The Chowanian Motto for Tn • 1925-26: Sign the subscription Bigger and Better blank in this issue and Better and Bigger! y 1 iit^ v^iiOWcilliclIl don’t miss an issue. ^ J Vol. 3 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., Friday, April 2, 1926 One Section 11 “ALABAMA” BOUND SLOGAN ADOPTED BY THE BAPTISTS Baptist Southwide Student Conference Will Be There DATES OCTOBER 29, 30, 31, ANNOUNCED Special Trip Rates and Ac commodations Being Offered Let Birmingham be the Student Mecca for this year, is the urg-ent entreaty of those in charge of the coming Baptist Southwide Stu dent Conference to be held in the fall of 1926. Plans are in pro gress to make this the greatest student movement of the South, the plans are rapidly assuming a definite form as to transportation, rates, entertainment and program. Special round-trip rates, probably with cars for students are to be provided, leaving Raleigh or Greensboro on the night of Octo ber 28, and leaving Birmingham on return Sunday night, October 31st. The program and promotion committee, of which R. P. Downey, of Wake Forest College, was representative for the State of North Carolina, met at Memphis on January 29 and at this session voted that the speak ers should be half students and half adults. These adult speakers will be the best that it is possible to obtain, both preachers and lay men. The student speakers are to be chosen by a sub-committee in co-operation with the heads of the v.;iious schools represented. Thus only the best that the South af- lords, and therefore in the world, will be on the program. Discus sion groups will be one of the main features. These groups will be led by the ablest and best in formed men and women on the suy^cts that are vi^tal to .studept onu“§Sciai^i6‘. Ihey will be smaii enough so that each one may, if he so desires, ask or answer any question relative to the subject under discussion. In these groups it is the aim to get the ideas and the consensus of opinion of the students of the South on the ques tions that face the thinking peo ple of America today. The State conferences have given place just for this year to this general assembly of Southern Baptist students. If the confer ence be made a success each State must stand four-square behind its obligations. The direct respon sibility rests, however, in the separate colleges, and last but most important of all, in the in dividual student. The minimum quota for North Carolina is 125 students, and not one less than that number will be accepted as a completed job. That number has been apportioned as nearly proportionately as possible be tween the various colleges and schools, so that it will be an easy matter for North Carolina to se cure even a larger representation than is allotted to it if each col lege will do its part. This State, famed for its schools and colleges and general progressiveness, will, as it has al ways done, assume the lead in this the greatest event of this genera tion. Students are urged to talk this Southwise student conferencer at every opportunity, get it' thoroughly into their systems and prepare to send delegates, and as many more as pos.sible. In the words prepared by the program and promotion commit tee of the conference: “Let Bir mingham be the Student Mecca for this year. Set your faces steadfastly to be there this fall. At the quiet hours of the evening watch, turn your thoughts to ‘The South for Christ’ and offer one prayer for the success of this con ference, that the South may be saved by its youth, that the stu dents may be given the power to answer the question for which the world is waiting; ‘Is Jesus Able To Save the World?’ Then shall come to pass a new day in the annals of Christianity.” Cl'owan College expects to do its part in this great purpose, and will, in all probability, be ably represented at the conference. The Freshman issue of The Mercer Cluster must have been a forerunner of spring, it was so green and (re) fresh (ing). The flaming Sophomore issue is a re minder of the scorching days that always follow spring. We are impatiently waiting to see what the Juniors and Seniors have in store. If they beat the Fresh and Soph issues, then they will be go ing some. As the morning light is break ing around Chowan on April 31, 1926, A. D., a new and long hoped for day will be dawning for it. Chowan College will on that date become coed. A boys’ dormitory building fitted to accommodate 500, will be finished, in all probability, by September 31. A very unique plan for this building ^s been drawn ut -hy one of th^world’s foremost ^ rchitects. The struc ture will 'be modelled after the most up-to-date skyscrapers. It will perhaps be 50 stories height, and will be very slender and graceful in appearance, re sembling a towering birthday candle in a mincemeat cake. Elevator service will be provided for the building, and every dther convenience imaginable that will add to the health and happiness of the young swains who avail them selves of the unusual attractive opportunity of becoming a student of Chowan College. The idea of Chowan becoming a coed college has long been nur tured in the hearts and brains of the young heads that seek wisdom at this fount of knowledge. This idea blossomed into a full-bloom rose of culmination with the com ing of spring days. As the spring came, it began to turn some young men’s fancy lightly toward love and gave the urge that turned their steps in the direction of Chowan College. Much difficulty and anxiety, however, was experi enced recently during the snow as some gallants’ hearts led them out in winter’s tardy and linger ing severity. It was no small anxiety that wrung the hearts of the young maidens, too, as they were waiting in uncertainty of seeing him whom they were ex pecting. In order to avoid any unpleasant emotions from such in cidents as these or others of similar nature, it was deemed wise to make Chowan a coed so that when the robins begin to sing and the air is filled with all kinds of muXjic that sets adolescence to dreaming, the boys will be nearer at hand. Another consideration that in fluenced this decision to make Chowan coed was the suggestion by someone that the presence of young men students would give the college campus a more scholar-1 Kiwanis ly appearance. As they sit around on the campus on warm after- ^loons on rustic benches under oak trees in an attitude of study, they will impart an atmosphere that will not be hostile to thtL girls. No doubt, many of the girls will be moved to seek outdoor study more and become thereby niore' healthy students and more rosy- cheeked. All these and others have entered into the final deter mination to make Chowan coed. This great step upward in the progress of the institution will be fittingly celebrated on the morn ing of April 31 at an early hour. Just as the eastern horizon begins to show the first flush of dawn the girls will form in line at Hope Cottage and march around the campus in a torch-light procession. After the parade the line will break and dissolve into an assem bly on the sloping side of the ravine, there to await the appear ance of Aurora. Just as the sun shows its first roseate shafts and begins to brighten the world around a new and long cherished Chowan, a girl dressed in a long flowing robe and with flying au burn colored hair, to represent Aurora, the Goddess of Dawn, will appear gracefully tripping over the hill. As soon as she appears in their midst, the girls will drop their blazing torches. The fog that rises from the stream in the ravine will vanish and the dark ness will be completely dispelled. This will signify the coming of a day at Chowan that will drive away the gloom of the lovelorn. The news of this forthcoming good fortune for Chowan is being published on April 1, but surely it is couched in a style of such sincerity and seriousness that there is no one of such a sus picious trend of mind as to ever suppose it to be an April FOOL. Chowan Will Become Co-Ed College CHOWAN TO STAY SodetyDay VV'as jDRAMA WEEK CELEBRATED AT COLLEGE WITH “BLUEBIRD” LEADING FEATURE Grand Success IF GIVEN MONEY tranis Club AT Ahoskie Makes Move I'o Keep It Here WANTS OPPORIUNITY TO MEET COraiTIONS and rj^ughters’ Are Needed, Say* Dean Edwards, May m ItLbBKATlUM PROMISES BIG EVENT Divided Into Two Parts, Queen Crowning and Pageant The May Day celebration, which will be held on Wednesday night. May 5, in the college audi torium, bids fair to be one of the most colorful and attractive oc casions of the season. It will be divided into two parts; The crown ing of the May Queen, and the pageant. It will begin with a gathering of the queen’s subjects around her as she is seated upon her royal dais. Then a royal procession of the queen and her court will fol low. After that the crown and scepter will be presented. The queen will make an address, after which the May Pole dance and the Figure March will take place. The May Queen will be Vida Dunning, and the members of her court will be: Florence Barclay, maid of honor; Susan Barnes, scepter-bearer; Margaret Vann, Penelope