Thursday, October 25, 1923. THE CHOWANi; }, CHOWAN COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO, N. C. Page 7 ALATHENIANS HOLD FIRST MEETING Saturday evening, October 13, the Alathenian Literary Society held its first regular meeting of the yar. After the assembling of the mem bers the meeting was called to order by the President. Mrs. W. K.McLean was elected Chaplain for the year 1923-24. Following her election Mrs. McLean assumed her duties by read ing the 19th Psalm. The first number on the program was ‘*The History of the Alathenian Literary Society’* by Gladiola Parker. In her clear, interesting way Miss Parker related to the Alathenians many interesting facts about the or ganization of the Society in 1912 from the old C. 0. V. A. Society. The musical numbers were: violin solo by Camilla Manson and a piano solo by Mildred Riggs. Moella Askew read “Tom Sawyer’s Love Affair”, and was enthusiastically applauded. In the “Aims of the Society” by Edna Lassiter and “The Duties of Each Society Member” by Ella Mae Parker the members were made to feel the importance of their loyalty in maintaining the motto, “We seek truth and Wisdom”. The Secretary surprised the mem bers by announcing an impromptu de bate, “Resolved: That the new girls have an advantage over the old girls”. The affirmative was upheld by Vida and lola Bryan. Those on the nega tive were Lois Essex and Gladys Clary. Each debater spoke with en thusiasm and conviction. The judges rendered the decision in favor of the negative. After a very favorable report by, both the Critic and Censor the society j adjourned by singing the Alathanian song. THE KNOTT-GUNN LYCEUM ATTRACTION “See ’Em and Grinn” “Something novel, something new”, but one of the best hits of the year, was that lyceum attraction Sat urday night. Scene—In the office of “See ’em and Grinn” Lyceum Bureau. Time—Fifteen minutes before the troupe is expected on the road. Plot—Get ’em quick. Get ’em anyway you can. But get ’em. The action—Snappy. Cast—Officer presiding, Mr. Know- itall. Miss Knott First Hand Man, Mr. Know Most of It, Miss Gunn Applicants, Mile. Emile Sessoms, Emily Sessoms Mile. Curves Thelma Peterson Miss Has Been Hilda Matthews Miss Worldly Wise Eudora Joyner Princess Pocahontas Minnie McNewbold Senorita Henandez..Camilla Manson Mrs. Backwoods Eva Overby Ima Backwoods Gertrude Boland Shesa Backwoods.-Elizabeth Weaver Mile Singit High Ila Leary The cast was called together, the parts assigned, and after five min utes of deep concentration on the part of each actor, the bell sounded, the curtain went up, and the actors gazed upon the spellbound audience. The surprise came to the audience upon the discovery that the “travel ers” of the Traveling Lyceum, had really traveled only from East to Main building. The costumes were furnished by Haste & Getemon. When the curtain went down on the final scene the verdict of the audience was: “It Satisfied” OUR NEXT Big One Cent Sale Thursday - Friday - Saturday October 25,26 and 27,1923 Three Days Only Money Saving Values COPELAND DRUG CO. \(3>xcJlS^ Stozn The The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy We have the only Registered Druggist in Ahoskie or Hertford County AHOSKIE, N. C. Miss Naomi T. Wiggins Fine Millinery Murfreesboro, N. C. Murfreesboro Grocery Co. “THE SANITARY GROCERY STORE” Murfreesboro, N. C. E. A. Davenport, Owner and Manager Spend your money with us where a dollar does its duty buying Staple and Fancy Groceries Candies, Nuts, Confectionies, Fresh Meat, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. BONDS = RAIN = FIRE We Write All Kinds of Surety Bonds Citizens Insurance & Realty Co. Ahoskie, N. C. AUTOMOBILE - HAIL - TORNADO