J I Ifce Chowanian Motto for 1925-26: Bigger and Better Better and Bigger! The Chowanian Sign the subscription blank in this issue and don’t miss an issue. ^ol. 3 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., Friday, February 5, 1926 One Section No. 9 First Society Day Florentine Book Fair And Praise On February 26 For The Poet Of The Confederacy Hereafter It Will Become Annual Event In Annals of College - The rising sun of Thursday, February 25, will herald the dawn ing of the first “Society Day” held Chowan. The two literary so % - (By MRS. H. H. HORNE) I the educator transcended the Victor Lucalian and Alathenian launching this new movement order to keep pace with other t^'ing departments of the col- .«ge. “Society Day” is to be made an annual event. It will be cata-1 have moved the first Emperor to ‘logued as one of the red letter | immortal exclamation, “Je seus days, thus becoming a recognized en moi I’lnfini!” holiday. The International Book Fair of Florence seemed indeed the per fect flower of the spirit of under standing and co-operation which is the highest hope for world unity. Near-millenial seemed the pleasant Babel of English, Italian, French and German, as the torch of truth signalled the pilgrimage along the four paths to indeed “Meet at the same little door.” Such a com pany, in such an enchanted gar den, looking toward Florence in her fadeless charm might well It was one good fortune to be On this day there will be a de. interesting assembly of bate between the two societies on . . scholars. A brief tram ride car- some subject which will be an- entrance to the nounced later. Each society will ^ elect a first second and alternate handsome debater. The first debater of on© bought iron gate-ways with a society together with the second Italian, English, debater of the ^r will constitute German opened up an the teams for^^^lebate. alluring vista at the end of which V. ^ debatj^j^be conducted by ^ ^ spacious arrangement of •^h«T5t6siaeiT5rwho will be elected temporary buildings from one of the societies, while I „„.American in appearance, so the secretary ofthe debate will be j ick-and-span was their crisp elected from the other society. The 1 newness, convenience and com- orators will take their seats on; pjeteness. The treasures of educa- the platform at 2:30 o clock m tional interest ranged from kinder- the afternoon. In the evening, beginning at 8 o’clock, a representative from each society will give a reading. The best speaker will be awarded a gold medal, which is given by Dr. Burrell. After this there will be a reception in the college par lor in honor of the society repre sentatives. The public will be Invited to both these exercises. It will be the societies’ purpose to make this a very interesting and helpful oc casion. Exams Left Her An Empty Brain ^ Dear Tansy: ^ WaUsT; -^le;'l'-r^ave ou anothf’'ft™i"®tion thi? morning. Lft 00-6 41 you, my head is complete*- uirtkrupt. Every atom of garten material to university equipment, covering laboratory supplies, music and pictures scientifically graded. Scholarly guides were in attendance every where and the patrons included many notable educators. The lead ing spirit was King Victor Em manuel II, who opened the fair in person on Monday, May 3. We did not hear his voice, but had a good glimpse of him as he motored along the Arno quietly with a modest escort of colorful militia greeted by a long line of citizens—the men with earnest faces, almost spirituelle in their splendid enthusiasm for their monarch. The women with babies in their arms, wore the beatific childhood smile of most Italian mothei^s, the world’s most adorable Following is a remembered ver sion of General Littie’s poem said to be that great Confederate chief tain’s swan-song, penned in his tent the night before the day on which he paid the supreme sacri fice in battle. This was submitted by Mrs. Horne j.fter it was brought to mind" in connection with a day spent ki a Florentine book shop: I Am Dying, Eflypt, Dying I am dying, Egypt, dying. Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast. And the dark Plutonian shadows Gather on the evening blast. Let thine arm, 0'->lueen support me; Hush thy Sobs and bow thine ear. Listen to the great heart secrets Thou—and th(;u alone must hear. knowledge has been spent. I am hoping to get some accrued in terest on same very shortly, how ever, and here’s hoping the amount handed to me will not be In round numbers, zeros, in other words. If the investment yields ninety and one hundred I shall be en couraged to begin planning a similar investment toute suite, boo coop, too. Speaking of my spent out knowledge, I would like to say in this connection how like a vacumm my head feels, like as a feather. My feet still drag heavily enough though, So that there is no im mediate danger of a puff of wind taking it off. No, with all my light-headedness, my body is still heavy enough for me to be far from volatile. You know Tansy, about this business of examinations, I have ^bfcfen hearing a lot of talk from the students about the unjustness of it. Some say it is not humane. It’s cruel. With all of their bitter ness, examinations are futile for the express purpose of their exis tence, namely, to find out how much the student knows. Doubt ers! Doubters! That’s it. Tansy. All doubters. Why, oh, why can’t the world get rid of its over in creasing variety of doubters. So they want to find out whether we know what we have been study ing. The teachers seem t obe clair voyants enough to tell just the days we haven’t prepared our les sons and on those day call on us to recite some part of the lesson. Why don’t they use their seeming ly superhuman insight on other oc casions. After all, I just don’t know what to say about this busi ness of examinations. I’ll tell you what, it makes me feel mighty ^ proud sometimes to be asked such all-fired and difficult questions as they put to us somehow. I figure it that they would not be asking a fool such questions. Surely no college frofessor would put such questions to any mediocre brain. It is a high compliment to any student to be asked the questions that some of these learned profes sors do ask and always expecting answers. Then again. Tansy, it seems to me that there is some thing about a hard question fairly and seriously put that tickles and stimulates the brain till it tingles with an irresistible urge toward expression. All of this, I am sure, the professors realize. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Be cause I like a pinch of salt in my soup is no reason I wish to be im mersed in brine.” What he had (Continued on page 4) In the pa;\aaoSijy of the king, the sovereign was lost. The fervor of the patriot and the dignity of glamour of the royalty. Emmanuel is no longer a young man. Cares of state have seamed his swarthy face, and the foam from the eternal seas is lightly spraying his heavy shock of dark hair, but the eagle eyes of the educated Italian, sobered by hours of thought for the well-being of a great kingdom, flash with the un dimmed fires of a virile, magnetic manhood. Among the speakers starred for this unusual occasion was Sir Ronald Rodd, formerly British ambassador to Switzerland, whose lecture on English poetry was featured and followed as one of the drawing cards of the great fair. He declared that poetry was the super-medium of self-realiza tion, that a great many truths, aspirations and emotions could be interpreted only in poetry. Where there is no votary, of Pan, the softest bird notes are lost in ether. Where there is no worshipper with in the greenwood temple, the mo tion poems of the furry folk whom He made voiceless” die in the silence. Where there is no bird the life of a nation perishes. It was pleasing function to the soul of the wandering Chowanian that the great scholar expressed a profound personal appreciation of General Little’s poem, “I Am Dy ing Egypt, Dying.” Tradition has it that this master lyric of mostly monosyllables was the great Confederate chieftain’s swan-song, penned in his tent over night, that the day following he paid the supreme sacrifice in magnificent action. Where is the Chowanian who has not heard this exquisite ballad sung to the guitar within the classic halls of Alma Mater—as many times as she has heard the story of Ginevra, the pure and lovely Florentine “recited” from the commencement platform? And so wherever there are re verence, culture and the pursuit of happiness, by way of the good, -^?f,f-ih£-beau±ifui jBtiJ .th.e_ ±rjie.^b?I^’Tw^.s his th;; Chowan spea-is Chowan, in pass- fiere~no\\^illowe ’ ing, and sails serenely on, proud •"■i -'‘- of Alma Mater in the presence of kings, statesmen and scholars. UTTLE’SSWANSONG and vereran Coming Carolina Playmakers Eagerly Awaited By College And Surrounding Territory SCENE FROM “QUARE MEDICINE” CHOWAN WINS GAME 1 FACULTY BOWS TO FROM CONWAY TEAM THE SENIOR TEAM Freeman and Vann Stars College In Good Basket ball Contest fo Students Were Too Fast for Opponents, Scoring Clean Victory In Basketball Tho’ my scarred legions Bear their eagles high no more, Tho’ my wrecked and scattered galleys Strew dark Actium’s fatal shore; Tho’ no glittering guards surround me Prompt to do thei.