Browne, Mary Raynor, Evelyn Samples, Agnes Cobb, Bet- tie Walter Jenkins, Elizabeth Sewell, Louise Ruffin, Willie Har rell and Lois Essex, the ladies of the court. Virginia Gardner, Ger trude Wiggins, Elva Evans and Mary Forbes Evans will be flower girls, and Dorothy Forehand and Mary Chitty will be train-bearers. John Martin Forehand will be cTown-bearer, and will present the crown to the queen. The heralds will be Lizzie Jones and Pauline Anderson. Hilda Nooney will be leader of the May Pole group, and Elizabeth Cates leader of the Figure March. Following the crowning of the queen the pageant will occupy the stage. The pageant, which was written by Maude Buchanan, pic tures diflferent phases of the his tory of Chowan College. It is called “The Then and Now of Chowan.” It is composed of three episodes: (1) “Out of the Wilder ness;” (2) “The Golden Age,” and 3) “The Time of Storm and the Stress After the War.” In the first episode there are six divisions: (1) “The Spirit of the Woods,” led by Moella Askew; (2) “The Stream, Wind and Cloud Spirits,” led by Virgie Johnson;” (3) “The Indian Chiefs,” led by Edith Oakley; (4) “The Tuscarora Indians,” led by Edith Oakley; (5) “The Minuet,” led by Evelyn White, and (6) “The English Folk Group,” led by Virginia Martin. In the second episode, or “The Golden Age,” are the “Spirits of (Continued on Page 4) rUNlitli % and Buy Goods By the Bolt The developments 6^ the agita tion to move Chowan (jollege now stand on the balance ;-jA'aiting ac tion of the people of /the section surrounding the college!, who have shown a disposition io rally to the cause and meet th(. competing bids of towns that art- Peeking the college. ' In its semi-month 1» meeting, held on Monday night March 15, the Ahoskie Kiwanis ( ]lib appoint ed a committee to con^ir with the trustees of Chowan College and ask that this section tip given an opportunity to match aiy proposi tion made by other towps aspiring to gain the college. Tje commit tee consisted of L. J. Lawrence, Thos. Wynn, Chas. }j. Jenkins, Thurman Castelloe an i Dean W. B. Edwards. The re aest made by this committee in conference with the board of tij.istees was granted, and as the mpi-ter stands, no definite action wifi be taken toward accepting pro Ositions to move the college ur ‘ Hertford County and surrou.l.^lg section has had a fair chance fo measure up to the demands. The period of th; . leeting of the Kiwanis Club of Vhoskie, in which Chowan Co'V } and its rumored removal wei discussed was quite a spirite , occasion. “Something must bt done and must be done now,” \. j the theme of every talk on the.’ ' ■ osition to jiet^n the collep-__^ iJvlturfret's- l ooro. ' j The committ3e appointed was DAA1U Mtiurc » nr r » no instructions from the club KUUM NAlnt J AKt rADS handle the matter in any way they saw fit. The idea was ad- . _ vanced that all this community Dignify Rooms With Nsunes and section wanted was an op portunity to match the proposi tion made by any other town or city, and a limited time in which to raise funds for the $100,000 endowment fund the State Bap tist leaders are requiring of the friends of the college. There was little doubt left as to the ability of this section to pledge the re quired funds, if given the op portunity. Rocky Mount seems to be fore most in action among the other towns making preparation to bid for the college in case it is moved. At a luncheon conference held there recently at which were pres ent a committee of the college trustees. State Board and special Chamber of Commerce of that city, the matter was gone over in detail. At that time J. H. Mat thews, as chairman of the Board of Trustees, stated that the con templated removal of the college had not been given publicity as the authorities were not seeking bids. He declared, however, that in the event the location was changed the body was highly favorably to Rocky Mount. Other towns, among which is Elizabeth City, are making plans to submit attractive offers too. Ahoskie, it seems, will not again make a bid for the college, but will, it is evident, throw the great weight of its influeni. e towards the keeping of the college at Mur freesboro, in the county and among the people it has served for almost a generation. According to the developments that followed the proposal by some of its backers that Chowan be moved, it is fairly certain that the college will remain at Mur freesboro if the people of the sec tion stand back of it with their “Dollars and Daughters.” The Ahoskie Kiwanis Club has made the move toward meeting