n P«f? 2 THE CHOWANIAN, CHOWAN COLLEGE, MURFREESBORO, N. C Friday, February 5, 1926. The Chowanian A college newspaper published fortnightly by the students of Chowan College, Murfreesboro, N. C. ;LUXEJ>^RITAS: ^ Subscription $1.00 a year Entered as second class matter January 17, 1924 at the Post Of fice at Murfreesboro, North Caro Una, under Act of March 3, 1879 STAFF MARGARET AMAN Editor-in-Chief BUSINESS STAFF BERYL SOUTER Business Manager THELMA DRAPER Advertising Manager FLORA MAE HOOD Circulation Manager ARLES ISENHOWER Assistant Circulation Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS MARY LOU JONES Intercollegiate Editor WILLIE BLOUNT Departmental Editor LOUISE McDANIEL Religious Editor MARY RAYNOR Sports Editor ELSIE G. SEWELL Local Editor INEZ MATTHEWS Alumnae Editor DOROTHY LONG Joke Editor HAZEL griffin Social Editor 1 PLAYMAKERS FILL A NEEDED PLACE— To be able to see the roman in everyday things is to live above the slavery of the commonplace. The childish joy of wonder is too often a lost quantity in this ma terial age. The heroism shown in small acts that take place every day about us is unseen by most people^ We do not have to hark Viic "HiiyS *>^l*'eVi"kti.^hthoOd in flower in some remote land find material that appeals to e eye of fancy and grips the imagination. The lives of the peo ple that ® °c in^,~- . to those who can cern it. Dr. Frederick Koch has display ed remarkable genius and insight in building up the interest that is now centered around the work of the Carolina Playmakers. This group of people have found native folk lore of North Carolina to con tain rich material for drama. They have shown the dramatic interests that exist in the life of North Carolina, as surely as in the life of Troy, or Camelot, or in any fabled city of the Golden Age. Such work as that being done by the Playmakers is a strong and di rect influence toward interesting North Carolinians in themselves and in the life around them. The hian whose eyes are opened to the strange and dramatic things that are going on all around him, to the comedy and tragedy, to the heroism and the absurdity, to the sweetness and sadness of life in his own village, can hardly sink again into the animal sluggishness that only acts of brutality can stir to excitement and interest. True, we ought to be able to find hese things for ourselves; but the oint is, we rarely do. Therefore y agency that succeeds in point- g them out to us is far more im- rlant than is a mere pastime— 3 an active force for the devel- of North Carolina to the of civilization at which out- l-lof barbarism will become |er impossibility, ie pl^ys produced by the Caro- Playmakers are written by Carolinians from North Car- material; its costumes and Snery are painted by North Car- lians to represent North Caro lina settings; altogether it places the life of North Carolina in artis tic form, before North Carolinians and in doing so it is developing the State’s consciousness of itself, which is ever indicative of an ad vance in civilization. intellectual attainments and scholarship are at the highest pre mium. An order of intelligence rules which perceives the stupidity of being a snob. Honor is heaped upon the students with brilliant and industrious minds those who demonstrate initiative and leader- hip, rather than upon those that wear the most costly clothes and whose family tree is decked with aristocratic branches. The love of approval, that uni versally human instinct with such potent driving force, is satisfied by striving toward honors in those things that pertain to culture and wisdom instead of to wealth and other material things. In a small institution there is indeed still less chance for snob bishness to keep its roots in the ground and bloom. In a college for girls where the enrollment is small, the odds are practically all against the snob. Withal there is some division of classes. Some are looked upon with a degree of approval above others; some are looked up to, some are looked upon as average, and a few are looked upon as below the average. No form of society can exist with out this stratification. In college the order is sometimes turned in a different way from that of the outside social world. When a girl enters college among the group and carries herself with an air of superiority ecause she is blessed with more of the world’s goods than some others, she soon finds that it does not pay. It gets her nothing. Sooner or later she is brought to see that the eminence craved does not always accrue to the possessor of greatest material goods. The body of nobles comes from the rank of students who climb the steps with diligence and skill of brain and hand. The slogan of business policy; “He profits most who serves best,” fits well especially in a small Christian