- master’s wall, I must perish like, a Roman. Die the great Triuiftvir still. Should the base plebeian rabbb Dare assail my fame at home Where that noble'^ouse, Octavia Weeps within her ividowed home. Seek her, say the gods have told me Altars, angels circling wings That her blood with mine com mingled Yet shall mount cha throne of kings. As for thee, star-eyed Egyptian, Glorious sorceress T)f the Nile, Light the path to-. Stygian horrors With the splendor of thy smile. Give to Caesar crowns and arches Let his brow and laurel twine. I can scorn all Caesar’s triumph. Triumphing in love like thine. Let not Caesar’s servile minions Mock the lion thus laid low, ’Twas no foeman’s.'^nd that felled the blow., we^ on thy bosom tere yon biii^rit.strw 1 o.se its rty He who drunk w ''jj#thy caresses Madly threw a 'V-^id away. I am dying, Egypt, dying, m Hark! Th’ insulting foeman’s^cry! They are coming! Up my falchion Let me face them ere I die. Ah! No more amid the battle Shall my voice exulting swell! Isis and Osiris guard thee, Cleopatra, Rome, farewell! To Be Presented By Carolina Playmakers In the College Auditorium Saturday Night, February 6 An echo from the mellow past and a herald of the bright future: There moves toward Chowan College a strange caravan as the Caro lina Playmakers make their way across the country-side to pause here a night and a day, giving three of their quaint folk-plays before traveling on over the South land. They will present on Sat urday evening, February 6, in Chowan College audi torium, three one-act plays, “Quare Medicine,” a folk- comedy by Paul Green; “Gaius and Gaius, Jr.,” a robustuous comedy of the Old South, by Lucy M. Cobb, ... , and “Fixin’s” a tragedy of least three groups They are the [ the home to be a mo’re, farm life bv Erma the church, and the school. There is always'tenant larm llie, Dy Mma found earnestness of purpose in j and Paul Green. Kach of Three of Their Quaint Play* Will Be Given On Saturday Night EASTERN CAROLINA IS PROTRAYED IN PLAYS They Carry Their Scenery In Ford and Travel In Big Bus The College Girl’s Responsibility To The Family, Church and Schools (By MADGE COOPER) | relationships, she is not an educat- “Education is that process ofl^d person. There is a great rela- adjustment by which an individual tionship between the home and the learns how to live in society.” church, or between the family and A college girl must know howk^'ision. Religion has strengthen- to adapt herself to society in at| famijy. and has home, A family Conway High School basketball team was defeated in a game play ed with Chowan College varsity team, in the college gymnasium hall on Thursday night, January 28. The college team won with a score of 54 to 19. The Conway players displayed admirable sportsmanship throughout the game. Their spirit even after los ing, seemed inevitable, was ad mired greatly by those viewing the contest. In the college varsity team Freeman and Vann were the star players. The game was featured by the work of these two. Cooke also showed some flashy work on the floor. Line-up and summary: Chowan Conway Vann Freeman Forwards Freeman Lassiter Forwards Richmond Flythe Centers Cooke Woodward Centers Brumsey Woodward Guards Edwards Allen Guards Referee: Dean Edwards. Timekeepers: Everett and Mat thews. Scorers: Everett and Caldwell. bounded togethj/r^'brbTood^'iL^ i'*.^"® side j the three are from the Caro- I lias provea ner earnestness oi pur-i wiuii fx aixu jpose in life by going to college,| tjcity rarely to be riv4jled on is lookea ^10 for the pr6fesswnif The student varsity team took the victorious score from the faculty in their first match game of basketball, played in the col lege gymnasium hall Tuesday night, January 26. The game was a heated contest. The forwards for both teams were quick and ac curate shooters. The final score was 41-38. Line-up and summary: Student Varsity Faculty Team Vann Edwards Forwards Freeman Ruggles Forwards Richmond Richmond Centers Cooke Thomas Centers Edwards Macy Guards Brumsey Ellington Guards Referee: Bryant. Timekeepers: Wade and Mat thews. Scorers: Askew and Caldwell. TURNLEY—NELSON The following annoucement has been received by the faculty and student body: Mrs. Anna Alley Turnley requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Elizabeth to the Rev. John Raymond Nelson on Tuesday evening, the ninth of February at eight o’clock Rivermont Avenue Baptist Church Lynchburg, Virginia. help her small brothers and sisters to realize their ideals, if they are worthy ones; or, she should help them to form better ones. By be ing sympathetic she may cause them to have the right attitude toward each other, their parents and toward the home. The educated girl is the one who can often see importance in the smallest act. She can see