this de mand, and Murfreesboro citizens are also backing the proposal to ofifer financial assistance, and other towns in the three counties are expected to join in the cam paign to furnish endowment funds for Chowan College, and by this means insuring its, permanent location at Murfreesboro. Following Society Debate, j ~ Reception Given In SOPHOMORES ENTERTAIN Final Number On Friday Honor I ri/\n >niirirk r«i/i ninrairmn: Evening Provided, a Two fads have been raging at Chowan in the last few weeks. These are pongee dresses and the naming of rooms as indicated by the signs on doors bearing the names of every imaginable variety of “Inn’s.” “Breeze Inn,” “Scratch Inn,” “Dew Drop Inn,” “Kick Inn,” “Butt Inn,” “Both Inn,” “Ain’t Inn,” “Study Inn,” are only a few of the many kinds of inns one may observe by walk ing along the halls and reading the signs. It is very interesting to observe anyone walking past these signs. No matter how solemn and dignified they appear at first, smiles never fail to trickle around their eyes and over their faces as they glance along the line of many different kinds of inns. Letha Carter, Mildred Parker and Lois Cale were the first ones 'to dignify their rooms with a name to take the place of the usual designation by number. In the name that was placed outside on their door is contained a cordial invitation to all passers-by who may happen to read “Dew Drop Inn.” Fl-om this the fad took root, grew, and spread till its vines have reached all around on other halls. It is rather difficult to say just who was the originator of the pongee dress rage. The stores of Murfreesboro have sold bolts and bolts of this material. For the past several weeks hardly a day passes in which someone does not emerge with a new silk pongee dress O'n. In following up these two popu lar fads, the girls have shown originality. Even though it is imitation, each one has invested some new and individual touch. MISS HELEN WINBORNE CONDUCTED STUDY COURSE Miss Helen Winborne, of Como, conducted a B. Y. P. U. study course from March 15 through the 19, u.sing as a text “David, the Master Poet.” The usual chapel period was given to Miss Winborne to hold this class, and each member of the three B. Y. P. U.’s of the college listened to her with deep interest. It was quite an inspiring study under the direction of such a radiant Chris tian of winning personality. A large percentage of the stu dents took the examination g^ven at the end of the course, and passed it successfully. STUDENTS’ RECITAL The students' recital, given in the college auditorium Friday eve ning, March 26, was an unusually enjoyable one. Each rendition displayed talent and earnest ap plication on the part of the stu dent. Altogether this recital was one that reflected creditably upon both teacher and pupil. Society Day has been made a Red Letter Day in the college calendar, due to the pleasing suc cess of the first event of this na ture held by the college, which took place on Thursday, February 26th. Three representatives were elected from each society to ap pear on the program. From the Lucalian Society in the debate Margaret Aman and Hazel Grif fin were elected, and Julia Grady in the reading contest. The Alathenian Society was ably rep resented by Dorothy Long and Hilton Jones in the debate, and by Jewell Askew in the reading con test. The query of the debate was: “Resolved, That there should be a secretary of education in the Pres ident’s Cabinet.” The first speak er on the affirmative was Mar garet Aman, and she spoke with conviction, showing in a clearly defined presentation of the sub ject, the advantages of the Cur- tis-Reed Bill, pending before Con gress. Miss Long, as the first speaker from the negative, stated the reasons why it would not be a practical measure for the coun try to adopt. Her debate was well organized, and the proofs were -judicial. Miss Griffin, as the sec ond speaker, delivered her speech in a most finished manner. Miss Jones charmingly delivered the Isecond speech of the negative. The decision of the judges was in favor of the affirmative side. The winning of this debate by the Lucalian Society marks the second time that they have won in the inter-society debates. After the debate Miss Julia Grady beautifully read “The Gypsy Flower Girl of Spain.” Miss Jewell Askew read the Balcony scene from “Romeo and Juliet.” She put a great deal of emotional aij/i, draivatif ^eeJinp- inj-n jt._ After the program a reception was given in honor of the debaters and readers. FOR THEIR BIG SISTERS Rare