col lege. This is a very heartening feature of the life of Chowan Col lege. The girls all mingle freely and friendly with each other. It seems to be the girl who does things and is unselfish with her time that gets the most from col- Igee. Again, we have verification of the much quoted maxim that one gets from hfe in proportion to what he puts into it. The girl who wears a “Big I and Little You” air must discover that she is losing by it. She is in a world where the sterling worth of accomplishment is prized most highly. That kind of cloak, therefore, only sheds a chill that benumbs the genial souls of he’- ifssociates instead of dazzling thei portal eyes to worship. Any person of normal intell' Wence in college realizes moro *'—>■ une in anr society stupTuity 01 being a snob. A^hen the sword of wisdom is un sheathed, the spirit Snob slinks away, muttering to itself, “There is no place for me.” thing as getting married can not be accomplished without taking examinations. Examinations in college, how ever, should be analyzed with a view to make them an asset to the student instead of a drudgery. SOCIETY DAY WILL FILL A NEED— CAN A SNOB THRIVE XEGE? Snobs may exist in the ranks of [ college students, but they have a chance to live and thrive ihere. Snobbishness is a contemp- rtWe weed that is crowded out of we garden which is cultivated to pariah the plants of wisdom, Tiith and culture. At college, and tier institutions of learning, as ' perhaps no other phase of life, J^obs find that the soil is not con- Hucive to their growth and multi plication. xhis is because there EXAMINATIONS SHOULD BECOME STUDENT ASSET The question of examinations is a much debate'd one in colleges and universities now. Some stu dent opinions are loud in their protests against them, averring that they constitute an unneces sary evil in the educational career. The chief ground upon which the objection is raised is that exami nations are a failure in their pur pose. They are not a fair test of the students’ knowledge, and in cur a great waste of time in drill ing for examinations. The student sometimes loses the broader per spective in education by centering his attention more on acquiring facts to be handed back to the teacher on examinations than in improving his mind. If students had their way about it examinations would certainly be eliminated from the college course. They are the greatest dread in the college life. Stark and terrible shadows are cast across the minds of every self-re specting student as the time ap proaches for the ordeal. The glands excited by these terrifying emotions work overtime and secrete poisonous substance that fills the whole system. Awful! How awfully bitter it makes any sweet young thing! Examinations make a problem that calls for serious attention. It is time for educators to realize that anything that stirs up these unpleasant emotions in a student is a barrier to the progress of the mind. The old order of stoicism is passing in other businesses of life, and it is time for institu tions of learning to adopt newer and more pleasant methods. In medicine, for instance, many of the bitter pills have lost their bad taste by being sugar coated. If the matter of examination were referred to students, possibly such measures as injecting a little blase humor occasionally to subtract from the gloom of the occasion would be suggested, or that some entertaining plan similar to cross word puzzles be used After all things are considered it would be robbing the student of a phase of preparation that she will need later if she is neglected in the practice of taking examina tions. Everything has its examina. tions. Even so conventional a The plan to institute in Chowan College an annual “Society Day,” conceived and presented by Dean Edwards to the members of the two literary societies, will perhaps serve as a much-needed means of stirring up interest, which has been sadly lagging. Probably the literary societies have not been stressed enough as an essential part of college training. This an nual event will cause them to re ceive a place of more prominence. The perfunctory attention given by a large number of students is evidence that the societies are not recognized in the correct light. To be put on the program, or to be come active in other ways seems for the most part to be an unwel come duty. Such an attitude is very regrettable because it tells how far the societies are falling below their aim to cultivate a taste for literature and willing skill in expression. The culture which these organizations aim to give can not be forced upon the mem bers if they do not seem inclined to receive it. The members must take it upon themselves. This re quires that they go into it with zeal with more than just a passive interest. Where is