Merry Christmas; Happy New Year PEACE ON EARTH The Chowanian GOOD WILL TO MEN Vol. 5 Four Pages Murfreesboro, N. C., Tuesday, December 20, 1927 One Section No. 6 FACULTY MEMBERS AND STUDENTS IN CENTENNIAL WORK Campaign Leaders Have First Report Meeting At College REPORTS FAVORABLE FOR FINAL SUCCESS Young Ladies Are Filling Engagements at Many Churches Campaign leaders of the West Chowan Association were guests at a banquet given at Chowan by the Woman’s Missionary Socie ties of Murfreesboro and Meher- rin Churches on Friday night, December 9. The reports of the workers were very favorable, more than eight thousand dollars of the fifty thousand alotted to this asso ciation having been pledged and only a small portion of the terri tory having been canvassed. Dr. R. T. Vann of Raleigh was pres ent and made an excellent speech on the campaign. The president, faculty, and stu dents of Chowan are quite busy making talks in the interest of the Campaign throughout this section of the State. Mr. Edwards, Miss Carroll, Miss Winborne, and a number of students have made speeches at neighboring churches. On November 27, Mr. Edwards, accompanied by Louise McDaniel as four-minute student speaker, presented the Campaign at the St. John’s Church and at Ashley’s Grove. Elizabeth Middleton talk ed on that day at the Margaretts- ville Church. A dozen or more engagements had to be broken on December 4, because of unfavor able weather. On Sunday, De cember 11, Mr. Edwards talk ed at Ahoskie in the morning and at Seaboard in the evening. As four-minute student speakers he took with him Mary Lou Jones and Pauline Willis. On the pre- ceeding Saturday afternoon, De cember 10, Miss Carroll talked to the members of the Meherrin Baptist Church, Mary Lou Jones being the student speaker for the occasion. Agnes Harrell and Eliz abeth Middleton made talks at Eure Baptist Church on Sunday night, December 11. This work will be continued un til the entire territory is canvass ed and the full amount of money pledged. ."v'-vvr- y . '-7'^ ... ' ; -‘I; ■ i-’ ' ,- '• . •/' 7 -if -i C'' 'y ' ' ^ • - - f -J j * • ' I ■f .V; ..V,‘ .r'‘V' %• “D THE HOME ECONOMICS GIRLS ARE IN LUCK Boys Given Warning That There Are Some Real Cooks at College Some people are born under a lucky star, at least that is what the rest of us poor folks think when we get left out of the “good eats” parties of the Home Econ omics Class. Boys, whether you know it or not, we certainly do have some good cooks here! Luncheons were served during November by the following girli: Janet Benthall, Eva Kinlaw, Alice Swindell, Sophia Faison, Susan Barnes, Norine Baker, Julia Downs, Vida Dunning, and Pau line Willis. For reference as to the ability of some of these “fair cooks” apply to the out-of-town guests: Miss Myrtle Swindell, Winton; Mrs. C. A. Rose, Ahos kie, and Mr. 0. C. Futrell, Con way, and to members of the fac ulty who attended th«m. Last week the cooking-one class served breakfast. The fol lowing girls participated: Juanita Coleman, Doris Woodard, Agnes Lassiter, Jean Craddock, Mary Frances Mitchell, Maybelle Ward, Rosabet Griffin, Mae Turner, Florence Benthall, and Madeline Langston. Monday afternoon, December 12, Susan Barnes and Janet Ben thall were joint hostesses at a tea for the home economics students. On December 19, Pauline Willis and Vida Dunning will have a buffet supper. Here’s hoping that we are invited. We will let you all in on a deep secret if you promise not to tell: Our home economics department is to be enlarged during the Christmas holidays. Boys, to avoid the rush, apply (Continued on Page 4) Poems are made >y fools like me But only God a tree ” “THE GALILEAN” WAS PRESENTED ON DECEMBER 14 Week Before Christmas Is One of Excitement Among Girls SOMETHING UNUSUAL HAPPENING EACH DAY Peanut Week Starts Mon day; Holidays Begin on Thursday At the last meeting of the B. Y. P. U. before the Christmas holidays, on Wednesday night, December 14, a most beautiful and impressive presentation of the life of “The Galilean” was made in song, under the direction of Miss Ruby Daniel, president of the Eunice McDowell Union. The members of the choir, chosen from the different unions, were dressed in white, and this added greatly to the effectiveness of the program. Miss Daniel read por tions of scripture referring to different epochs in the life of Christ, after which His birth was represented by the singing of “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”, by the choir, and “Silent Night”, by Misses Madie Wade, Frances Flythe, and Ruby Daniel. This last number was especially good. The beauty of the song and the manner in which it was sung seemed to touch the heart of each one present. Christ’s temptation was repre sented by the choir’s singing “Yield Not to Temptation”, after which Misses Wade, Flythe, and Daniel sang “Master, the Tempest is Raging”—thus portraying the WHEN SHEPHERDS WATCHED BY THEIR FLOCKS On the green hills of Judea very long ago Shepherds watched their grazing white flocks drifting to and fro; Watched and dreamed of a Messiah coming to restore Israel’s