Treat Elaborate Four-Course Din-! EVENT WAS A MARKED ner Given At Hope Cottage SUCCESS THIS YEAR “When our Southern moon has risen and is shining on the trees. And the little leaves are shaken by the gentle Southern breeze; We would like to feel your pres ence at our cottage on the hill. Saturday evening Six o’clock We hope .you’ll come We think you will.” It has Become a Part of the Year’s Activities At College Chowan College stage was never a more beautiful and effec tive “Land of Make-Believe” than on Friday evening, March 12, in the presentation of “The Blue bird,” play by Maurice M. Maeter linck, which was the final number of Drama Week. Under the wise supervision of Miss Gertrude The Seniors were thrilled with i head of the Dramatic De joy when each one found the j nothing was left out in above poetic invitation in her mail , bring out the box. The Sophomores were really mystery of displaying their wisdom and lovei‘^® unknown m the play. The for their big sisters in the form of scenery and costumes were an elaborate four-course dinner *" f^'^y land of served at Hope College, on Satur-; HIGH SCHOOL WEEK END DATE CHANGED The debate for High School Week-End has heen changed from April 23-26 to April 16-19. All high school seniors who are contemplating visiting the col lege during this time will please note the change of dates. £ach school is allowed four contestants in the entire gather- ing, which consists of two parts: First, on Friday evening, April 16, a recitation contest, in which each school may enter one contestant, the winner to be awarded a scholarship to Chowan College; second, Sat urday morning, April 17, track meet, each school to enter four contestants in this, and the stu dent winning most points will be awarded a scholarship to Chowan College. All schools thjat expect 'to participate in this event should send in immediately the names of the four contestants whom their schools will enter. Address communication to W. B. Ed wards, dean. SACRED RECITAL IS HEARD BY CROWDS The sacred recital given by Madame Yavorski and Miss Mat thews, instructors in the Music Department, in the college audi torium on Sunday afternoon, March 28, was heard by a large audience with supreme enjoy ment. Every number was beauti fully rendered while the audience sat in rapt attentio'n. Following is the program of the afternoon: “Sonata Op. 27 No. 2,” Adagio, Beethoven Miss Matthews “Love Not the World,” from The Prodigal Son, Sullivan.. Madame Yavorski (a) “Romance,” Schulmann, __ , Miss Matthews (b) “Kamennoi Ostrow,” Rubin stein Miss Matthews “Mary,” A Sacred Song Cycle depicting four scenes in the life of the Mother of Jesus, Paul Bliss— Mary The Virgin Mary the Mother The Two Mothers The Return From The Cross Madame Yavorski “Prelude in C Minor,” Chopin.. Miss Matthews were especially beautiful and well arranged to suggest the atmos phere and coloring desired. The dances were graceful and pretty. The success of this stupendous undertaking was attested by mem bers of the audience who said that in every way this was as good as theatrical productions of “The Bluebird” by professionals, which they had seen. A number of peo ple who are considered authorita tive critics said that it was the greatest amateur production they had ever witnessed. The characters performed their parts in a manner worthy of much praise. Moella Askew played the part of “Tyltil” in a most charm ing and convincing manner. Jewell Askew, who was the fairy and also “Neighbor Berlingot,” also deserved a great deal oT com mendation for the succep of the create displav “Myltil,” play^ by Jufe wel^pol-trayed also. ^ Drama Week, taken as a whole, was a marked success this year. The first night, which was Com munity Night, was enjoyed im mensely. The Conway High School gave one of the Carolina Play- makers’ plays, “Peggy.” This folk play, a tragedy of the North Carolina tenant farmer was re markably well presented for high school students. The first half of the program of that night was given by Conway and the second part was by old Chowanians. A number of pretty piano solos were rendered, among them some num bers by Mrs. Sue Lawrence, which were much applauded by the audi ence. The vocal solos on the pro gram were beautifully sung to an attentive audience. One very interesting and attrac tive feature of the evening was a playlet by Mrs. Thos. Wynn and David Day. Mrs. Robt. Britton’s reading “The Patchword Quilt,” was lovely and appealing. Mrs. HOME ECONOMICS WEEK; ,r j The second evening of the Miss Terry Gave Informal