the rela tionship between dirt and disease. It is her social duty, therefore, to look after the small things, and to see that everything about the home is kept pure and clean. By setting such an example, she can teach to c- ,, I oy uioou lies. people requires thought and -i i, i f ii i Since the coll^. girl IS a member! eriousness. gince the college girli SOll, homely folk-plays of a family grf up, it IS her firstk^ wjth a power and authen- duty or rrfsponAbility to be able t^X)' ‘ far®uy. symPfcii-n§ri(? TS n't of She secrets of being able to livM”> the social institutions. This „ ... w()3I with ptjople. The college girlW® especially true as regards thl*J ^ tilOSe aCQUainted sJiould be sympathetic toward e.-ich^hureh. She has the social respon,!-' the rural life of easterli member of her family. She should classedNQrth Carolina it was at; of leadership in various church Datent- ganizations. She is looked to f^r, medicine , active membership in the chur-h. ^ (Jg^tor is HOt unknown. 'm The college girl is justified! in|„n.pallpH flortor nictures Ip making her organizations interest-] ca ea a C p ^ ^ ing and as full of beauty as is! the play ^*Quare Medicine, possible. She is justified in mak-jig by no means a true repre- ing the church a true and beauti.| ^ ^ ful place for the worship of God. i The college girl is often Tespon-| does, however, resemble a sible for increasing membership of loud-mOUthed lonely fellow the church, or of the Sunday school. Tact and consideration should be used in doing this. A sure test of the truly educated in Lillington, North person is the ability to place her- during “cOUTt. self in the other person’s place. ’ who used to dare to sell his wares before the courthouse Caro- COMPULSORY EDUCATION BENEFICIAL BEYOND THE COMPULSORY PERIOD An extraordinary increase in the number of high school gradu ates in Baltimore is ascribed large ly to the enforcement of the com- pulsory-education law and to s “stay in school” campaign in which attendance officers have been active. In the 22 years since this law became effective in the city, though the school enrollment increased from 82,297 to 106,323, only 29 per cent, the number of high school graduates climbed from 227 in 1903 to 1,478 in 1925. —School Life. SATISFACTORY LUNCHEONS FOR SAN DIEGO PUPILS Snow Brings Out Rabbit Huntsmen Cafeteria service is available to all pupils in San Diego (Calif.) high schools and in practically all elementary schools. This is a de velopment of the past five years. In earlier days parent-teacher or ganizations rendered helpful serv ice, and many women donated their time in order that children might have well-prepared and nourishing food at a nominal price. The service is now operated independently on a self-supporting basis. Though a manager is usual ly in charge of the cafeteria, the work is under the supervision of the principal of tne building, who has authority to see that a guaran teed standard of service and food io maintained.—School Life. the members of the family the im-]Then she is able to take their point portance of cleanliness and health, j of view. and the similarity between health; xhe college girl should have of body and health of mind. Her j learned at the beginning of her younger brothers and sisters will | college career to adjust herself to learn to think only clean thoughts i her surroundings. One of her first and thus keep the mind pure. j duties toward the college is to Since improvement in living know how to live with her fellow conditions supplies a better func tion for improvement of the mind, the college girl is justified in creating as much beauty as is pos sible. Beauty of material things is the next essential after cleanli- students and teachers. She must learn to abide by rules. She must learn that promptness is essential in class work and in all her ac tivities. She has the responsibilty of doing her part to keep her room. Enrollment in 4 summer high schools and 13 summer elementary schools of Philadelphia, Pa., in creased in three years from 8,000 to 18,000. “The short plays presented by the Carolina Playmakers, possess ‘drama’ in its truest sense. The element of ‘struggle’ is there. There are snatches of life, life with its tangled web of traditions, fears, desires, lamentations and fleeting joys, transcribed with re- maxkable fidelity and finish.”