/K ,\ The Chowanian VOL. I. MURFREESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1924. NO. 8 BRYON W. KING COMING WEEK OF JANUARY 20-25 Lecturer, Poet, Orator, Teacher Has Delighted Many Aud iences in Country Prom January 20 to 25 inclusive, through the auspices of the Dramatic Club of Chowan College the students of that institution and all persons in northeastern North Carolina who are interested in Dramatic Art will have the privilege of hearing Bryon W. King, A. M., Phd., student, teacher, reader, lecturer, poet, and president of King’s School of Oratory, Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, the largest school of Speaking Arts in the United States. Dr. King is well known throughout America, having lectured in almost every state. He is especially known in this section of North Carolina through Miss Mary Frances Golden, a former Chowan instructor of ex pression, and Miss Gertrude Knott, _the present instructor of dramatic art in Chowan, College, both of whom hold diplomas from King’s School of Oratory. Dr. King recites from memory twelve plays of Shakespeare, line for line. He also recites over five thous and poems and sketches. He is the author of “Practices of Speech,” a manual of voice culture. Dr. King’s lectures are instniiational as wfll as entertaining. He is known as one oi the wittiest men in the country. While a true idealist, he has that unusual faculty of understanding human na ture, which enables him to mingle the practical with the idealistic to such a degree that the commonplace and or dinary elements of life are made to appear as things apart. His person ality is dynamic; his spirit, contag ious. The Louisville Temple Messenger says of him: “He taught us something of the beauty and of the power of speech, but the taught us more of the power of soul—that is God-given and should be God-directed —and that we as His children have a boundless storehouse from which to draw every thing needed to make our lives bright, noble, happy and useful.” The Co lumbus (Ohio) State Journal writes: “Professor King has twice entertain ed the legislators, and is well known here. His work is of the highest class and he must be heard to be ap preciated.” This is a rare opportunity for those who are intereseted in Dramatic Art. There will be three programs daily: at 12:30 p. m., at 4:00 p. m., and at 7:30 p. m. The price of a season ticket allowing admission to all per formances is two dollars, or fifty cents for a single admission in the afternoon or evening and twenty-five cents for the morning session. Thru special arrangements the college is able to offer the tickets at th®se reasonable ratese. Anxiety And Foreboding Waning As CHRISTMAS LIBRARY DRIVE Examination Week Gets Good 5farf ADDS SEVERAL NEW BOOKS for the next examinations in the spring at the close of the terra. The quotation, “Life is not a path of roses” receives hearty and practical corroboration in Chowan this week since examina tions began on Monday morning. Anxiety and apprehension, the usual trespassers on such occa sions, are, of course, present with their poisonous effect. The worst is about over now, for becoming engaged in the battle, the bitterness of the struggle seems to temper considerably. After all, then, it is not the dying that causes so much foreboding and fear, but it is the suspense of of knowing that death is coming that takes the sun out of Sun day. Preparations have been going on without cessation since Christ mas. On every door hangs a placard adorned with the words: “Busy, call again”. The scenes within vary. Sometimes an ex tremely intellectual atmosphere of calm and quiet prevails, where just one or two individauls are studying diligently. The ''iew in some rooms of groups gesturing and morbidly frowning, trying to devour an inorod.ble amount of ! i;nowledge in one night, would i be a strong argument in support [ of Mr. Darwin’s theory. It would almost justify the Young Intellectuals howl, “Are Ameri cans People?” and Emerson Hough’s reply, “Carelessly and crimnially so.” A MAN ON THE LEVEL NEVER GOES DOWN HILL. How could everybody glide over the months so care-free and happy, aii the while knowing that this awful examination week was unmistakably approaching? And then they cram and cram trying to learn in one brief week that which was allotted for four and one-half months. Cramming is an undignified term with which ■ to accuse college students, but the evidence is convincing. In digestion would seem an inevi table results with such diets as Latin, chemistry, biology, phy sics, various kinds of languages, history, trigonometry, et cetera. “If I ever get over this week, will I look the same again?” was the sigh of a despairing Fresh man. “Well, sure thing, I hope not”, was the shocking reply from an entirely well-meaning fsllow-student. A picture of this bewailing