programs was “June Night.” The play “June,” a comedy-drama, filled the evening. day evening, March 6. With an overtaxing amount of dignity and a large capacity for eating, the Seniors welcomed the hour for one great feast. The guests were met at the door by Misses Lucile Freeman and Louise McDaniel, and were ushered into the dining room, which was most exquisitely and artistically deco rated in old rose and gray, the Senior Class colors. The banquet was carried out in an informal manner, with much merry making, singing and toast ing. Miss Susan Barnes, presi dent of the Sophomore Class, was toastmistress. She began the dinner by paying high tribute in a poetic manner to the Senior Class. Mrs. McLean, president of the Senior Class, responded in her usual brilliant way with an ap propriate toast. Between courses ther» was a "Oi Seniors, Sophomores, faculty ad visers and the “Coed,” Mr. Rich- mond, who, with his partper, was a conspicuous figure the head of the table. . Misses Violr nor and Edith Livtfsay, ass' " . the Sophomores in serving tfee following menu: Fruit coclotail, oysters, creamed potatoes, rolls, olives, butterfly salad, cream, cake and coffee. The dinner guests present were: Mrs. W. K. McLean, Misses Jes sie Marie Parker, Beryl Souter, Rosalie Tolar, Jewell Askew, Hazel Griffin Marietta Bridger, Madge Cooper, Thelma Draper, Flora Mae Hood, Nancy Parker, Meryl Britton and Elizabeth Wat son, of the Senior Class, and Misses Knott and Bryant, Madame Yavorski, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Macy, faculty members and class advisers, and Mr. Richmond. GIRIS entertain'^IN Talk Concerning Table Manners That college students are as much interested in becoming skill ful manipulators of knives and forks as well as books, pencils and other instruments of knowledge, was evidenced by the interest shown in a meeting of the Home Economics Club, on Friday night, March 19, at which Miss Terry, home economics instructor, gave an informal talk concerning table manners. The members of the club were seated around the guest room in Hope Cottage in an informal man ner. Miss Terry’s talk was very enjoyable and instructive, and the interest of the listeners was doubly manifested to her from time to time as different girls ask ed questions. Some told of some amusing incidents that related to the use of proper table etiquette. A number of the most common errors in table manners were dis cussed. All rules that must be ob served by those who would be seen as well-bred were defined to the nth term and in the analysis it was shown that all rules are based on common sense. At the conclusion of the discus sion Madame Yavorski added spice to the occasion by relating an amusing story bearing on the sub ject of the evening. She told about the old woman who lived on a farm where there were peas by Miss Gertrude Knott left last the bushels, but the farm woman Thursday morning for Chapel Hill where she will attend the annual convention of the State Dramatic Association. said she never had peas on her table. When asked for the reason she said that her husband said he (Continued on Paee 4) and proved a highly entertaining one. Margaret Aman, in the role of “Mrs. Hopkins,” the landlady, was a constant laugh producer. She and “Topsy,” the colored maid, played by Moella Askew; “Abraham Poindexter,” by John Sewell, and “Snoozer,” “Mrs. Hop kins’ ” son, played by Genevieve Miller, were comedians of rare ap pearance. “Topsy” and “Abra ham,” as well as “Mrs. Hopkins” brought forth many roars ox laughter. The parts of the board ers, “Jen,” “Milly’’ and “Tilly,” presented by Catherine Hill. Susan Barnes and Agnes Cobb, respectively, were lively char acters and well acted. “Jim Arm strong,” the manager of the store in which “June” worked, wa' played by David Day, and “Fred Benton,” the suitor of “Marion,” daughter of “Mrs. Hopkins,” wa~. played by George Campbell. “Marion” was an interesting char acter and was acted convincingly by Marietta Bridger. The leading lady, “June,” was presented with pathos and touching effect by Jewell Askew. Those in charge of this event were highly pleased with the suc cess of it. Drama Week was held at Chowan College for the first time, and is now an annual oc casion. Each year the community and surrounding tovms are asked to take part in Drama Week- spon sored by Chowan College Dramatic Department. By this means it is the aim of the college to encour age and develop a greater inter- (Continued on Pa"" 4) \

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