a more striking application of the truism that one gains from anything in proportion to what he puts into it? The listless regard shown by the majority of the members is likely due to the fact that they fail to visualize and appreciate the re turns that will come to them if they enter into the work with an animated spirit. To become really educated a student must do more than acquire a mass of knowledge. She, or he, must assimilate the information in a way that she or he may react toward it—in other words, make the knowledge obtained a part of oneself so that it can be drawn upon when occasion demands. This involves more than a mere recep tive interest. It requires that one rise up in resjonse and be able to give expression to his thoughts. Skill, in expression and logical thought is after all the goal of true education. An opportunity for this kind of development is af forded in tho ''t-ftary _ iio wttrv _ .w-.-- *earn' to speak with ease and flutmcy before the public except by prac tice. Every college girl is ex pected to be able to assume lead ers’ chairs on certain occasions when they go out. The ability to stand up before others and con duct the affairs with poise comes only with much practice. Some times in meetings that they attend thoughts will arise which would not only be creditable and give prestige to the person, but they would also contribute immeasur ably perhaps to the good of the others if such thoughts are not barred from speech by timidity re suiting from earlier neglect to de velop those powers. The new age for women calls for oratorical de velopment. Some may aspire to become lawyers, and they should be eager to serve on debates in order to develop their powers in logical thought and speech in argu ment. Aside from these more utilitar ian considerations, there is much to be derived from the societies in the way of entertainment from the presentations of compositions of the best in literature. Surely the possibilities of train ing and culture offered in this phase of college should receive no meager consideration. The value of being admitted as a member of one of these organizations needs to be prized more highly. The proposed annual “Society Day” is a highly commendable step to ward bringing this about. It will in all probability greatly enhance the importance of the work carried on in the societies. Also, the awards offered on that occasion to those displaying highest profici ency, gives an incentive to strive toward something definite. upon the men’s gymnasium, where it is still permissible to execute the violent dance. Should this floor give away total and wholesale im mersion of the heated dancers would follow in the swimming pool below. “After all, reasoned the au thorities at the college of William and Mary, “dance should emphasize grace and beauty, and as the latest fads preserves neither of those qualities it should hold no place on the program of college dancing. Consequently they place a ban on the dance, which, remarks the Wellesley College News, “May or may not be a case of sour grapes.” At Coe College the Charleston was banned in dance halls by city officials. The Daily Ilini, Univer sity of Illinois, fears for local fraternity and’“sorority. Students of Tulane University, La., who at tended the annual Freshman Sophomore dance were presented with little notes from the faculty, which read, “You are requested not to dance the Charleston to night.” A mythology has already grown up about thia_ cyclonic step, the girls at Smith College have dis covered. Because record floor girls in a certain dormitory oc casionally studied, the powers that be decreed that no third floor girls be permitted to Charleston in their rooms. The event was duly re corded in the press and the Smith girls read in the papers that the rule had passed in the nick tf time in order to save the toppling build ing and also many lives.—New Student. Tuition fees in the State sec ondary schools of Czechoslovakia are graded according to the in comes of the parents of pupils. A Federal Bureau of Education, similar to the United States Bureau of Education, for the pur pose of collecting and diflfusing in formation respecting education generally, is urged for Australia by the Australian Teachers’ Fed eration. 3, A. P. LETS PAUSE A MOMENT It is For the living-, ratheta,To BeDCDICATED HERE TO THE UNFINISWED VORK WHICH THCY HAVE TWUS FAR SO 06LY 4PVANCEX> ABRAHAM LIK/COLN f- 10 A More oecevt WORlD ISHAPlK/ — f AUTOCASTgO.. A 54-acre tract of ground is being developed by the park de partment of Buffalo, N. Y., for a recreational field. The tract ad joins one of Buffalo’s new stand ardized schools,' which is itsekf situated on a 5-acre tract. A loan fund to amount to not less than $10,000, for assisting students in four Class A normal schools in J^bama, has been News'.' 