power, Israel’s glory, vanished years before. King He would be, wise and worthy, pledged against all wrong. Captain leading marching armies many thousand .strong, Victor riding home in triumph, every battle won; Trumpets blaring, banners flaring gayly in the sun. Thus they dreamed the while their white flocks drifted to and fro. On the green hills of Judea very long ago. Thus it was they lay a-dreaming when, one quiet night, On their ears there fell strange music, on their eyes strange light; Angels made that music singing the Messiah’s birth And the light was light of heaven shining on the earth. Wondrous joy and joyous wonder! Straight and swift ran they. Sought and found the royal manger where their young King lay; Prince of Peace and Lord of Battles, God’s anointed one, There he slept, and smiled in sleeping—Mary’s little Son. —Mabel Cornelia Matson, In “Ladies Home Journal”. BUSY DAI S AHEAD IN ALL ACTIVITIES OF STUDENT BODY Last Meeting of B. Y. P. U. Time For Giving Pre sentation WAS UNDER DIRECTION OF MISS RUBY DANIEL Members of The Choir Were Chosen From Different Unions CHRISTMAS PAGEANT GIVEN DECEMBER 11 IMattie Macon Norman Union Gives Delightful Program At The Como Church On Sunday evening, December 11, the Mattie Macon Norman B. Y. P. U. presented a pageant, “The Path of the Star”, at Como, N. C. Ann Downey, our general B. Y. P. U. President, gave an in teresting introduction. The pa geant portrayed the present-day girls at Christmas time. Julia Grady, Norine Baker, Elizabeth Webb, and Marjorie Bowles re presented the present-day girls. Other girls representing spirits showed the attitude that all should have at Christmas. Louise McDan iel represented the spirit of Christmas; Eva Kinlaw the spirit of Joy; Emma Gay Stephenson, the spirit of Receiving; Juanita the spirit of Receiving; Jauneta Coleman, the spirit of Ser\’ice. Songs in keeping with the pageant were sung. After the pageant. Rev. Mr. Price, pastor of the Baptist church of Como, made a very inter- (Continued on Pate 4) STUDIO RECITAL GIVEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6TH A student recital was given in Miss Winborne’s studio on Tues day, December 6, at five P. M. The program was as follows: Sonatina (3 Mov.), Clementi— Lucille Long. Intrata, Bach—Ruth Townsend. Evening Chimes, Christine Burnham—Virginia Martin. Sonatina (1st Mov.) C Maj., Clementi—Mavis Lewter. Woodpecker, Branham—Mon- tine Ward. A March, Gurlitt. — Louise Wright. Soldier’s March, Little Boy’s Dance—Reginald Chitty. Chitty. Plantation Melody, Hannah Smith—Majorie Pipkin. Hovering Butterflies, Jessie L. Gayner—Lucille Long. Sofeggietto, Bach — Mildred Pipkin. After the recital. Miss Win- borne served nuts and fruit. The occasion was an enjoyable one to all. An egotist is never bored un less there is something to take his mind off himself. The week before Christmas at Chowan is one of excitement. Something unusual happens evei’y day. On Frid".y evening each so ciety has its Christmas tree. A1 ready names have been drawn and the girls are busy with secret and mysterious packages. Satur day afternoon the Junior Class will hold a bazaar. The Juniors and their baby sisters, (the Fresh men), are making articles to give to the bazaar. The proceeds will be applied to the fund for the CHOWANOKA. Sunday afternoon at five o’clock, the White Christmas ser vice will be held in the college auditorium. We feel sure the children at the Thomasville Or- ph.inage will appreciate the gifts made at this service more than we shall ever know. On Monday evening, a modern language play will be given in the auditorium. Students will need to review their Spanish and French vocabulary, for every word will be spoken in Spanish or French. Tuesday evening, “Christmas Spirit” will be presented in the college auditorium. This story tells of a girl who thought Christ mas was the time to receive fur coats, diamonds and fine automo- bi'es. It was only through ex perience that she learned the true Christmas spiri tis everywhere, making others happy. Peanuts! Monday morning Pea nut Week begins — Kind-deeds week, we might call it, for it is the spirit and not the gifts that makes Peanut Week a success. Peanut Week ends Wednesday evening with the college Christ mas tree in the dining hall. The Christmas spirit is every where. Thursday everybody will be go ing home for the holidays. Hur rah for Christmas I There Was No Lack Of Bidders For Pretty Freshmen Boxes At Auction The curtains were drawn, and v.l at a sight we beheld! A beau- • iful array of boxes of all de scriptions. Some were oblong, 5ome were square, some were round. Some had dainty rosettes upon the top, some were arrayed in streamers of all sorts, and some were fixed in every kind of “Christmasy” apparel. What a murmur arose when the folks gaz ed upon those boxes—such boxes as were never seen before! Then the auctioneer, Mr. Tay lor of Severn, took charge. Could he talk? Words cannot describe how he could talk! He could sell anything from a hair pin to real estate. It seemed that he could .see the pennies left in the boys’ pockets and so