— The Washington Post. “The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra, la,” are no more in viting than the snowflakes that fall in the winter, ha, ha! How considerate of Nature to give us a snow on Monday when we did not have to be worried with classes— or anything. The prettiest snow of four years had fallen and was falling on Monday morning when Chowan rubbed its eyes and rush ed around to catch time before the bell stopped ringing. (That is an exciting moment in the lives of some of us.) The snow afforded such a novel and enjoyable pass time. Soon after breakfast “sufficient wraps for the inclement weather” made their appearance almost hiding the exhuberant faces which they enveloped; and groups of girls started out as if the fair sun of May were accompanied with the most gentle breeze ever known and were warning all creation. Be sides armies of snow balls and parties of skaters, there was a cer tain snow cream party which cul minated in something new under the sun. In the afternoon a casual ob server seeing a group of people going off towards the woods with guns on their shoulders, and a de termined tread in their feet would never in this world have guessed that six of these people attend (Continued on Page 4) ness. Since the home is a spiritual I the buildings and the campus place, it should be a beautiful clean. She has the responsibility place. It is, therefore, the respon- of creating a higher type of sibility of everyone to treat it with scholarship in her college. It is dignity and reverence. The col lege girl should mould the home environment to meet the correct ideals. She should do this, how ever, with such grace and good- her duty to better the literary, so cial, and religious organizations within her college. Her one great social ideal should be to leave the In “Fixin’s” there is depicted a study of Lillington, North Caro lina, of the grinding poverty of tenant-farm life, which the au thors have observed from child hood. Here the pent fury of the work-driven woman, Lilly Robin son, is portrayed with grim and terrible reality. She craves a lit- tie beauty—“purty fixi her husband’s eyes ca beyond the sod he plo scene is a bare cabin Harnett County, North but the theme fs uni' pitiful conflict of which are irreconcjj The chief char; and Gaius, Jr.,” life—from descr; given by his kin; bors, and from ‘ hut-' college in a better condition in | trait. Mr. Gaius will that the heads of the family every respect than when she found irascible old gentleman will not realize that she is leading i it, or entered it. them. They will marvel at the in-1 This ideal should be the fluence of college upon her char acter. College then should fit the girl for a rich home life in the deepest sense. Th real social value of educa tion is the ability to carry from one field into another. Unless the great purpose of the college girl in life. She should realize that she has reached above the average person, and is therefore, capable of doing a greater portion in the world’s work. It is her privilege, as well as duty, to make the world college girl can see and establish a better place in which to live. “It is probable that these Caro lina Playmakers are the leading exponents of the folk-play idea in America today. Certainly they put on at least one production, ‘Fixin’s,’ out of the three they gave us last night, which is but rarely excelled, or even equalled on any stage, domestic or foreign, amateur or professional.”—At lanta Constitution. HIGH SCHOOL STUDY OF LOCAL INDUSTRIES OLD STUFF “I was out riding with Harold last night. He got lost and had to stop ’til he regained his bearings. “Don’t they have funny ex- A major course in New York City industries, extending over one term and open to all students, is an elective in George Washing ton High School, New York City. The course was inaugurated last year as an introduction to the study of economics. No textbook is yet available, but use is made of printed information supplied by commercial, building and trades bodies, slides from the State visual instruction division, and informa tion furnished by the student themselves. oUnj school, a great-great-uj author. He was absol of his household, hot/ dictatorial, though k^ his blustering. The corded in the play, ^ . town protesting against lus woo ing his negroes on Sunday, and his constant fear of dying are true to the facts. The author has given us a realistic portrayal of the spacious Southern plantations in the days before the devastating War Between the States. The personnel of the Carolin* Playmakers on the tfur coming to Chowan College include G. V. Denny, of Chapel Hill; F. H.»KLoch, of Chapel Hill; Claudius Mintz, ■ i Ashe; E. R. Patterson, of Smith field; Miss Helen Leatherwood, of Fayetteville; C. M. Pritchett, r, Asheville; E. L. Happ, of Mont zuma, Ga; S. A. Johnson, of Hil' boro; P. L- Elmore, of Dover, a* C. W. Gold, of Greensboro. This group has been compar to the Italian Pagliacel Playt (Continued on Page 4) r A-'’ .'X H 4/a