'The iMd'is'to be adminii(- tered by the^jiresidefits of thest institutions. W STOREY & UNDERWOOD BARBER SHOP Office First National Bank Murfreesboro, N, C. Specialization In Ladies’ Hair Cuts. Phone B. S. Livermsm Murfreesboro, N. C. TAXICAB To Conway $1.00 To Cofield $3.00 To Boykins $3.00 To Weldon $5.00 Eighteen educational surveys in eitW State—Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ten nessee, Virginia and West Vir ginia—were made by the Interior Department, Bureau of Educa tion, during the fiscal year 1924- 1925. The platoon, or work-study-play plan of organization, has been adopted by one or more public schools in 101 cities in 33 States. In addition, two private institu tions, Carson and Girard Colleges in Pennsylvania, are operated on the platoon plan. — — ^ Leave Arrive Wilson Raleigh 8:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:30 A. M. 12:30 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 7:00 P.M. Leave Arrive Raleigh Wilson 8:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:30 A. M. 12:30 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 7:00 P.M. 10:30 bus connects at Raleigh for Fayetteville, Greensboro, Goldsboro. A students’ residence, or hostel, was recently dedicated with im pressive ceremonies in Monte video, Uruguay. The hostel is sponsored by a group of intel lectuals to furnish home influences for students and to offer a center for the intellectual life of the com munity. CHARLESTON CRAZE PASSES UP CHOWAN— The Charleston craze seems to be creating grave problems for a great many girls’ colleges. Al though Chowan itself is immune from the fads in dancing, it is interested in knowing how other colleges react to such attacks. The Charleston menace is now stalking the American colleges, ac cording to news reports from all parts of the country. If these stories are credible the present rage will leave in its path a swathe of ruined buildings unequalled in extent in this country since Sher man’s memorable march. Here and there in colleges au thorities have enacted restrictive legislation. At the University of Indiana the board of trustees pro hibited the dance in the student building in order to forestall its collapse. An investigation is now under way to determine its effect An extensive school building campaign is in progress in a num ber of counties in Alabama. At present more than 100 buildings, many of them handsome struc tures of brick or stone, are in process of erection through aid granted by the State Department of Education. 'Eavens 'EIp Us! Well, it’s here—^beauty contests foi' —and poor AUen F. May- bee, Ooiumbia College Senior—had to go a:id win first prize as the 'Ardsoniest Man’. He was so em barrassed that he went into seclu- «ion—and says ha will succeed at iaw in spit« of all this. Subscribe to the Chowanian. Norfolk, Fairfax Hotel 8:00 Winton, Winton Hotel 10:45 Murfreesboro, Sewell House 11:05 Conway, Filling Station 11:20 Jackson, Jackson Drug Store 11:35 P. M. Weldon, Terminal Hotel 12:05' fcntield, IDnftei'ke Ho TT o- mn'.4& Whitakers, W.-itakers Hotel 1:00 \rr. Rocky Mount, Ricks Hotel 1:30 LEAVE Rocky Mount, Ricks Hotel 8 Whitakers, Whitakers Hotel 9 Enfield, Enfield Hotel 9 Halifax, Roanoke Hotel 9 Weldon, Terminal Hotel 9 Jackson, Jackson Drug Store 10 Conway, Filling Station 10 Murfreesboro, Sewell House 11 Winton, Winton Hotel 11 P. Arrive Norfolk, Fairfax Hotel 2 D. L. MYERS & CO. JEWELERS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Etc. Repairing a Specialty. Good Food Well Cooked Our Specialty Marshall Lassiter - Cafe Murfreesboro, N. C. SEWELL GROCERY CO. Murfreesboro, No. Car. Telephone No. 30 Dealers in Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fruits and Confectioneries We are ready to serve you at all times with materials of superior quality at the low est price. T. R. BROWN Plumber and Electrician Electrical Work a Specialty Murfreesboro, - - N. C. E. T. VINSON Motor Service To all points in and out of Murfreesboro TRANSIT CORPORATION OF NORFOLK 114 W, Brambleton Ave. T elephone2428 LEAVE SCHEDULE Southbound A. M. P.M. 4:00 6:4& 7:05 7:2a 7:36 8:05 5:26 NORTHBOUND A. M. :30 :00 :15 :35 :55 :20 :45 :00 :25 M. :00 9:30 P.M. ' 3:30 4:00 4:16 4:35 4:66 6:20 6:46 6:00 6:26 9:00 STUDENTS OF CHOWAN You can buy the best Pure thread silk full fashioned Hose, a regular $2.00 value Special to Chowan Students at $1.75 at E. N. EVANS’ CASH STORE MURFREESBORO, N. C. R. L. Fergusson Tuner for Chowan College Piano Tuner & Builder Pipe Organ Work Write me Repair Factory 425 Cokey Road Rocky Mount, N. C. Phone 829 W Subscribe to the CHOWANIAN. The Hertford Mercantile Co. Incorporated “THE PEOPLES STORE” Head-to-Foot Outfitters for the Family Our Motto: Satisfaction Guaranteed Murfreesboro, N. C.