made them bid the limit for the boxes. Poor boys! They arrived with full pockets; they left with empty ones. But they did not leave with empty “bread-baskets”. Those boxes were not only beautiful on the outside, but they were beautiful on the inside. Apples, oranges, nuis, candy, cake, fruit salads and sandwiches of all kinds, all artistically arranged reposed with in those boxes—not a single one worth less than several dollars. Notwithstanding the fact that the crowd was small, all the boxes were sold. Some boys bought two, and some bought three or four. My! what a sight to see one boy eating with five or six "iris! The proceeds of the sales amounted to sixty-five dollars. This money is to be used by the Freshman Class to improve the front hall of the Administration Building. We could not fail to mention the pageant given before the sale of the boxes. Part of the pageant given at the Peanut Exposition was ‘presented. The costumes were beautiful, and the dances, well executed. When, at 10:30 the visitors left, all said that they had spent a most enjoyable evening, empty pockets notwithstanding. THE REV. MR. COX CONDUCTS EXERCISES Windsor Pastor Gives Devotional At Recent Meeting of Asso ciation Pastors The Baptist pastors of the West Chowan Association held their regular meeting in the Col lege on Tuesday, December 6, at which time Mr. C. C. Cox, of Windsor, conducted the chapel ex ercise. Mr. Cox is a new member of this association, having come to Windsor from York, Penn., very recently. By his cordial manner and attractive personality, he is rapidly making friends, both in Windsor and the surrounding towns and communities. The subject of Mr. Cox’s talk was “Youth—Its Tendencies and Opportunities”, his text being “Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Much was add ed to his comments by the impres sive reading of a part of Longfel- Mr. Cox said there should be no abatement of the pleasures which are natural to youth, but that they must be regulated. He stat ed that were it possible, he would like to put old heads on young shoulders, thus combining retro- pective age with prospective (Continued on Pace 4) NELL LAWRENCE UNION PRESENTS A PAGEANT ‘The Creation of The B. Y. P. U.’ Shown in Performance Giv en Friday, Dec. 9 The Nell Lawrence B. Y. P. U. presented a pageant, “The Crea tion of The B. Y. P. U.” in the college chapel on Friday, Decem ber 9. This pageant showed the importance of the work of the B. Y. P. U. in its relation to the church. The B. Y. P. U. vitally affects the prayer service, preach ing service, Sunday school, and W. M. U. These organizations were represented by the follow ing girls; Spirit of the Church—Pauline Willis. Spirit of Prayer Service, Grace Stillman. Spirit of Preaching Service— Corinna Malpass. Spirit of Sunday School, Gladys Baines. Spirit of W. M. U.—Jean Crad dock. Spirit of B. Y. P. U.—Kate Mackie. Mary Hoggard added to the ef fectiveness of the pageant by playing softly during the pro gram. The two solos rendered by Maidie Lee Wade were beautiful ly sung. The pageant was di- ministry of Christ. The crucifix ion, wliich made sa’.va'ion por.- sible for us, was made impressive by the singing of “The Old Rug ged Cross”, by Miss Wade. The glory of His Resurrection was portrayed in “Low in The Grave He Lay”, beautifully sung by the choir. After having really seen the Galilean, each person sees before him a great but glorious task, and he seeks to apply the teach ings of Christ to his own life. This application was made by Miss Frances Flythe in the song, “My Task.” FIRST RECITAL GIVEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 Creditable Performance Giv en By Girls On The Program The first of a series of Stu dents’ Recitals was given in the college auditorium last Thursday evening, December 6, at 6:30 o’clock. Practically the whole student body was present to hear what, in most cases, was the first stage performance of these young musicians. Their poise and musi cianship are to be commended. We hope that they will appear on our programs often, for we are interested in the development of all these students. We want their names to mean as much on our programs as some of those stu dents who have had more train ing. Everyone enjoyed the program which was rendered as follows: Evening Chimes, Christine Burn ham—Virginia Martin. A Bowl of Roses, Clarke—Kate Mackie. Nocturne, Field.Jewell Creech. Song Without Words, Tschai- kowsky—Emma Gay Stephenson. I Passed by Your Window, Mary Brake—Helen Walker. If I Were a Bird, Henselt— Columbine, Delahaye — Maidie Lee Wade. Rosalie Liverman. Good Night, Good Night, Ern est Ball—Hilton Jones. Venitienne, Godard—Bettie W. Jenkins. Last Night I heard the Night engale, Salter—Frances Flythe. Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 (3rd Mov.), Beethoven—Ruth Davenport. Nothing makes a man quite so indignant at a girl as to discover that all of his best line of select artistic lying cannot convince her of his sincerity. rected by Wilma Ellington, Presi dent of the Union.

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