pessimist explains the reply of her fellow-student: Face carrying a wretched frown, currugated brow, framed by a schock of straight hair, and stud ded with a’shining nose; every thing not oluttly necessary to 1 existence woefully neglected. I Recently bol,’aed hair is a'so a / cor.vircin;' / 4iience of an ' (Tort to conser ,Y ^ni(; .md energj. Despite fhe gloom and despon dency, and uneasiness that exists, present indications are that a fair showing will be made by al most all. The unpalatable tasks will soon be over, and we can take life easy while preparing Combined Efforts of Students, President and Pastors Bring 565 Volumes PLANNING TO PRESENT NOTED MORALITY PLAY As a part of the course in Dramatic Literature, the senior class in English will present the famous English Mor ality play “Every Man” before the Chowan students during the next month. Before the presentation of the play a short introductory talk on the characteristics of the medieval drama will be made by one of the students. The course in English IV makes a close study of representative types in the development of the drama from the Greeks to the present day. Re cently the course has delt with the religious and secular drama of the middle ages. “Every Man” was stud ied as a type of the morality. It is the purpose of the class to give other dramatic performances during the coming months that will illustrate to the students the changes and de velopments in the technique of dra matic art. SUNDAY AT CHARLOTTE Billy Sunday, the noted evangelist, is now holding a meeting in Charlotte, He has been drawing large crowds from all of Piedmont Carolina. Eliz abeth City is seeking the services of Mr. Sunday in a meeting there. CHOWAN COLLEGE FINDS A FRIEND Chowan College has added another friend to its list of en thusiastic supporters in the person of Mr. A. Friend Lodge, of Phila delphia, Pa. Mr. Lodge has just sent the college two packages of excellent books for the library, which are highly appreciated. Among the number are the fol lowing: “Lectures on the Ameri can Civil War” by James Fort Rhodes; “India and Malaysia,” by Bishop J. M. Thoburn; “Ladies of the White House”, by Laura Hol loway; “The Story of New Zea land”, by Frank Parsons; “The Soul of Lee”, by R. H. McKim, and “The Evolution of the Japanese”, by Sidney L. Gulick. The name of Mr. Lodge will be inscribed in the college book plate which will be pasted in each of these volumes. THE “EST” OF ANYTHING The “est” of anything attracts at tention, whether it be the tallest mountain, the longest river, the larg est diamond, the richeft man, the big gest fire loss, or the oldest inhabitant As a reslut of the Christmas Li brary Drive by the faculty and stu dents of the college, and the pastors of the West Chowan Association 565 books have ben added to the Library since December 20, and more are coming in every day. Before the holidays began the li brary committee formulated a plan for a Christmas Library Drive. The student body was divided into groups with a teacher at the head of each group. Each member was asked to secure at least twenty-four books or two members for the Book Club. The group securing the greatest number of books is to receive a reward. By request, the time for closing the drive has been extended. The win ning group will be announced later. The faculty and students were not working alone, however, for the pas tors of the West Chowan Association always loyal to the college, were at work on a Christmas drive too. In addition to these two drives, j 500 books were purchased by Dr. I Weaver during the holidays in New 1 York and Baltimordi with the five hundred dollars giv rn by Mr. Henry I Stephenson of Penmeton. Only a very few of these Iwjki have arrived. Through the cf/mbined efforts of the faculty and students and the pas tors, 565 books are now in the li- bray ready for use and still more are coming in. The books added, like those purchased by Dr. Weaver, cover every department of college work. Notable among thse are: Five volumes, “N. C. Regiments”, Mrs. J. P. Long. Ten volumes “Great Epochs in American History”, Dr. Wayland Mitchell. Twenty volumes “The World’s Greatest Books”, Fidelis Class, Mur freesboro Baptist Church. Six volumes “Library Law, etc.”, P. C. Parker. Seven volumes “Men and Religious Messages”, Rev. R. B. Lineberry. Six volumes “Winning of the West,” Lois Essex. Six volumes “Public Speaking”, T. N. Peale. Eight volumes “Science History of the Universe”, Rev. K. C. Horner. “My Four Years in Germany”, Gerard. “Theodore Roosevelt The Boy and The Man,” Morgan. “The Undying Fire”, Wells. “My Home in the Field of Mercy”, Huard. “The Turmoil”, Tarkington. “Open Country”, Hewlet. “The Moral System of Shakes peare”, Moulton. “Sir Christopher”, Goodwin. “The Rover”, Conrad. A few more shoppJ”'^ fore bathinar »»'**• thn b"- • • • •