentle mother, onward, Lead us on, thy loyal band. Alma Mater, we invoke thee. Let us see thy shining face; Let us feel, we now implore thee. All thy true enduring grace. On thy banner, ever glorious. Truth forever shall appear! Crown thy children’s hopes victorious With the love that casts out fear. Let us hold a sweet communion With thy truth which never fades; Let us feel thy hand upon us Blissing us from age to age. —CHAS. P. WEAVER. DIAMOND PAGEANT WILL BE A BRILUANT AFFAIR Unique Portrayal of Growth of Chowan College Present ed October 31, in Auditorium to Celebrate Anniversary God’s Promise God hath promised pardon to him that repenteth, but he hath not prom ised repentance to him that sineth.— St. Anselm. DiNNEk ii'J mOinOR Ui- DR. AND MRS. WEAVER Faculty Entertains On Seventy- fifth Anniversary of Chowan On Thursday, October 11, the fac ulty entertained at a five course din ner in honor of President and Mrs. Weaver. The dining room was attractively decorated in golden rod, ferng and shaded lights. The place cards, made under the direction of Miss Grubb in the art department, were hand paint ings of dames and beaux of ’48. When the cake, bearing seventy- five candles symbolizing the years of Chowan’s growth and achievements was brought in. Miss Robinson rose to announce a short talk, “The Past Chowan”, by Miss Eunice McDowell. The response to the challenge felt in her closing lines, “Those were fine days, days that are past,” was given by Dr. Weaver in “The Future Chowan.” Miss McDowell, daughter of the first president of Chowan, herself reared and educated in the college is the strongest, firmest link to the “days that are past”. Her talk re viewed the early history of the col lege, dwelt upon the ideal of service that has been the foundation of the college, and awakened sense of re sponsibility toward those who planned and dreamed, and worked in the early days. j I-OKt.31 ALLi'MiSi WILL HOLD BANQUET Well Known Speakers Will Talk On Founders Day On the evening of October 31 at 6:30 o’clock the doors of Chowan College will be opened to welcome all the Wake Forest men of both the Chowan and West Chowan Associa tions, at a Wake Forest banquet to be given in the college dining room. The speakers for the occasion will be Hon. J. W. Bailey, Dr. W. L. Po- teat, President of Wake Forest Col legia, and Mr. John Arch McMillan, Alumni Secretary. A Hertford County Wake Forest Alumni Associa tion V. ill be organized during the course of the banquet. Wake Forest men from all parts of the country are expected to attend. A quartette from Wake Forest has been invited and v/ill probably be present. Plates will be sold at a dollar to thoEe desiring to attend, and the ban quet will be served by the depart ment of Home Economics under the direction of Miss Fannie White. tion of her great service and a belief in her future.” He closed by saying that his life shall be devoted to mak ing of Chowan, “the greatest little woman’s college in the world.” The dinner was planned, cooked and served by the students in the de partment of home economics under Dr. Weaver spoke of the coopera- the direction of Miss Fannie White, tion, the unusual loyalty and friend Those present were Dr. and Mrs. ship he has met with since accepting Weaver, Dr. and Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Let us have you subscription for The Chowanian. the presidency of Chowan in July, 1923. “There is a reason”. Dr. Weaver said, “for this devotion to the college. It is founded upon pride in her past achievements, upon recogni- Alice Boland, Misses Gordon, McDow ell, Robinson, Fannie White, Knott, Grubb, Matthews, Sarah White, Lane Caldwell, Latham, Gunn, Dame, Me- roney. The celebration of the seventy- fifth anniversary of the founding of Chowan College will reach its climax in the presentation next Wednesday at 8 p. m., of the Diamond Pageant prepared for the occasion by the De partment of Expression. Eighty-five persons will take part in the presenta tion. The chief purpose of the pageant is to point out, in a symbolical way, the progress made by Chowan in the over coming of Ignorance and Superstition by Christianity; and to show the wide spread Christian influence Chowan has had over Eastern Carolina. First the Spirits of Ignorance and Super- stitution appear in a dance with the Carolina woman worshipping at their altar. Then is seen the conflict be tween the spirits of Ignorance and Superstition on one side and Chris tianity and spirits of Light on the other. The gradual disappearance of .‘’-ape''st:‘^.ij ant the r:::'? of Chris tianity is effectively brought out as ^he light of Christian Education sheds its rays over the College. Loyalty, Sacrifice, Truth, and Ambition are brought into the foreground. The pageant ends with showing the effect that this new influence has had on the girls of 1848 and 1878 and later students of Chowan. The cast includes eighty-five char acters. The pageant is being pre pared by Miss Gertrude Knott, assist ed by the students, former students, and alumnae of Chowan. Much en thusiasm is being shown by those in terested in the growth of the College. Following is the cast of the prin cipal characters: Spirit of Christianity Marietta Bridger Carolina Woman Thelma Peterson Loyalty Lucile Holloman Sacrifice Page Morehead Truth Adalia Futrell Ambition Willie Mae Horton Chowan College Thelma Draper Science Mollie Davis Literature Thelma Finch Art Frances Lawrence Mathematics Jessie Marie Parker, Ruth Wilkins, Glenn Smith, Sarah Vaughan, Mattie Parker Drama Miss Meroney, Miss Gunn Home Economics Margaret Parker, Pearl Bryan, Willie Blount, Lucile Overby, Florence Barkley Spanish Blanche Allen French Willia Thompson Music Miss Lane Herald Miss Gordon Special electrical effects are being prepared for the presentation, and the new curtains will be used for the first time. From an artistic point of view the pageant will be one of the most re markable ever presented in the state, and a large crowd is expected to see it.